LMP discussion

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I never saw ET but that's terrible if she was that cold to him like that.
Why did Michael have to have a witch for a wife? Seriously? Why couldn't he have had like an angel on earth as a wife? He deserved soooo much better! :boohoo:
Witch is not the word for her! If she was so bitterly against him, why chase him and want a reconcilliation? I don't get it!!!
Because she wanted to "save" him and he didn't want her kind of saving.
Because she wanted to "save" him and he didn't want her kind of saving.
LMP had been there and tried that with MJ and it backfired. If she was so sick and tired of being his wife, having nothing but bitterness against him, and his lifestyle, why would she want to reconcile with the issues they had before??? She was engaged, married NC (for a few months) why give it a second thought???
I honestly believe that she saw Michael and how wonderful of a father he was and wanted to get another shot at having him father her children. I don't know, but really, I think when she saw him with his Children she finally found out that he really would be a wonderful father.
I honestly believe that she saw Michael and how wonderful of a father he was and wanted to get another shot at having him father her children. I don't know, but really, I think when she saw him with his Children she finally found out that he really would be a wonderful father.
LMP contradicts herself. I don't believe she had any positive feelings or intentions for MJ.:no: btw: do you have The Magic & The Madness by J. Randy Tarraborrelli?
LMP contradicts herself. I don't believe she had any positive feelings or intentions for MJ.:no:

As much as I dislike LMP I try and give her some human qualities. It's hard but I try, for Michael of course, not for Lisa.
Whenever I heard these horrible stories of how she treated him my ability to think of her as a human with a heart just drops quicker and quicker.
For Michael to have loved her, she has to have had something good about her though, I try to figure it out like Michael did but it's just getting almost impossible.
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As much as I dislike LMP I try and give her some human qualities. It's hard but I try, for Michael of course, not Lisa.
Whenever I heard these horrible stories of how she treated him my ability to think of her as a human with a heart just drops quicker and quicker.
For Michael to have loved her, she has to have had something good about her though, I try to figure it out like Michael did but it's just getting almost impossible.
Exactly. I've never believed she loved MJ, and reading horrible stories, confirms my dislike of her. She gives too many mixed signals. I've come to the conclusion, love wasn't what drew them to each other.
I still think that she is taking his death really hard and guilt is eating at her after that. I wish that I was his girl, although I would not be able to deal with all the media crap that is always harassing him, that will tear me apart being sensitive and shy.
I still think that she is taking his death really hard and guilt is eating at her after that. I wish that I was his girl, although I would not be able to deal with all the media crap that is always harassing him, that will tear me apart being sensitive and shy.

OK first of all I have to say that I LOVE your siggy and avatar :p

I think she is too. She blew it and she knows it. I would have loved to be his girl. I'm sensitive and shy too but I would have done my best to comfort him and support him through everything. He was strong, but he needed someone to be strong for him too, so when it really got bad he had someone to be his rock, and not someone that would just crumble.
OK first of all I have to say that I LOVE your siggy and avatar :p

I think she is too. She blew it and she knows it. I would have loved to be his girl. I'm sensitive and shy too but I would have done my best to comfort him and support him through everything. He was strong, but he needed someone to be strong for him too, so when it really got bad he had someone to be his rock, and not someone that would just crumble.

Thanks I made it myself, from a picture that I requested here. :D

My take is that she wanted him back but he didn't want her back so she may have gotten angry at him hence the negative crap that she has been saying from then on up until his death. That Marie Clare (I think that's the mag) interview made me a little mad at her.
Thanks I made it myself. :D

My take is that she wanted him back but he didn't want her back so she may have gotten angry at him hence the negative crap that she has been saying from then on up until his death. That Marie Clare (I think that's the mag) interview made me a little miffed.

What interview?
There's been so many of them. People say to not read the interviews or watch them if it makes me mad but I want to figure her out, I want to know why she was the way she was and why Michael loved her so much. I know we don't like her, but I honestly feel that if Michael loved her and married her there must have been something special about her. I just haven't figured it out yet.
I think the reason why she suddenly went from "no kids" to wanting to have something like 9 kids with MJ was because she was totally mesmerized by his success with History
she's very superficial in that way and remember when she first met him it was about her demo tapes, she obviously needed someone to help her with the music even though she had money and her daddy's name she had no one to guide her in this industry. she even said to her friend that painter that she wanted to start a career but she was insecure
and later on even though MJ hang out with her after the divorce something happened, he must've realized she's not very stable and she's not trustworthy and he said no
What she did later on was not because she was angry at him, it was also because she was ashamed of him when the media started to get really harsh with him, and what he had to deal with now was 10 times worse than what he had in early 90's
She was exactly the kind of person MJ was afraid of, someone who would be your best friend when you're doing well and someone who turns their back on you when you most need them
LMP contradicts herself. I don't believe she had any positive feelings or intentions for MJ.:no: btw: do you have The Magic & The Madness by J. Randy Tarraborrelli?

Yeh i agree with u there. I have that book!
OK first of all I have to say that I LOVE your siggy and avatar :p

I think she is too. She blew it and she knows it. I would have loved to be his girl. I'm sensitive and shy too but I would have done my best to comfort him and support him through everything. He was strong, but he needed someone to be strong for him too, so when it really got bad he had someone to be his rock, and not someone that would just crumble.

That's why I don't get why some people insists on how strong and no-nonsense she is. It seems to me they're caught up in her serious, soured facial expressions, smoldering eyes, pessimistic attitude and potty mouth and mistakenly read that as 'strong'. But Lisa Marie was FAR from strong. A strong woman will believe in her marriage and stand by her husband REGARDLESS of how other people (including even her parents) may disapprove of him--especially if she KNOWS what a good man he is and has faith in him and respect for him. A strong woman will not 'join the crowd' in ganging up on someone that's supposed to be a friend of hers. A strong woman will accept and handle a break-up with the man that she loved and still be willing to treasure his friendship and still be there for him whenever he needed her or when she felt he needed her.....not kick him when he's down just to satisfy her need to avenge her womanly scorn.

A REAL woman will acknowlege her faults and actions that contributed to the ending of her marriage instead of playing the victim and blaming it all on her ex.

Does Lisa Marie actions give evidence that she is or was a strong woman? A REAL woman?
It was the weak thing to do, the easy thing to do. She knew how the "world" I say it like that because not the whole world of course, but her "world" believed all these horrible things about him and bashed him. So when her "world" did it she did it. Now that almost the entire world is mourning his loss now she decides to come out and mourn it too and tries to be sweet. I know some people are saying to give her a break, that she's not a bad person, she is coming out to be a sweet person. I honestly can't say that because basically , as much as I don't like saying it since I'm a new fan, but it's almost the popular thing to do right now, is to love him. So she's trying to show her love for him, when before, when it was popular to bash him in the world, she bashed him.
If the world ever went back to being the bash Michael type world, which I hope it never goes back to that, but if it does, she will probably go back to saying the same old things.

That's why I don't get why some people insists on how strong and no-nonsense she is. It seems to me they're caught up in her serious, soured facial expressions, smoldering eyes, pessimistic attitude and potty mouth and mistakenly read that as 'strong'. But Lisa Marie was FAR from strong. A strong woman will believe in her marriage and stand by her husband REGARDLESS of how other people (including even her parents) may disapprove of him--especially if she KNOWS what a good man he is and has faith in him and respect for him. A strong woman will not 'join the crowd' in ganging up on someone that's supposed to be a friend of hers. A strong woman will accept and handle a break-up with the man that she loved and still be willing to treasure his friendship and still be there for him whenever he needed her or when she felt he needed her.....not kick him when he's down just to satisfy her need to avenge her womanly scorn.

A REAL woman will acknowlege her faults and actions that contributed to the ending of her marriage instead of playing the victim and blaming it all on her ex.

Does Lisa Marie actions give evidence that she is or was a strong woman? A REAL woman?
Hi, I agree. LMP has the facial expressions, the no nonsense attitude, and potty mouth down pat. But, as for being a "real" woman with strength and chracter, she has a lot to learn. I believe, if she was as strong as some fans believe, she would have never manipulated her way into MJ's life, simply becuz he could open doors for her to have the musical career she desired. A strong woman never depends upon a man to help her to get what she wants in life. She never wanted a genuine marriage with him, and had no intentions of having children. Instead of being upfront from the start of the relationship, she lied, strung MJ along until he suspected she wasn't serious about having a family. It was girlish behaviour bashing her ex in the media trying to make him look bad and prop herself up as the victim. She knew her reasons for marrying MJ, she understood the trappings of being a celeb and the lifestyle, she wasn't niave or exploited by MJ. It ws the exact opposite. MJ was niave and exploited.
I am just wondering. I think a big reason Michael married her was because she promised before they got married that they would have kids right away. Didin't he expect her to get pregnant right away and when did he realize she lied about it not wanting kids with him?
I am just wondering. I think a big reason Michael married her was because she promised before they got married that they would have kids right away. Didin't he expect her to get pregnant right away and when did he realize she lied about it not wanting kids with him?

I believe so. Didn't he get upset because after the first time trying and she didn't get pregnant?
I believe so. Didn't he get upset because after the first time trying and she didn't get pregnant?

yes i think he did. I get the feeling lisa acted like " oh this happens 2 woman all time" ,but then when mj found her pils- thats when he figured it out.
yes i think he did. I get the feeling lisa acted like " oh this happens 2 woman all time" ,but then when mj found her pils- thats when he figured it out.

Why couldn't I have been old enough to have been married to him? Seriously. I've always wanted to have a huge family, have a husband and tons of children. Even as a little girl I would look at bridal magazines, which freaked my Dad out :lol: and when I would see a store magazine I'd always pick out stuff for my house for my room and my children's roms. When we had a project in school when we took the mechanical baby home for a weekend while the others hated it I LOVED it, I think I actually asked if I could do it again. :blush:
You know, even today when I went shopping with my friend, I would see things and imagine how I would put some in my room, or how I would use them in the family room or kitchen. I went to the picture frames and photo albums and saw things that I really wanted to give to Michael:( one was something for a father too and there was some I really wish I could give to Paris because they looked like something someone her age would just love to have.
yes i think he did. I get the feeling lisa acted like " oh this happens 2 woman all time" ,but then when mj found her pils- thats when he figured it out.

I can see him believing that at first. It doesn't always happen the first time. When did he find her pills? She kept saying that maybe next time it will work or something and he was treated like a fool?
Why couldn't I have been old enough to have been married to him? Seriously. I've always wanted to have a huge family, have a husband and tons of children. Even as a little girl I would look at bridal magazines, which freaked my Dad out :lol: and when I would see a store magazine I'd always pick out stuff for my house for my room and my children's roms. When we had a project in school when we took the mechanical baby home for a weekend while the others hated it I LOVED it, I think I actually asked if I could do it again. :blush:
You know, even today when I went shopping with my friend, I would see things and imagine how I would put some in my room, or how I would use them in the family room or kitchen. I went to the picture frames and photo albums and saw things that I really wanted to give to Michael:( one was something for a father too and there was some I really wish I could give to Paris because they looked like something someone her age would just love to have.

Wish i would have married him too
I can see him believing that at first. It doesn't always happen the first time. When did he find her pills? She kept saying that maybe next time it will work or something and he was treated like a fool?

Seriously if she did that all I gotta ask is what kind of women is she?!?!? Seriously! There's so many women around the world that want children, yet the men are afraid to death to commit to something like that and here's a man who doesn't want you for your body but because he wants to be a daddy. :doh: I'll never understand this.
If that is what she did then I can see why Michael never wanted her back. He may of had feelings still but that is so deceitful. I can just imagine him hoping he was going to be a dad and then he finds her pills. He must have been so crushed. If she can lie about that then she can lie about anything.
I think Lisa believed MJ would forget about having kids. But, when she realized how serious he was, she no longer wanted the marriage, becuz she knew he was not a pushover.
I think Lisa believed MJ would forget about having kids. But, when she realized how serious he was, she no longer wanted the marriage, becuz she knew he was not a pushover.

Maybe. We may never know. We can speculate or we could find the truth. I don't think we ever really will. I know it's an invasion of their privacy but it's hard not knowing these things, not knowing what really broke them apart besides the children factor.
As I think more about Michael and LMP and how I feel when I see pictures of them together and how these horrible feelings come up. Feelings of jealousy, hurt, sickness and all those feelings I feel horrible that I feel this way when seeing him happy. I thought I was jealous because of well she got to be with Michael but than I'm looking at pictures of him and Tatiana from TWYMMF and I get a little jealous but I don't get near as jealous and I actually start to think about how they would have been such a cute couple and it doesn't sicken me or make me jealous. It makes me giggle and it makes me smile thinking of how happy they could have been. I really wish Michael's manager hadn't fired her for kissing Michael. I really wonder what would have happened if they did end up together, Michael may have retired and settled down with her and made a family and I know how many fans would have been upset to not be able to see him perform but just think of how happy he may have been.
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