LMP discussion

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I think LMP thought MJ was a little boy that was too sensitive and played the victim all the time. She didn't accept him, she wanted to change him and tried to control the relationship.

I think so too. He was grown man who made his career what it was. She says she fell in love with him for he was and then tries to change him. Michael was a man but he always had child like qualities. It didn't make him less of a man. I think she was more concerned with how people thought of her and why she was with him. If she really loved him then who cares what others think.
Lisa felt michael was too much of a "man child" and wanted a man

If she wanted one of those men than why did she marry him? She knew what kind of guy he was, she knew he loved playing with children and just having a good time. If she didn't like it why did she even go through with it? Ugh! If she thought she could change him into a "man" what her opinion of a "man" is well I'm glad he didn't let her. MJ was MJ because of his personality , his child like nature and if Lisa took that from him that we wouldn't have all these great stories of Michael. What if the bug story never happened? I mean one of the greatest things about him was his childlike nature.
I think so too. He was grown man who made his career what it was. She says she fell in love with him for he was and then tries to change him. Michael was a man but he always had child like qualities. It didn't make him less of a man. I think she was more concerned with how people thought of her and why she was with him. If she really loved him then who cares what others think.
I agree. Lisa was concerned about how others felt about her. If she was worried about the opinions of others, she never loved MJ and shouldn't have married him.
Im sure i read or heard somewhere she wanted to marry him to see what it would be like being "mjs wife"
He was a man and he was tough. I don't think Michael made his career without being tough and sticking up for himself. He knew what he wanted and made it happened. I really think she couldn't handle how the media portrayed him and how she looked. If she really loved him that would not matter.
Yes he was, but i think lisa felt he acted too much like a child and wanted him to be more i dont know tougher i guess.
Imo, His child-like nature and sensitvity are the traits that made him the very special man he was.
I agree. Lisa was concerned about how others felt about her. If she was worried about the opinions of others, she never loved MJ and shouldn't have married him.

I agree and then after the divorce when she was during the interviews they were like "what were you thinking" and she jokes about him and acts like she was insane just to make herself look better at Michael's expense. She was embarassed to be his wife. That's not love.
My question though is Lisa said he did these things but why was it that even after their marriage he was upset with Janet when she said "you kicked azz!" He looked shocked and he didn't look mad but he looked a little upset.

When Janet said "and that performance, you kicked ass..." at the 1995 MTV Video Music Awards, MJ and LMP were still together. If you watch the video, you can see that he looks back at her before he goes up to receive his award. Plus he was telling Janet "stop it," (possibly b/c of her cursing) but it was definitely in a playful, bashful way. He had a big grin on his face when he said "stop it."

Im sure i read or heard somewhere she wanted to marry him to see what it would be like being "mjs wife"

:mello: Sounds like tabloid junk to me. You don't just marry somebody to see what it feels like. If she felt like that she could have just had a fling with him.
I understand wanting to know what it was like to be Mrs. Michael Jackson but I mean really, it's not true love if you go into because you want to know how it would be. I'm not saying that's what she did but if she did that was really lame. Michael wanted to be treated like any other human being, he didn't want to be treated like some huge star , even though he was. I remember reading in Moonwalk I believe how someone actually asked Michael if he ever used the bathroom like he wasn't a human or something. I think things like that and people crowding around him, wanting to be his friend just because of his name really hurt him.
When Janet said "and that performance, you kicked ass..." at the 1995 MTV Video Music Awards, MJ and LMP were still together. If you watch the video, you can see that he looks back at her before he goes up to receive his award. Plus he was telling Janet "stop it," (possibly b/c of her cursing) but it was definitely in a playful, bashful way. He had a big grin on his face when he said "stop it."

oooh OK
I dunno, I just wanted to get my story straight:p
Thanks for correcting me:)
I think Michael was embarassed with Janet complimenting him. Lisa was there too I remember. She gave him that cold look after his performance that night.
I think Michael was embarassed with Janet complimenting him. Lisa was there too I remember. She gave him that cold look after his performance that night.

:doh: Seriously when was Lisa every happy with him? I see rare pictures of her smiling with him but other than that it was like public appearances gave her a chance to just glare him down. I understand being mad at your spouse but try and not be rude and just give him a fake smile and nod so he doesn't have to perform while the love of his life (at the time) is just glaring him down. I bet that just tore him up seeing that, doing what he loves as his wife is just glaring at him. When they're in private she can glare at him, but in public give him some respect and just give a smile.
Everybody noticed the look she gave him too. It was so cold and when he won with Janet he kind of looked at her but they didn't hug or anything.
Everybody noticed the look she gave him too. It was so cold and when he won with Janet he kind of looked at her but they didn't hug or anything.

Michael if I hadn't been so dang young I would have gladly ran up to you and gave you a big hug and kiss on the cheek and told you how much I loved you and how proud I was of you!
Gosh Lisa, why did you always have to be such a downer?
I think I heard that it was the first time she saw him in 4 days? I don't know why she didn't hear from him or talk to him in 4 days. The MTV awards was the first time she saw him.
Michael if I hadn't been so dang young I would have gladly ran up to you and gave you a big hug and kiss on the cheek and told you how much I loved you and how proud I was of you!
Gosh Lisa, why did you always have to be such a downer?
:clapping: She is a downer!
She didn't bring him much happiness at all. She was supposed to be his biggest fan in the world!!
I think I heard that it was the first time she saw him in 4 days? I don't know why she didn't hear from him or talk to him in 4 days. The MTV awards was the first time she saw him.

I heard other times it had been a month or more. I'm not surprised though. If she was that rude to him in public I don't even want to think about how she was with him in private. He was sensitive, and he even said he didn't like to be yelled at. He probably needed time off from her , to regain his mental strength.
I heard other times it had been a month or more. I'm not surprised though. If she was that rude to him in public I don't even want to think about how she was with him in private. He was sensitive, and he even said he didn't like to be yelled at. He probably needed time off from her , to regain his mental strength.

It just shows why the marriage couldn't never work. They couldn't even communicate properly and also think they didn't live together much. She didn't want to live at Neverland on a permanent basis.
It just shows why the marriage couldn't never work. They couldn't even communicate properly and also think they didn't live together much. She didn't want to live at Neverland on a permanent basis.

I will never fully understand that. I would LOVE to live at a place like Neverland. I mean it would be like going on a honeymoon everyday. Her children I bet would have loved to live there. It was Michael's dream, why wouldn't she support it and live there? I'm thinking she didn't want to because it would look bad, or people thought bad about him because of those stupid allegations and she didn't want to look bad by living there. I just can't believe these things. It seriously breaks my heart being reminded of the things he had to go through. I really wish he could have found someone who could have loved Neverland just as much as he did. To have been able to go with Michael and play with the children and not have found it weird to have done so.
How fun would that have been? I think it would have been a blast!
Oh yeah and Neverland had beautiful land too. It looked very peaceful and away from the media and all that. I don't think a marriage can work if they hardly live together. It was a shame Michael couldn't live there anymore.
Oh yeah and Neverland had beautiful land too. It looked very peaceful and away from the media and all that. I don't think a marriage can work if they hardly live together. It was a shame Michael couldn't live there anymore.

It looked so beautiful and secure. A place that would have been wonderful to raise his children in and for him to just enjoy himself and be free to be himself.
That's true. I don't think it could have worked out if they didn't live together most of the time.
So it is true that they hardly lived together? I for some reason thought they did live together.
Oh yeah and Neverland had beautiful land too. It looked very peaceful and away from the media and all that. I don't think a marriage can work if they hardly live together. It was a shame Michael couldn't live there anymore.
Why did MJ have to stop living at Neverland? He should've put his foot down and ended Lisa calling the shots.
It looked so beautiful and secure. A place that would have been wonderful to raise his children in and for him to just enjoy himself and be free to be himself.
That's true. I don't think it could have worked out if they didn't live together most of the time.
So it is true that they hardly lived together? I for some reason thought they did live together.

Well I read that she still lived at her home in LA because he children liked it there and she didn't want to give it up. She did stay at Neverland but not a lot. She stayed for awhile and went back. I don't know if Michael went to her house. Either way I don't think it was good.
It looked so beautiful and secure. A place that would have been wonderful to raise his children in and for him to just enjoy himself and be free to be himself.
That's true. I don't think it could have worked out if they didn't live together most of the time.
So it is true that they hardly lived together? I for some reason thought they did live together.
LMP & MJ lived in their other homes. What were they thinking? It's a wonder the marriage lasted as long as it did with the living arrangements they had.
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