Proud Member
Oh I definatley am aware that not all pro-lifers are like that
at least the action that you guys took (even though I still don't agree with it) is not active or intrusive, rather that you are there in case someone comes along with the need of spiritual guidance... and allow them to approach you rather than you approaching them.
Plus there is also the example that Ape posted as well. :yes:
not all pro-lifers are out to condem women who make the choice to abort, and not all pro-choicers are out there trying to encourage rape victims etc to abort .
yeah exactly..we are just there to help...99.9% of the time with prayer. i would think most of the women are lost, and really dont want to go through with it. i know not every pro choicer is like that. some dont like abortion but still think having abortion as an option is important.