lets talk abortion!

no one can tell me what to do w/ my body....sure i can't terminate my preg. accordingto pro-lifers BUT i can still legally drink and do drugs and anything else i want and harm my child until it's born.

forcing a woman to keep a life inside of her when she doesn't want it is like russian roullette.....there will always be back alley abortions, there will always be rapes and incenstrous relationships, and there will always be women who cannot afford to take care of a child

sure adoption is great but to force a mother to make the ultimate choice isn't power any government should have.

i'll be damned if a MAN, cuz that's who writes all the laws, is gonna tell me what the hell i can do to my body

I agree!
my mother had 2 abortions. It was after she had me & my brother she felt she had enough on her hands with the 2 of us and the pregnancies were an accident anyway. She was right to do it because my father died when we were still young and she had to raise us by herself and 3 or 4 kids would've been too much we were already a pain in the a$$

I don't judge a woman for having an abortion....except women who sleep around and are totally careless then I might think twice
my grandmother's first two children were born with severe mental and physical defects. the boy died after four years and his sister after sixteen agonising years. she then gave birth to my mother who was healthy, and shortly after she'd got pregnant again.

medical advances by now were able to inspect the foetus early on for any symptoms of genetic mutation similar to her first two children, and they found the same symptoms in the foetus. so she made the decision to have an abortion as to not bring another life that would constantly suffer and live with hardly any cognitive abilities.

she fell into depression for a long time afterwards, and you could argue the different causes were accumulative after all those years.

i don't have a straight answer for such a complex moral issue - and i don't agree with anyone who has a black and white 'solution' or can pass an absolute judgement on such a personal issue. i also disagree with the term 'pro-life' in this debate.... as opposed to what!? imo a very condescending and ignorant term that disregards the complexities of the matter.
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There have been MANY wonderful, amazing people born into circumstances many would advise the best thing to do would be to have an abortion. I know this personally. My oldest and youngest daughter were both born into such circumstances. Strangely enough, I had more people try to advise me to have an abortion with my youngest though I was 32, only because I was a single mother of three children, than I had when I became pregnant at 18 and unwed (at the time of conception, we married shortly after). I have never believed in abortion and though I have friends who do, I could never have one myself. I'm just sticking with abstinence now. I was more frightened of the outcome of the last pregnancy but I am so glad to have her in our lives now. We ALL are. I cannot even fathom her not being born do to me making a "personal choice". It wasn't the right time at ALL... but we all made it right together. God (yes I'm bringing Him into the equation) has blessed me with something I never even knew I needed. Something I worried would be a burden. Turns out she is just what we needed and certainly what I needed. I don't think I'd have made it through the last year without her.
If a woman has been raped, or if it is certain that the child will be born severly disabled, then I think abortion is acceptable. But for the people who don't want children and are too lazy to put on a condom or take the pill, then they have to face the consequences and keep the child. Some people use abortion as a form of birth control, which I find disgusting.
today while i was driving i heard a radio program that was discussing this issue from the view point of racism, and they provided some website info that some may find interesting.

This is an article that is on the website www.blackgenocide.org about planned parenthood's founder's agenda and how abortion, genocide, and racism are part of the bigger view and how the organization targets specific demographics. Apparently Jesse Jackson is involved in a movement against planned parenthood not only from a moral perspective but also from the perspective of black women being disproportionately targeted by this organization. Also noted on the site is that abortion is a multi-billion dollar industry and that planned parenthood also advises underage girl's how to keep their boyfriends over 18 out of legal trouble. I'd never thought of this issue from the various perspectives shared through this site. You might find it an interesting read.

Here's the article: http://worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=72966
It really is a touchy subject. I am pro-life myself, and I believe God put each of us here. I also believe that I do not have the right to take the life of another person, no matter how small. However, some of you pro-choicers have made a valid point re: the govt. and freedom. The govt. should not have the right to control our lives. If abortion were illegal, you are right, there would still be street/back alley abortions, and used with unsterile equipment, most likely. And it would be yet another thing for the authorities to have to police. it's all a very sad situation.

Morally, abortion is wrong. Legally, well, I guess that's the hard place, isn't it? When and where does the govt. step in and say no? I believe it all has to do with the definition of "life". If it's life at conception, which I and many others believe it is, then there are hundreds of thousands of 1st degree murder cases going on each year with the consent of families and govt. And for those that don't believe it's life until later, then at what point DO you define that it is a life?? Have any of you ever seen an ultrasound, especially those new ones? They are so precious. My children, even when I had my first ultrasounds at around 10-12 weeks, showed them sucking their little thumbs, and fingers, saluting my military husband, having hiccups, and everything. Yet they were still so tiny, my little peanuts. Something magical and quite supernatural happens at the moment of conception, and it all of a sudden sends messages to the rest of the body to stop the presses and prepare for a pregnancy, to bear a life. And if a fetus and an embryo are just lumps of tissue masses, then so am I. And that is something which I cannot belive.
today while i was driving i heard a radio program that was discussing this issue from the view point of racism, and they provided some website info that some may find interesting.

This is an article that is on the website www.blackgenocide.org about planned parenthood's founder's agenda and how abortion, genocide, and racism are part of the bigger view and how the organization targets specific demographics. Apparently Jesse Jackson is involved in a movement against planned parenthood not only from a moral perspective but also from the perspective of black women being disproportionately targeted by this organization. Also noted on the site is that abortion is a multi-billion dollar industry and that planned parenthood also advises underage girl's how to keep their boyfriends over 18 out of legal trouble. I'd never thought of this issue from the various perspectives shared through this site. You might find it an interesting read.

Here's the article: http://worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=72966

You are right. Margaret Sanger was a eugenecist, very much like Hitler and his Nazis. Therefore Planned Parenthood is really the modern version of Eugenics in America for disposing of "undesirables", and really does have a target audience, most specifically African Americans. Sanger even said so herself. P/P goes under the guise of trying to "help" women and "empower" women. It's so sad. For the sake of humanity and ethnicity, please, people, don't get caught up in modern Eugenics. It's terrible what they do. In times past in America's recent history our own government would sterilize people they thought were unfit to be parents, even if they were perfectly fine but someone in their family was "slow" or had defects. YouTube it and you will find astonishing horrors and how P/P is just another eugenics scheme. :(
I'd also like to talk about adoption here. I have 3 biological children, all of which are absolutely wonderful. I also have 1 older adopted child, from overseas. I also have an adopted brother-in-law, and an adopted cousin. oh, and an adopted grandfather-in-law, and an adopted uncle. We also plan to adopt other children. And our own children desire to adopt someday.

So even when a mother and/or her family doesn't want the child she is carrying, there are PLENTY of people out there in this world who DO want that child, and would absolutely LOVE to give it a good home and a good life. The mother should be strong enough to just stick through 9 months of pregnancy, in the meantime get in touch with potential adoptive parents/adoption agency, give the child to a loving family, and be free from the child she would likely not be able to care for. Also teach her a lesson in responsibility and consequences of actions. She wouldn't be so ready to have pre-marital relations because she wouldn't want to go through multiple undesired pregnancies, right? "if you can't feed your baby, then don't have a baby" MJ said that. Rape aside (that's another matter), people need to control themselves and preserve the preciousness of intimate relations for the sanctity of marriage.

Adoption is a wonderful option for ANYONE. If every able family on this planet adopted just one child, just about every orphan would have a home and a family. It's true.
I used to be a very judgmental person because that's what people taught me to be. I was against abortion no matter what ...but life teaches you can't judge people so easily. We can theorize as much as we want on controversial subjects - you can't judge really anyone unless you've walked in their shoes
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Something magical and quite supernatural happens at the moment of conception, and it all of a sudden sends messages to the rest of the body to stop the presses and prepare for a pregnancy, to bear a life. And if a fetus and an embryo are just lumps of tissue masses, then so am I. And that is something which I cannot belive.

The difference between a lump of tissue masses and a functioning person is that the functioning person has a nervous system. So you're not a lump of flesh or tissue mass :)

At the beginning stages it is nothing more than a series of cells dividing and developing, it doesn't have an awareness, nor a heart, nor a brain..... the problem then is.. if you are religious then yes there is the belief of a soul attached to those cells that are dividing etc ...
So in enters religion which people say "well it doesn't matter which religion because they all hold life sacred" to which I ask... "since when did science start not holding life sacred? Science will only try to look at the facts without attaching spiritual or emotional effects to it."

I don't support abortion as a means for birth control.
I don't support abortion as a solution for buyers remorse.


I also don't support a law that says no to abortion

I support making our public intelligent thinking people who use their brains
The difference between a lump of tissue masses and a functioning person is that the functioning person has a nervous system. So you're not a lump of flesh or tissue mass :)

At the beginning stages it is nothing more than a series of cells dividing and developing, it doesn't have an awareness, nor a heart, nor a brain..... the problem then is.. if you are religious then yes there is the belief of a soul attached to those cells that are dividing etc ...
So in enters religion which people say "well it doesn't matter which religion because they all hold life sacred" to which I ask... "since when did science start not holding life sacred? Science will only try to look at the facts without attaching spiritual or emotional effects to it."

I don't support abortion as a means for birth control.
I don't support abortion as a solution for buyers remorse.


I also don't support a law that says no to abortion

I support making our public intelligent thinking people who use their brains

Well see the problem is that by the time most women know they are pregnant, and by the time a decision is made to abort, it is MORE than "just cells dividing". By then, it DOES have a nervous system, and a heart. And the longer they wait, the more formed that baby is.

I have special needs. Yet I am an intelligent human being thankful to be on this planet. I would not be here speaking today if my mother aborted me. My husband would not have married me. My children would not exist. My adopted daughter would now be trying to survive on the streets of Kazakhstan because no one decided to love her and adopt her and address HER serious special needs. She would not be the blessing of so many people's lives that she is today if A) she was aborted or B) she was not adopted. My little sister, heaven forbid if she had been aborted! She has cerebral palsy. When she was young it was a challenge to deal with. But she has proven to be strong in body, mind, and spirit, and through everyday she lives she is a lesson on unconditional love and a fighter spirit. What's more, she is intelligent, and she doesn't suffer.

It is NOT my place to judge anyone. And hopefully I don't come across that way, especially given what's in my siggy. I can't know what a person is going through without being willing to walk in their shoes. However, I do have VERY strong opinions on this issue. And if a woman is concerned that she cannot take take of her baby, for whatever reason, whether it be finances, family circumstances, birth defects, what have you, it is my belief that the child should still have a chance at life, hopefully with a family who CAN care for that child.

These are the moral aspects.

Regarding law...I just don't know how to think on that one. I am for small govt. and all that, I mean I don't believe it is govt's right to interfere in our personal lives. And abortion is such a personal decision. But somehow I have a hard time believing our founding fathers would see a woman's pregnancy as anything other than carrying life and therefore would be appalled at what we are doing these days.
There have been MANY wonderful, amazing people born into circumstances many would advise the best thing to do would be to have an abortion. I know this personally. My oldest and youngest daughter were both born into such circumstances. Strangely enough, I had more people try to advise me to have an abortion with my youngest though I was 32, only because I was a single mother of three children, than I had when I became pregnant at 18 and unwed (at the time of conception, we married shortly after). I have never believed in abortion and though I have friends who do, I could never have one myself. I'm just sticking with abstinence now. I was more frightened of the outcome of the last pregnancy but I am so glad to have her in our lives now. We ALL are. I cannot even fathom her not being born do to me making a "personal choice". It wasn't the right time at ALL... but we all made it right together. God (yes I'm bringing Him into the equation) has blessed me with something I never even knew I needed. Something I worried would be a burden. Turns out she is just what we needed and certainly what I needed. I don't think I'd have made it through the last year without her.

this is beautiful Ape! this is exactly why i say you should never have an abortion no matter what the circumstances. either kill the child..and possibly grieve over the loss, the possibility of not having children in the future, or death(yes women have died from abortion)or, do adoption, or have the child, its a burden...for a time...or maybe off and on for years..but you know how pain and heartache can make you love a person more? i have experience with that. if you have an abortion, you are depriving yourself of the oppertunities GOD can give you through the trials you go through from having the child. GOD can bring good out of the bad. sorry to sound preachy..but this is my take on it. :) i dont think anything good can come out of abortion. but i know some of you disagree..which I respect.

i choose life..because..in the end..it all comes back to me...
and...i just want to make sure...
if for no other reason, that is my selfish reason....
abortions will always happen no matter what. so u make it illegal and women die in back alleyways again like they did before it came into law its the lesser of 2 evils. i doubt anyone doesnt think long and hard b4 having one and if they dont and its seen as no big deal then they prob arent fit to be a parent anyway. always makes me laugh how noramlly the anti abortion lobby are also for the death penalty lol
the issue boils down to this, if you're pro-life you believe the baby's right to life trumps anything to do with that who carries them into this world

if you're prochoice you believe the woman's right to choose trumps over everything and the justification used is that a baby is not a life until it breathes air - that technicality is the escape hatch

If the argument is about rape/incests then to look at the facts of it info below is provided by http://www.abortionno.org/Resources/fastfacts.html

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular]Number of abortions per year: Approximately 42 Million[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular]Number of abortions per day: [/FONT][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular]Approximately 115,000[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular]Where abortions occur:[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular]83% of all abortions are obtained in developing countries and 17% occur in developed countries.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular]© Copyright 1996-2008, The Alan Guttmacher Institute. (www.agi-usa.org)[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular]UNITED STATES[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular]Number of abortions per year: 1.37 Million (1996)[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular]Number of abortions per day: [/FONT][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular]Approximately 3,700[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular]Who's having abortions (age)?[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular]52% of women obtaining abortions in the U.S. are younger than 25: Women aged 20-24 obtain 32% of all abortions; Teenagers obtain 20% and girls under 15 account for 1.2%. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular]Who's having abortions (race)?[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular]While white women obtain 60% of all abortions, their abortion rate is well below that of minority women. Black women are more than 3 times as likely as white women to have an abortion, and Hispanic women are roughly 2 times as likely. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular]Who's having abortions (marital status)?[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular]64.4% of all abortions are performed on never-married women; Married women account for 18.4% of all abortions and divorced women obtain 9.4%.[/FONT]

Now Rape Statistics

In 2006, there were 272,350 victims of sexual assault.
Source: http://www.rainn.org/statistics?gclid=COfDwOCdgZcCFQFvGgodrjCaYg

Of those raped that get pregnant:

assault rape pregnancy is extremely rare. On the high end 10 rape pregnancies per state = 510 rape pregnancies on the high end.... such pregnancies amount to a small fraction of the total annual U.S. pregnancies. Further, less than half of assault rape pregnancies are aborted, even though that course of action tends to be vigorously pushed by those around the woman.
Source: http://www.physiciansforlife.org/content/view/492/26/

So in the US there are almost one and half million abortions every year, of those on the high end of the calculation by US physicians we're talking 510 rape pregnancies and of those 50% of the women are not aborting - so all those 1.37 million abortions ARE THE WOMAN'S CHOICE OF BIRTH CONTROL BEING EXERCISED. in the United States.

for those who say they believe in God and support a woman's right to abort- regardless of which religion it is you hail from, - God said "before i formed you, i knew you" Jer. 1:5

You cannot have it both ways. You cannot believe in God and then not hear what he says. You have to make a choice. Do you choose with popular opinion and what man says? and cave in? or do you really believe in God and what he says?

"My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me" (John 10:27)

"Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven; but he who does the will of My Father who is heaven. Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophecy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?’ 23And I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.’‘ (Matt. 7:21-23).

You have to choose. You don't get to ride both sides of an issue - if you say i believe in God, but i follow man you're fooling yourself only not God. that only works here, but in the end, he has already spoken on what it is that will happen. he will not recognize you as his own.
Great stats i'll have a read through them and respond :) shortly :flowers:

abortions will always happen no matter what. so u make it illegal and women die in back alleyways again like they did before it came into law its the lesser of 2 evils. i doubt anyone doesnt think long and hard b4 having one and if they dont and its seen as no big deal then they prob arent fit to be a parent anyway.

damn you....

you always manage to say what I want to say... but you take 2 sentences and I take 2 essays.... :rofl:

props to you:cheers: lol

You cannot have it both ways. You cannot believe in God and then not hear what he says. You have to make a choice. Do you choose with popular opinion and what man says? and cave in? or do you really believe in God and what he says?
well most ppl who claim to follow a religion are like that they pick and chose thats what makes it so pointless. or do u beleive everything and support stoning ppl to death for eg
The only recourse I can even muster is education and moral values. Today's society is lacking in both. Laws forcing people won't educated them. And the child without instilled values looks for love and attention in all the wrong ways. This is our responsibility as a society and one that we do have the ability to answer for. Teaching our children. Education is always key.

My view is that there always needs to be options. If something goes wrong, would you want to bring a child into this world who you couldn't care for, and who would probably die of starvation or lack of love? Or would you decide to end a life so that you wouldn't ruin it and make it miserable?

I don't like either word, pro-life or pro-choice...

I am against the idea of abortion without a doubt. I believe that life begins at conception, and I believe that it is a unborn baby at conception. I absolutely do not believe in having an abortion because a baby is inconvinient... That's what concraptions are for...

But what to do when the woman was raped because some guy either couldn't take no for an answer, or because he is mentally ill and doesn't know what he is doing? What do you do if the mother is a drug addict who at her state of mind due to drugs - or maybe mental illness - simply isn't able to worry about pills and condoms? What do you do if initial scans show deformities that would kill the baby within days of birth - or maybe hours?

What do you do in a not-so black and white world?

I look at teenagers getting abortions because they're premiscious and can't be bothered? I know and realize that a teenager will only go through that once cause it leaves heavy emotional scars - but that's still one baby lost.

I believe in the possibility of abortion. Not for me, at all, but for those who simply don't see any other way. For those who would have it done in the back-alley is abortion was illegal. I don't believe in mutilating women because they are desperate.

I really more than anything believe in education. I believe that in those places are teens are given an abortion the second the say they want one, that a waiting period should be installed. Say a 1 week application period where the woman is given all the available information on her options: Abortion, Adoption, raising the baby etc. That there is more support for single mothers, and that anyone pregnant can get immediate and free drug counselling and treatment.

Then if she really doesn't see any other way, allow the abortion along with some sort of counselling.

Prevent abortions... don't illegalize them.
u will never prevent abortions from happening, its impossible theres always gonna be accidents etc but yeah education is the key but it will always be difficultwhen u have figures such as the catholic church preaching to poor ppl in 3rd world countries that they can protect themself from pregnancy and disease
nooooo i don't mean preventing abortions, I mean preventing the situations that cause that person to end up needing one in the first place lol

in my opinion if you don't fully know the risks of an activity... don't participate.... if you aren't aware that you can get pregnant, or a disease from unprotected sex.... then you probably shouldn't be doing it to begin with lol
in my opinion if you don't fully know the risks of an activity... don't participate.... if you aren't aware that you can get pregnant, or a disease from unprotected sex.... then you probably shouldn't be doing it to begin with

of course but thats utpoia aind it aint ever gonna happen lol
i'm not debating elusive, merely posting what i feel led to post. the references for believers are for those who believe, those who do not, it is not for them as they look at it from the perspective of how to dispute it. apparently some believer needed to see what was posted for them, if it is not you, then that is fine. whomever is supposed to see it will.

i thought i'd do a search to see if there are any penalties for harm to an unborn child by anyone other than the mother. i found a few cases and state laws where people have been/would be convicted for assaults or homicides on unborn children, so it seems it is only murder if it is not the mother, but is legal if she gives authorization to the doctor to do it, the end result is the same, a dead unborn child.








. always makes me laugh how noramlly the anti abortion lobby are also for the death penalty lol

yes that is a very strong conflict. i don't believe in the death penalty either and wrote a paper some years back about the death penalty here in the U.S. and that the states that have legalized the death penalty (most have) and those who most use it (most don't) are overwhelmingly below the mason dixon line (former slave states). the death penalty is another form of genocide when you look at the statistics of who it is most often used on vs those who receive life imprisonment or even a lesser punishment for the exact same crimes.
friend your statistics are great BUT do you know the percentage of rapes that go unreported each year? especially when it comes to date rape and being raped by someone you know (61% of date rapes go unreported)...

also on college campuses 86% of rapes go unreported!!!

do your statistics take those numbers into account? just curious...
Just to let you know, because it was mentioned that the fetus is a "mass of tissue" and we are not because we have a nervous system.

You might be interested in reading this http://www.newhorizons.org/neuro/scheibel.htm .
Another very interesting article http://radiology.rsnajnls.org/cgi/content/full/215/1/205 which has images of MRIs of fetus brain development from 12 weeks gestation.

This article discusses the human fetal nervous system and of a 5 week gestation fetus. http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/109686421/abstract?CRETRY=1&SRETRY=0

This quote is found in the Britannica Encyclopedia
Morphologically, the nervous system first appears about 18 days after conception, with the genesis of a neural plate. Functionally, it appears with the first sign of a reflex activity during the second prenatal month, when stimulation by touch of the upper lip evokes a withdrawal response of the head. Many reflexes of the head, trunk, and extremities can be elicited in the third month.
http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/409709/human-nervous-system here.

Two and a half weeks into gestation, the fetus's nervous system appears and just gets more complex as the fetus grows.

IF we are to take your definition of a "mass of tissue" then we cannot call anything over 18 days just a mass of tissue. Not saying before 18 days you can, as those cells are more than just a clump of meaningless cells.

I hate this debate actually (not THIS particular one, just the whole debate anywhere). A person can say, oh the poor pregnant lady, she isn't ready, she shouldn't have to bear the burden of pregnancy and childbirth if she is not ready, all they want but it still was never the "fetus's" fault. If babies are innocent, they still were before being birthed. Not to say I don't have compassion for the woman or the girl...but the problem is not the baby. Just another fast food answer to a problem. A band aid that won't really heal the true problem.
hi GITM yes i am aware, but there is no way at least that i know of to find out statistics on those that go unreported, it seems you have numbers, so some how some way there is a way of gathering this info, im only presenting what is known. as far as the break down on the unreporteds of how many of those have abortions i dont think there is a way to tally those numbers, but even if there were, i don't believe they would make up the balance of the abortions being performed each year. as to the idea of education, that is one aspect of it to be certain, however, looking a the statistics most women fall into the category of being of the age to know what makes a baby and how to prevent it so i don't believe that is the total problem. i would suspect that a big part of the problem may be access to birth control either prescription (healthcare required - and many don't have healthcare) or over the counter - and many people won't purchase OTC either due to lack of funds (cannot help but feel that some who make babies really don't have the money for purchasing - may be a small number, but nevertheless still make up for a certain amount of unwanted pregnancies resulting in abortion) or the embarrassment factor of purchasing OTC especially for the young who are sexually active and underage. the 1.5 million per year is a dated number as well, but the most current i could find for the number of abortions done each year. in any case, legalizing it, is giving women abortion as means for birth control in lieu of these other things. that is what needs to be fixed, at least as a starting point. if you don't want to be pregnant, then prevent it - either get access or don't do the deed. if you're gonna do it - then prevent it up front, not on the back side, and that seems to be what largely makes up this 1.5 million+ abortions each year.
i got my statistics from a US gov't website. i will try to find the site i was on and let u know as I am now on a different computer and don't have the history to look it up...

also... i would want to see the stats from a neutral organization or at least see what a pro-choice organization would say as i see you have cited abortionno.org... i wonder which way they'd want their stats to go LOL

stats are so easy to manipulate too (i've run many research projects and can verify that!) so thats why i'd want a neutral organization's numbers... not that i'm saying the gov't is neutral but it's probably the closest you could come in this argument...