lets talk abortion!

I used to be a very judgmental person because that's what people taught me to be. I was against abortion no matter what ...but life teaches you can't judge people so easily. We can theorize as much as we want on controversial subjects - you can't judge really anyone unless you've walked in their shoes

This is what I strongly believe too.
This is not, and never will be an easy topic, and its a reason for that.
During our lifetime, we all will face ethical problems witch we may have had strong opinions about in the past. But when we stand there, not in a intellectual debate over moral or ethics but in the situation with no way of distancing ourself from it- only then can we appreciate how it feels, and use our heart, and our mind and make a decision. In many sutch situations, there are no "good" options. Just the "less bad". And that will differ in eatch case. Its one of lifes challenges; we all have to take responsebility of our actions. And this is the burden of the choice. This can not be taken away, because each individual is responsible for their actions.The choise, the burden and the grief will always belong to the person who makes the decision. And I can not see why other peoples opinion should add to this burden. Its hard enough as it is.