Legends Festival: Four Day Birthday Bash in Gary for Michael

I think the difference in opinion comes from the fact I'm neither from the US or the UK. I dont agree it's human nature to want to know about famous people, unless I'm not human, and neither are many of the people I know. :p I believe it's a matter of culture. Maybe that's why Michael was able to live peacefully in Ireland. I've spent a lot of time in the US, and I think it's become so common to know every detail of "famous" (kinda) people's lives, and see them on Tv, that people dont see what the big deal is anymore. And I'm saying that with absolutely no offense intended, just to be clear.

And I think there's a middle ground between knowing what those kids look like, and downloading and sharing any stolen picture of them, or even begging Paris to acknowledge you on twitter (and I'm talking about adults).

I believe in this case, like in many actually, we have all the power, b/c we are the target of all these people. It's b/c of us that Joe is trying to sell his crappy champagne, it is b/c of us that Latoya sold a book, it is for us that the kids are stalked. Just like things would change in the world if people stopped believing they have no power over big corporations. We have the power b/c we have the wallets. We dictate the way things are done, or rather we should. You want L'Oréal to stop animal testing? Let them know you wont buy any of their crap until they can prove they dont use it anymore. You'll see how fast things change. It's the same with the kids. You dont want them harrassed by paps, or used by the family? Stop watching, clicking, downloading, sharing. I dont deny there may be other people than fans interested in those kids, but I'm positive at least 90% of the tabloids revenue come from us. I know we all mean well, I know we all love those kids so much. But like I said, in this case, it's like drowning someone you're trying to save.
Take heart in this fact : Joe Jackson is over 80 years old; so he really can't do what he use to do. ;D
Alot of fans were no different with mj.they complained about tabs etc yet would go running out to buy them if there was a new picture etc. I find it worrying when grow fans are reportng their every move linking to tabloids following their every move on twitter.its unnerving to say the least even more so when u know how mj would feel
Alot of fans were no different with mj.they complained about tabs etc yet would go running out to buy them if there was a new picture etc. I find it worrying when grow fans are reportng their every move linking to tabloids following their every move on twitter.its unnerving to say the least even more so when u know how mj would feel

Absolutely. Thank you.

What was that song about looking in the mirror and making a change?
@ginvid, I agree with your post. Like i said, I do share many of the fans' concern here. Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying we should never talk about things that are out of control. Well, I'm an active participant of the Great Debate Thread. I, myself, talk about matter that is out of my control. However, IMO, it's important not to cross the boundary regarding discussion about the children. When I see posts about fear or prediction about Paris becoming the next Lindsay Lohan, I think we might have gotten too far. We actually do not know much about the children. A lot of our concerns are based on our own interpretations of the information we received, which is very subjective. For instance, when we see a picture of Blanket, some think he's shy and adorable. Some think he's uncomfortable. I mean do we really know? None of us has actual conversation with the children.

This discussion is very tricky, at least this is how I feel. We all love the children. But, we respect Michael and did not talk about them when he's alive. Now, after Michael's passing, how should fans act on this topic? Of course, being fans means we enjoy discussing about Michael's achievements, his music, his videos, his performance. But, his children? Shall discussion on the children still be off-limit? Just because the Jacksons are allowing the children to be in the spotlight, does it mean we can start publicly talking about them? Just a few months ago, I could hardly find any pictures or discusions about the children here at MJJC, but the situation is rapidly changing. I guess there is no right or wrong answer. We just need to do what we think is the best for the children.

I know it's hard to do. But, I think we might want to understand that the children may not live the way Michael or fans want them to live. They will be influenced by the people (not only the Jacksons, but also their friends, classmates, etc.) around them. They will make many choices as they grow up. Some of the decisions may be right. Some may be wrong. Just like Michael and every one of us here, they will make mistakes. As fans, can we keep worrying about them given the fact that we absolutely have no say in this matter? I'm not saying we all should be indifferent. But, may be we'll be better off if we don't allow ourselves to get too emotional involved in the children's lifes.
Michael was a loving and devoted father. He raised them and spent quality time with them. I hope whatever they learned from him will stay with them in their lives as they get older. That's what I hope for anyways and that they are happy and healthy. We don't control anything but we can just hope for the best. As for Joe, no words can't describe the disappointment I feel and he really has no shame.
Myself Im torn. I think the children want to be able to honor thier dad and be amabassadors for him and think this is fine :)
So It doent concen me when they do that on special occasion . The other ish where they are followed around in there private
life does concern me. But They are children of the most famous man in the world so there will always be interest from the media.
But They are children of the most famous man in the world so there will always be interest from the media.

The media are only interested in what sells. Period. They dont care about the war in Palestine, the disappearance of red tuna, or Michael's kids. As long as WE pay attention, they will care. WE set the rules.
I agree with those who have expressed the opinion that the public has created this demand for Michael's children. Similarly, I don't understand why adults would obsessively follow them on Twitter etc. While I do agree that they have been exploited in many situations, my take on it is a bit different. When I saw the children being interviewed on my local newscast, I saw chldren who not only love their dad, they want to protect him. I know there are conflicting stories about what happened the day Michael died but if it is true that his children had to endure seeing him in that moment try to imagine how they feel. If they were called into the room to "help", its obvious there was nothing they could do. Its apparent to me that they have some idea of the negative things that are said about their dad. Perhaps telling the world who he truly is is their way of helping him. People process grief differently. There are adults who couldn't imagine seeing their parent dead, these are children. Though the media and to a certain extent their family is exploiting their grief. I believe without a doubt their intentions are good. Everyone should give them their space and time to grieve. I'm just tryng to give a different perspective.
I think the reason you are seeing more talk about them here is because they are in public more. Here at MJJC we can only talk about official appearances. This used to be very rare. Because of this, there was nothing to talk about. However, because of the family, official appearances are becoming commonplace, giving people much to discuss. As for the children are going to live, I think we should all understand that they are ultimately the guardians of their own destinies. However, how they decide to live as minors it is not their choice but the choice of their guardians. I think that is why there is so much for people to discuss. It is because it is adults who knew MJ and knew what he wanted for his children and they are going in a completely different direction with possibly devastating consequences. I think it is these decisions as opposed to the children themselves that are being scrutinized (at least this is the way I am reading it).

How we view what happens in any circumstance that we do not have first hand knowledge of is based on our own interpretations and experiences. However, that usually doesn't prevent us from talking about it.

I also don't think we have many fans of the children here. I think we have fans of MJ who have an interest in the children because there are MJ's. Therefore, I don't think people are as emotionally attached to their decisions as you think (at least not yet). However, because we are fans of MJ, we are interested in what he thought was best based on what we know and will comment on what we see accordingly. I think we comment not because of an emotional attachment to the children, but because of an emotional attachment to MJ. At the end of the day, they are going to do whatever they want without regard for any of us. That piece of knowledge, however, does not deter me from stating how I feel.

I do agree with you and Ben that it would be better if fans do not get attached to the children as a substitute to MJ and feed into the frenzy that may ultimately rob them of what Mj so wanted for them - the chance to live out their life normally. I know there is an interest in them outside of the fan world because of who they are and that will be there regardless of MJ fans. But I do not think we should feed this by following them, asking for autographs, stalking their every move, etc. I understand what you mean by saying an interest in them crosses the line to fandom.
The media are only interested in what sells. Period. They dont care about the war in Palestine, the disappearance of red tuna, or Michael's kids. As long as WE pay attention, they will care. WE set the rules.

I usually stay away from topics regarding the kids, but I completely agree.

The fact is the general public don't care about Michael's kids that much. Yeah when he first died it was all about, 'we get to see their faces unveil', 'are they normal', 'are they better off now that Michael's dead', ect. However as time pass most people stopped caring. The only one who are still interested in the kids are the fanbase and some haters who see them as a target to troll.

Like the entire family they are only famous because of Michael, not for anything they merit on their own. Compare to most celebrity they are more interesting since little real facts are known about Michael, but that is really it.

I do think some fans are using the kids as their replacement for Michael and think the kids are destine for greatness based on his bloodline. It's really tragic.
QUOTE=Ramona122003;3470427]I usually stay away from topics regarding the kids, but I completely agree.

The fact is the general public don't care about Michael's kids that much. Yeah when he first died it was all about, 'we get to see their faces unveil', 'are they normal', 'are they better off now that Michael's dead', ect. However as time pass most people stopped caring. The only one who are still interested in the kids are the fanbase and some haters who see them as a target to troll.

Like the entire family they are only famous because of Michael, not for anything they merit on their own. Compare to most celebrity they are more interesting since little real facts are known about Michael, but that is really it.

I do think some fans are using the kids as their replacement for Michael and think the kids are destine for greatness based on his bloodline. It's really tragic.[/QUOTE]
Sounds like Joseph is guilty of this too.
The media are only interested in what sells. Period. They dont care about the war in Palestine, the disappearance of red tuna, or Michael's kids. As long as WE pay attention, they will care. WE set the rules.

First, let me say I haven't bought a tabloid magazine in ages. After Michael's passing, the only "tribute" magazine I bought was Architectual Digest. I really do take Tabloid Junkie to heart. I don't visit TMZ or the likes. Based on my observation about people around me, it seems our societies (US and UK) are increasingly obsessed with celebrities, people are now getting used to knowing the private lifes of so-called celebrities, such as Kim Kardashian. The young generation grow up watching reality programs, such as Jersey Shore. Kim Kardashian has millions of twitter followers. Are all these people her fans? I highly doubt. Majority of these people just want to follow her every moves. The fact that Kim will keep her maiden name "professionally" after her wedding was one of CNN's headlines is a bit ridiculous. It's considered news-worthy?!? For whatever reason, people in the U.S. find Kim Kardashian fascinating. Unlike the so-called celebs, Michael Jackson was truly fascinating. Michael was probably one of the most intriguing individuals who had ever graced the planet earth. There is still huge demand on everything Michael Jackson. Interest in him is not limited within the fanbase. The difference is that fans do not trust the media, fans will go all length to do our own research. Fans do not fall into the trap of media fabrication. Many non-fans have interest in Michael Jackson, but they won't go that far. They will buy the tabloids to satisfy their curiosity. That's why his name is mentioned all the time. When Kathy Hilton was on Piers Morgan, the name Michael Jackson was brought up. When LL Cool J was on George Lopeze, the name Michael Jackson was brought up. When Chris Tucker was on Jay Leno, the name Michael Jackson was brought up.

Now that Michael is gone, his children have become the media target. Even if all fans stop buying tabloids, I think there will still be enough demand from the general public. Think about the recent releases from Sony, from Number Ones, to TII (the album) to Michael to Visions, are these releases targeted to hardcore fans? I don't think so. Fans have all of Michael Jackson's studio albums, all these greatest hits packages are targeted to the general audience and casual music fans. If interest in Michael Jackson is limited within the fanbase, then we may have better luck in getting demos and outtakes released.

The media attention the children receive now is derived from the attention people still have for Michael Jackson. As long as Michael Jackson still commend attention, interest in the children remains. Furthermore, Prince, Paris and Blanket are naturally charismatic. They are good looking kid and teenagers. They eat the lens. Their good looks, coupled with being the children of Michael Jackson, attract media attentions.

P.S: Apologies for not acknowledging the cultural differences. I should have realized that not everyone here is raised in tabloid culture. Although I didn't grow up in the U.S, there is a similar culture of fasinating about the rich and famous in the place where I was born and grew up
Another video of Prince, Paris and Blanket in Gary, so sweet you can the kids interacting with each other and Prince, Blanket and Paris talks about his dad towards the end (full video of the ABC interview):

This video creeped me out. We have Joe pimping his products like the cologne.. I mean, who in their right mind would buy that? Then he wanna take away the credit from MJ by pimping his magazine to show all the things Joe supposedly did..

and whats up with all those GROWN UP MEN taking pictueres with the kids?? CREEPS!!!!!!!!! the children are no celebs. this is so sad.
Maybe that's why Michael was able to live peacefully in Ireland. I've spent a lot of time in the US, and I think it's become so common to know every detail of "famous" (kinda) people's lives, and see them on Tv, that people dont see what the big deal is anymore. And I'm saying that with absolutely no offense intended, just to be clear.

And I think there's a middle ground between knowing what those kids look like, and downloading and sharing any stolen picture of them, or even begging Paris to acknowledge you on twitter (and I'm talking about adults).

I believe in this case, like in many actually, we have all the power, b/c we are the target of all these people.

Ben EXCELLENT!!! This ^^ the bolded, is really what is causing the problem. That is way it is difficult for some to understand why a few fans find the overexposure and commercial use of these children so distasteful.
Just curious, can Katherine decide who's to look after the children when she passes on? I know Michael's other option was Diana, but what if she doesn't want to.
Yeah its in the will. But the kids been the age they are will prob decide themselves imo if they dont and diana doesnt want to.give it 3 and a half years and jr can take control
I have to give Joe some credit, though, he did provide an environment and mentoring that allowed Michael's talent to blossom. Now, the quality of that environment and mentoring is another topic all together, and he gives himself too much credit for Michael's success, in the interviews.
Joe Jackson acts like he is the star of that family and everyone owes him. Yes the family owes him gratitude for wanting a better life for his family but enough already.
Just curious, can Katherine decide who's to look after the children when she passes on? I know Michael's other option was Diana, but what if she doesn't want to.
No. I think that information is spelled out in the will.

Diana Ross is no longer in the picture. The children do not revert Back to Diana
In the will Katherine or Dianna would take custody. But once they take custody they have full legal custody
Diana was only a alternate if Katherine was not alive or not able to. Now Katherine has full legal guardianship
and controll over who she wants to care for the children should anything happen where she cant fullfill that duty







^^^I know. I just realized that was one of Joe's cologne bottles. It's gonna break Prince, Paris, and Blanket hearts in the future when the ONLY family (not everyone pretty much Michael's immediate family) they have, love abundantly and defend a lot is pretty much using them.