Legends Festival: Four Day Birthday Bash in Gary for Michael

Oh well, I tried to get you all to start watching the video at 6 minutes and 40 seconds in. :smilerolleyes: :rofl::rollin:

Every time a new video comes up I think 'It can't be that bad'....and every time it is worse! He has no shame!

and I will probably be shot down for saying this....but I feel REALLY uncomfortable watching those children in that situation.. behind a fence with all the public watching from outside, with the TV stations thrusting microphones in their faces....it looked exctly to me as if they had been put in a compound in a zoo to perform. :no::8-25-03bomb:

(The earlier vid taken just from the outside looking in, didn't seem so bad...it's only when you see the view from the inside of the garden - looking out, and especially the shot panning round the perimeter fence, that the full impact hits you.)
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We are just so scared. I apologize that I am not expressing it properly.

I thought this right after Michael passed and I believe it now... I think Paris will be to Michael what Caroline Kennedy is to President Kennedy. Caroline is his greatest advocate and so will Paris be her father's.
Seeing ol' Joe pimp his crappy perfumes during his son's birthday celebrations is downright disgusting.
How can you come to such a conclusion so early, what happen to giving the girl a chance to proove herself before slating her.

Very disappointed.

It's not slating her, Gaz, it's the expression of extreme concern.
It doesnt mean we think less of her, or don't think she's or will be a great person. It's the people around them that worry me too. They are by far not the best role models. We all know Michael was the best parent these kids could have had, but they are still very young. Working with children, I can tell you all this sudden "celebrity" is extremely wrong on so many levels. Many fans hide themselves behind the argument that they are mature and they can handle it. We don't know that. It's just an easy way to appease our conscience. Michael knew this kind of exposure was not right, and made the appropriate decisions. The thing is, we will not know if they can handle it until it's maybe too late.

I'm pretty sure all the people here would be extremely proud and relieved to see those 3 have the best life they can.

And I'm sure Lindsay Lohan was a cute little girl too. There are no bad kids, only bad parenting.
How can you come to such a conclusion so early, what happen to giving the girl a chance to proove herself before slating her.

Very disappointed.
I'm not slating her, I'm fearing her future if right guidance and proper monitoring is not provided to them/her. Paris seems to be way up into this whole celebrity thing, basking in delight with all the attention thrown onto her, she might be too young to understand and properly handle the situation.

Having been her age myself not too long ago, I know that kids that age are gulible and stray away rather quickly.

When your as young as she is, having a strong/good character alone might not be enough, if there isn't an adult supervising/monitoring/laying rules, and I believe you know this yourself considering you have children of your own. Life may be a beach for her now, seeing as grandma ain't all that strict allowing them to do whatever they want. But it will get tougher with time.

I'm not questioning Paris or her character, I'm questioning the influence, the presence and most importantly the non-presence of the adults around her, who guide her into the wrong direction.
You know what? You're right maybe she won't be like others, but the odds are high considering many celeb kids/rich kids struggle with their wealth/fame. I don't want their father's fame to get over their heads.

I wish there was at least one single person around those children who'd has their best at heart, but unfortunately I don't see anyone.

You may find my opinion and concerns disappointing, I on the other hand, find the circumstances they grow up in, with people pushing them from one event to the other, pimping them around in order to promote their own stuff, filling their heads with fame and superstardom disappointing.

I didn't know Michael nor do I know his daugher or his two sons, but I do know, that kids that age need a positive influence in their lives, someone who is able to lay rules and draw boundaries.

They need someone who loves them for them, not because of the huge bank accounts they'll eventually inherit. And right now, I don't think that someone exists, seeing as their father died two years ago.
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It's not slating her, Gaz, it's the expression of extreme concern.
It doesnt mean we think less of her, or don't think she's or will be a great person. It's the people around them that worry me too. They are by far not the best role models. We all know Michael was the best parent these kids could have had, but they are still very young. Working with children, I can tell you all this sudden "celebrity" is extremely wrong on so many levels. Many fans hide themselves behind the argument that they are mature and they can handle it. We don't know that. It's just an easy way to appease our conscience. Michael knew this kind of exposure was not right, and made the appropriate decisions. The thing is, we will not know if they can handle it until it's maybe too late.

I'm pretty sure all the people here would be extremely proud and relieved to see those 3 have the best life they can.

And I'm sure Lindsay Lohan was a cute little girl too. There are no bad kids, only bad parenting.
Thank you for explaining Ben.
Time and time again, fans have expressed great concerns about the children. But, what can fans do about the situation? Nothing. Michael trusted his children to his mother. Like it or not, it's Michael's decision. As fans, we have no say in the matter. I understand why so many here have concerns. We love Michael. We also love Michael's children - the three precious souls who brought the most joy to Michael. But, psycho-analysing and slicing every single move of the children are not helping. All the frustrations and angers expressed here are not helping.

In my opinion, many here have steped beyond the boundary. It really isn't our positon to discuss and even predict the children's future. The best we can do for them is to keep them in our hearts and pray for them.
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Time and time again, fans have expressed great concerns about the children. But, what can fans do about the situation? Nothing. Michael trusted his children to his mother. Like it or not, it's Michael's decision. As fans, we have no say in the matter. I understand why so many here have concerns. We love Michael. We also love Michael's children - the three precious souls who brought the most joy to Michael. But, physo-analysing and slicing every single move of the children are not helping. All the frustrations and angers expressed here are not helping.

In my opinion, many here have steped beyond the boundary. It really isn't our positon to discuss and even predict the children's future. The best we can do for them is to keep them in our hearts and pray for them.

I understand what you are saying, and I agree on one point : there's nothing we can do about who the kids grow up with. It was Michael's decision. What I, respectfully, dont agree with the fact that we cant do anything :
- we can still express our concern, here anyway, of all places; it doesnt hurt anyone I think. It may be pointless in the end I agree.
- the reason why the kids are paraded (I'm not talking abt this particular event, which, to me, is different), stalked by paps, is us. As long as there will be a demand, there will be an offer. We provide the demand. Most people out there, who dont care about Michael, dont care that much about his kids either. Fans care. Fans want to see them grow up, whatever the cost. It's selfish, and thoughtless. I want to be clear that I mean no offense to anybody when I say this, just wish people could take a step back and see the consequences of their actions.

I dont see what Twinklee said as a prediction, more like, again, something she wishes not to witness. I personally share that concern.
I understand what you are saying, and I agree on one point : there's nothing we can do about who the kids grow up with. It was Michael's decision. What I, respectfully, dont agree with the fact that we cant do anything :
- we can still express our concern, here anyway, of all places; it doesnt hurt anyone I think. It may be pointless in the end I agree.
- the reason why the kids are paraded (I'm not talking abt this particular event, which, to me, is different), stalked by paps, is us. As long as there will be a demand, there will be an offer. We provide the demand. Most people out there, who dont care about Michael, dont care that much about his kids either. Fans care. Fans want to see them grow up, whatever the cost. It's selfish, and thoughtless. I want to be clear that I mean no offense to anybody when I say this, just wish people could take a step back and see the consequences of their actions.

I dont see what Twinklee said as a prediction, more like, again, something she wishes not to witness. I personally share that concern.
Another video of Prince, Paris and Blanket in Gary, so sweet you can the kids interacting with each other and Prince, Blanket and Paris talks about his dad towards the end (full video of the ABC interview):

Oh so now it's a tribute to the Jacksons...I see they read the estate's letter

Joe Jackson...king of the king... Whatever.
Joe's interview - WOW!!!

I share Ben's view on this whole matter. We used to come here to discuss Michael matters that we could not necessarily affect. And now we sometimes discuss things as it pertains to his children that we cannot not necessarily affect. It is a discussion board after all.

However, I feel I must point out if the children were not in the public domain so often we would have alot less to talk about. And we are not going to be the only people talking "pointlessly". The average joe discusses those children, dissects and analyses them. And for me that is the primary concern - putting those children out there makes them unnecessary targets, for fans and others!

P.S. Cherubim, I watched his segment because I wanted to hear for myself what he said and how he said it.
However, I feel I must point out if the children were not in the public domain so often we would have alot less to talk about. And we are not going to be the only people talking "pointlessly". The average joe discusses those children, dissects and analyses them. And for me that is the primary concern - putting those children out there makes them unnecessary targets, for fans and others!

It's always the old debate of the chicken and the egg...

I believe the kids are "out there" because the family know fans will want to see them. If we want to treat them right, treat them like your own kids. And sometimes, the best thing to do with your kids is to let them be. (how many times have I said that to parents?)
What did joe say about blanket and mj.im not in the mood to watch him. Im never in the mood for him
Oh so now it's a tribute to the Jacksons...I see they read the estate's letter

Joe Jackson...king of the king... Whatever.

and Rouas...'We have the ability to put the celebrity back in life'....er no, a perfume will not replace Michael.

Edit: I didn't quite see what the brochure was that Joe gave to the reporter......but he didn't seem to mention the Tribute concert? That seems odd?
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EW - basically he said people say there will never be another Michael but there is Blanket.
^Someone needs to shut that man up quick. I pray it's only media banter on Joe's part, and that he isn't putting any pressure on Blanket to pursue a career in showbiz. Eitherways, he needs to shut up, and be monitored. Didn't they require him to sign docs saying he would not be involved in raising Michael's kids, before Katherine was given legal guardianship?
It is good to see that the children recognise that the fans are there for Michael and not for them. And that their father was loved and respected.

And nobody better claim that Joe Jackson was not all about money. He wanted to get through the paying homage to Michael part so that he can plug his champagne and perfume. He spoke about Michael only in terms of his brand, nothing about him as a son. He did not even acknowledge the comment by the interviewer about him loving and missing Michael as his father. There was no nod. Nothing. The man completely disgusts me and I am not going to apologise for that.
This video has brought to tears,..I watched Joe talk about Michael...talk about how much Blanket is like Michael at that age. Talk about his stupid cologne,,,,talk about all kinds of trash, NEVER ONCE did HE say I am proud of Michael and I love him The children beeing paraded breaks my heart. it is so obvious that THEY are so proud of their father, Poor Blanket plays with his fingers alot I think he does that out of nervousness,,,,,they always have a camera in his face. Joe better stay farrr away from that Baby
I understand what you are saying, and I agree on one point : there's nothing we can do about who the kids grow up with. It was Michael's decision. What I, respectfully, dont agree with the fact that we cant do anything :
- we can still express our concern, here anyway, of all places; it doesnt hurt anyone I think. It may be pointless in the end I agree.

I understand where you and may others are coming from. I actually share some of your concerns. But, in the end, just like what you and I stated earlier, it's pretty pointless for us to keep discussing our concerns about the children so publicly. Some comments here are simply baseless speculations. Does this discussion hurt anyone? I don't know. I honestly don't know what the children think when they come across this thread. It seems to me that they thought they were honoring their father in Gary, Indianna, the past weekend. They could not have imagined their actions could cause so much negative sentiment. At the end, I know such discussion is not helping anyone.

- the reason why the kids are paraded (I'm not talking abt this particular event, which, to me, is different), stalked by paps, is us. As long as there will be a demand, there will be an offer. We provide the demand. Most people out there, who dont care about Michael, dont care that much about his kids either. Fans care. Fans want to see them grow up, whatever the cost. It's selfish, and thoughtless. I want to be clear that I mean no offense to anybody when I say this, just wish people could take a step back and see the consequences of their actions.

I dont see what Twinklee said as a prediction, more like, again, something she wishes not to witness. I personally share that concern.

But, there is always interest in the children. There was interest in Prince the day he's born. The interest does not just come from fans, but also from the general public. These children are born to the most well-known and most beloved man in the world. Similarly, there is always interest in Prince William and Prince Harry. The paparazzi followed the little princes every move even before Princess Diana's death. And, the teenager Prince William was adored by thousands of girls worldwide (very similar to how the children are adored by millions worldwide now.) What has Prince William done to earn such adulation other than being a prince? What has Kate Middleton done to earn such fame other than marrying a prince? Yes, they are royalty. Yet, to many people, the children are more than royalty. Many fans have transferred our love of Michael to his children. We lost Michael so soon. We want to hold onto everything related to him. Is it an appropriate thing to do? Are fans selfish and thoughtless? I don't know. But, it's totally understandable.

Even when Michael was alive, there were cameras pointing at the children whenever the children went out with Michael. Paparazzi did not just start following the children after 2009. Remember those Ed Hardy's shopping trips, the Disney trip, Paris' birthday in Vegas? Let's not pretend that the children were perfectly shielded from the media before 2009. They were not. Michael tried his hardest to protect the children. But, he didn't let the children live in a bubble. Actually, the children knew what it's like to be Michael Jackson's children when they were very young.

I don't have much good thing to say about the Jacksons. But, we cannot blame them for everything we don't like. It's unrealistic to expect the children to live anonymously after the Memorial. Lisa Marie Presley and Sean Lennon might be able to live a somewhat paparzzi-free life. But, the world has changed tremendously from the 70's and 80's. We live in a world of TMZ, twitter, facebook and 24-hour news cable channel. We live in a celebrity-obsessed world now. The public interest in the children is inevitable.

Call me naive, I think the children have handled the circumstances beautifully thus far. The poise, the confidence, the grace radiated from the children are evidence of Michael's tremendous efforts. And, I also need to give credits to the children's guardian in the past two years.

Like Gaz said, let's give the children chances to proove their characters and choices. No one here has the ability to change how the children are being raised. Instead of continuously expressing our concerns, is it more constructive to send Paris some words of encouragement? We cannot change the situation. We can only change our own perspectives and actions.
You never saw Yoko Ono pimping her son. You never saw Priscilla selling Lisa Marie to the press at 10, 12, 15, or 17 years old. Those kids did not start talking about their famous dad's til they turned 18. I don't like Yoko much or Priscilla for that matter, but at least they never exploited their children or pimped them out when they were kids.

Yeah, pimping kids is just something you don't do. Putting kids in front of the media is seen as such a No No.
It is good to see that the children recognise that the fans are there for Michael and not for them. And that their father was loved and respected.

And nobody better claim that Joe Jackson was not all about money. He wanted to get through the paying homage to Michael part so that he can plug his champagne and perfume. He spoke about Michael only in terms of his brand, nothing about him as a son. He did not even acknowledge the comment by the interviewer about him loving and missing Michael as his father. There was no nod. Nothing. The man completely disgusts me and I am not going to apologise for that.

But I think it is totally unacceptable that a reporter should ask Paris whether she ever thinks (in relation to the fans who are there ) 'I can't believe people are so psychotic about my dad'
(11.48ish) ......what kind of idea is that to start planting in the children's minds? Her answer was perfect, ( I think its very sweet....meaning that they come) but the question.......no, just no.:(

Denition from Wiki
Psychosis (from the Greek ???? "psyche", for mind/soul, and -???? "-osis", for abnormal condition) means abnormal condition of the mind, and is a generic psychiatric term for a mental state often described as involving a "loss of contact with reality". People suffering from psychosis are described as psychotic. Psychosis is given to the more severe forms of psychiatric disorder, during which hallucinations and delusions and impaired insight may occur
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LOL papa Joe really freak me out. It's already bad to read in article or heard from others when it's about papa Joe. However, it's way worse to really heard all the words from Joe. Oh My God..........This man is unbelievable. No wonder MJ run like hell. Those 3 kids are beautiful and sweet. I really hope Papa Joe only be around because of the event. Blanket don't need someone to tell him to be next Michael Jackson. Jesus........
Many fans have transferred our love of Michael to his children. We lost Michael so soon. We want to hold onto everything related to him. Is it an appropriate thing to do? Are fans selfish and thoughtless? I don't know. But, it's totally understandable.

Even when Michael was alive, there were cameras pointing at the children whenever the children went out with Michael. Paparazzi did not just start following the children after 2009. Remember those Ed Hardy's shopping trips, the Disney trip, Paris' birthday in Vegas? Let's not pretend that the children were perfectly shielded from the media before 2009. They were not. Michael tried his hardest to protect the children. But, he didn't let the children live in a bubble.

We live in a world of TMZ, twitter, facebook and 24-hour news cable channel. We live in a celebrity-obsessed world now. The public interest in the children is inevitable.

Call me naive, I think the children have handled the circumstances beautifully thus far. The poise, the confidence, the grace radiated from the children are evidence of Michael's tremendous efforts. And, I also need to give credits to the children's guardian in the past two years.

Like Gaz said, let's give the children chances to proove their characters and choices. No one here has the ability to change how the children are being raised. Instead of continuously expressing our concerns, is it more constructive to send Paris some words of encouragement? We cannot change the situation. We can only change our own perspectives and actions.

I totally understand why the fans hold on to those kids, and the affection they feel, and that I totally share. The selfish and thoughtless part to me is the fact that this "need" to see them, to know what and how they're doing seems to come before their need to have a normal life. Like lots of mothers smother their kids b/c they can't let them grow up, if you want.

When Michael was alive, those kids were not followed by thousands of grown ups on twitter, or paps, or pervs or haters. They didnt live in a bubble because they could go out. Because he had made sacrifices so they would be able to. To me, the fish bowl is now. And we created that fishbowl. Just like the celebrity obsessed world would not exist if no one cared who is dating who, and who looks like hell without make up. We, as potential readers create the demand for that. If no one clicked on TMZ each time there's something about Michael's kids, they would find another prey. It's that simple. We have this responsibility.

I wont send Paris any words, I refuse to follow her. She's a 13 year old, whether she's Michael's daughter or not, and whether she's smart, and mature. I would not like my 13 year old daughter to be followed by thousands of strangers, and to take advice from them. I dont know her, she doesnt know me.
Again, it's not that I dont trust those kids, their characters or their future choices, absolutely not. The little I know amazes me, and man, do I thank Michael for the wonderful job he's done as a dad. But they are children first and foremost. And I dont want to treat them any differently.
If any of those kids ever need a kidney, I'll be the first in line.
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I totally understand why the fans hold on to those kids, and the affection they feel, and that I totally share. The selfish and thoughtless part to me is the fact that this "need" to see them, to know what and how they're doing seems to come before their need to have a normal life. Like lots of mothers smother their kids b/c they can't let them grow up, if you want.

When Michael was alive, those kids were not followed by thousands of grown ups on twitter, or paps, or pervs or haters. They didnt live in a bubble because they could go out. Because he had made sacrifices so they would be able to. To me, the fish bowl is now. And we created that fishbowl. Just like the celebrity obsessed world would not exist if no one cared who is dating who, and who looks like hell without make up. We, as potential readers create the demand for that. If no one clicked on TMZ each time there's something about Michael's kids, they would find another prey. It's that simple. We have this responsibility.

I wont send Paris any words, I refuse to follow her. She's a 13 year old, whether she's Michael's daughter or not, and whether she's smart, and mature. I would not like my 13 year old daughter to be followed by thousands of strangers, and to take advice from them. I dont know her, she doesnt know me.
Again, it's not that I dont trust those kids, their characters or their future choices, absolutely not. The little I know amazes me, and man, do I thank Michael for the wonderful job he's done as a dad. They are children first and foremost.
If any of those kids ever need a kidney, I'll be the first in line.

Thank you Ben...Great Post!!
I actually agree with Twinklee and Ben on this occasion. There are so many things we cannot control in this world. We cannot contol the Estate, we cannot control Sony, we cannot control the Jacksons. We are constantly watching various aspects of MJ's life and his afterlife that leave us feeling very frustrated. The point of having an MJ forum, is that we can come together and voice those concerns to people who because of their love for MJ actually care about what happens to his reputation and his name, and for some, even his children. I think when people start trying to say we cannot talk about something because we have no control, it takes away the voice of the fan club. It separates us and makes us feel helpless. Sometimes talking to someone who cares is just the remedy needed when you know something is out of your hands. We have a board with certain confines. But as long as these limits are not exceeded, it is often theraputic to talk about so many subjects from the Cascio tracks, to the children, to MJ's music. As long as we can be respectful and not cross the lines, I think confiding in one another should be encouraged instead of discouraged. Who else can we confide in about our fears and hopes about Michael and things concernng him if not with fellow fans? Even if that means that fellow fans will need to reel us back in if we go too far. We are not allowed on the board to hunt the children down for everything they do. We are only allowed to discussed official public appearances. Appearances we have not asked for in any way. How are we expected to not react to what we see?

No one here, I think, blames the children for their current circumstance. No one here wishes ill upon them. I think it is the exact opposite. However, there is human nature and countless examples of what has happened and will continue to happen to especially children who are given a false sense of self importance. People keep saying everywhere that the children are handling things so well. Sometimes it takes a very long time for damage to children to be made manifest by their decisions in life. MJ handled child stardom so well as a child. Who knew those very demons were tearing him up inside and affecting him well into adulthood; affecting him even to his death. He spoke about this many times. This is one of the reasons he so carefully shielded his children from all of this. No one can say how MJ would feel exactly about this. We can guess, but we cannot be certain. All we can do on a forum is to voice our concerns and surmise based on what we do know.

MJ left his children to his mother. None of us know the demands that must be upon her from the circumstances in June, from her family, and from the demands she has put upon herself from her own bad decisions. She certainly has my sympathy for what must be a seemingly insurmountable task at such an advanced age. I for one am not going to join the bash Katherine brigade. I however, will readily say when I do not agree with what she is doing. Throwing the children into spotlight, especially when 2 of them seem particularly annoyed at this, is not IMO in their best interests. The fact that Paris especially seems to eat this attention up would make me even the more cautious. There are so many children of the rich and famous that we never hear about, or know very little about because their families made a point of potecting them, much the way MJ with his children. The Jacksons keep saying the children are more normal now. Going to the movies without an audience is normal. Going shopping without an audience when they are alone is normal. Going to the park to play and not drawing attention is normal. Having people takes pictures of everything you do, having to defend yourself and your family against haters simply because you are not willing to make yourself incogneto because you want attention, and actually appearing places and signing your autograph for no other reason buut that you were born is not only not normal, but dangerous to the development of a young child.

I sincerely hope the best for all of Mj's children. I am certainly not condemning them to a certain kind of life. I do however know that without someone having a vested interest in keeping a child grounded, someone who is aware of the dangers that exist physically as well as in cyberspace, it will be more and more difficult for the children to be well rounded.

I definitely hope any concern I have never reaches fruition.
I totally understand why the fans hold on to those kids, and the affection they feel, and that I totally share. The selfish and thoughtless part to me is the fact that this "need" to see them, to know what and how they're doing seems to come before their need to have a normal life. Like lots of mothers smother their kids b/c they can't let them grow up, if you want.

When Michael was alive, those kids were not followed by thousands of grown ups on twitter, or paps, or pervs or haters. They didnt live in a bubble because they could go out. Because he had made sacrifices so they would be able to. To me, the fish bowl is now. And we created that fishbowl. Just like the celebrity obsessed world would not exist if no one cared who is dating who, and who looks like hell without make up. We, as potential readers create the demand for that. If no one clicked on TMZ each time there's something about Michael's kids, they would find another prey. It's that simple. We have this responsibility.

I wont send Paris any words, I refuse to follow her. She's a 13 year old, whether she's Michael's daughter or not, and whether she's smart, and mature. I would not like my 13 year old daughter to be followed by thousands of strangers, and to take advice from them. I dont know her, she doesnt know me.
Again, it's not that I dont trust those kids, their characters or their future choices, absolutely not. The little I know amazes me, and man, do I thank Michael for the wonderful job he's done as a dad. But they are children first and foremost. And I dont want to treat them any differently.
If any of those kids ever need a kidney, I'll be the first in line.

I totally agree with this post of yours. By clicking onto a TMZ article, we created demand. By watching HLN or any other tabloid-ish channels, we created demand. By buying People Magazine, we created demand. We certainly can do our parts by not contributing to the tabloid junkie. However, let's be realistic here. Fans are not the only one who have interest in the children. Like I said, the general public has great interest in Michael Jackson's children. The British royal family did nothing to change my life. Yet, I can't help but watch news about the royal couple. I guess it's human nature to want to know more about famous people. By standing on the stage at their father's memorial that has become one of the most watched program in TV history, the children could kiss their anonymous lifes goodbye. Many people, even non-fans, became emotionally attached to the little girl who eulogized her father eloquently in front of millions.

Even with all the accomplishments Michael achieved in his life, the wonderful job Michel did as a dad was probably his greatest achievements. The sacrifice he made in order for his children to have a normal childhood was tremendous. Unfortunately, the situation is very different now. We cannot always compare the situation after 2009 to the situation before 2009. Once the masks were unveiled, there was point of no return. Furthermore, we also need to keep in mind that the children were indeed children when Michael was here. Michael did keep a very low profile after the 2005 trial until the announcement of TII. As the children grow up, go to school and interact with other teenagers, it's going to be more and more difficult to keep them away from social networks and media attention, even if Michael was still here. We don't like the current situation. But, what can we do? We need to accept that. The things we can do as fans are close to nothing. We cannot bring Michael back. We cannot change the behavior of the Jacksons. We cannot change the way media works (we can try; but, I think it takes a shift of popular culture to change the invasive nature of tabloid reporting.) All we can do is really just what Cherubim has always done - to keep the children in our prayers.