Legends Festival: Four Day Birthday Bash in Gary for Michael


This makes me sick. This photo might encourage some of Paris' "fans" to buy this stuff.
Dont tell me thats the perfume man! Using the kids to promote it
Dont tell me thats the perfume man! Using the kids to promote it

Can you believe it? On second thought considering it is Joseph. This is supposed to be all about Michael on his birthday but never with Joe. It's ONLY about him...
Wait, I do.

Nobody should come here and defend the actions of Joe Jackson. NO-ONE. Because this is shameful and disgraceful and VULGAR. This would turn Michael's stomach.

This is part of the pattern that I spoke of earlier. Let us add a tick next to this event as ANOTHER example of those children being used to sell something. Something that they will never benefit from.
Wait, I do.

Nobody should come here and defend the actions of Joe Jackson. NO-ONE. Because this is shameful and disgraceful and VULGAR. This would turn Michael's stomach.

This is part of the pattern that I spoke of earlier. Let us add a tick next to this event as ANOTHER example of those children being used to sell something. Something that they will never benefit from.
Thank you for saying this out loud!
I really hope these kids will be okay in the long run. I know it's not our business but you can't help but worry for them.
Diana Ross is no longer in the picture. The children do not revert Back to Diana
In the will Katherine or Dianna would take custody. But once they take custody they have full legal custody
Diana was only a alternate if Katherine was not alive or not able to. Now Katherine has full legal guardianship
and controll over who she wants to care for the children should anything happen where she cant fullfill that duty

Thanks for the correction Qbee. Now that is a scary proposition. Can you imagine who grandma will name. Heaven help us.

It is sad but every time there is something for Michael, family members bring their wares and sell them. For Joe it was perfume and grandma had her book. This is the way the family operate. It was surprising to me that the children did not wear MJ tee-shirts or some garment about Michael's tribute or birthday. I saw some fans with MJ or tribute apparel. This all makes you realize that there is more to that day than merely a remembrance of his birthday.
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Oh God........They are using the kids to sale products????!!!! This really made me sick.
I hope Blanket's lollipop is not one of the products too. OMG OMG
God help those kids.
Maybe Prince should took those 2 run ASAP when he turned 18 if they haven't been brain washed enough.
The only thing we can do is keep our finger cross that MJ's root is deep enough.
I feel so sorry for those 3 kids. Joe should leave them alone...................

You see this foolishness and you just have to go damn, damn, damn!!!!! Why is this ish being allowed to happen? Was'nt this supposed to be about Michael jackson's birthday celebrations? so why is Joe Jackson hawking his bootleg colognes? make no mistake, this is just the beginning, none of them give a damn about these children being used like this in the media. Michael's wishes for his children be damned, they are gonna do what they want with these children.

Joe Jackson makes me sick!
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^^Of course this is not only about Michael. We all know that the family will not work on an event that is entirely about Michael. There is always an underlying agenda involved. I am sorry to say this, but it is the truth.
Joseph deserves a good as$ whopping for being such an inconsiderate prick. How dare he uses Michael's children to promote his crap?

Is there a thread here to expose Joe and his shenanigans? If not, one really needs to be started. :angry::mat:
Re: Prince, Paris and Blanket in Gary Indiana

I saw a picture of Paris helping to shill Joe's perfume while she was in Gary. It never stops.
Michael Jackson loved and respected HIS mother, THEIR grandmother enough so much so that if anything should have happened to him they would be placed in her care. I'm not going to disrespect this woman, as if Mrs. Jackson is hurting , abusing and making them unhappy. I wont try and figure out if they are happy based on a few pics either. They ARE with family and merely going by Pariss' twitter and what she said at the end of that video, they seem to be getting along quite well. It just seems like there is a division being createdwhere its between Michael, his children & "those other Jacksons". Who is to say that if they ended up in Diana Rosss' care , that things would be different or better? THATS when I would have worried, as we have heard about Diane Rosss' run ins with the law *weed* as of latter years. I see it as they are with FAMILY....THEIR family....not strangers, not animals. NOW. What IAM surprised about is Joe Jackson and him being so "hands on" with the kids, their whereabouts & this Gary "celebration" plugging his b.s., which indicates the kids were being used there. Iam not sure what the heck is going on there. Joe has proven time & time again, pre & post Mjs passing, that he is low down to say the least. Why Mrs. Jackson allows that IDK. I do believe she needs help as far as guidance is concerned but again....I'm on the outside looking in. I'm not going to sit here and act like the children are in such danger, because they are with & around Grandma, cousins, aunts and uncles. Ultimately I believe Mrs Jackson needs some type of help (non Joe), & Joe needs to fall back. I do think things need to tighten up around there though. My 2cents, No offense, no debate :).
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oh god... now Paris is promoting Joe's parfume..... poor girl doesn't know what she's doing.
there will be a time when those children are all mature and grown and even if it's at 40 but those rose colored glasses will be off, and then they will see their family for what they are. just like their father did.
....and how, exactly DID Michael Jackson see his family, since you have such clearity on the matter? Surely you have spoken to Michael on the subject? I often wonder , if had given the chance, would you , and others that shares your views, would have expressed such concerns & judgement to Michael Jackson's face about his family? Sure some things got out of hand within the family, some that I can only commend Michael on for forgiving them BUT he did and since he did, why can't you?....Well atleast enough not to insult Michaels.... or would you prefer PPBs family. Iam sure you read and heard interviews where Michael expressed how important family was to him....or is that the ONE AND ONLY time you choose not to believe in what Michael was saying? Thank God some of us can only express our anger/dislikes on a MB.
Look I'm not defending some of Michael's family members & actions but for a moment take a look at the things you are saying and ask yourself, by saying this am I disrespecting Michael, his decisions and his children?.................. (Minus Joe, who cares). And for what its worth....if the children were under the guardianship of any other, a non family member, things could have been so different beyond compared.....

P.S. hoping that when the kids turn 40 there will not be a tell all on how horrible their family treated them.
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Go read up on what family members did to him and quotes from mj such as tight nite my ass. Theres a reason why he had no contact with his family bar katherine and attached himself to every family going looking for what he didnt getting from his own
This makes me sick. This photo might encourage some of Paris' "fans" to buy this stuff.

I couldn't agree with you more..and THAT is why I said that SOME fans are doing the work for these creeps...always posting photos....WHY help Joe? A few more years these children will be of age...I have a feeling that fans are gonna fill them in on what slime the Jacksons REALLY are. At this point there is NO ONE around those kids to tell Joe to STOP. because they all think it is ok what he is doing. Paris will realize someday that PaPa Joe NEVER had her or her brothers best interest in mind when he was doing stuff like this
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....and how, exactly DID Michael Jackson see his family, since you have such clearity on the matter? Surely you have spoken to Michael on the subject? I often wonder , if had given the chance, would you , and others that shares your views, would have expressed such concerns & judgement to Michael Jackson's face about his family? Sure some things got out of hand within the family, some that I can only commend Michael on for forgiving them BUT he did and since he did, why can't you?....Well atleast enough not to insult Michaels.... or would you prefer PPBs family. Iam sure you read and heard interviews where Michael expressed how important family was to him....or is that the ONE AND ONLY time you choose not to believe in what Michael was saying? Thank God some of us can only express our anger/dislikes on a MB.
Look I'm not defending some of Michael's family members & actions but for a moment take a look at the things you are saying and ask yourself, by saying this am I disrespecting Michael, his decisions and his children?.................. (Minus Joe, who cares). And for what its worth....if the children were under the guardianship of any other, a non family member, things could have been so different beyond compared.....

P.S. hoping that when the kids turn 40 there will not be a tell all on how horrible their family treated them.

No family are perfect and I don't doubt MJ loved his family. I also don't doubt Katherine loves her son and her grandchildren. But it's not the excuse for using the kids to sell stuffs and support fake charity etc. These kids should be left alone in these age and enjoy their childhood. Not being parade on TV and selling products. As for Michael's comment about his family. He also had the comment "tight-knit my ass". and he also said it's all about being united for public eyes. I think MJ did tell you all and I believed what he said.

I don't know who would be the best guardian because MJ is the best. After he passed way, it's really hard for those kids. I just hope Katherine can stop using those kids and think it's ok. MJ put himself in front of those kids no matter how the public accusing him being weird. He did that for a reason to protect his kids. I think his mom should at least have some respect to her son's wishes. Letting kids in the public doesn't equal to ask them to be on TV selling products and promoting things. I know Paris seemed to like the attention and adjust fine but it's clearly that Blanket doesn't like it. He kept looking at Prince for help during the interview. The Jacksons really go to far. Why can't they give some space to them.
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We always seem to go in circles in this debate.

There are times when emotions run high and we speak in hyperbole and say things that are mean and cruel. The moderators are in place to pull us back from that. I say us because there are times when I am guilty of this as well. So I agree we have to be vigilant about how we say what we want to say.

There are members who are vigilant about that stuff and they call us out. Fine. But things always devolve from there to Jacksons Haters vs Jacksons Lovers and things get ugly from there.

This is my attempt at a truce.

Let us acknowledge:

[1] Not everyone who criticises the Jacksons hates them. It is understandable that you could come into a thread and read alot of negative posts. It can give the impression that it is all about bashing the family. But most of the people here are intelligent and rational and if they have taken issue with a particular incident there must be a reason.

[2] Not everyone who asks us to dial it back a bit is a Jacksons Lover. Some fans feel that is important that the forum honour Michael's family, or at least be respectful to them but it does not mean that they are defending the actions of the Jacksons.

[3] This is a discussion board and such we can discuss, analyse and dissect, once we keep it respectful. We should posts carefully and acknowledge valid points. We can be a bit more gracious in our dealings with each other.

ETA: So far we have been reasonably good in this thread. Let us keep it that way. Above is just something I wanted to say.
Poor girl. She doesn't realize she's working against her father's estate.
All of this makes me sick.

joe will do anything to promote his products and companies and he is exploting Mjs kids.

Somebody should post a message to Paris via Twitter!!!!
Be interactive and let her know about it!
joe will do anything to promote his products and companies and he is exploting Mjs kids.

Somebody should post a message to Paris via Twitter!!!!
Be interactive and let her know about it

I disagree with the bolded...as adults and fans of MJ we should NOT bother his children. Paris is still ONLY 13...smart for her age yes...BUT we as FANS have NO business bothering a child. Besides she loves and trusts Grandma at this stage of the game...so she will NEVER listen..THEY will tell her that it is only Jackson family haters and not to pay attention to it. Although WE all know that isn't true..Paris being a child and seeing what her dad went through.....the point is mute at this stage, The Kids are going through enough.
Elusive mookwalker I will pass on the "reading up" , I'm abreast.

We always seem to go in circles in this debate.

There are times when emotions run high and we speak in hyperbole and say things that are mean and cruel. The moderators are in place to pull us back from that. I say us because there are times when I am guilty of this as well. So I agree we have to be vigilant about how we say what we want to say.

There are members who are vigilant about that stuff and they call us out. Fine. But things always devolve from there to Jacksons Haters vs Jacksons Lovers and things get ugly from there.

This is my attempt at a truce.

Let us acknowledge:

[1] Not everyone who criticises the Jacksons hates them. It is understandable that you could come into a thread and read alot of negative posts. It can give the impression that it is all about bashing the family. But most of the people here are intelligent and rational and if they have taken issue with a particular incident there must be a reason.

[2] Not everyone who asks us to dial it back a bit is a Jacksons Lover. Some fans feel that is important that the forum honour Michael's family, or at least be respectful to them but it does not mean that they are defending the actions of the Jacksons.

[3] This is a discussion board and such we can discuss, analyse and dissect, once we keep it respectful. We should posts carefully and acknowledge valid points. We can be a bit more gracious in our dealings with each other.

ETA: So far we have been reasonably good in this thread. Let us keep it that way. Above is just something I wanted to say.

:) :)
I think that the kids have to see things and question things for themselves. They are not going to believe it and learn otherwise. I think Michael loved his family and respected them in public but he gave subtle hints that the family wasn't always united as they claim. I don't hate them but I hate the actions. I just wish they would learn and get wiser in how their behavior hurts not helps Michael. There is nothing wrong with them taking the kids to Gary for Michael's b-day and seeing the house etc. That's nice but then there is always the hidden agenda for example selling perfume and having paris take pictures with it why? It cheapens the whole experience.
Something nice is turned into a promo event or something when it should be about a family visiting their roots and remembering Michael.

I hope I don't sound harsh about the kids. People telling them things about the family won't help. They have to see things themselves.
OH MY SWEET MOTHER OF JEEZUS!!! I only just saw those pictures of Paris Jackson holding that whack perfume of Joe Jackson with that mofo of a French promoter man. What the devil is going on? Where is Katherine Jackson. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Those pooor poor children.

This is so depressing. Michael why did you go ? :(
^^^ actually Katherine Jackson was sitting on a chair just a few meters away when it was happening. So she is not a solution to this problem. She fully supports all this.
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^^^ actually Katherine Jackson was sitting on a chair just a few Meyers away when it was happening. So she is not a solution to this problem. She fully supports all this.
u hit the nail she is not a solution to this problem she (her attitude) is a part of the problem,
That sweet Paris, is so helpful!! It seems she is proud of grandma and papa Joe and wants to help them. This is all good on her part, but the sad thing is that her sweetness is being abused by grown people and crooks--(remember heal the world charity).

Xthunder you are right. Let these children find out about their family in their own time. If adult fans speak to them about their family, it will only hurt them, and I do not think any of us would want to hurt Michael's children. You can never tell, maybe once they find out the truth they will shrug their shoulders and say that was all in the past, or they did those things because they needed money and we have a lot. You can never tell what their reactions will be, so let us take the higher and moral rode and be quiet.