Legends Festival: Four Day Birthday Bash in Gary for Michael

I love them so much and I'm sooooooo proud! I miss Michael even more and more each moment that passes by. I just want him back, he belongs with his wonderful children!
I like how Prince is honouring his Dad by wearing the bands on his sweater.

And Blanket has our Michael's eyes. I miss you Michael*crying a lot right now*


Yes, that is Prince Michael...inside the gate of the residence on 2300 Jackson Street...a few hours ago! I also got his autograph!

All the kids were there tonight, and so was Joe, Katherine, and other family members (None of the brothers and sisters...cousins mostly, I think).

I just got back from the celebration, so I am very tired and still in awe. Tomorrow, I will come back and make a blog. I took A LOT of photos, so I'll try to post the best ones. I pray all the photos upload. For some reason, I couldn't get good pics of Paris, but my mom did so I'll steal them from her. ;-)

But I just want to leave some tips for anyone in the area who is thinking about going.

1. Parking was pretty easy. Once we got off the exit to Gary (coming from Chicago/IL border), we ended up right on like 25th and Broadway. We took 24th Street (making a left), got to like Jefferson, and bam...Jackson street is the next block up. I don't think there is a street sign there, but you'll see a police car blocking the street. We ended up parking right there on 24th street, not directly in front of anyone's house, but on the side. I think we got a good spot because we got there earlier in the day. No one charged us or anything.

2. DO NOT PAY FOR TICKETS! I REPEAT...DO NOT PAY FOR TICKETS! As someone stated earlier, the event was a bit disorganized last year. I think it's because the promoters get overly ambitious and try to plan for so many things going on at once. The concert...the circus... Then they realize they can't get acts or no one shows up for the events. Tonight, the concert at the stadium was canceled and I did not see anyone around who even looked like they belonged to a circus! LOL. People want to be on Jackson Street and see entertainment. People want to be near the house, especially if the family is there. If you go, just go straight to Jackson Street and hang around the house, talk to the crowd, and enjoy yourself! You never know who might show up. :)

Overall, I had TONS of fun! My whole family did. We got there around 2:00. Mrs. Jackson came out almost 30 minutes later, left, came back another 30 minutes later, and then about an hour later Joe and the kids came. Entertainment started about 3:30. (These are all ball park time estimates, lol). Entertainment started off slow, but towards the end, Keith Jackson (cousin) and his band played. They were really good. Then, an MJ impersonator and his dancing troupe came on stage and blew everyone away! I mean, he was awesome. His name was Ed...something. I took a video of some of his performance.

I'm not sure if MJ's family is going to be there tomorrow or Monday. But if you're thinking about going, I would go anyway and just take the chance. I kind of want to go back on Monday because they are cutting a cake and lighting fireworks!

Whew...OK. I'll be back. But before I leave...Blanket is so adorable, Paris is pretty and surprisingly tall, and Prince is such a cute and humble young man! Prince really impressed me with the way he carried himself...coming straight out to greet fans right away. And he did this many times during the night. I started to get sad for them, the way some people in the crowd were like..."Prince, Prince, Paris, Blanket, over here, come here!" It wasn't too bad (like paparazzi). But you know how us bb's are! We care about the kids. :) When Prince came around, I said hi and greeted him with God bless you, and he looked at me with a big smile, and said "Thank you. God bless you too." Now that, my friends, is what we call "raised RIGHT!"[/QUOTE]
I think it's nice they get to see where their dad grew up. To them he was just their dad and you see that.
I'm glad everyone enjoyed my story! It was an awesome experience. OK, I'm off to do the blog in a bit. But I just wanted to express something on my mind. This probably isn't the right thread for this type of discussion, but here it goes...

I saw the post for the ABC interview on the "Arrest Conrad Murray Campaign" page on Facebook. I watched the video, but then looked at the comments on the Facebook post and they were all negative! It's like OK fine, I totally understand why people believe the Jackson kids' grandparents exploit them for money or publicity. But I don't think this was the case at this event. A) This event would have happened regardless of if the family showed up or not. B) I didn't have to pay one single cent to get into this event. Let me tell you, I only bought a $3 button the whole night! LOL. I saw other people spending money on t-shirts and books (yes, Katherine was selling her book) but hey, grown folks can choose how to spend their money however they like. C) It wasn't like the kids were charging people money to take pics with them. Joe was not even talking about his stupid casino plans or pushing the cologne. At least, that's not what I saw from the video and there was no announcement of that stuff during the event. It might have been talked about the day before, but I have no idea.

From what I saw, the kids were not being made to do anything they didn't want to. Really, all kids HAVE to do some things because the rest of the family does it (like visit Gary). But it wasn't like Joe was over them all night saying, "Hey get over there and sign autographs." Blanket was sitting on the porch with his family for the majority of the night and Paris was kind of doing her own thing and coming to the fans occasionally. Prince was the main one making the rounds to fans (maybe because he feels like that's his responsibility as the eldest). I do not condone "using" children at all. Everyone should have a childhood. But in the end, these kids are MICHAEL JACKSON'S CHILDREN! They are going to be sought after by the press whether or not they go around greeting fans. This does not mean that people should be mean or rude to them and demand things from them just because they are celebrities. There is no excuse for that and people should know better. For instance, Paris is on Twitter and she seems to receive rude messages from people all the time, probably from many adults. These people should act like adults and not mess with a 13 year old girl. Just let her be a kid with a Twitter account. The children should not be held accountable for the way some people treat them. But since Michael Jackson is their father, I think they understand what type of crap they will face, as well as their grand responsibility to uphold MJ's legacy. They are people with a very famous father and cannot hide all of their lives. Even when Michael kept them behind masks, he had to consider that eventually, one day, things might get to this point.

Overall, I thought it was a great experience, especially for my youngest brother, who is the same age as Paris. He said that before shaking Prince's hand and seeing them, he thought that they weren't real...like they were just people from the television, and didn't live real lives like the other kids he sees. He thought they were remote, I guess. But now he's like, "Wow they're just real kids like me!" That just made my day!

Furthermore, I'm sure if any of the people who commented on the post were there, then they would be excited to see the kids just like everybody else! I'm sorry about going on a rant, but I just had to get that off my chest and didn't want to comment on the Facebook post. I'm not really a Joe Jackson supporter at all. But some people do not give the Jackson kids enough credit in regards to being able to speak up for themselves. Is it not right for them to celebrate their father...with their father's fans...in their father's hometown?

OK, bye. lol
There were rumors about Michael taking them to see Gary back in 2008 and guess what there were no cameras and it was a weekend trip as well.
Does the house in Gary just stands empty all around except when there are some kind of event? What happened to the woman who used to live there after the Jackson family left???

And look at all the ppl greeting Prince LOL. He is so sweet to greet the people and even HUG some of them.. but the video kinda reminds me of those teen-idols who have hords of fans.. a bit disturbing
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While this outing may seem harmless enough, let us not pretend that there have not been other occasions when the family has used the children for personal gain (will not rehash here).

We have to take each occasion on its merit but we also cannot ignore any patterns that develop.

I will say that Paris' focus on Michael THE PERSON is great to hear.

I believe the visit to Gary was for the media and maybe some profits. If the intention was to celebrate Michael's birthday, the could have done it in private and not let the media know. And if they wanted people to know the children visited their father's first home, then they could have released some pics. But it is what it is.
I feel it is inappropriate for Michael's children to be signing autographs and for us to be seeking their autographs. They are children. They are not celebrities.
It's nice to see the children spending time with their grandparents in Gary. I hope they enjoyed seeing their father's old house, even if they have seen it before.
I feel it is inappropriate for Michael's children to be signing autographs and for us to be seeking their autographs. They are children. They are not celebrities.

I totally agree. These ARE children and fans need to step back and let them be children...the problem is they wont. ..and THAT is NOT good for these kids. I dont think people GET it.
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We care about the kids. :) When Prince came around, I said hi and greeted him with God bless you, and he looked at me with a big smile, and said "Thank you. God bless you too." Now that, my friends, is what we call "raised RIGHT!"
Thunder I have to agree with you. It is a bit unnerving to see adults ranting and raving with excitement, because they got to see the children and got autographs. The main focus should be that Michael's birthday was celebrated in Gary which shows his legacy is alive and kicking, not that waw I saw the children and got autographs. It is nice to say hi to them and listen to them talk about their dad, but somehow I feel some fans go too far in their zeal to contact these children. That being said I am glad the kids did have fun and celebrated their father's birthday.
oh yeah,,just one more thing,,,fans get mad at the Jacksons for NOT carrying out Michael's wishes for his children. Fans get mad when the Jacksons take advantage of the children..(there are so many things that we all know about..this is just not the thread to mention them) by taking part in all these events that go on FANS are just as guilty as the Jacksons by NOT following Michael's wishes. HE would NEVER want his kids paraded like this in front of media camera's nor would he want them signing autographs. As grown and mature and well mannered as these children are THAT is Michael's doing. NOT these people. HE NEVER would of done this stuff to his children...so why are people that call themselves MJ fans HELPING the Jacksons do it Thats all..end of rant..


Yes, that is Prince Michael...inside the gate of the residence on 2300 Jackson Street...a few hours ago! I also got his autograph!

All the kids were there tonight, and so was Joe, Katherine, and other family members (None of the brothers and sisters...cousins mostly, I think).

I just got back from the celebration, so I am very tired and still in awe. Tomorrow, I will come back and make a blog. I took A LOT of photos, so I'll try to post the best ones. I pray all the photos upload. For some reason, I couldn't get good pics of Paris, but my mom did so I'll steal them from her. ;-)

But I just want to leave some tips for anyone in the area who is thinking about going.

1. Parking was pretty easy. Once we got off the exit to Gary (coming from Chicago/IL border), we ended up right on like 25th and Broadway. We took 24th Street (making a left), got to like Jefferson, and bam...Jackson street is the next block up. I don't think there is a street sign there, but you'll see a police car blocking the street. We ended up parking right there on 24th street, not directly in front of anyone's house, but on the side. I think we got a good spot because we got there earlier in the day. No one charged us or anything.

2. DO NOT PAY FOR TICKETS! I REPEAT...DO NOT PAY FOR TICKETS! As someone stated earlier, the event was a bit disorganized last year. I think it's because the promoters get overly ambitious and try to plan for so many things going on at once. The concert...the circus... Then they realize they can't get acts or no one shows up for the events. Tonight, the concert at the stadium was canceled and I did not see anyone around who even looked like they belonged to a circus! LOL. People want to be on Jackson Street and see entertainment. People want to be near the house, especially if the family is there. If you go, just go straight to Jackson Street and hang around the house, talk to the crowd, and enjoy yourself! You never know who might show up. :)

Overall, I had TONS of fun! My whole family did. We got there around 2:00. Mrs. Jackson came out almost 30 minutes later, left, came back another 30 minutes later, and then about an hour later Joe and the kids came. Entertainment started about 3:30. (These are all ball park time estimates, lol). Entertainment started off slow, but towards the end, Keith Jackson (cousin) and his band played. They were really good. Then, an MJ impersonator and his dancing troupe came on stage and blew everyone away! I mean, he was awesome. His name was Ed...something. I took a video of some of his performance.

I'm not sure if MJ's family is going to be there tomorrow or Monday. But if you're thinking about going, I would go anyway and just take the chance. I kind of want to go back on Monday because they are cutting a cake and lighting fireworks!

Whew...OK. I'll be back. But before I leave...Blanket is so adorable, Paris is pretty and surprisingly tall, and Prince is such a cute and humble young man! Prince really impressed me with the way he carried himself...coming straight out to greet fans right away. And he did this many times during the night. I started to get sad for them, the way some people in the crowd were like..."Prince, Prince, Paris, Blanket, over here, come here!" It wasn't too bad (like paparazzi). But you know how us bb's are! We care about the kids. :) When Prince came around, I said hi and greeted him with God bless you, and he looked at me with a big smile, and said "Thank you. God bless you too." Now that, my friends, is what we call "raised RIGHT!"
You deserve a medal for this. Thank you indeed for taking the time to feed us back with the good details.
I can't believe so many people on this thread find these kids signing autographs and taking pictures with fans (Dad fans...their own fans...?) not distasteful. This is not what Michael would have wanted for his kids. If rumours are true, these kids had visited Gary already with their dad but there was no spectacle about it because (as usual) Michael did it in private. Michael knew what he was doing and he was doing a great f***ing job raising his kids and allowing them their privacy and childhood.

It's not like we who oppose this kind of PR BS move have anything against the kids. The kids don't know any better, not even Prince who's 14. They look at Katherine + family as their saviors I bet because as Paris said while her dad laid in the morgue "Grandma where do we go now?" . They probably think had Katherine not taken them under their wing they would have been in fosters homes or homeless. I don't think they know there are other people who could have entered their lives and given them a better life then being exploited the way they are now. Diana Ross. They know the Cascios for years, they could have lived with them. Instead, Katherine and the bunch have Paris and her bro's brainwashing them about fake tracks by The Cascios. Hell even Paris seems to be so confused with all the brainbwashing, she said on twitter Hollywood Tonight was not her real dad's voice. lol

No, Paris is not a celebrity. Being Michael Jackson's child does not make you a star. Paris, Prince and Blanket have been brainwashed to think so thanks to the likes of La Toya and Grandma filling their heads up with superstardom BS. Those kids should not be signing anything or taking pictures. And people posing with them and getting autographs from them should hide their faces in shame. If Michael were here, he would most likely politely throw a cell phone at you or give you the finger for getting close to his children. His kids were sacred to him. They were no joke.

You never saw Yoko Ono pimping her son. You never saw Priscilla selling Lisa Marie to the press at 10, 12, 15, or 17 years old. Those kids did not start talking about their famous dad's til they turned 18. I don't like Yoko much or Priscilla for that matter, but at least they never exploited their children or pimped them out when they were kids.

PPB were going to school, and living a normal life. Their dad walked away from touring and settled down just to raise them and have a good childhood - which is something he was never given. Michael didn't send his kids to acting class or Starbucks so that paps & middle aged men could be following his daughter around the streets of L.A. demanding her attention and smile. Poor Blanket looks pretrified in those pap pictures and Prince looks annoyed. Paris as usual doesn't mind them since she poses peace signs for them as well as sticks her tongue out and even has posed with devil horns. There was a idiotic pap who thought Paris was Miley Cyrus one time with all those similar poses she was putting on!

This is not Paris fault, I blame the influence of LaToya & Katherine's poor way of raising these kids. Prince and Blanket seem to still have both feet on the ground & both boys genuinely look uncomfortable around camera's. Paris is the one who worries me the most. You can see this girl loves the flashes of the lights, camera's & attention put upon her online and offline. If this girl does not get the right guidance now, things will get very ugly down the line. I don't want Paris to become the next celebrity hollywood brat running down hollywood Blvd at 3 AM trying to get into a club just because she was taught that being MJ daughter made her special.
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Another video of Prince, Paris and Blanket in Gary, so sweet you can the kids interacting with each other and Prince, Blanket and Paris talks about his dad towards the end (full video of the ABC interview):
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Thanks Ms. Cassie Mollie for the video.
I, especially, liked seeing Prince's part of the interview.
Peeps if you want to avoid Joe Jackson, you can forward the video to 6:40.:cheeky:
Joe really ruined that video. It's just disgusting to see Joe and Julian promoting their cologne junk like this. very distasteful. Yak!
Even worse, he's also wrongfully giving himself all credits for the success of MJ. This man is as delusional. What a parasite!
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Awe Im so proud of the kids they carry themselves so well and It was so sweet to finally hear blanket speak.
As for Joe he cant even pretend to care and wanst to take the glory for MJs love for himself. Hes the reason
everyone loves Michael so much :mat: .. all he is interested in is hawking his products. It's sad he doesnt get
how disgusting that is and embarrasing that Michael has to be represented by him in that way :(
Joe, Blanket is not Michael Jackson! He is his son but, he ain't michael! It scares me that Joe keep on talkin about Blanket in that way. Let Blanket be himself!
Joe, Blanket is not Michael Jackson! He is his son but, he ain't michael! It scares me that Joe keep on talkin about Blanket in that way. Let Blanket be himself!
There are no words to express my contempt for this man!! This is supposed to be a celebration of Michael but he is more interested in selling perfume with his nasty business partner. But when he starts talking about Blanket like he is just another one of his products...O.M.G!!!! When will the world see that this is how Michael was treated his whole life?

He is heartlless I swear!
I'm just disgusted after seeing how Joseph talks about Blanket and Michael. It's so disgusting like someone said for Joe he's just one of his products. I truly hope he'll get what he's got coming some day or when he finally dies.
I can't believe so many people on this thread find these kids signing autographs and taking pictures with fans (Dad fans...their own fans...?) not distasteful. This is not what Michael would have wanted for his kids. If rumours are true, these kids had visited Gary already with their dad but there was no spectacle about it because (as usual) Michael did it in private. Michael knew what he was doing and he was doing a great f***ing job raising his kids and allowing them their privacy and childhood.

It's not like we who oppose this kind of PR BS move have anything against the kids. The kids don't know any better, not even Prince who's 14. They look at Katherine + family as their saviors I bet because as Paris said while her dad laid in the morgue "Grandma where do we go now?" . They probably think had Katherine not taken them under their wing they would have been in fosters homes or homeless. I don't think they know there are other people who could have entered their lives and given them a better life then being exploited the way they are now. Diana Ross. They know the Cascios for years, they could have lived with them. Instead, Katherine and the bunch have Paris and her bro's brainwashing them about fake tracks by The Cascios. Hell even Paris seems to be so confused with all the brainbwashing, she said on twitter Hollywood Tonight was not her real dad's voice. lol

No, Paris is not a celebrity. Being Michael Jackson's child does not make you a star. Paris, Prince and Blanket have been brainwashed to think so thanks to the likes of La Toya and Grandma filling their heads up with superstardom BS. Those kids should not be signing anything or taking pictures. And people posing with them and getting autographs from them should hide their faces in shame. If Michael were here, he would most likely politely throw a cell phone at you or give you the finger for getting close to his children. His kids were sacred to him. They were no joke.

You never saw Yoko Ono pimping her son. You never saw Priscilla selling Lisa Marie to the press at 10, 12, 15, or 17 years old. Those kids did not start talking about their famous dad's til they turned 18. I don't like Yoko much or Priscilla for that matter, but at least they never exploited their children or pimped them out when they were kids.

PPB were going to school, and living a normal life. Their dad walked away from touring and settled down just to raise them and have a good childhood - which is something he was never given. Michael didn't send his kids to acting class or Starbucks so that paps & middle aged men could be following his daughter around the streets of L.A. demanding her attention and smile. Poor Blanket looks pretrified in those pap pictures and Prince looks annoyed. Paris as usual doesn't mind them since she poses peace signs for them as well as sticks her tongue out and even has posed with devil horns. There was a idiotic pap who thought Paris was Miley Cyrus one time with all those similar poses she was putting on!

This is not Paris fault, I blame the influence of LaToya & Katherine's poor way of raising these kids. Prince and Blanket seem to still have both feet on the ground & both boys genuinely look uncomfortable around camera's. Paris is the one who worries me the most. You can see this girl loves the flashes of the lights, camera's & attention put upon her online and offline. If this girl does not get the right guidance now, things will get very ugly down the line. I don't want Paris to become the next celebrity hollywood brat running down hollywood Blvd at 3 AM trying to get into a club just because she was taught that being MJ daughter made her special.
Thank you for stating this. And you're absolutely right with what you said about the kids and especially Paris. I can already see her becoming the next Taylor Momsen, Lindsay Lohan etc 5 years down the line, if a sane adult isn't able to sit her down now. This girl needs guidance, all of them need guidance.
Oh well, I tried to get you all to start watching the video at 6 minutes and 40 seconds in. :smilerolleyes: :rofl::rollin:
Dear God..Joe Jackson scares the beejeezus out of me and I don't for a minute doubt Michael or his intentions to keep a healthy distance from his father. Joe Jackson pimping away. I have utmost respect for what Joe achieved in taking his family from nowehere to somewhere but he clearly has no boundaries. HE has NO SHAME - plugging that shite cologne. Who the devil cares...look at all those shady MOFOS.

I feel so bad for the 3 kids..in a strange sense they have been sucked into alll this... God bless them.
Thank you for stating this. And you're absolutely right with what you said about the kids and especially Paris. I can already see her becoming the next Taylor Momsen, Lindsay Lohan etc 5 years down the line, if a sane adult isn't able to sit her down now. This girl needs guidance, all of them need guidance.

How can you come to such a conclusion so early, what happen to giving the girl a chance to proove herself before slating her.

Very disappointed.
Agree with Gaz on that. We are so scathing - it's not fair for us to sit here, judge and pre determine any one of Michael's childrens' destiny. That would be downright unfair. Give them a chance. Lets have some confidence in their character and choices.