L.A. County Coroner Findings

It's no wonder he was loing weight so much if he weas being given Ephedrine.... it's also an appetite surpressant.

The ephedrin might have been given to try to restart his heart. Or to make it appear as though an attempt had been made? It's adrenalin, used to treat shock (drastically low blood-pressure). A hair-analysis might show if there had been habitual use, or if this was a one-time thing? I just can't imagine Michael taking anything for weight LOSS!

This all was painfully incomplete. "Acute?" Sounds like a massive overdose. The question remains, was it deliberate? "Homicide?" That can include a lot of variations, from capital murder, to manslaughter. We were told next to NOTHING. Except that word, "acute." If the amount of propofol was massive, that could show intent. WHY have there been no arrests? Are they going to "find" Murray hanging in his garage? For God's SAKE!
Wow. I think they had to announce the COD because of the unsealed warrants and it just what we thought. The Dr.cannot claim that MJ was taking something else. He cannot refute this (well he can try).

Had there been any illicit drugs in Michael's system when they did the autopsy - they'd be confirming it today.

Michael was CLEAN.

And now, we have to hold the LAPD and the D.A.s office to the umpteenth level of fire so they can indict/charge/arrest/sentence the guilty.

Are we ready to fight for Michael's justice? You bet I am!
Why was ephedrine in Michaels system?


i dont agree with this (used to treat hypotension associated with anesthesia) here. this is all so crazy.

For the above to be in Michael's system scares me. And if he didn't know it was there scares me even more. Its simple to pass something off as something else when your a doctor.
Oh there is something new in all this. They found Ephedrine in Michael's system. What is Ephedrine or Ephedra?

Ephedrine (EPH) is a sympathomimetic amine commonly used as a stimulant, appetite suppressant, concentration aid, decongestant, and to treat hypotension associated with anaesthesia. Ephedrine is similar in structure to the synthetic derivatives amphetamine and methamphetamine. Chemically, it is an alkaloid derived from various plants in the genus Ephedra (family Ephedraceae). It is most usually marketed in the hydrochloride and sulfate forms.

Adverse effects

Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are more common with systemic administration (e.g. injection or oral administration) compared to topical administration (e.g. nasal instillations). ADRs associated with ephedrine therapy include:[5]

* Cardiovascular: tachycardia, cardiac arrhythmias, angina pectoris, vasoconstriction with hypertension
* Dermatological: flushing, sweating, acne vulgaris
* Gastrointestinal: anorexia, nausea
* Genitourinary: diuresis (increased urination) due to increased blood flow (difficulty urinating is not uncommon, as alpha-agonists such as ephedrine constrict the internal urethral sphincter, mimicking the effects of sympathetic nervous system stimulation)
* Nervous system: restlessness, confusion, insomnia, mild euphoria, mania/hallucinations (rare except in previously existing psychiatric conditions), delusions, formication (may be possible, but lacks documented evidence) paranoia, hostility, panic, agitation
* Respiratory: dyspnea, pulmonary edema
* Miscellaneous: dizziness, headache, tremor, hyperglycemic reactions


What is Hypotension?

In physiology and medicine, hypotension refers to an abnormally low blood pressure. This is best understood as a physiologic state, rather than a disease. It is often associated with shock, though not necessarily indicative of it. Hypotension is the opposite of hypertension, which is high blood pressure. Hypotension can be life-threatening.


Excessive vasodilation, or insufficient constriction of the resistance blood vessels (mostly arterioles), causes hypotension. This can be due to decreased sympathetic nervous system output or to increased parasympathetic activity occurring as a consequence of injury to the brain or spinal cord or of dysautonomia, an intrinsic abnormality in autonomic system functioning. Excessive vasodilation can also result from sepsis, acidosis, or medications, such as nitrate preparations, calcium channel blockers, angiotensin II receptor inhibitors or ACE inhibitors. Many anesthetic agents and techniques, including spinal anesthesia and most inhalational agents, produce significant vasodilation.


Ephedrine, unless used in a hospital setting, is ILLEGAL in the USA. This explains Michael's sudden weight loss, loss of appetite, and his mood change (according to the fans). Murray was giving Michael Ephedrine in order to combat his low blood pressure after giving him fucking propofol.

Michael was murdered... this is no accident. I wonder what crap Murray and Chase was giving Michael in those so called fruit smoothies???
FYI, a friend lives down the street from the place where Murray is staying in Houston and she said there have been cops there sitting in their cars a few houses down for the past couple of hours. She said she thinks it's for security
and what exactly does it mean that the result is in security?

What they mean is that the full results of the tox reports, are sealed indefinitely. This press release that just came out today are giving us the cause of death.... other details like time of death, or what other drugs were in his system, etc. are sealed for the time being...
jus seeing the word homicide makes me feel like i got kicked in the stomach !!!!

I always felt Michael was killed intentionally - there is NO WAY Michael wanted to go with his babies so young!

And I want JUSTICE for those precious babies, for us and for MICHAEL.

We have to stop crying and DEMAND that justice!
Had there been any illicit drugs in Michael's system when they did the autopsy - they'd be confirming it today.

Michael was CLEAN.

And now, we have to hold the LAPD and the D.A.s office to the umpteenth level of fire so they can indict/charge/arrest/sentence the guilty.

Are we ready to fight for Michael's justice? You bet I am!

Yeah, that appears to be the case. That he was CLEAN. If narcotics were found, they would have SAID so and jumped all over it. Those other drugs are for anxiety, and maybe insomnia. I'd like to know what "acute" means. Sounds massive. If so, then it's capital murder! OMG, this is heartbreaking. Hang in there, everyone.
Had there been any illicit drugs in Michael's system when they did the autopsy - they'd be confirming it today.

Michael was CLEAN.

And now, we have to hold the LAPD and the D.A.s office to the umpteenth level of fire so they can indict/charge/arrest/sentence the guilty.

Are we ready to fight for Michael's justice? You bet I am!

yup Michael was clean....I knew it it is noo surprise to me ...he always said he hated drugs...so all those people who kept saying he was an addict...can go to hell!!!!!!!!!!!!
It hurts as fuck, it feels like a kick in the stomach.
Damn you Dr. Murderer! You'll never have peace!
Muther fuck arrest that fucking bastard!! :angry: :cry:
I don't know what to say :cry: This is too much to know that some incompetent killer took Michael away from us. Right around for Michael's Birthday too.
Oh there is something new in all this. They found Ephedrine in Michael's system. What is Ephedrine or Ephedra?

What is Hypotension?

Ephedrine, unless used in a hospital setting, is ILLEGAL in the USA. This explains Michael's sudden weight loss, loss of appetite, and his mood change (according to the fans). Murray was giving Michael Ephedrine in order to combat his low blood pressure after giving him fucking propofol.

Michael was murdered... this is no accident. I wonder what crap Murray and Chase was giving Michael in those so called fruit smoothies???

OMG.. :cry:
I think that's what upsets me more than anything else. Michael trusted this man with his life, and Murray had no idea WHAT he was doing... in fact he was doing something he SHOULDN'T have been doing! I just have no words to describe how it makes me feel...

Exactly HB, I want to cuss and fuss right now, i want to cry right now, i want to choke the life out of Murray right now, i want to go to just scream to the top of my lungs right now and ask God to let Murray take Michael's place and let MJ come back and live out the rest of his life here with his kids.. Forget touring or making new music, just let him come back and look at his kids.

The fact that Murray was trying to be something he wasn't is just f'n horrible. he is cardiologist not an anesthesiologist, stick with what ya know. Murray deserves everything he gets and I hope those other doctors Klein included get their comeuppance.:(
and what is Murray doing this very moment I wonder...
Why was ephedrine in Michaels system?


i dont agree with this (used to treat hypotension associated with anesthesia) here. this is all so crazy.

For the above to be in Michael's system scares me. And if he didn't know it was there scares me even more. Its simple to pass something off as something else when your a doctor.

I think that's the shot they give when a patient has a low pulse.
Oh there is something new in all this. They found Ephedrine in Michael's system. What is Ephedrine or Ephedra?

What is Hypotension?

Ephedrine, unless used in a hospital setting, is ILLEGAL in the USA. This explains Michael's sudden weight loss, loss of appetite, and his mood change (according to the fans). Murray was giving Michael Ephedrine in order to combat his low blood pressure after giving him fucking propofol.

Michael was murdered... this is no accident. I wonder what crap Murray and Chase was giving Michael in those so called fruit smoothies???

Actually, I've been given Ephedrin, several times, in a hospital setting. I also have an "auto-injector" that I can use myself in case of emergencies. That is not illegal. It's called an "epi-pen." I have an allergy to bee-stings, and the Ephedrin counteracts the anaphylactic shock that is associated with that allergy. It is also used to stimulate the heart. It's entirely possible that the drug was used to try to restart Michael's heart. Or to make it appear so.

What would be important to know is, was this a one-time thing, or a regular occurance? It's commonly used in emergency situations of shock. A hair-analysis would probably show if this was habitual, or part of Murray's "efforts" to bring Michael back. The ephedrin is a type of adrenalin. "Ephedra" is a brand-name for an appetite suppressant. This might not be the same thing. IMHO>
All this makes me think.

What the hell made Murray think he could get away with this?

I mean come on, its Michael Jackson ffs.