L.A. County Coroner Findings

all the meds in his system were prescribed by Murray nothing was prescribed by Klien at all . klien is off the hook now .

well , it seems he did not give mj anything as he said . all the drugs again from the seacrh warrant are prescribed by murray and no other doctor at all , murray could not prescribe anything in California so another crime was commited , murray admitted he was the one who administered all these meds and mj did not took anything on his own . murray is over .
i have never been a believer of conspiracies.... but surely.... this is premeditated.

unless murray was stoned giving MJ meds that night.... this surely can't be an accident.

how could he have treated his insomnia successfully for many days prior and then just make a mistake???? it is premeditated?

motive???--- his financial situation.

others involved???? there are so many sketchy peeps in this whole mix.
Michael had a bright future ahead and he should have lived to be an old man (I am sure he was thinking the same thing). Now this. I wish he would have came here in area where they have an excellence place for sleep problems. DId n't California have a place as well? you would think Hollywood would have such things unless MJ did not want to use the facialities.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. & Gandhi were also here to help and heal, but viciously taken away just like Michael was.

I have never mourned anyone more than I have Michael, not even my own grandmother (may she forgive me).

But we can't get sad now - we need to take action. Letter writing campaigns to the LAPD or District Attorney's office, like bombard them with emails demanding justice.

I dunno - any other ideas? If I lived in California, I'd be protesting in front of the LAPD building.

I feel so helpless :no: We should do something...
Yes I have it too, but it's only given for anaphylactic shock and hospital settings. Now as far as weight and appetite suppressants, George Bush illlegalized the sale of it in 2005/2006 under the methamphetamine bill.

It is OBVIOUS that Michael had been on it for at least 6 weeks because it explains his lack of appetite and loss of weight. It wasn't used as a cover up in Michael's death, it was used over a 6 week period. Just look at his unexplained weight loss.

That's why a hair analysis is so important. It would reveal if Michael had been given the drug over a period of time, or if it was an emergency measure to restart his heart. The drug "Ephedra" is the appetite suppressant, and yeah, that's been banned. (Ephedra is a brand-name). I just wish there had been more information!

"Ephedra" is an oral appetite suppressant, and it's been taken off the market. Ephedrine is by injection, as in an Epi-pen that a person can carry and self-inject if necessary. And THEN get to a hospital asap. I've had several such emergencies, and I can tell you, it's NO picnic!

I expected this, and it's so depressing. I expected we'd be given next-to-nothing in terms of information. Too many questions still remain.
all the meds in his system were prescribed by Murray nothing was prescribed by Klien at all . klien is off the hook now .

well , it seems he did not give mj anything as he said . all the drugs again from the seacrh warrant are prescribed by murray and no other doctor at all , murray could not prescribe anything in California so another crime was commited , murray admitted he was the one who administered all these meds and mj did not took anything on his own . murray is over .

Where did you read that????
I think Michaels spirit is still around because he wants us to know the truth... he wants to see Murray behind bars I believe this.
I still can't believe everything I'm reading is about Michael.....sometimes I forget the cruel reality and still get he impression he's somewhere in the world, having fun...

I wish I could erase June 25th 2009 from history....
Ephedrine is used to increase blood pressure and heart rate when anesthesia or other causes result in hypotension, bradycardia, and even in cardiac arrest scenarios. If Murray found Michael with a weak or slow pulse, using ephedrine is actually quite appropriate. It's all the other stuff he gave him and then topping it off with Propofol and then "leaving the room" that's the damn problem.

Exactly. Now one wonders, how much was given to Michael over a 6 week period? Because Ephedrine is the only logical explanation of Michael's sudden weight loss and change of mood.

My hunch is the MOMENT Dr. Murray officially came on board is the moment all of these drugs were used on Michael inappropriately. I wonder how many times did Michael's blood pressure tank under all the Propofol? How many times Ephedrine was used to kick start his heart and get his blood pressure back up?

Murray is a murderer...
Ephedrine is used to increase blood pressure and heart rate when anesthesia or other causes result in hypotension, bradycardia, and even in cardiac arrest scenarios. If Murray found Michael with a weak or slow pulse, using ephedrine is actually quite appropriate. It's all the other stuff he gave him and then topping it off with Propofol and then "leaving the room" that's the damn problem.
He should have called an ambulance immediately when he found him and told them exactly what he had given him. But he was trying to save himself and several people has said he was screaming "get Prince". Kai the cook also said so but she said Prince did not go in to the room with him. He staid down stairs with her and Paris and they were forming a circle and praying.
Well now they can cut out all that stupid crap about him being on heroin and whatever else. Also, shame on all the people, including fans, who were making him out to be a junkie before having any official reports or facts to back up their assumptions. Michael was an insomniac and needed serious help. Giving him all these drugs was not the answer.

This case is being treated as a homicide for a reason and I just hope that justice is served.
Even though we've pretty much known this for weeks, it just really hurts to see it on paper. The man took away our beloved Michael...
thats tru michael was taken away from us too soon ...ive got the mind rite now to go find that bastard Murray and STRANGLE HIM MYSELF!!!! UGH.... this is....it hurts!!
i think the 'acute' means quick, short term, as in it was that specific dose on that night that killed mj... not a long course of it
I think Michaels spirit is still around because he wants us to know the truth... he wants to see Murray behind bars I believe this.

Michael will always be around he wont rest easy. Long after Murray is in jail he will still roam the earth. Michael may never fully pass on.

As for dr.death. He has a world of MJ fans to face. If you are on twitter please retweet this as much as you can

I love you Michael :cry: I wish none of this happened.
Why not release the autopsy/toxicology report? What don't they want the publice to know yet? I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop. Maybe something more shocking has yet to be revealed. I don't know what to think.

That is how I feel, I don't know what to feel or think about this.
It's just when I think about this all it isn't coming through my head as if like that I don't understand it or can't believe it. I feel confused :(
I still can't believe everything I'm reading is about Michael.....sometimes I forget the cruel reality and still get he impression he's somewhere in the world, having fun...

I wish I could erase June 25th 2009 from history....
I still do not believe it.
Didn't the police find other appetite suppressants in Dr. Murray's bag or office during one of the raids? Phen-Phen or something like that?
How does it feel when your alone and your cold inside.....like i feel now

wer'e talking danger (for murray)
That is how I feel, I don't know what to feel or think about this.
It's just when I think about this all it isn't coming through my head as if like that I don't understand it or can't believe it. I feel confused :(

I think it may compromise the investigation, i.e. Murray could come up with an explanation to cover his tracks if he knew the full details of the findings.
Ephedrine is an adrenaline.. a heart stimulant.. so would have been to try and restart mjs heart i think.

Using it in any other way ie. misuse on a regular basis could be dangerous.
I think Michaels spirit is still around because he wants us to know the truth... he wants to see Murray behind bars I believe this.

TRUST ME, Michael's spirit is everywhere.

He's like Santa Claus, except Michael is REAL.

He wants justice and he wants us to keep loving him in death and we did in life.

Because what he gave us will forever be a part of me, as what we gave him, will be his as well.

We're Takin' Over
We Have The Truth
This Is The Mission
To See It Through

Don't Point Your Finger
Not Dangerous
This Is Our Planet
You're One Of Us

We're Sendin' Out
A Major Love
And This Is Our
Message To You
(Message To You)
The Planets Are Linin' Up
We're Bringin' Brighter Days
They're All In Line
Waitin' For You
Can't You See . . .?
You're Just Another Part Of Me . .