L.A. County Coroner Findings

unless murray was stoned giving MJ meds that night.... this surely can't be an accident.
Uh huh... If Murray wasn't a pill popper himself, I wouldn't be surprised if he was high on something that night or that he himself has a drug problem.

I don't for one minute think Mike had a current long term addition of ativan or valium or those specific meds. All this $hit in his system was a direct result of Murray.
is there anything more to come today about this? Causre the girl is just repeating what's written on the paperand everytime she reads it the knife is turning in my stomach... so, we don't know if there's gonna be anything else??
Ephedrine is used to increase blood pressure and heart rate when anesthesia or other causes result in hypotension, bradycardia, and even in cardiac arrest scenarios. If Murray found Michael with a weak or slow pulse, using ephedrine is actually quite appropriate. It's all the other stuff he gave him and then topping it off with Propofol and then "leaving the room" that's the damn problem.

Thanks. Yes, that's my understanding, too. I learned about this drug because I've had to use it, on occasion. (An allergic reaction can cause a drastic drop in blood pressure, is why I'm familiar with the drug.)
Can someone that understands all this explain something too me!

Does this mean Michael was 'clean'? as in NO other drugs in him apart from the ones Murray gave him?
There's not much more we could say about this except that it's very unfortunate. I don't even think there anymore shock, I think I jsut feel so indifferent about this news. SMH... from what I read it's not just one drug???
Ephedrine is an adrenaline so would have been to try and restart mjs heart i think


Adverse effects

Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are more common with systemic administration (e.g. injection or oral administration) compared to topical administration (e.g. nasal instillations). ADRs associated with ephedrine therapy include:[5]

The approved maximum daily dosage of ephedrine for use as a bronchodilator is 150 mg, as specified on the packaging of the bronchodilator and expectorant combination, Bronkaid, made by Bayer pharmaceuticals.[citation needed]
Overdose can lead to death, although the approved dose is not likely to cause severe reactions when used as directed

Course i could be wrong.
well....it doesnt bring him back to us unfornately :,( but a bit justice have to been done...to all who where bad to him!!!! i am so angry, its not to describe...
He should have called an ambulance immediately when he found him and told them exactly what he had given him. But he was trying to save himself and several people has said he was screaming "get Prince". Kai the cook also said so but she said Prince did not go in to the room with him. He staid down stairs with her and Paris and they were forming a circle and praying.

This is what bothers me the most. To think it only took the ambulance about 3 minutes to get to the house once they were called. If he had dialed 911 as soon as he found Michael unresponsive, we may have had a COMPLETELY different outcome.

But he didn't. He let him die.
I still can't believe everything I'm reading is about Michael.....sometimes I forget the cruel reality and still get he impression he's somewhere in the world, having fun...

I agree, I still feel sometimes that he's here it's like I can't accept he's gone I just had an image in my head of Michael happily living somewhere on this earth where they couldn't find him and then I thought who am I kidding and I cried. :(

i dunno how i feel, just numb, just shutting it out. he killed michael.......

That's how I feel too, one minute you feel numb and the other minute it suddenly hits you and then the other minute you feel numb again.
Exactly. Now one wonders, how much was given to Michael over a 6 week period? Because Ephedrine is the only logical explanation of Michael's sudden weight loss and change of mood.

My hunch is the MOMENT Dr. Murray officially came on board is the moment all of these drugs were used on Michael inappropriately. I wonder how many times did Michael's blood pressure tank under all the Propofol? How many times Ephedrine was used to kick start his heart and get his blood pressure back up?

Murray is a murderer...

I wonder, too. And if Michael even knew how much risk he was in, when he was "under." The "report" wasn't much of a report at all.
so if its murder then why is murray not in custody ffs
Because the LAPD is still conducting their part of the investigation. I don't like the other information that CNN reported. The police report states they found another drug in MJs bedroom, but I have a hard time believing that is true. Still trying to slander my man. :(
Uh huh... If Murray wasn't a pill popper himself, I wouldn't be surprised if he was high on something that night or that he himself has a drug problem.

I don't for one minute think Mike had a current long term addition of ativan or valium or those specific meds. All this $hit in his system was a direct result of Murray.

I tend to disagree.

With the amount of propofol and other medications administered every 1.5 hours by Murray?

This was no accident.

Someone wanted Michael dead and Murray was the hit man.
Can someone that understands all this explain something too me!

Does this mean Michael was 'clean'? as in NO other drugs in him apart from the ones Murray gave him?

So far, yes.

No illicit drugs were found or reported in Michael's system.
I've read that Dr. Murray was selected by MJ to be the doctor to go with him to London, but, AEG was paying him. Did AEG not mind paying Dr. Conrad $150,000 a month?? hummm!! I'm questioning Dr. Conrad's possible relationship to AEG at any point in time, or did MJ select him and then AEG or someone or some group contact him to do this terrible thing? I hate seeing it on paper "Acute Propophol Intoxication."
Well now they can cut out all that stupid crap about him being on heroin and whatever else. Also, shame on all the people, including fans, who were making him out to be a junkie before having any official reports or facts to back up their assumptions. Michael was an insomniac and needed serious help. Giving him all these drugs was not the answer.

This case is being treated as a homicide for a reason and I just hope that justice is served.

I agree.
I've read that Dr. Murray was selected by MJ to be the doctor to go with him to London, but, AEG was paying him. Did AEG not mind paying Dr. Conrad $150,000 a month?? hummm!! I'm questioning Dr. Conrad's possible relationship to AEG at any point in time, or did MJ select him and then AEG or someone or some group contact him to do this terrible thing? I hate seeing it on paper "Acute Propophol Intoxication."

But.. Murray has never been paid yet...
The Epinephrine/Epedrine will have been to try and save Michael.

This is about Spinal Anesthesia - but here you go-


[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Summary [/FONT][/FONT]
While many factors can contribute to cardiac arrest during spinal anesthesia, vagal responses to hypovolemia often play a key role. Patients with risk factors for bradycardia or those with other vagal symptoms may be at increased risk for cardiac arrest during spinal anesthesia. This has important implications. Spinal anesthesia may not be the best choice for a patient with vagotonia or for a procedure where rapid blood loss is likely. When a spinal anesthetic is selected, maintaining preload should be a priority and prophylactic preloading with a bolus of IV fluid should not be omitted.

Standard regimens for volume preloading may not be sufficient to maintain adequate preload, so a low threshold for administering additional fluid boluses or using a vasopressor may be appropriate. For patients with bradycardia ('heart slowness'/cardiac arrhythmia) during spinal anesthesia, the stepwise escalation of treatment of bradycardia with atropine (0.4-0.6 mg), ephedrine (25-50 mg) and if necessary epinephrine (0.2-0.3 mg) may be indicated. For cardiac arrest, full resuscitation doses of epinephrine and atropine, additional volume loading and transcutaneous pacing should all be considered. With the popularity of spinal anesthesia and the reported frequency of these arrests, the potential impact of these interventions on further improving the safety of spinal anesthesia could be substantial.
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I'm still of the mind that the Ephedrine was used more that we think. It explains so much in regards to Michael's appearance and behavior leading up to his death.

Ephedrine (EPH) is a sympathomimetic amine commonly used as a stimulant, appetite suppressant, concentration aid, decongestant, and to treat hypotension associated with anaesthesia. Ephedrine is similar in structure to the synthetic derivatives amphetamine and methamphetamine. Chemically, it is an alkaloid derived from various plants in the genus Ephedra (family Ephedraceae). It is most usually marketed in the hydrochloride and sulfate forms.

Adverse effects

Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are more common with systemic administration (e.g. injection or oral administration) compared to topical administration (e.g. nasal instillations). ADRs associated with ephedrine therapy include:[5]

* Cardiovascular: tachycardia, cardiac arrhythmias, angina pectoris, vasoconstriction with hypertension
* Dermatological: flushing, sweating, acne vulgaris
* Gastrointestinal: anorexia, nausea
* Genitourinary: diuresis (increased urination) due to increased blood flow (difficulty urinating is not uncommon, as alpha-agonists such as ephedrine constrict the internal urethral sphincter, mimicking the effects of sympathetic nervous system stimulation)
* Nervous system: restlessness, confusion, insomnia, mild euphoria, mania/hallucinations (rare except in previously existing psychiatric conditions), delusions, formication (may be possible, but lacks documented evidence) paranoia, hostility, panic, agitation
* Respiratory: dyspnea, pulmonary edema
* Miscellaneous: dizziness, headache, tremor, hyperglycemic reactions


What is Hypotension?

In physiology and medicine, hypotension refers to an abnormally low blood pressure. This is best understood as a physiologic state, rather than a disease. It is often associated with shock, though not necessarily indicative of it. Hypotension is the opposite of hypertension, which is high blood pressure. Hypotension can be life-threatening.


Excessive vasodilation, or insufficient constriction of the resistance blood vessels (mostly arterioles), causes hypotension. This can be due to decreased sympathetic nervous system output or to increased parasympathetic activity occurring as a consequence of injury to the brain or spinal cord or of dysautonomia, an intrinsic abnormality in autonomic system functioning. Excessive vasodilation can also result from sepsis, acidosis, or medications, such as nitrate preparations, calcium channel blockers, angiotensin II receptor inhibitors or ACE inhibitors. Many anesthetic agents and techniques, including spinal anesthesia and most inhalational agents, produce significant vasodilation.


Murray was giving Michael Ephedrine in order to combat his low heart rate/ low blood pressure after giving him propofol. How many time have this happened? How many close calls? This is maddening and sickening.