L.A. County Coroner Findings

that's my point exactly , the body SPOKE with the coroner , regardless of what murray said . murray could have said I did not inject him with anything and the coroner would still say it was a homicide BASED ON THE BODY , not what murray is claiming .

murray could very well change everything he admitted to , the coroner can''t come to court and say well , i said it was homicide becuase the suspect at the time said he injected him with these drugs , and since now he is changing his story maybe the victim overdose himself after all .

Yes & triple YES!

The body does speak - even with the claim of multiple injection marks - the coroner can determine whether there was consistent syringe use throughout a period of time or made hours before deat - or made AFTER death.

Please note: the death certificate said "injection by another" and not "acute propofol intoxication."

So if Murray claims that Michael did overdose himself, that claim is weak against the death certificate's "Injection by another" - and I am more than sure that the marks found were made post-death to make it look like Michael did it to himself.

There is no way Michael could've woken up to demand more with the AMOUNT of medication and the TYPES that were mixed. The amounts used make his homicide more deliberate than accidental.
I wonder if they did segmental hair sampling, Michael had long hair, they could see what he was taking for months before his death, my guess is that he started taking meds. when he started going to Klein, and it increased when that crook Murrey entered the picture.

In a case like this, yes. Toxicology testing includes hair sampling.
I'm saying for those who say that the coroner did not consider it an overdose because mj could not overdose himself using propofol THAT WAS NOT THE REASON . becuase there are previous cases of overdoses using propofol .

as for marks of needls on mj's body , you forget one thing mj was hooked to an IV , while they would determine it was not mj who set up the IV who said it was not mj who injected more drugs in the iv druing the period murray left .

I'm telling you the coroner was faced with these same questions YET he ruled it as HOMICIDE, why?

Because they are privy to other information and tests that you and I are not. They have more to go off of than guessing. They have toxicology reports and physical evidence in and on Jackson's body, in addition to whatever statements were given. They will also be able to look at the condition of the chemicals in the body and see approximately how long they were in the body before and after death, and come to a timeline and thus conclusions based on that info. It's a big puzzle and they have way more pieces to piece it together than you or I.

You won't know 100% exactly how they came to the conclusion of homicide until they release that information, if ever.
Because they are privy to other information and tests that you and I are not. They have more to go off of than guessing. They have toxicology reports and physical evidence in and on Jackson's body, in addition to whatever statements were given. They will also be able to look at the condition of the chemicals in the body and see approximately how long they were in the body before and after death, and come to a timeline and thus conclusions based on that info. It's a big puzzle and they have way more pieces to piece it together than you or I.

You won't know 100% exactly how they came to the conclusion of homicide until they release that information, if ever.

because for those who say mj would not have been able to overdose himself using propofol past cases tell you you are wrong he could have overdosed himself , but there was something that made the coroner throw the overdose thing out of the window . what happened that night is more horrifying than many of us believe .
cause of the amount of benzos in him already. he would have been in no fit state to do it himself
your theory also proves murray was lying cus mj could have been asleep . so yes everything showes murray is in deep shit.not based on what he said but what the coroner found .


Lorazepam, midazolam and diazepam were also found in the body of Michael Jackson at the Coroner's office. Lorazepam and diazepam is used to treat anxiety among other disorders while Midazolam is anesthesia used for short-term surgeries such

as dental extractions. Midazolam IV is used for the surgeries while the oral form is used to help patients get to sleep.

If you are interested in researching any other the medications mentioned within this article, please see the resource section below.










I want to know why epinephrine (adrenaline, eg found in Epipens and used in cardio-pulmonary resus.) was not found or stated by the Coroner, but ephedrine was.

This has already been mentioned earlier in this thread by a number of us, but just asking again to see if anyone else has any ideas?

Lidocaine was stated as well, this could have been used to reduce the 'burn' of propofol IV or maybe in resus.

I mean surely adrenaline should have been found AS WELL even if Murray did use ephedrine in a resus. attempt.

I think the lack of adrenaline in the report is just as important as the presence of ephedrine as needs to be looked in to.

The more time that passes the more and more stupid things that Murray did or didn't do are becoming apparent. This is so heartbreaking. Why oh why was he ever Michael's 'Doctor'?
I want to know why epinephrine (adrenaline, eg found in Epipens and used in cardio-pulmonary resus.) was not found or stated by the Coroner, but ephedrine was.

This has already been mentioned earlier in this thread by a number of us, but just asking again to see if anyone else has any ideas?

Lidocaine was stated as well, this could have been used to reduce the 'burn' of propofol IV or maybe in resus.

I mean surely adrenaline should have been found AS WELL even if Murray did use ephedrine in a resus. attempt.

I think the lack of adrenaline in the report is just as important as the presence of ephedrine as needs to be looked in to.
I've been wondering that too. Murray said he gave Michael Flumenazil as a counteractive agent, but that 's not listed on the coroner's report, ephedrine is. It's unknown what the paramedics may have given him, but they were working under his direction. Ephedrine is a stimulant and decongestant, and might be used to treat low blood pressure from anaesthesia, but I wonder if it wasn't there before everything else? Could its stimulant properties rather than drug tolerance be responsible for Michael's inability to sleep that particular night? Murray claimed that he got Michael to sleep three days earlier using only a couple of the sedatives, and as others have pointed out, one doesn't build up a tolerance in three days. Michael complained of laryngitis during the last rehearsal, could someone have given him ephedrine in cold medicine, maybe more than was wise?
ok well the reason they took the brain is b/c it'll show how much mj did his whole life. how long he's done it. if he's ever overdosed or been close. so hair can only show u the last six months of what was going on. the brain shows the whole life


Lorazepam, midazolam and diazepam were also found in the body of Michael Jackson at the Coroner's office. Lorazepam and diazepam is used to treat anxiety among other disorders while Midazolam is anesthesia used for short-term surgeries such

as dental extractions. Midazolam IV is used for the surgeries while the oral form is used to help patients get to sleep.

If you are interested in researching any other the medications mentioned within this article, please see the resource section below.











I am saving it on my compruter.
I want to know why epinephrine (adrenaline, eg found in Epipens and used in cardio-pulmonary resus.) was not found or stated by the Coroner, but ephedrine was.

This has already been mentioned earlier in this thread by a number of us, but just asking again to see if anyone else has any ideas?

Lidocaine was stated as well, this could have been used to reduce the 'burn' of propofol IV or maybe in resus.

I mean surely adrenaline should have been found AS WELL even if Murray did use ephedrine in a resus. attempt.

I think the lack of adrenaline in the report is just as important as the presence of ephedrine as needs to be looked in to.

The more time that passes the more and more stupid things that Murray did or didn't do are becoming apparent. This is so heartbreaking. Why oh why was he ever Michael's 'Doctor'?

Adrenaline is a Hormone, naturally produce by the body. It's also generally use to treat Cardiac arrest. I read that adrenaline was use by the paramedics.
but they are posted in front of his house. i just read a new update, nothing much just that they're closingin on murray and that the arrest will be soon but damn, i can't remember where i heard it.
So basically the combination of the two was fatal? :(
goddamn......i sure do hope Murray gets what he deserves, come on now.
He cannot walk free, that would be insane. Of course Michael should have never
gotten that propofol in the first place.

Is there anything known about for how long he was getting Propofol? Or did it start as soon as he
met with Murray and he became his 'doctor' ?