L.A. County Coroner Findings

they are acting like "going to sleep" is something people get once in a month or a year . I mean we sleep DAILY , not RARELY . What I understand from this doctor that MJ wanted to get some sleep someday in 1994 and he headed to a hospital ... i mean this is really REALLY insulting to human intelligence . It is like when Murray told police MJ asked Dr. Abrams to administer propofol to him out of the blue and murray went with mj and the doctor administer it to him . sleeping once in a YEAR or even a WEEK was not a solution , well, not that i believe these stories at all.
so if mj wanted to get some sleep he would have done exactly like he did when he hired the doctors during the history tour and before his death hired a doctor who stays with him and administer it to him DAILY , not once a year .
what I want to understand , why would he go to a hospital to sleep , I mean it is not like people sleep only eight hours every month . I could understand and believe he hired someone to administer these drugs to him DAILY , but to go to a hospital to get sleep is very very hard to believe .

well if it was the only way of him gettign the stuff. its the first and quickest option if u dont have the stuff yourself
elusive , it is not like he needed sleep once in a month , they are acting like he would come get hooked a couple of hourse and move on ,
wow better late than never, right? it looks like they're just trying to find a damn excuse/defense for murray.

he'll be charged, if not murder, than for other things. but it's still lame. (IF)he had these problems and no one helped.
they will have to try harder cause its not defence. we kow about ratner and the history tour so this is nothing new in that sense
yes but then they'll say mj is an addict. that's what the lawyers on jvm said last night. that he maynot even be charged w/ manslaughter b/c mj was so addicted that he could've done it himself. no way to single out murray.

it shocked me. im assuming these folks have common sense.

if i give a gun to someone i know is suicidal, and they shoot themselves am i responsible? NO BUT if i give them bullets and prod them and prompt them to do it, then yes

so mj may have been an addict and may have needed help sleeping but giving him teh stuff to do it and then doing it to him myself makes the blood on MY HANDS
exactly so what id on't get is y they're defending him now.

and the ammount he said, they said either he misspoke or the police misunderstood him. cuz that amount would cause him to wake up very quickly. sooner than ten minutes so that shoots the doc's claims of sitting w/him for ten minutes after he gave it to him.
elusive , Murray admitted he gave it through IV only , they found an empty bottle of lorazeoam and another empty bottle of midazolepan , they were both PILL BOTTLES . you bet murray is gonna say mj took them himself and that's why i was asking why he admitted he gave him these drugs through IV , the lawyer is asking for the AMOUNTS to be made public , murray knows exactly what he did that night
yes but then they'll say mj is an addict. that's what the lawyers on jvm said last night. that he maynot even be charged w/ manslaughter b/c mj was so addicted that he could've done it himself. no way to single out murray.

it shocked me. im assuming these folks have common sense.
It doesn't sound like they do. Never mind the moral responsibility, if both Lorazepam and Propofol are implicated in the death, and both suppress respiration, then they have to explain how Michael could even take physical action to overdose himself with both. That is, if he could even operate the propofol IV.
But at the end of the day if the defence they will be painting that MJ was addicted. It doesnt change the fact that Murray administered Propofol at home.
Murray's attorney is going to say that it was a combination of drugs that killed mj not only propofol like the coroner already said , Murray's attorney is going to say that while it is true that murray administered all these drugs to mj , mj wanted to sleep badly that he took all the pills of midazolepan, and lorazepan himself .remember we have now two empty bottles of lorazepam and midazolepan . why do you think murray said he only administered all the meds through an IV .the attorney is going to say the pills are mj's responsibility , the iv was my client responsibilty .
Murray's attorney wants the AMOUNTS of drugs to be made public , why ?

Murray knows that he gave benzos pills to mj before he administered propofol to him since these were the usual procedures when you administer propofol , but when he found him dying he injected him with lethal amount of lorazepam which contributed to his death along with propofol , he knew propofol would disappear , he gave mj already lorazepam and other benzos meds before but they were not enough to be called the cause of death so he injected him with more , he knew when the coroner would discover the pills , they would think mj overdosed himself . but when he contacted his lawyer and did some reseacrh he discovered that they would possibly be able to determine that lorazepam was injected in his body at somepoint , that's why he admited to injecting him with the drugs , but he knew the amounts in mj's body are VERY HIGH , that's why they are demanding now for the amounts to be made public . he will say mj was frustrated because he could not sleep , he took two bottles of benzos and died .

but obviously the cause of death is the ACUTE PROPOFOL INTOXICATION + Lorazepam .
A district attorney can rip this defense up into shreds.

1) Dr. Murray's account contradicts the autopsy results.

2) Dr. Murray has a previous history of malpractice (2007 death of patient on operating table)

3) Prosecution can even imply that Murray was on marijuana based on circumstantial evidence of marijuana, which was NOT in MJ's system at all according to autopsy results.

4) Lividity found on MJ - meaning he was dead hours before 911 was called.

5) No consistency in notifying 911; Murray claimed there was no phone service yet he made 3 phone calls and not one of them was to 911.

And so forth...

Murray's attorney is going to say that it was a combination of drugs that killed mj not only propofol like the coroner already said , Murray's attorney is going to say that while it is true that murray administered all these drugs to mj , mj wanted to sleep badly that he took all the pills of midazolepan, and lorazepan himself .remember we have now two empty bottles of lorazepam and midazolepan . why do you think murray said he only administered all the meds through an IV .the attorney is going to say the pills are mj's responsibility , the iv was my client responsibilty .
Murray's attorney wants the AMOUNTS of drugs to be made public , why ?

Murray knows that he gave benzos pills to mj before he administered propofol to him since these were the usual procedures when you administer propofol , but when he found him dying he injected him with lethal amount of lorazepam which contributed to his death along with propofol , he knew propofol would disappear , he gave mj already lorazepam and other benzos meds before but they were not enough to be called the cause of death so he injected him with more , he knew when the coroner would discover the pills , they would think mj overdosed himself . but when he contacted his lawyer and did some reseacrh he discovered that they would possibly be able to determine that lorazepam was injected in his body at somepoint , that's why he admited to injecting him with the drugs , but he knew the amounts in mj's body are VERY HIGH , that's why they are demanding now for the amounts to be made public . he will say mj was frustrated because he could not sleep , he took two bottles of benzos and died .

but obviously the cause of death is the ACUTE PROPOFOL INTOXICATION + Lorazepam .
Another thought which is quite possible:

The only thing that is going to save Murray from getting a Murder in the 2nd degree conviction to a Manslaughter charge is if the DA is willing to enter a plea bargain.

We all know Murray did not act alone and he either was a hit man or hired to keep Michael from doing the This Is It shows.

I think this is why the prosecution is taking so long in issuing indictments.
Don't believe the media propaganda.
All the medications found in Michael Jackson's body at the
time of his death had been prescribed and administered by Dr. Conrad Murray, supposedly, to treat insomnia. Propofol is not indicated
for treating insomnia. Therefore, L.A. Coroner: who determinded that Michael Jackson was murdered.
Click on the videos below and watch doctors and a lawyer
explain what I have said more clearly:

As seen on CNN, Dr. Sanjay Gupta and Dr. Raphael Gershon explain the deadly effects of Diprivan when administered at home without any (or inadequate) medical supervision:

Click On:

The Michael Jackson Case: Do Doctors Get Away With Murder?
Click On:
elusive , Murray admitted he gave it through IV only , they found an empty bottle of lorazeoam and another empty bottle of midazolepan , they were both PILL BOTTLES . you bet murray is gonna say mj took them himself and that's why i was asking why he admitted he gave him these drugs through IV , the lawyer is asking for the AMOUNTS to be made public , murray knows exactly what he did that night

Why would the coroner state COD 'Homicide' opposed to 'Accidental Overdose' though? I reckon somethin went wrong with the propofol IV and MJ ended up gettin way more than 25mg, or how else would the coroner have been able to state that 'Acute Propofol Toxicity' caused his death? If he only gave 25mg of propofol I doubt the coroner could have deduced 'Acute Propofol Toxicity' and 'Homicide'.
Why would the coroner state COD 'Homicide' opposed to 'Accidental Overdose' though? I reckon somethin went wrong with the propofol IV and MJ ended up gettin way more than 25mg, or how else would the coroner have been able to state that 'Acute Propofol Toxicity' caused his death? If he only gave 25mg of propofol I doubt the coroner could have deduced 'Acute Propofol Toxicity' and 'Homicide'.

It's the amount of propofol & other meds that were in MJs body - even Dr. Drew Pinksy (addiction specialist) said that even if Michael had high tolerance levels, the amounts reported would knock down an elephant.

So yeah, it's HOMICIDE.
It's the amount of propofol & other meds that were in MJs body - even Dr. Drew Pinksy (addiction specialist) said that even if Michael had high tolerance levels, the amounts reported would knock down an elephant.

So yeah, it's HOMICIDE.

That's what I mean. COD was due to toxic levels of Propofol, and Benzodiazepine effect. I don't think Murray can squirm his way out of this one blamin MJ if he took additional pills. I don't believe those benzo pill bottles are relevant here, it's the amount of propofol MJ was given. Those bottles were probably planted anyway.
I think it would be cowardly if the DA doesn't go for 2nd degree murder. Giving those drugs, and Propofol without the means to deal with a known complication, then no getting help, or doing proper CPR after Michael was in trouble is beyond wreckless.

Murrey knows what he did put Michael's life at serious risk and I think a jury would agree.
Benzos are quite relevant if they were found in high quantities. Benzos also depress the respiratory system, with more side effects than propofol.
the thing is, he can claim till he'sblue in teh face that he didn't know that mj had an 'addiction' problem.

problem is, a dude who can't sleep and then suggest a med y ou've never heard of and then rattles off more meds shows he has extensive knowledge. so he can't say boooo

and right, a toxic level. if this dude left for two minutes, no way mj would've had that much in his system to killhim at that point. theminute that med is admin. u are knocked out. ten minutes he sat w/ mj and the 25Ml he's saying he gave would've caused mike to wake up before his little 'sit and observe' ascertation

he's a jerk and the weed was old but they need to do a tox on him to see what he's on
That's what I mean. COD was due to toxic levels of Propofol, and Benzodiazepine effect. I don't think Murray can squirm his way out of this one blamin MJ if he took additional pills. I don't believe those benzo pill bottles are relevant here, it's the amount of propofol MJ was given. Those bottles were probably planted anyway.


How was Michael supposedly to demand anything when professionals say he would've never woken up!!!???

Also - the autopsy report contradicts everything that Dr. Murray reported. Dr. Murray had a patient die in 2007 due to his gross negligence on an operating table. Calling 911 was not a priority to Dr. Murray since he waited hours PLUS make 3 phone calls before calling paramedics.
Jackson's Death Certificate: 'Injection by Another'

Posted Sep 1st 2009 7:00PM by TMZ Staff

Michael Jackson's death certificate has been amended now that the L.A. County Coroner believe his death was the result of a homicide -- so the document now reads "injection by another" as Michael's fatal injury.

The Coroner announced Michael's cause of death last week as "acute Propofol intoxication." The Coroner's report also said the presence of a number of anxiety and insomnia medications in Michael's system contributed to his death -- which is called a "benzodiazepine effect."

A police affidavit shows Dr. Conrad Murray told cops he injected Michael with Propofol right before he died.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0Ptw8ocAi
Jackson's Death Certificate: 'Injection by Another'

Posted Sep 1st 2009 7:00PM by TMZ Staff

Michael Jackson's death certificate has been amended now that the L.A. County Coroner believe his death was the result of a homicide -- so the document now reads "injection by another" as Michael's fatal injury.

The Coroner announced Michael's cause of death last week as "acute Propofol intoxication." The Coroner's report also said the presence of a number of anxiety and insomnia medications in Michael's system contributed to his death -- which is called a "benzodiazepine effect."

A police affidavit shows Dr. Conrad Murray told cops he injected Michael with Propofol right before he died.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0Ptw8ocAi

Time to fry that ignorant SOB he is a murderer!
AP has a picture of it, but it's too small to read. I figure someone else out there (TMZ?) will get one that's legible sometime soon... Photo of death certificate (f*ck... did I really just write those words?? :cry:) :

I hope this bastard fry's!!!! Him and all the rest of them that had a hand in killing Michael. They know who they are and..... it is only a matter of time before EVERYONE knows who they are. The right people have to know who is responsible for what happened to Michael and I hope they would just have enough courage to come forward and tell the truth
There are a few things blacked out still, but the info about propofol and injection is all there on the second page.
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Amended the death certificate? What was written before?