L.A. County Coroner Findings

I do believe he was clean , but elusive asked whether we think he could be addcited to benzodiazepine before he started using propofol , i said if he indeed was taking benzo meds (from the drugs listed which found beside his bed only one belonged to that brand of meds was prescribed to mj by a doctor different than murray) if he indeed was taking benzo meds and left them as soon as he found someone to administer propofol to him then he was not addcited to them .

gotcha. I guess then he did take them before. and if he did it for any length of time, it was possible for him to have been addicted.
The affidavit also says surveillance cameras at Jackson's home captured Dr. Conrad Murray arriving at 1:00 AM the day Jackson died.As for what else was found during the search -- an empty bottle of Lorazepam, an empty bottle of Diazepam, a baggy with the medical label with the name Dr. Conrad Murray, 2 cigarette packs, 1 cigarette paper, 4 pill bottles and 1 shaving case.

no wonder cheroff is asking for the AMOUNTS to made public.

The search warrant records, unsealed at the request of several media organizations, show that police seized 12 bottles of the sedative temazepam, several other prescription drugs and empty medication vials from Jackson's house the day after his June 25 death.
temazepam is also a benzodiazepine and was prescribed by murray according to the search warrant issued to raid his office in Houston.

but this is the only search warrant the media keep refering to where heroin was mentioned in , yet all of them failed to post the actual document , you can notice the different numbers of drugs between each article, the different names ...etc.
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QUOTE=Oceangirl;2164113]that's exactly what i've been trying to say . again does anyone know where to find the list of empty bottles found near mjs bed , i know the list of the drugs but i want the list of the EMPTY bottles.[/QUOTE]

Hmmm, that's hard to say - the search warrant affidavidit says 12 pill bottles were found but only one name: it said 12 Temazopam (benzo) 30 mg pills.

Here's the search warrant (from radar online):

If Michael took any of these benzo drugs for a long period of time his body would of became addicted to them...I am in NO WAY saying that Michael wanted to be addicted to them what I am saying is that your body gets dependent on these meds and must be weened of of them...one can not simply stop taking them ....you would go through to many side effects...mentally.

Very very true. Weaning for anti-depressants/anti-anxiety pills can take 6 months to a full year.
I don't understand how Murray was going to wean mj off propofol by giving him lorazepam, midazolepan, valuim and temazepam.
my mom takes lorazepam only and i swear she is driving me crazy . all of the drugs above are prescribed and given by no one but murray, they are very very addictive drugs each of of them let alone all of them . that doctor is a criminal beyond imagination .
I don't understand how Murray was going to wean mj off propofol by giving him lorazepam, midazolepan, valuim and temazepam.
my mom takes lorazepam only and i swear she is driving me crazy . all of the drugs above are prescribed and given by no one but murray, they are very very addictive drugs each of of them let alone all of them . that doctor is a criminal beyond imagination .

I agree with you Murray is so guilty it is pathetic...those ben meds are for anxiety even if Michael took them to shut his brain off for a while so he could sleep...propofol is for a completely different purpose as we know.
Very very true. Weaning for anti-depressants/anti-anxiety pills can take 6 months to a full year.

Oh yes and i have first hand experience...after my sister died tragically 3 years ago I was put on a med like this...and it changed my personality while I was taking it so I decided to go off of it.....the weaning process is pure hell....moody, depression, by moody I mean crying alot and yelling..these meds are suppose to make more dopamine for your brain the medical profession referes to it as the " the chemical that your brain makes automatically to produce happiness. when someone is depressed or has gone through a traumatic experience or is stressed beyond belief then the doc will usually prescribe one of these meds. Of course all of these meds....each one can have an adverse effect on the patient. meaning the patient can become more depressed and even suicidal ...I find it hard to believe that Murray new what he was doing prescribing all of these meds to Michael...just for this fact alone....all these meds together I am sure had SOME KIND of affect on Michael...then he added the diprovan....the whole thing smells so bad to me...He was trying to kill Michael from the very beginning this is so obvious.
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oh my God I read the documents and the Lorazepam, and Midazolepan were PILL bottles and they were both empty . Murray said he injected him with midazolepan and lorazepan by an IV , and i was asking why would you hook someone to an IV if you were planning on giving him a drug that could be found as pills . they were recovered from his bathroom along with things that belonged to Murray.
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oh my God I read the documents and the Lorazepam, and Midazolepan were PILL bottles and they were both empty . Murray said he injected him with midazolepan and lorazepan by an IV , and i was asking why would you hook someone to an IV if you were planning on giving him a drug that could be found as pills . they were recovered from his bathroom along with things that belonged to Murray.

well ....obviously Murray intended to give Michael all this stuff and is lying about the time table in which it was all administered. He didnt seem to care if gave him pills or iv...as long as Michael didnt wake up...and I mean permanently....IMHO
well, he could not have given him all the pills , unless mj took them himself . or that what murray wants us to believe .

I believe the coroner would be able to determine whether the drugs entered the body orally or through an IV ,right?

and again how come he prescribed 12 bottles of temazepam to mj (according to the seacrh warrant he was the doctor who prescribed this drug) when he could not prescribe any drugs in california ? and all the bottles were in mj's name , no aliases how come ?
benzodiazepins are used as prenarcotics,so i think that these drugs were administered by murray before giving him the propofol.In major surgery they do the same thing, they give diazepam or other benzos one hour before the anesthetics.Then the propofol is what the doctor gave also to him, and u saw in the news that u dont need to count till 10 and ur waay asleep, so michael could not give himself a bigger shot.
and the effedrine(adernalin) is used to pump the low heartbeat, so this was administered after the cardiac arrest.if only these drugs were found in his body then clearly the doctor is to be balmed, he killed Michael.
its like a bad dream, i just cannot accept the fact that a doctor, also a cardiologist would make such a great mistake
QUOTE=Oceangirl;2164113]that's exactly what i've been trying to say . again does anyone know where to find the list of empty bottles found near mjs bed , i know the list of the drugs but i want the list of the EMPTY bottles.

Hmmm, that's hard to say - the search warrant affidavidit says 12 pill bottles were found but only one name: it said 12 Temazopam (benzo) 30 mg pills.

Here's the search warrant (from radar online):


is that the first one or the second one? I'm getting a bit confused here.
But Murray's mistake (and this will get him a 2nd degree murder charge) is the AMOUNT he administered, on top of the crazy combination of meds he gave MJ.

benzodiazepins are used as prenarcotics,so i think that these drugs were administered by murray before giving him the propofol.In major surgery they do the same thing, they give diazepam or other benzos one hour before the anesthetics.Then the propofol is what the doctor gave also to him, and u saw in the news that u dont need to count till 10 and ur waay asleep, so michael could not give himself a bigger shot.
and the effedrine(adernalin) is used to pump the low heartbeat, so this was administered after the cardiac arrest.if only these drugs were found in his body then clearly the doctor is to be balmed, he killed Michael.
its like a bad dream, i just cannot accept the fact that a doctor, also a cardiologist would make such a great mistake
Hmmm, that's hard to say - the search warrant affidavidit says 12 pill bottles were found but only one name: it said 12 Temazopam (benzo) 30 mg pills.

Here's the search warrant (from radar online):


is that the first one or the second one? I'm getting a bit confused here.[/QUOTE]

That one was the 2nd one after a Jackson family member told them to go back & check for the "tar heroine." Only Latoya & Janet were there before the cops came back for the second visit.
it wasn't even 10 secs. it was more like 5. one... two... three... four... five... right around then, the guy's eyes closed and he (the patient in the OR Gupta was in) went under. god, that was scary to watch!

there's no way Michael could fuck with the Propofol. now, whether he was able to be awake and functioning after all the benzodiazepines he had had through the night is the question. I strongly doubt it.

that said, Murray's made mistake after mistake, but I still don't see his motive. have we been able to establish motive yet guys?
is that the first one or the second one? I'm getting a bit confused here.

That one was the 2nd one after a Jackson family member told them to go back & check for the "tar heroine." Only Latoya & Janet were there before the cops came back for the second visit.[/QUOTE]

okay thanks.
it wasn't even 10 secs. it was more like 5. one... two... three... four... five... right around then, the guy's (the patient in the OR Gupta was in) was under.

there's no way Michael could fuck with the Propofol. now, whether he was able to be awake and functioning after all the benzodiazepines he had through the night is the question. I strongly doubt it.

Exactly why Murray's account doesn't stick. His testimony versus what the LA Coroner found is contradicting itself.
noemike I'm with you , i do agree he was giving him these benzos before administring propofol , but 12 bottles of temazepam what the hell was he thinking ?

and empty bottle of lprazepam, another empty bottle of diazepam , they were both pill bottles , so he was giving him pills , why on the last day he decided to inject him with these drugs .
there is a new story on MSNBC about mj asking a doctor as far as 1994 for lorazepam .
the first time i've had my tv off completely in a minute they'll repeat again..I've been trying to not pay attention to the tv lately. but..........
They said he asked for Versed drip in 94 so he can sleep in a hospital. I don't believe this story one bit because this stuff only last for two hours. Sounds like a doctor trying to get himself on TV
Scoop: Doctor: Jackson wanted odd drug drip in ’94

msnbc.com News
Courtney Hazlett, msnbc.com - Only on msnbc.com

Mon Aug 31, 2009 9:40 PM EDT

Michael Jackson was requesting midazolam, which often goes by the brand name Versed, in New York City-area hospitals as early as 1994, according to a physician who was asked, but declined, to accommodate Jackson’s request.
According to the coroner’s report released Aug. 29, Jackson’s cause of death was “acute propofol intoxication” along with “benzodiazepine effect.” Midazolam is one of the benzodiazepines found in Jackson’s body, and is typically used in hospital settings for procedural sedation. Like propofol, it is not recommended to be used as a sleep aid.
“Late one night we received a call from one of Michael’s people, saying Michael couldn’t sleep, and he’d like a Versed drip,” said the physician. “They were calling ahead to make sure he could be admitted directly to the hospital, and not go through the emergency room.
“He was told no, he couldn’t just be given a Versed drip to go to sleep — that’s not an accepted medical use for Versed, and even if he was on it, he’d have to be hooked up to a cardiac monitor. He wanted to be left alone in the room after the drip was started.”
Paul Callan, former NYC homicide prosecutor and medical malpractice expert, said, “If these reports are true the doctors and hospitals are very lucky that New York’s 2.5-year medical malpractice statute of limitations and the statute for criminal charges have long ago expired preventing civil lawsuits and criminal charges.”
Callan also said that the hospitals and doctors involved could face sanctions. “They (the doctors and hospitals) are not out of the woods by any stretch... New York State authorities can bring disciplinary charges against the doctors and hospitals involved. Medical licenses can be suspended and severe fines imposed. This conduct is egregious and sanctionable,” said Callan.
what I want to understand , why would he go to a hospital to sleep , I mean it is not like people sleep only eight hours every month . I could understand and believe he hired someone to administer these drugs to him DAILY , but to go to a hospital to get sleep is very very hard to believe .
err I don't believe anything from these people anymore I'm sick of them dragging his name through mud I swear Michael's name attracts all the leeches in world
Paul Callan, former NYC homicide prosecutor and medical malpractice expert, said, “If these reports are true the doctors and hospitals are very lucky that New York’s 2.5-year medical malpractice statute of limitations and the statute for criminal charges have long ago expired preventing civil lawsuits and criminal charges.”
Callan also said that the hospitals and doctors involved could face sanctions. “They (the doctors and hospitals) are not out of the woods by any stretch... New York State authorities can bring disciplinary charges against the doctors and hospitals involved. Medical licenses can be suspended and severe fines imposed. This conduct is egregious and sanctionable,” said Callan
maybe im missing something but the doctors said no so why is he even talking about that.

and i bet lisa could get him to sleep in 94!