L.A. County Coroner Findings

Why was ephedrine in Michaels system?


i dont agree with this (used to treat hypotension associated with anesthesia) here. this is all so crazy.

For the above to be in Michael's system scares me. And if he didn't know it was there scares me even more. Its simple to pass something off as something else when your a doctor.

Ephedrine is used to increase blood pressure and heart rate when anesthesia or other causes result in hypotension, bradycardia, and even in cardiac arrest scenarios. If Murray found Michael with a weak or slow pulse, using ephedrine is actually quite appropriate. It's all the other stuff he gave him and then topping it off with Propofol and then "leaving the room" that's the damn problem.
murray better get life in jail without parole....i dont care he needs to be pinned to blame for this...i now fear for murrays life...some fan is going to shoot him...i can see it coming...and i'll be glad when it happen

god...im just so angry right now !!
No words can effectively describe my thoughts/feelings on the actions that Murray took.
My head is spinning I am shocked, disgusted and heartbroken.
This was a man who was supposed to help and heal not the opposite.
I prayed and I kept telling people who don't really listen to MJ that his system would be found clean besides from what killed him. I had that hunch feeling when he passed and heard a doc was with him. Poor Mike and his Family. Everyone is hurting over this. Why couldn't someone treat MJ for his insomnia? Even if he asked..he was only asking for what worked in the past cause he did not know any better if they told him it was safe and he did not take it every night of his life for the past 20 years..prob just when he really could not sleep. But why could MJ not sleep? I think it's deeper than him just being hyper. When you are worried about things..you also stress out and loose sleep. Murray could have been the Doc to change all that and really help MJ if he wanted to. All it takes is one person to do the right thing.
Does anyone have ANY idea what Murray will be doing right now? Is he aware of what is going on. AND IS HE AWARE OF WHAT DAMAGE HE HAS DONE.
Seriously, judging by that video he did... I don't even think he knew what he has done. Is he mentally disturbed?
This is so sad. I know it would not bring him back but I would have preferd something else. This could have been prevented. Maybe I´m oversensitive but I also fell that then it has been over two months why did they have to release it the day before his birthday?
murray will get shot/jail or he will take suicide. What the outcome is don't care.
The combination of Lorazepam and Propofol

In "ACUTE" dosages is MURDER.

Ladies and Gentlemen, this was no accident.

This was deliberate.

Someone wanted Michael dead and Dr. Murray was the hit man.

And they will all pay for their crimes.

We need to organize and pressure the LAPD to arrest every suspect!
Exactly HB, I want to cuss and fuss right now, i want to cry right now, i want to choke the life out of Murray right now, i want to go to just scream to the top of my lungs right now and ask God to let Murray take Michael's place and let MJ come back and live out the rest of his life here with his kids.. Forget touring or making new music, just let him come back and look at his kids.

The fact that Murray was trying to be something he wasn't is just f'n horrible. he is cardiologist not an anesthesiologist, stick with what ya know. Murray deserves everything he gets and I hope those other doctors Klein included get their comeuppance.:(

i want to scream too and my head feels like its going to explode . i have managed to not cry for a while but now ...... now i can't stop .
i want justice now, see that bastard in his orange jump suit and he can take klien with him
In medicine, an acute disease is a disease with either or both of:

1. a rapid onset, as in acute infection
2. a short course (as opposed to a chronic course).


This adjective is part of the definition of several diseases and is, therefore, incorporated in their name, for instance, severe acute respiratory syndrome, acute leukemia.

The term acute may often be confused by the general public to mean 'severe'. This however, is a different characteristic and something can be acute but not severe.

Chronic is the opposite of acute - meaning a long term condition, for example chronic bronchitis. Chronic may also be confused by the general public to mean severe. Once again, this is a different definition medically and something can be chronic but not severe.
Even though we've pretty much known this for weeks, it just really hurts to see it on paper. The man took away our beloved Michael...
Im just so angry.... I dont think I have tears left in me to cry but I have alot of anger.

Tragedy on top of tragedy you know its killing me.
So many people in agony, this shouldnt have to be

I wanna shout, throw my hands up and shout
Whats this madness all about
All this makes me wanna shout
You know it makes me wanna shout,
Throw my hands up and shout
What?s this madness all about
All this makes me wanna shout, cmon now
Why not release the autopsy/toxicology report? What don't they want the publice to know yet? I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop. Maybe something more shocking has yet to be revealed. I don't know what to think.
People are saying this means MJ was 'clean'

How does what has just been released prove this??

sorry i dont get half of whats going on lol
Would the full report reveal the levels or is that something we'll never know.
Ephedrine is used to increase blood pressure and heart rate when anesthesia or other causes result in hypotension, bradycardia, and even in cardiac arrest scenarios. If Murray found Michael with a weak or slow pulse, using ephedrine is actually quite appropriate. It's all the other stuff he gave him and then topping it off with Propofol and then "leaving the room" that's the damn problem.

it cannot be proven that murray gave him that to try to save him.....it could of been given to Michael by the EMT to try to save him..if in fact it is the epi we are thinking of.
I believe the ephedrine was used t start his cardiac rythym again...

That is likely. See my earlier post about "shock." I'm sure medical professionals on this board could shed more light on it. I'm just going from personal experience of having received that drug to counteract anaphylactic shock (bee sting allergic reaction.)

What we do NOT know is if Murray himself gave Michael that drug, or the EMTs?
Actually, I've been given Ephedrin, several times, in a hospital setting. I also have an "auto-injector" that I can use myself in case of emergencies. That is not illegal. It's called an "epi-pen." I have an allergy to bee-stings, and the Ephedrin counteracts the anaphylactic shock that is associated with that allergy. It is also used to stimulate the heart. It's entirely possible that the drug was used to try to restart Michael's heart. Or to make it appear so.

What would be important to know is, was this a one-time thing, or a regular occurance? It's commonly used in emergency situations of shock. A hair-analysis would probably show if this was habitual, or part of Murray's "efforts" to bring Michael back. The ephedrin is a type of adrenalin.

Yes I have it too, but it's only given for anaphylactic shock and hospital settings. Now as far as weight and appetite suppressants, George Bush illlegalized the sale of it in 2005/2006 under the methamphetamine bill.

It is OBVIOUS that Michael had been on it for at least 6 weeks because it explains his lack of appetite and loss of weight. It wasn't used as a cover up in Michael's death, it was used over a 6 week period. Just look at his unexplained weight loss.
Even though deep down i knew this was the outcome, it is still shocking to hear it confirmed, Those bloody doctors better pay for what they have done to michael, i swear :mat:
I'd say acute propofol toxication, according to the meaning of "acute" in medicine language would mean it was a rapid use of propofol, as in... it wasn't administered properly (i.e, the wrong AMOUNT was used, or it wasn't injected in the correct responsible manner).
This is senseless. I am hurting even more. Michael should be alive. This doctor got his medical degree out of a garage can with a wood rat as his teacher. Michael is dead because of of THIS. Lord, what was Michael doing in the meantime is what I would like to know why this doctor was putting this mess in his system.
This was a man who was supposed to help and heal not the opposite.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. & Gandhi were also here to help and heal, but viciously taken away just like Michael was.

I have never mourned anyone more than I have Michael, not even my own grandmother (may she forgive me).

But we can't get sad now - we need to take action. Letter writing campaigns to the LAPD or District Attorney's office, like bombard them with emails demanding justice.

I dunno - any other ideas? If I lived in California, I'd be protesting in front of the LAPD building.