L.A. County Coroner Findings

Was it epinephrine or ephedrine?

Also to add :

Epinephrine is used as a drug to treat cardiac arrest and other cardiac dysrhythmias resulting in diminished or absent cardiac output; its action is to increase peripheral resistance via α1-adrenoceptor vasoconstriction, so that blood is shunted to the body's core, and the β1-adrenoceptor response which is increased cardiac rate and output (the speed and pronouncement of heart beats). This beneficial action comes with a significant negative consequence—increased cardiac irritability—which may lead to additional complications immediately following an otherwise successful resuscitation. Alternatives to this treatment include vasopressin, a powerful antidiuretic which also increases peripheral vascular resistance leading to blood shunting via vasoconstriction, but without the attendant increase in myocardial irritability.[7]


The Epinephrine/Epedrine will have been to try and save Michael.

This is about Spinal Anesthesia - but here you go-


[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Summary [/FONT][/FONT]
While many factors can contribute to cardiac arrest during spinal anesthesia, vagal responses to hypovolemia often play a key role. Patients with risk factors for bradycardia or those with other vagal symptoms may be at increased risk for cardiac arrest during spinal anesthesia. This has important implications. Spinal anesthesia may not be the best choice for a patient with vagotonia or for a procedure where rapid blood loss is likely. When a spinal anesthetic is selected, maintaining preload should be a priority and prophylactic preloading with a bolus of IV fluid should not be omitted.

Standard regimens for volume preloading may not be sufficient to maintain adequate preload, so a low threshold for administering additional fluid boluses or using a vasopressor may be appropriate. For patients with bradycardia ('heart slowness'/cardiac arrhythmia) during spinal anesthesia, the stepwise escalation of treatment of bradycardia with atropine (0.4-0.6 mg), ephedrine (25-50 mg) and if necessary epinephrine (0.2-0.3 mg) may be indicated. For cardiac arrest, full resuscitation doses of epinephrine and atropine, additional volume loading and transcutaneous pacing should all be considered. With the popularity of spinal anesthesia and the reported frequency of these arrests, the potential impact of these interventions on further improving the safety of spinal anesthesia could be substantial.
homocide means that someone else caused the death but does not mean intensionally.
I just cannot believe that the media still insists on try to make Michael seem like an addict.....I mean you would think the headline would be "Michael Jackson death ruled a HOMICIDE" but noooooooo its "DOPE found in Jackson home" We F--- them because it was not found in his system. Why am i suprised?
I just cannot believe that the media still insists on try to make Michael seem like an addict.....I mean you would think the headline would be "Michael Jackson death ruled a HOMICIDE" but noooooooo its "DOPE found in Jackson home" We F--- them because it was not found in his system. Why am i suprised?

my thoughts exactly
This hurts

The manner of death is ruled: "HOMICIDE."

not anything we didn't already know.

Just 'cause some people are going batshit already:

homicide does not necessarily mean premeditated murder. Criminally negligent manslaughter falls under the category of homicide.
I just cannot believe that the media still insists on try to make Michael seem like an addict.....I mean you would think the headline would be "Michael Jackson death ruled a HOMICIDE" but noooooooo its "DOPE found in Jackson home" We F--- them because it was not found in his system. Why am i suprised?

Even if weed was found in the home it doesn't mean it wasn't an employees or Murray's for that matter.
That is where my head is at because it explains so many things that were unanswered like why was Michael losing weight? Why was Michael so hyped during practices when he was obviously dropping weight like crazy??!! Why did Michael lose his appetite to eat and was down to maybe 1 meal a day? Many fans said during the week of fathers day his mood changed completely. Why?

Ephedrine causes all of the above. My question is how many times did Michael almost die under Murray's care before the inevitable happened on June 25th? How much of this crap along with all the other drugs did he really give Michael? Michael was literally drugged to death over a 6 week period... How could Murray do this?
Oh...my...god. :cry: I hope we get to hear the complete truth and that there will be justice...:cry:
Manslaughter is killing without incentive.
Murder is the opposite. IE killing someone for a cause.

I believe thats correct.
In my opinion, so that he WOULD die, so AEG could collect on the insurance, so they could market the film, and take memorbilia on tour, and utilize many other money-making opportunities. Also in my opinion, Murray was just the tip of the iceberg. We know Michael was murdered. We know who gave him the propofol. We do NOT know the other circumstances.

Yep. You got it. AEG probably knew MJ wouldn't be able to do all 50 shows, nor want to - so why not kill him and get more money??
Sky news are saying that the LAPD have now referred the case to the District Attorney to decide on criminal charges.

Can we please have an arrest now! What more do they need for feks sake

That is good news. It means that the LAPD feels that their case is solid enough to be presented to the D.A. Now it is up to the D.A. to charge Murray, hopefully with Murder in the 2nd degree - and in California you do not have to have motive to be charged with Murder in the 2nd degree. You just have to prove implied or expressed malice and consciousness of guilt.
one thing is: i dont understand it why murray would have wanted michael dead? can someone explain? i think - actually if it was about money, then he would have made him an addict or somewhat but dead he doesnt gain something from it? i dont understand that at all....
I tend to disagree.

With the amount of propofol and other medications administered every 1.5 hours by Murray?

This was no accident.

Someone wanted Michael dead and Murray was the hit man.

Yep he is a paid assassain. There is no doubt in my mind about that.


Dr. Murderer pray, pray very hard.
Wonder how long it will take for them to make a decision?
And can they be trusted? Is the LAPD and DA different than Santa Barbara? I am just asking because I want to know and I feel I don´t know enough to have an opinion. I have heard some people say that they don´t trust them. Sneddon should have been prosecuted for wrongful prosecution imo. (I admit that at the time I was thinking it would neeeeever be like that in my country but after that I did some reachers and I tell you now I have a different opinion. I was naive).
That is where my head is at because it explains so many things that were unanswered like why was Michael losing weight? Why was Michael so hyped during practices when he was obviously dropping weight like crazy??!! Why did Michael lose his appetite to eat and was down to maybe 1 meal a day? Many fans said during the week of fathers day his mood changed completely. Why?

Ephedrine causes all of the above. My question is how many times did Michael almost die under Murray's care before the inevitable happened on June 25th? How much of this crap along with all the other drugs did he really give Michael? Michael was literally drugged to death over a 6 week period... How could Murray do this?

How could Murray do this? He was about to go broke. He was on the brink of losing his house. Maybe even blackmail, because of his girlfriend and "other" child? Did his wife know about that? Dunno. Lots of reasons. Maybe he's a sociopath and didn't see Michael as a human-being? Anything for money? That's my opinion. I hope it's not accurate. Intuition tells me it IS accurate.

And if Murray had been doing this type of stuff for six WEEKS? Why did Michael die when he did? He was on the brink of going to London. Maybe it was the do-or-die moment? NO doctor could possibly be as stupid as Murray seems. A person that stupid would be nearly nonfunctional in all areas of life. Who DID he talk to on the phone for nearly an hour?

Killing Michael in LA would probably be a lot "safer" than in London. Think about it?

This is NOT over, for us. It can't be, until we have answers that actually make some sense. I highly doubt that Murray is the only guilty party here.
In my opinion, so that he WOULD die, so AEG could collect on the insurance, so they could market the film, and take memorbilia on tour, and utilize many other money-making opportunities. Also in my opinion, Murray was just the tip of the iceberg. We know Michael was murdered. We know who gave him the propofol. We do NOT know the other circumstances.

I couldn't agree more. I am sorry.... I can't buy the accidental overdose, negligence on murray.

not when thome, aeg, sony, and all the other scrum bags can benefit so much from MJs death.

mj passing so close to the start of the concerts??? nothing is right about this.
on his b-day we learn he was killed! yay best present ever

I can't take it anymore, the mother of all nightmares...I think I'm gonna cut myself off from everything and pretend everything's ok...total denial or else I'm gonna lose it

all my memories come flooding back now...all the nice memories, the good times...I just want to go back in time
not anything we didn't already know.

Just 'cause some people are going batshit already:

homicide does not necessarily mean premeditated murder. Criminally negligent manslaughter falls under the category of homicide.

You're right; I think this needs to be remembered.
ow? Im not being arsey I just dont understand everything
the full toxis reports wasnt released. all thats been released are the things that helped to cause the death
Yeh but for malice there has to be 'intent to harm' .. is this not basically the same as 'motive'

edit: found this

Malice does require them to prove there was an 'intent to harm'. its not exactly the same as motive

The law technically distinguishes between motive and intent. "Intent" in criminal law is synonymous with mens rea, which means no more than the specific mental purpose to perform a deed that is forbidden by a criminal statute, or the reckless disregard of whether the law will be violated.[citation needed] "Motive" describes instead the reasons in the accused's background and station in life that are supposed to have induced the crime.

That is good news. It means that the LAPD feels that their case is solid enough to be presented to the D.A. Now it is up to the D.A. to charge Murray, hopefully with Murder in the 2nd degree - and in California you do not have to have motive to be charged with Murder in the 2nd degree. You just have to prove implied or expressed malice and consciousness of guilt.

Manslaughter is homicide without malice or premeditation.
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I dont know. I think Murray is inocent until proven guilty. Just like Michael was.
one thing is: i dont understand it why murray would have wanted michael dead? can someone explain? i think - actually if it was about money, then he would have made him an addict or somewhat but dead he doesnt gain something from it? i dont understand that at all....

Let me explain this.

Michael never really paid Murray, he wouldn't get anything until after the concert had started. That's only if Mike signed the contract, which he never did.

All it took was someone with a much better offer and a sooner pay off.

How do you think he got all that child support money paid up? Who you think gave him money? He suppose to be in jail for that, but miraculously he was able to come up with the money.

Of course this is just my opinion.
not anything we didn't already know.

Just 'cause some people are going batshit already:

homicide does not necessarily mean premeditated murder. Criminally negligent manslaughter falls under the category of homicide.


can't speak for anyone else but..... i am no longer buying criminal negligence, a brain fart, ooops i gave to much, DEFENSE.
Didn't the police find other appetite suppressants in Dr. Murray's bag or office during one of the raids? Phen-Phen or something like that?

yea in the houston raid i think

Yup. According to the search warrant affadavit, Murray admitted giving Michael the propofol and all the benzodiazepines found in his system. There's no saying that Michael was sneaking other drugs and not telling him. Murray must have really screwed up the administration of the propofol for the coroner to have found an acute dosage in Michael's system. Otherwise, he would have metabolized some of it, and we would be left with an ambiguous situation. It sounds like Murray also gave too much Lorazepam or too much Lorazepam for the amount of propofol he intended to give. But rather than admit a possible mistake, he failed to tell the EMTs everything he'd given Michael. He chose to protect himself.

At this point, to suggest Murray was stoned at the time is almost a kindness.

ok this brings up a question for me anywyas, if the damm doctor waited the long time he did making those phoen calls etc.. i wonder how much of that shit was really in michaels system if that much time had passed before the EMTs arrived and he arrived at the hospital.. it makes me sick to think about it..they have said acute... so that means high lvls where found? and what 82 minutes passed according to that report last week before 911 was called..? :bugeyed
Why the fuck is Murray still a free man? What the hell could they possibly need to nail him? It's plain as day!!
In my opinion, so that he WOULD die, so AEG could collect on the insurance, so they could market the film, and take memorbilia on tour, and utilize many other money-making opportunities. Also in my opinion, Murray was just the tip of the iceberg. We know Michael was murdered. We know who gave him the propofol. We do NOT know the other circumstances.

That's what I also think....but I don't think it was only this company...

I mean during the trials Michaels couldn't sleep 2, he felt bad ect., he didn't eat...BUT nobody gave him propofol or other sedatives and never that much!

I don't understand that, how can Murray *** up his life for these companys?
Going to jail for money?
eh but for malice there has to be 'intent to harm' .. is this not basically the same as 'motive'

that cali law that geragos mentioned u didnt need malice etc just a very high level of negligence
yea in the houston raid i think

ok this brings up a question for me anywyas, if the damm doctor waited the long time he did making those phoen calls etc.. i wonder how much of that shit was really in michaels system if that much time had passed before the EMTs arrived and he arrived at the hospital.. it makes me sick to think about it..they have said acute... so that means high lvls where found? and what 82 minutes passed according to that report last week before 911 was called..? :bugeyed

He also performed resusitation on Michael's bed which is a big no no & even those with basic first aid training know...