L.A. County Coroner Findings

like many HERE who went on and on about mj's so called long time addcition . don't talk about propofol please , it is not an addcitive drug .
You know, I blame him even more than Murray! Murray gave the lost shot, but it was Klein who got Michael into this whole mess with drugs in the first place!

I agree I always felt uneasy about that guy. I just feel like he constantly over prescribed meds for Mike and was giving him God knows what
no arnie is goin g down because he was prescribing drugs for himself , mj had nothing to do with it , they discovered that by investigating mj's death , klien prescribed only one drug to mj which was also to treat insomnia , no painkiller . Arnie is really off the HOOK regarding mj's death .

Of course, he would say this. But I don't trust this guy. Why do you think Michael visited his office so many times in the last year (some say at least three times a week)? Debbie also thinks he is guilty.

Also read the article I linked in. Why do you defend this guy?
Reading that..if it doesn't have to be premeditated it sounds like second degree murder anyway

Murder: Second degree

Second-degree murder is ordinarily defined as 1) an intentional killing that is not premeditated or planned, nor committed in a reasonable "heat of passion" or 2) a killing caused by dangerous conduct and the offender's obvious lack of concern for human life.

Involuntary manslaughter usually refers to an unintentional killing that results from recklessness or criminal negligence, or from an unlawful act that is a misdemeanor or low-level felony (such as DUI).

see the difference between the two , obviosly adminstring propofol without being a specialist and without following the precautions set by the manufacturor is not a misdeamenor when the drug used has ZERO MARGIN OF ERROR.
no it was tested and it was NOT heroin. it was very old weed.

Hey....I don't know if this is the right place to post but on ET last night they said a family member found heroine and/or marijuana....please say its not true!!!
I don't know what to say. I'm broken all over again. And just knowing that it could have been prevented so easily... it kills me. And all the "what if's". I guess we do have someone to blame now, even though we have known it for a while. Maybe not just one person even.
You know, I blame him even more than Murray! Murray gave the lost shot, but it was Klein who got Michael into this whole mess with drugs in the first place!

when you will learn to shut the fuck up ? what whole mess of drugs are you talking about?

Murray said HE DECIDED TO GIVE MJ ALL THE MEDS MENTIONED IN THE CAUSE OF DEATH ANNOUNCEMENT , to wean him off his so called addcition to propofol which was not even addcitive . No other drugs but what Murray gave to mj that day , so where do these stories about addcition comes from . obviously mj was not drugged up nor was he high as people claimed .

i believed the nurse when she came and said her drug tests showed mj was clean for four months , and obvioulsy he was CLEAN till Murray injected him VIA AN IV WITH MEDS which can be found as pills .makes you wonder WHY?
if all this is fact.. :yes: ..could support second degree murder.:yes: AS in a killing caused by dangerous conduct and the offender's obvious lack of concern for human life and conciousness of guilt.

I still don't think it was premeditated..in that there was some whole plan and motive to murder michael though.

But whatever the truth is, I hope it prevails and justice is served.

Horrible. Of these, I think what's pivotal is the obvious consciousness of guilt. The call to have the storage locker cleaned out. The phone calls to. . whoever. Turning up the fireplaces. Refusing to let EMTs call time of death, when it must have been obvious. Requiring that they continue CPR in the ambulance, when Michael was clearly already gone. Refusing to sign as physician of record in Michael's death. Vanishing from the hospital, and vanishing altogether to the point where he abandoned his CAR. The lies about the time-line. Quite a scramble to cover his tracks. . . . .

Yeah, I think it'll be "murder 2." How did we ever GET to this point, anyway? When he's charged and is looking at fifteen years to life, I hope he sings like a canary.
Bottom line : It is unethical, immoral and unprofessional for any doctor to do this to a patient. The drugs just don't magically show up in a person's system. Somebody had to give it to him. It was never suppose to leave the hospital in the first place. No doubt, He killed Michael.
Im tired of this. Every day it is something new. I keep staring at my newspaper saying he was murdered, can not belive it. He was murdered, my worst fear became reality.

Please continue to spread his message.

This is it for me, good bye.

God bless.
Hey....I don't know if this is the right place to post but on ET last night they said a family member found heroine and/or marijuana....please say its not true!!!

You need to go and read the other thread, this is old news and the heroine was not heroine.
when you will learn to shut the fuck up ? what whole mess of drugs are you talking about?

Murray said HE DECIDED TO GIVE MJ ALL THE MEDS MENTIONED IN THE CAUSE OF DEATH ANNOUNCEMENT , to wean him off his so called addcition to propofol which was not even addcitive . No other drugs but what Murray gave to mj that day , so where do these stories about addcition comes from . obviously mj was not drugged up nor was he high as people claimed .

i believed the nurse when she came and said her drug tests showed mj was clean for four months , and obvioulsy he was CLEAN till Murray injected him VIA AN IV WITH MEDS which can be found as pills .makes you wonder WHY?

Can't you behave a little less rude and a little more intelligent? Thank you.

All I can say: read the article I linked in about Klein. Why's your reason to defend him?
i defend Klien because the results says klien had nothing to do with it . the search warrants say klien only prescribed a drug to treat insomnia , nothing more nothing less . ,mj was visiting him for cosmetic things , he had a 50 concerts and he was concerend about his look .
my reason it is coming from fox news and they can never get anything right .
What are you saying????? DONT DO ANYTHING STUPID!! PLEASE

Im tired of this. Every day it is something new. I keep staring at my newspaper saying he was murdered, can not belive it. He was murdered, my worst fear became reality.

Please continue to spread his message.

This is it for me, good bye.

God bless.
i defend Klien because the results says klien had nothing to do with it . the search warrants say klien only prescribed a drug to treat insomnia , nothing more nothing less . ,mj was visiting him for cosmetic things , he had a 50 concerts and he was concerend about his look .
Yeah but it may have not been Murray who introduced MJ to Propofol. Murray was hired for the last six weeks, remember Cherilyn Lee said MJ was asking for Propofol 3 months ago, way before Murray entered the picture.:doh:
That shows he definitely harmed..yes. But Im wondering how do you prove intent to harm in court? That he intended to harm MJ?

And the ephedrine, that has only been mentioned now, its often used, (as i posted from that medical journal before), to try and save a person when the heart gets into trouble under anaesthesia - so that is a cause.. a good cause..no?

Murray is being arrested right now yeh?

How to prove intent?

Reckless disregard is intent. For instance, you know that you shouldn't pop firecrackers or light a camp fire in a heavily wooded area. You know it will more than likely cause a fire. But you disregard all warnings and you disregard your common sense and do it anyway. It sparks a fire and the fire grows out of control, killing 3 firefighters.

I've just cited an actual case. The kids who did it, surely did not intend to kill anyone, however their actions, because of a reckless disregard of human life did. They received 10-15 yrs.

And unless the Ephedrine was given by EMT's and/or doctors in the hospital, Dr. Murray will have to explain that too.
i defend Klien because the results says klien had nothing to do with it . the search warrants say klien only prescribed a drug to treat insomnia , nothing more nothing less . ,mj was visiting him for cosmetic things , he had a 50 concerts and he was concerend about his look .

Oh, good that you already know that Klien has nothing to do with anything. Why do the authorities waste time on him at all then, right? They should just ask you. *rolleyes*
I'm shocked and stunned. Even though we've been through all this time and time again, the shear awfulness of it hits you and floors you every time.

Let's pray for justice for Michael............
I'll say it again: We only have Murray's word about certain things.

How the hell does somebody die from an acute dosage of a medication you're ALLEGEDLY trying to "wean" them off of? Naw, we still don't know something or Murray is/was lying to the cops .

Even the amount (50) he admitted to giving him in earlier days isn't enough to anesthetize someone for hours and hours.
Intent is finding someone not breathing at 11:00 a.m. and then calling and talking on the phone for 47mins with people who have nothing to do with resusitating the person. Then Oh dear lets call 911 2 hours later, thats intent right there.
Wish they'd just get on with it and send the whole fucking lot of them down.
Ok I didn't realise reckless disregard was intent. Thank you for explaining like that too, I understand now.

How to prove intent?

Reckless disregard is intent. For instance, you know that you shouldn't pop firecrackers or light a camp fire. in a heavily wooded area. You know it will more than likely cause a fire. But you disregard all warnings and you disregard your common sense and do it anyway. It sparks a fire and the fire grows out of control, killing 3 firefighters.

I've just cited an actual case. The kids who did it, surely did not intend to kill anyone, however their actions, because of a reckless disregard of human life did. They received 10-15 yrs.

klien was involved...remember all the trips MJ took to see him! and all the medication he took out? and everybody here was yeahhhh..MJ is just a close friend with his doctor....well close friend my ass!