L.A. County Coroner Findings

There was an intent to harm.... Providing Propofol and Ephedrine to a patient without cause. Providing a controlled pharmaceutical substance without a license. Providing a controlled pharmaceutical substance (anesthesia) in a home setting. Providing a controlled pharmaceutical substance to a patient without proper training. Providing a controlled pharmaceutical substance to a patient (anesthesia) without an anesthesiologist. A killing caused by dangerous conduct and the offender's obvious lack of concern for human life. Last but not least, a wanton and reckless disregard for human life that surpasses negligence. Lest not forget a consciousness of guilt (cleaning crime scene, popping up the fireplace in the middle of summer, lying to the police about phone calls, waiting 45min to an hour to call 911). I agree with Mark Geragos on this one, there is enough for implied malice thus a Murder 2 charge.

Thank you!
Everything right now indicates to 2nd degree murder, I believe that's the reason why the entire toxicology report isn't being made public by LAPD request, the ammount of propofol must be much higher than what Murray told them and that lie alone qualifies as a crime for obstruction of justice. This man is going DOWN so help me God.

I know that you are hurting, shocked and reliving June 25th, 2009.

But now is not the time.

We need to take our pain, roll it up in a ball and throw it back to the LAPD, District Attorney's office so that there finally can be JUSTICE FOR MICHAEL.

Remember that we are all Michael's got!

We need to let the world know that we will hold the LAPD & District Attorney's office like a vice grip so they can do their job well and arrest Michael's murderers.

First-Degree Reckless Homicide

First-degree reckless homicide is the reckless causing of the death of another human being or unborn child under circumstances which show an utter disregard for human life.

First degree reckless homicide carries a penalty of a Class B felony.

If the death of another human being was caused during the manufacturing, distribution, or delivery of a controlled substances, whether the person killed was involved in any process associated with the controlled substance, the penalty is a Class C felony.

Second-degree Reckless Homicide

Second-degree reckless homicide is the reckless causing of the death of another human being or unborn child, and carries a penalty of a Class D felony.


For a Class D Felony, the penalty is a fine of up to $100,000, or imprisonment of up to 25 years, or both; however, for a repeat offender, the term of imprisonment may increase up to 2 years with prior misdemeanor convictions, and up to 6 years with a prior felony conviction.


For a Class C Felony, the penalty is a fine of up to $100,000, or imprisonment of up to 40 years, or both; however, for a repeat offender, the term of imprisonment may increase up to 2 years with prior misdemeanor convictions, and up to 6 years with a prior felony conviction.
klien was involved...remember all the trips MJ took to see him! and all the medication he took out? and everybody here was yeahhhh..MJ is just a close friend with his doctor....well close friend my ass!

Exactly. I don't know why people defend this guy. He may be one of Michael's murderers and they defend him! It's crazy! (I think the reason behind defending him is that some people here just don't want to accept the possibility that Michael might have had a long history with prescription drugs and they weren't just started by Murray.)

About the truthfulness of Klein, you should only listen to his interviews with all the ambigious hints about him being the father of Michael's kids. When he came out with that I already knew there's something not right with him and he is trying to cover for something with this story. Now I also know what he is trying to cover.

I will be interested in what Debbie will have to say about him in court!
I PMed Conspiracy... They aren't online anymore....

That post didn't sound good! Worried now.

Yea what are you saying?

Take a step back. We are all upset, but they way you put this don't sound good. Please try to stay calm.

You need to talk PM me NOW.
murray could have been setup,
some one else could have giving michael that drug and leave murray to take the shit.
so many can benefit from mike passing
(((((((((((((((Blowing a huge wind of love to all MJ fans who are sufferring at this exact moment, just like I am.)))))))))))))))))))

Stay strong, it's hard, but we have to stay strong for Michael!
...I'll stay alive... but I'm leaving work and getting drunk tonight.

See ya on Monday!
We must all take time out RIGHT NOW and PRAY for Conspiracy. I don't know what they meant by their post, but it didn't sound good.

God please whatever was meant by that whatch over Conspiracy, you know whom I speak of. What over overwhelming pain they feel please in the name of Jesus our lord and savior deliver Conspiracy from this. Please God don't let these person do anything dagerous to them selves. I beg of you please interven and stop them if this is there intentions. In Jesus name I pray.

We must all take time out RIGHT NOW and PRAY for Conspiracy. I don't know what they meant by their post, but it didn't sound good.
ok everyone needs to chill cos it still does nt mean michael was murdered
Bottom line : It is unethical, immoral and unprofessional for any doctor to do this to a patient. The drugs just don't magically show up in a person's system. Somebody had to give it to him. It was never suppose to leave the hospital in the first place. No doubt, He killed Michael.

My thoughts are exactly the same..
I dont understand what the hell this doctor was thinking when he gave Michael that powerful cocktail of drugs that included lorazepam (Ativan), midazolam, diazepam (Valium), lidocaine (an anesthetic), and ephedrine. And then not happy with that he uses a huge amount of propofol intravenously to help him sleep!!! WTF! Im completely shocked, i started crying when i heard the cororner's report an hour 2 hours ago..How can a man, a doctor, can administer all these drugs to someone without thinking that person could have an overdose?!! Only a soul-less, negligent,and unprofessional person can do that. I knew from the very beginning something was wrong with this doctor, this sad so sad.. Michael is gone, and we'll never have the change to hear his side of the story..:(

I just hope justice will prevail on this case..For Michael!!
The LAPD tells ET that the investigation into Michael Jackson's death is continuing, following the L.A. County Coroner's announcement about the cause and nature of Jackson's demise.

The LAPD, which describes itself as the "primary investigative agency" responsible for the death investigation, tells ET the investigation is "ongoing and will result in the case being presented to the Los Angeles County District Attorney for filing consideration."

The LAPD adds that the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) and BNE (Bureau of Narcotics Enforcement) have launched their own independent investigations into findings the LAPD's investigation uncovered that "may not be directly related to [Jackson's] cause of death."
Keep checking back here for the latest Michael Jackson news.

We must all take time out RIGHT NOW and PRAY for Conspiracy. I don't know what they meant by their post, but it didn't sound good.

We have to PRAY first, to do fasting as well as aprt of spiritual thing. As a real thing evrybody who cares has to go to your thread "Power in numbers...." and to look up my thread as an educational thing named "Investigations and what I think..." Both threads are in Investigation unit.
Im sure conspiracy is fine. just being dramatic. If they can survive june 25th they will be fine.
and what is Murray doing this very moment I wonder...

Probably taking the biggest crap of life in his pants!

First of all, the Doctor was a cardeologist, he should have NEVER been able to process those drugs. Second, there was an acute amount of propofol and the doctor admitted to this. Right there he is in trouble. There are only two possible stories here. The doctor is a bad doctor who really didn't know what he was doing. He was just giving and giving Michael the drugs until he fell "asleep". When Michael died the doctor probably went into shock and probably didn't know what to do. Hence the reason why he took so long to call 911 and the reason why he probably was to freaked out to perform cpr correctly.

Second story is that the doctor was sent there to kill Michael. Or, now seeing the doctor's reaction, someone had him threatened to kill michael. I don't see how someone, doctor or not can continue to just give and give a man drugs every hour like that. I'm not a doctor and i know that's a problem. Also, what if Michael was already asleep or drowsy and the doctor just continued to put in the drugs? All i know is that if it was murder and intentional then murray is probably going to sing like a canary and reveal the missing links and missing people.

Also, i blame the two molestation trials and the press for this too. If the press wouldn't have been so hard on him, and if the trials wouldn't have happened then Michael most likely wouldn't have had insomia and problems with sleeping.

I know that you are hurting, shocked and reliving June 25th, 2009.

But now is not the time.

We need to take our pain, roll it up in a ball and throw it back to the LAPD, District Attorney's office so that there finally can be JUSTICE FOR MICHAEL.

Remember that we are all Michael's got!

We need to let the world know that we will hold the LAPD & District Attorney's office like a vice grip so they can do their job well and arrest Michael's murderers.


That's right. We've always supported and stood beside Michael with all the malicious attacking. But now he needs us more than ever. We really are all he's got and it would be A SHAME that with all the fans around the world he has throughout his entire life, we don't even try to help bring about justice for him.

We cannot abandon him like all his "friends" have. Just how would he feel about that? We MUST support him and stick up for the truth.
Can someone that understands all this explain something too me!

Does this mean Michael was 'clean'? as in NO other drugs in him apart from the ones Murray gave him?

The press release states:

The drugs PROPOFOL and LORAZEPAM were found to be the primary drugs responsible for Mr. Jackson’s death. Other drugs detected were: Midazolam, Diazepam, Lidocaine and Ephedrine.

I would have thought that if other drugs were found they would have listed those along with the above.