L.A. County Coroner Findings

The press release states:

The drugs PROPOFOL and LORAZEPAM were found to be the primary drugs responsible for Mr. Jackson’s death. Other drugs detected were: Midazolam, Diazepam, Lidocaine and Ephedrine.

I would have thought that if other drugs were found they would have listed those along with the above.

the full toxis havnt been released so we dont know for defo.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
Michael was not drug addict. No dope found in his system, yes?
So what all those things Karen and some insiders had said about him being high? Karen said he had problems with drugs and everyone around him new it. Some fans said they were joking about Michael whether he was high or not when they met him .... What about his erratic behaviour?
So any ideas WTF is happening?

If Michael had been dosed up with those drugs every night, I expect he would have seemed out of it or high to others (although I don't know as I'm unfamiliar with the drugs).
They can then argue in a trial whether it was intentional or not

but this man killed Michael, whether intentionaly or not will be know in court.

but this man needs to be behind bars.

i guess they just give him time to run away ...
Probably taking the biggest crap of life in his pants!

First of all, the Doctor was a cardeologist, he should have NEVER been able to process those drugs. Second, there was an acute amount of propofol and the doctor admitted to this. Right there he is in trouble. There are only two possible stories here. The doctor is a bad doctor who really didn't know what he was doing. He was just giving and giving Michael the drugs until he fell "asleep". When Michael died the doctor probably went into shock and probably didn't know what to do. Hence the reason why he took so long to call 911 and the reason why he probably was to freaked out to perform cpr correctly.

Second story is that the doctor was sent there to kill Michael. Or, now seeing the doctor's reaction, someone had him threatened to kill michael. I don't see how someone, doctor or not can continue to just give and give a man drugs every hour like that. I'm not a doctor and i know that's a problem. Also, what if Michael was already asleep or drowsy and the doctor just continued to put in the drugs? All i know is that if it was murder and intentional then murray is probably going to sing like a canary and reveal the missing links and missing people.

Also, i blame the two molestation trials and the press for this too. If the press wouldn't have been so hard on him, and if the trials wouldn't have happened then Michael most likely wouldn't have had insomia and problems with sleeping.

I got a bad feeling about this doctor the first time they said, he fled.

Oh yeah the press and Bashir...
To me this it's still so unbelievable how they all f**** him up...almost everyone turned against him.
They can then argue in a trial whether it was intentional or not

but this man killed Michael, whether intentionaly or not will be know in court.

but this man needs to be behind bars.
reports are that there are cops all inf ront of his house. been there since before they announced anything. so maybe they're planning to arrest him or are not keeping it a secret that they're watching him. i dou bt it's for his protection cuz it's so obvious
Im sure conspiracy is fine. just being dramatic. If they can survive june 25th they will be fine.

for some it hits later rather then sooner, lets hope she/he is ok..

They can then argue in a trial whether it was intentional or not

but this man killed Michael, whether intentionaly or not will be know in court.

but this man needs to be behind bars.

Totally agree!
reports are that there are cops all inf ront of his house. been there since before they announced anything. so maybe they're planning to arrest him or are not keeping it a secret that they're watching him. i dou bt it's for his protection cuz it's so obvious

I'm afraid if they don't act like NOW by the time they walk into that house they're gonna find a corpse, the dude's gonna kill himself first. I don't want him dead, I want him on an orange jumpsuit being someone's bitch for the rest of his life.
oh lord :cry: he killed him...Michael should be here...this is insane, I can't take it in...he was murdered :cry:

he wasn't sick...he died for nothing...could've been avoided :boohoo:

I hope they lock up that MURDERER AND THROW AWAY THE KEY!!!!!! GO TO HELL MURDERER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :blowup: :angry:

i'm gonna be sick
this is starting to Really burn by ass. Why do they keep showing that Pot was found?! Just because it was found in his house does not make it Michael's. He hated drugs like that. That is why i think it was Murray's.
I feel like iv been kicked in the stomach....again.
Michael should still be with us... but he was killed, he should still be alive with his children.
Im to choked up to think......Im just so sad
this is starting to Really burn by ass. Why do they keep showing that Pot was found?! Just because it was found in his house does not make it Michael's. He hated drugs like that. That is why i think it was Murray's.

saying that maybe murrey planted it on michael to make it look like michael either took his own life or was assisted suicide

he should be arrested
Does anybody want to join me in an email campaign to the LAPD and to the district attorney's office?

I have a sample letter & 2 emails if you like.

Justice for Michael!!!
Im tired of this. Every day it is something new. I keep staring at my newspaper saying he was murdered, can not belive it. He was murdered, my worst fear became reality.

Please continue to spread his message.

This is it for me, good bye.

God bless.

Conspiracy, please don't do anything stupid please :cry: just come online and let everyone know that you're ok :cry:
Of course Michael hated drugs, unlike the artists today who sing about getting high, Michael sang against street drugs.
there has been no time for the fans to wrap their heads around all of this. With everything coming out its still hard to believe that hes gone. Im sitting here not sure how to feel only that i know that i am mad at Murray.

I just heard a woman on the phone on Prime News saying Michael should take some of the blame. I don't agree with her. Michael was a person trying to get sleep aid not some other motive. This Doctor had another motive for killing Michael. To him this meant a nice place to live with out fear of eviction, it means that he has no bills to pay with the money he doesn't have, it means free meals. But what he doesn't know is that some of Michael's biggest fan are in prison. It also means eventually he will get the beat down of his life. And only then will REAL justice be given. He will feel the pain of the world crushing him in the wounds he receives from the mega fan behind bars.

Dr. Murray i hope your ready.
I've PM'd Conspiracy. Thanks to everyone who PM'd her, as well. Please let us know if you hear she's ok? This is a terrible time, but we have to support each other as best we can.
i hope the lapd are holding murray under house arrest because if not i can see him flying away.and pretty sure theres others involved who will help him.
I posted earlier in this thread, my friend lives a few houses down from where he is staying in Houston and he said there has been constant security over there by the HPD. Not sure if they are there to make sure he doesn't flea or there because he has had so many death threats.