L.A. County Coroner Findings

they need to go in and get hes ass. Hang him up by his balls and use him as a punching bag.
I posted earlier in this thread, my friend lives a few houses down from where he is staying in Houston and he said there has been constant security over there by the HPD. Not sure if they are there to make sure he doesn't flea or there because he has had so many death threats.

Yeah they probably put police outside his house during the release of the coroners report so people dont go there and try to kill Murray.....like the police would stop me from getting to him if I saw him in person.. doubtful
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they need to go in and get hes ass. Hang him up by his balls and use him as a punching bag.

My thoughts exactly....this is just what I said.....they should also put an ivy in his arm and feed him tons of shit through it....just like he did to Michael....
there has been no time for the fans to wrap their heads around all of this. With everything coming out its still hard to believe that hes gone. Im sitting here not sure how to feel only that i know that i am mad at Murray.

I just heard a woman on the phone on Prime News saying Michael should take some of the blame.

yeah someone on BBC said that, that Michael should take some of the responsibility or something. I switched off :angry:
Michael ALWAYS has to be in a wrong. When it was 2005, he was "in the wrong" for letting a child sleep in his bed while he slept on the floor.

I guess God is a molester too if Michael is, because I can totally imagine God letting a child sleep in his bed while he himself sleeps on the floor. What Michael did was an act of pure innocense and love, which caused him ruthless ridicule and a risk of life in prison.
yeah someone on BBC said that, that Michael should take some of the responsibility or something. I switched off :angry:

screw them..they don't know what transpired in that room...so they cannot pass judgment on Michael. Its the media the would say this, they have to say something bad about Michael .....they cannot get him on the druggie theory so now they are trying to lay blame on him....f^ck them!!!
excuse me while I wag my finger at the lifeless body inside that gold coffin. tut tut Michael, own up.

even if a crazy mofo held a gun to his head, Michael would still be accountable. That's what it was in life and I see nothing has changed in death either.
There are updates on the first page of this thread.

Update 6: California Attorney General Launches Investigation



Update 7: Updates from Murray's attorney and The Jackson Family

From the BNO Newsroom.

LOS ANGELES (BNO NEWS) -- Michael Jackson's family and the attorney of his personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, both issued statements after the Los Angeles County Coroner ruled the star's death a homicide on Friday. The earlier statement and press release from the Los Angeles County Coroner can also be found below.

Jackson family statement
"The Jackson family again wishes to commend the actions of the Coroner, the LAPD and other law enforcement agencies, and looks forward to the day that justice can be served."

Statement by Dr. Murray's lawyer
"This press release contains nothing new. For two months we have been hearing the same information, usually from leaks out of the coroner's office. One has to wonder why the coroner felt compelled to release anything to all if the police investigation is not yet complete.

In any case, this has all the earmarks of police gamesmanship, and we will not be responding until we get a full autopsy report, including the entire list of drugs found in Mr. Jackson, their quantities, and all other data that would allow independent medical experts to analyze and interpret."

I'm still of the mind that the Ephedrine was used more that we think. It explains so much in regards to Michael's appearance and behavior leading up to his death.

What is Hypotension?

Murray was giving Michael Ephedrine in order to combat his low heart rate/ low blood pressure after giving him propofol. How many time have this happened? How many close calls? This is maddening and sickening.

oh my god. are we sure? this does not look good.
yeah someone on BBC said that, that Michael should take some of the responsibility or something. I switched off :angry:

Well Michael's dead, how much more responsibility or blame can he take at this point???
I understand what this lady and others are saying but Michael's part in this is irrelevant now.
excuse me while I wag my finger at the lifeless body inside that gold coffin. tut tut Michael, own up.

even if a crazy mofo held a gun to his head, Michael would still be accountable. That's what it was in life and I see nothing has changed in death either.

well, for one, he's dead. so, sorry if he can't answer you.

for two, it took TWO (or three, or four) to kill Michael Jackson. and right now, we need those people to own up to THEIR crime.
yeah someone on BBC said that, that Michael should take some of the responsibility or something. I switched off :angry:

Free your mind. Tell the media that they have one less viewer. Treat it like it's a break up and say "Look, it's not you...well actually it IS you, I'm tired of the mind games and your lies so goodbye."
Well Michael's dead, how much more responsibility or blame can he take at this point???
I understand what this lady and others are saying but Michael's part in this is irrelevant now.

exactly :( I couldn't believe my ears when he said it...they still feel the need to bash him even in death :ranting:
"Michael Jackson's death".

This must be the most horrible association of words my eyes have seen and my ears have heard. Something I never even thought of imagining.

The biggest injustice.

May all of those responsible rot till their bones hurt.
There are updates on the first page of this thread.

Update 6: California Attorney General Launches Investigation



Update 7: Updates from Murray's attorney and The Jackson Family

From the BNO Newsroom.

LOS ANGELES (BNO NEWS) -- Michael Jackson's family and the attorney of his personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, both issued statements after the Los Angeles County Coroner ruled the star's death a homicide on Friday. The earlier statement and press release from the Los Angeles County Coroner can also be found below.

Jackson family statement
"The Jackson family again wishes to commend the actions of the Coroner, the LAPD and other law enforcement agencies, and looks forward to the day that justice can be served."

Statement by Dr. Murray's lawyer
"This press release contains nothing new. For two months we have been hearing the same information, usually from leaks out of the coroner's office. One has to wonder why the coroner felt compelled to release anything to all if the police investigation is not yet complete.

In any case, this has all the earmarks of police gamesmanship, and we will not be responding until we get a full autopsy report, including the entire list of drugs found in Mr. Jackson, their quantities, and all other data that would allow independent medical experts to analyze and interpret."


They will not be responding? Since when was it up to a suspect in a murder inquiery to not respond?
like many HERE who went on and on about mj's so called long time addcition . don't talk about propofol please , it is not an addcitive drug .
I don't know what you are basing your information on, but what is emerging to me is that Murray had been doping MJ with this drug in combination with other drugs and possibly using the ephra. to bring him back up. The side effects of that drug was causing him not to eat. I don't know what this doctor could have been thinking.
Look at the main thread listing under justice Justice for Michael Email Campaign - Give MJ a B-Day gift for Justice!!


We gotta put a fire under their feet!

I agree. Sky news said the LAPD gave the case over to the D.A. and now it's up to the D.A. to charge. Beyond justice for Michael, I want justice for the man that Murray killed a few years ago due to his negligence. I also want this doctor off the streets because if he can kill Michael and this other person, lord knows who else he could kill. He must be charged.

And Kudos to Jerry Brown, California Attorney General for launching an investigation into Michael's death. :clapping:
Am i being to harsh with the way of punishing Murray? I can be rougher lol.

btw i cant say how i really feel, i dont know how i really feel about all of this yet.
I've been ill for a week and not able to get on the computer, but am now sitting here in tears. Murray.......you bastard. You incompetent bastard. I can't believe all this.
So sad to read all this... :(

But what exactly does all this mean now according to Conrad Murray?
Will he get arrested, soon?
How the hell can anyone in any shape or form say Mike was to blame.

Imagine the scenario, you go into your local doctors practice for an emercency appointment when in the chair you say you have insomnia, the doctor then goes hey here's a bottle of propofol inject that once a night and you will fine, "NEXT"

Wtf, no

he litteraly failed his profession and resposibility as a certified doctor

He should have helped Mike and pumping him full of this life taking liquid is not it.

:clapping: Thats exactly how I see it.If my doctor recomended a form of medication for a problem I had I would just take their advice I wouldn't question them.

The efforts you are speaking on are already on the way. I really don't think we should have separate efforts. Go to the thread Power in Numbers (located under the investigation thread). If you feel as we do then we should join forces.