L.A. County Coroner Findings

The two aren't mutually exclusive. 'A drughead physician with serious money problems, who was about to lose his house, becomes Mike's doctor and has to do what he's told before he sees his payday.' Either way, it was still a homicide.

My earlier point (did I post it here?) was that we only have Murray's word about what he gave Mike and when. Who knows the real timeline and order of the administration of the medications other than Murray?

He can say anything. For all we know, he stacked a bunch of $hit on top of each other, over the course of one or two times, instead of spreading it out like he claimed. We still have nobody's word but Murray's. We still don't know who he was talking to on the phone for 40+ minutes.

I so agree with you. The timeline of events is so important to what happened to Michael. It's obvious that Murray has lied about the true timeline--and many other things too. And for much of it, there's no way to really know what happened, how, or exactly when, because we only have the word of someone who was obviously lying, to protect their own A$$. And if you're not guilty of something, there's no need to lie, or to hide, or to try to cover things up as Murray did. Even if Murray never intended to kill MJ, his actions following his death prove that he KNEW he'd done wrong, and then tried to lie and cover it up.

I would definitely like to see Murray arrested, but IMHO, the fact that they haven't done it yet means they're not going to until they have enough evidence against him to lock their case. Think about it: would you really want them to go to the grand jury for an indictment, and then screw up with lack of evidence or something else, so that they can't indict him? Or worse yet, get the indictment and go to court, only to have lack of evidence be the thing that gets Murray found not guilty?! I'm hoping that the police are working to build a solid case against Murray, and anyone else that may be involved. There's more to this case than just the propofol (though obviously, that's a huge part of it). They need to get as much hard evidence as possible to win a conviction...and hopefully that's what they're doing.

As for other comments where fans are irked when someone says Michael should bear some of the blame...I get irked too. And this is what I would say to those people who think Michael should bare the blame.

I don't see why any person (MJ or anyone else!) should be held accountable for something they did not do intentionally to themselves. If Michael was asking for help for insomnia, he was NOT asking to sleep PERMANENTLY! He trusted a physician (or more than one perhaps) who prescribed him medications for anxiety and insomnia. He trusted that he would take the medications and be able to be free of his stress long enough to be able to just sleep. IF he asked for propofol, or anything else he should not have been taking, it was the DOCTOR'S ethical, moral, professional and personal responsibility to SAY NO to anything that was not meant SOLELY for aiding MJ to go to sleep.

Propofol is used in hospitals--it induces COMA, NOT SLEEP--and puts a patient at risk for death if not administered and monitored correctly. Murray should never have administered propofol to MJ. EVER. It was criminal (IMO) for him to do so, but surely was with blatant disregard for the life of Michael Jackson, which makes him, IMO, solely responsible for his death. It was not MJ's job to say no to propofol: it was MURRAY'S! If he could not find another way to treat MJ's insomnia, then he should have found someone else who could.

Michael is dead because this person gave him a drug he should never had been given. The argument that someone else would have given it to him if Murray hadn't is moot, because, indeed, Murray gave it to him...and if he hadn't, Michael would still be alive, and we would be talking about his concerts at the 02 and his birthday rather than this sickening mess!

Sorry, all. That got very long. After reading through 40 pages of posts, I felt like I had to offer my full feelings on this topic.
But if the prescriptions where written in aliases w/o MJ's name listed anywhere else, that would spell trouble because then there is no way to keep track of how much prescription meds MJ is getting and what is contraindicated.

Re ephedrine; that is important. I don't know how much the coroner can specifiy cause of death. But if ephedrine damaged MJ's heart then it may or may not be picked up on autopsy. So the COD could be due to ephedrine even though lethal levels of propofol was found.

Where did the ephedrine come from? That is the big question. If Murray used it for hypotension, then fine. I hope that's all there is to that because we really don't need a complicating medication on board.

As for the rest of the tox report, how important would that be? If nothing else could have contributed what's the point of awaiting that report? I don't know why that is important to Chernoff.
I really don't think he knows or he just don't give a f*ck. If he did he would turn his self in.

I feel you 100%. It's like this amazing spirit left the earth. I can't explain it, but is like the world is so much darker now. I don't know it's hard for me to explain. All I know is it hurts like h*ll and Murray needs to know what he has done isn't something to take you can take lightly and say it was a damn accident.

Damn why did he do this, I can't understand it. I feel like am in a nightmare and I can't wake up. I just don't get it.

Why, why, why. O lawd I have never felt anything like this in my life. It's all so overwhelming.

I agree with you 100% mjs death made me see how sick and horrible ppl can be I mean all he wanted to do is make the world a better place and make ppl happy and look what ppl did to him
even after death they don't wanna give him justice its very sickening I cant take it any more
Thanks for finding this out for sure.

Gahh :(

Is the news/TMZ not mentioning the ephedrine?

I got it confused with epinephrine when I first heard.

EDIT: Just searched ephedrine propofol on google.. a whole load of stuff comes up, try it, i haven't read anything yet

Just checked in a BNF (British National Formulary) and IV Ephedrine can be used for reversal of spinal or epidural anaesthesia.

But is this relevant in MJ's case? I don't think spinal / epidural anaesthesia is a reason for injecting ephedrine here. Propofol was general anasethetic not spinal.

So we need to know the reason for ephedrine in the blood-tablets or given as an injection?
Last edited:
Thanks for finding this out for sure.

Gahh :(

Is the news/TMZ not mentioning the ephedrine?

I got it confused with epinephrine when I first heard.

No probs. Yeah it does sound similar to epinephrine (adrenaline).

You know I would have thought epinephrine (adrenaline) more likely to be found in the tox. report as it is used in cardio-pulmonary resuscitation in cardiac arrest.

To me ephedrine in the tox. report sounds fishy as it is only supposed to be used in cases of spinal anaesthesia. This needs to be investigated definitely. My hunch is that unless Murray used it 'off label' then the ephedrine might have come from tablets: taking into account MJ's weight loss etc in the weeks leading up to 25th June.
But if the prescriptions where written in aliases w/o MJ's name listed anywhere else, that would spell trouble because then there is no way to keep track of how much prescription meds MJ is getting and what is contraindicated.

Re ephedrine; that is important. I don't know how much the coroner can specifiy cause of death. But if ephedrine damaged MJ's heart then it may or may not be picked up on autopsy. So the COD could be due to ephedrine even though lethal levels of propofol was found.

Where did the ephedrine come from? That is the big question. If Murray used it for hypotension, then fine. I hope that's all there is to that because we really don't need a complicating medication on board.

As for the rest of the tox report, how important would that be? If nothing else could have contributed what's the point of awaiting that report? I don't know why that is important to Chernoff.

if there was no evidence that mj was abusing drugs then that's it . but it seems many of you don't want or refuse to believe that he was not addcited to prescription drugs , and using aliases to get them . the results are very clear. the drugs found were administered by murray , mj was not taking anything on his own . mj was following his doctor instructions , he was not abusing drugs, he was not taking any painkillers , they did not even find any painkiller at his home . the guy was NOT ADDCIT, PERIOD. you can tell that to the 50 ALIASES Staingirl.
Until the complete Autopsy report is released, don't make too many assumptions about this case.
There is more to come when the full list of drugs found in Michael Jackson's system is revealed.(not just the ones reported to have caused his death)
As I said before, it's a whole different can of worms.

Lets not forget the multiple puncture sites (listed in detail in the full results) including between his toes.
But if the prescriptions where written in aliases w/o MJ's name listed anywhere else, that would spell trouble because then there is no way to keep track of how much prescription meds MJ is getting and what is contraindicated.

Re ephedrine; that is important. I don't know how much the coroner can specifiy cause of death. But if ephedrine damaged MJ's heart then it may or may not be picked up on autopsy. So the COD could be due to ephedrine even though lethal levels of propofol was found.

Where did the ephedrine come from? That is the big question. If Murray used it for hypotension, then fine. I hope that's all there is to that because we really don't need a complicating medication on board.

As for the rest of the tox report, how important would that be? If nothing else could have contributed what's the point of awaiting that report? I don't know why that is important to Chernoff.

But the scary thing is, how many times did Michael have to take Ephedrine? How many times did his blood pressure drop because of the incompetence of this so-called cardiologist? Is this the reason why Michael's weight dropped drastically in the 6 weeks prior to his death? Ephedrine is an appetite suppressant and it causes anxiety, mood swings, irritability, INSOMNIA, restlessness, confusion, delusional behavior, paranoia, hostility, panic, and agitation so it could explain his sudden mood change the follower fans were talking about and didn't Karen Faye say something about Michael's mood changing? Didn't she want him to seek psychiatric help?

Something about the Ephedrine is sticking out like a sore thumb.

Just checked in a BNF (British National Formulary) and IV Ephedrine can be used for reversal of spinal or epidural anaesthesia.

But is this relevant in MJ's case? I don't think spinal / epidural anaesthesia is a reason for injecting ephedrine here. Propofol was general anasethetic not spinal.

So we need to know the reason for ephedrine in the blood-tablets or given as an injection?

Well the only reason why it would be used in Michael's case is because of the hypotension that the anesthesia would cause.

Ephedrine (EPH) is a sympathomimetic amine commonly used as a stimulant, appetite suppressant, concentration aid, decongestant, and to treat hypotension associated with anesthesia.


I'm betting that each time Michael came out from under anesthesia/propofol his blood pressure was pretty low and Dr. Murray gave him an infusion of Ephedrine to kick start his blood pressure. Unfortunately an adverse effect is suppression of his appetite.
Both these PDF are about propofol and ephedrine - can anyone make any sense from them?
I can't, its 2am and I think I need to sleep!



Yeah I need sleep too!

I think their conclusion just about sums it up:
"Our study suggests that, in anesthetized patients premedicated with clonidine, decreases in blood pressure may be easier to reverse with ephedrine with some types of anesthesia (e.g., propofol) than with others (e.g., isoflurane)."

But basically this is just research, I'm still not sure it's used in clinical practice.
Have you not just contradicted yourself and made an assumption. You just said the full report wasn't released, then you talk about 'multiple puncture sites' listed in the full report....?

Do you know something we don't? Do you have the full report?

Until the complete Autopsy report is released, don't make too many assumptions about this case.

Lets not forget the multiple puncture sites (listed in detail in the full results) including between his toes.
there has been no time for the fans to wrap their heads around all of this. With everything coming out its still hard to believe that hes gone. Im sitting here not sure how to feel only that i know that i am mad at Murray.

I just heard a woman on the phone on Prime News saying Michael should take some of the blame. I don't agree with her. Michael was a person trying to get sleep aid not some other motive. This Doctor had another motive for killing Michael. To him this meant a nice place to live with out fear of eviction, it means that he has no bills to pay with the money he doesn't have, it means free meals. But what he doesn't know is that some of Michael's biggest fan are in prison. It also means eventually he will get the beat down of his life. And only then will REAL justice be given. He will feel the pain of the world crushing him in the wounds he receives from the mega fan behind bars.

Dr. Murray i hope your ready.

If MJ had died of a mere overdose of drugs he personally ingested himself, then I would agree. But he put his very life in the hands of a man who he believed not only knew what he was doing, but had unique qualifications to do whatever he was doing correctly.

When a person suffers from a chronic condition, they want relief. That's just a fact of human nature. MJ using this propofol isn't some new and unique thing. It is clear that propofol is the medical drug of choice among medical professionals who have been doing the same thing.

The bottom line here is that Dr. Murray as a medical professional knew the risks. He knew his qualifications and lack thereof. He knew that he did not have the authority, license, training or certification to administer that drug under any circumstances. He knew that this drug was only to be used in a hospital or medically controlled environment.

Yet knowing all of that, he was motivated by greed and money and the glory of being a superstar entertainer's personal doctor and took the risk.

All he needed to do was to say no, because he also took an oath as a doctor that the protection of the patient should outweigh any other motivation.

He is responsible. He took that risk, he failed, Michael's dead and he needs to face the consequences of his actions.

What MJ wanted, demanded or was doing otherwise is irrelevant to the cause of his death.

That is just something that people need to face and deal with. The two actions are NOT relative or related to one another.
I can see people are trying to get Murray off the hook by saying MJ is to blame because he asked for the Diprivan. I can understand that they feel for Murray because he got himself into this crazy situation, however, regardless of whether Michael asked for the drug, a doctor should know better than to give him an anaesthetic when (a) he knows he's not a qualified anaesthesiologist and (b) he is aware of the dangers of administering the drug outside of a hospital. He can't shift the blame to Michael, because Michael didn't go all out and inject this stuff into himself. Murray took the needle, Murray stuck it into Michael's veins, Murray pumped him with all the crap, and by doing so, Murray caused Michael's death.

I'm probably the only one here who feels this way, but I do feel sorry for Dr Conrad. The poor guy dug himself into a hole that he will never get out of, and his life is pretty much over. He will land himself in a jail cell for one stupid mistake, will probably get threats and attacks from Michael Jackson fans, but in the end, he has no one else to blame except himself and his negligence and stupidity.
Until the complete Autopsy report is released, don't make too many assumptions about this case.
There is more to come when the full list of drugs found in Michael Jackson's system is revealed.(not just the ones reported to have caused his death)
As I said before, it's a whole different can of worms.

Lets not forget the multiple puncture sites (listed in detail in the full results) including between his toes.

What are you talking about? What will more detail change? I don't know, but we already have the cause of death. What do you mean it's so different? And what's that about his toes? :shock:
Until the complete Autopsy report is released, don't make too many assumptions about this case.
There is more to come when the full list of drugs found in Michael Jackson's system is revealed.(not just the ones reported to have caused his death)
As I said before, it's a whole different can of worms.

Lets not forget the multiple puncture sites (listed in detail in the full results) including between his toes.

omg I cant take this any more I get away from the TV come here coz I dont want to hear the stupid sh*t thats being said now ppl like you come along the report we have doesn't say any thing about the sh*t your talking about do you work for the coroner of some thing ?
I can see people are trying to get Murray off the hook by saying MJ is to blame because he asked for the Diprivan. I can understand that they feel for Murray because he got himself into this crazy situation, however, regardless of whether Michael asked for the drug, a doctor should know better than to give him an anaesthetic when (a) he knows he's not a qualified anaesthesiologist and (b) he is aware of the dangerous of administering the drug outside of a hospital. He can't shift the blame to Michael, because Michael didn't go all out and inject this stuff into himself. Murray took the needle, Murray stuck it into Michael's veins, Murray pumped him with all the crap, and by doing so, Murray caused Michael's death.

I'm probably the only one here who feels this way, but I do feel sorry for Dr Conrad. The poor guy dug himself into a hole that he will never get out of, and his life is pretty much over. He will land himself in a jail cell for one stupid mistake, will probably get threats and attacks from Michael Jackson fans, but in the end, he has no one else to blame except himself and his negligence and stupidity.

wow wow wow .....hold on a minute...I agree with most of your post except the part where say you feel bad for Murray.....Now that makes me want to throw up!!! Murray didn't feel bad for Michael when he was killing him...he wasn't feeling bad for Michael when it took him an hour and a half to call 911 , Murray wasn't feeling bad for Michael when he was on his private cell phone for 47 minutes instead of 911 to save Michael's life...So you say you feel bad for Murray......OMG.....Please.....I am now going to go throw up.
Until the complete Autopsy report is released, don't make too many assumptions about this case.
There is more to come when the full list of drugs found in Michael Jackson's system is revealed.(not just the ones reported to have caused his death)
As I said before, it's a whole different can of worms.

Lets not forget the multiple puncture sites (listed in detail in the full results) including between his toes.

I believe there are no assumptions to be made. The coroner has released the official cause of death as per the results of the autopsy. If there was anything else SIGNIFICANT to know about how/why MJ died then I think the coroner would have put that in his/her report. There might be some other details in the autopsy, but since they weren't reported by the coroner then I think that means he/she doesn't find them to be relevant to the cause of death.
What are you talking about? What will more detail change? I don't know, but we already have the cause of death. What do you mean it's so different? And what's that about his toes? :shock:

Some tabloid printed an article shortly after Michael died claiming that autopsy he had puncture marks all over his body and he could detach his nose. The news stations ran with it as if it was some official information. It later came out from and LAPD official that the things said in the report were false. There were no puncture marks between Michael's toes.
But the scary thing is, how many times did Michael have to take Ephedrine? How many times did his blood pressure drop because of the incompetence of this so-called cardiologist? Is this the reason why Michael's weight dropped drastically in the 6 weeks prior to his death? Ephedrine is an appetite suppressant and it causes anxiety, mood swings, irritability, INSOMNIA, restlessness, confusion, delusional behavior, paranoia, hostility, panic, and agitation so it could explain his sudden mood change the follower fans were talking about and didn't Karen Faye say something about Michael's mood changing? Didn't she want him to seek psychiatric help?

Something about the Ephedrine is sticking out like a sore thumb.

Well the only reason why it would be used in Michael's case is because of the hypotension that the anesthesia would cause.

I'm betting that each time Michael came out from under anesthesia/propofol his blood pressure was pretty low and Dr. Murray gave him an infusion of Ephedrine, which suppressed his appetite.

Yeah this ephedrine is standing out to me too.

Maybe it is possible that Murray injected ephedrine to counteract the propofol effects on his heart. I just don't know though if it would be a common thing to do with general anaesthesia (opposed to spinal anaesthesia). Is it used like this in clinical settings? Wonder if Summer could help us out......

Just found this out: From http://www.medsafe.govt.nz/Profs/Datasheet/e/Ephedrinesulfateinj.htm


"Ephedrine is rapidly absorbed after intramuscular or subcutaneous administration. The onset of action after intramuscular administration is 10-20 minutes, and the duration of pressor and cardiac responses to ephedrine is 1 hour after intravenous administration of 10-25 mg or intramuscular or subcutaneous administration of 25-50 mg. Small quantities of ephedrine are metabolised in the liver, but the majority of ephedrine is excreted unchanged in the urine. The plasma half life of ephedrine is 3-6 hours. Elimination of ephedrine is increased (and hence the half life is decreased) with decreasing pH of the urine. Ephedrine is presumed to cross the placenta, and to be excreted into breast milk.


DBL® Ephedrine Sulfate injection is indicated in the treatment of shock unresponsive to fluid replacement. It is also indicated in the treatment of hypotension secondary to spinal anaesthesia. DBL® Ephedrine Sulfate Injection has also been used in the treatment of bronchial asthma and reversible bronchospasm although more selective agents (beta-adrenergic agonists) are now available."

So from this, again only spinal anaesthesia is mentioned.

Also it doesn't seem to have a very rapid onset of action, unlike adrenaline.

IF Murray did inject ephedrine regularly when he administered propofol, then I'm not sure if it would have an appetite supressant effects for the remainder of the day as the half life was 3-6 hours only. But I guess it could be a contributing factor theoretically.....

Maybe Murray prescribed ephedrine tablets to MJ for some reason, which again would strengthen the case for malpractice IMO.
is it possible that the night michael died, he used diprovan for the first time and wasnt aware fully of what it was or its consequences? i know murray has said to police that michael used it for a long time and he was trying to get him off it, but what if that isnt true? im not saying he is lying, but what if he is trying to shift the blame over to michael as much as possible by saying he used it previously?
They will not be responding? Since when was it up to a suspect in a murder inquiery to not respond?
Because he is not officially been named a murder suspect. The reason why the LAPD is trying to hold the exact details of MJ's autospy and toxicology report is that they are trying to build an ironclad case against this Doctor. They have to connect all of the dots associated with what Murray gave MJ. I'm sure that the District Attorney's office is insisting on this very thing before they will take this case. That is why it's taking what seems to be forever.

Also they will NOT name Murray as a suspect or arrest him, because that would mean that Murray would be be entitled under the Constitution, all of the information that the LAPD has under discovery so that his lawyers can start to mount a defense.

Just judging from his attorney's statement today, their possible defense will most certainly be that the cororner's report on the cause of death is challengable -- that MJ had other drugs in his system that he willingly took that may have contributed to his death -- that the Propofol was not in lethal amounts to kill him. They will likely say that he didn't know about the other drugs that MJ was taking because MJ wouldn't tell him, so he should not be held responsible for his death.

What I suspect the LAPD is working on is a possible connection between Murray and Klein, in that if MJ had other drugs in his system, and these drugs came from Klein, that Murray knew that MJ was getting stuff from Klein and he cannot claim ignorance as an excuse.

Unfortunately for all of us, this is very complicated and will take some time to unravel. If we want this azzhole to go to jail and stay there.
I agree. Sky news said the LAPD gave the case over to the D.A. and now it's up to the D.A. to charge. Beyond justice for Michael, I want justice for the man that Murray killed a few years ago due to his negligence. I also want this doctor off the streets because if he can kill Michael and this other person, lord knows who else he could kill. He must be charged.

And Kudos to Jerry Brown, California Attorney General for launching an investigation into Michael's death. :clapping:

He killed someone else????????
I believe there are no assumptions to be made. The coroner has released the official cause of death as per the results of the autopsy. If there was anything else SIGNIFICANT to know about how/why MJ died then I think the coroner would have put that in his/her report. There might be some other details in the autopsy, but since they weren't reported by the coroner then I think that means he/she doesn't find them to be relevant to the cause of death.

It's worth mentioning that the presence of any narcotics unrelated to cause of death will have a very significant effect on what the attorney general concludes.

The truth will out. In due course.
I honestly still can't believe michael is gone forever over something so ridiculous, That should have never happen (even after murry gave him the propofol if he would have just call 911 when he first found mike). This burns me up inside.

Now the only think I can look forward to is Breaking new: conrad murry arrested for the death of michael jackson"

Until then:timer: I will never be satisfied. And if murry had other "employers" I won't be satified until they are also cuffed.:bugeyed
wow wow wow .....hold on a minute...I agree with most of your post except the part where say you feel bad for Murray.....Now that makes me want to throw up!!! Murray didn't feel bad for Michael when he was killing him...he wasn't feeling bad for Michael when it took him an hour and a half to call 911 , Murray wasn't feeling bad for Michael when he was on his private cell phone for 47 minutes instead of 911 to save Michael's life...So you say you feel bad for Murray......OMG.....Please.....I am now going to go throw up.

I didn't say I believed what Murray did was right. Murray is an incompetent idiot who failed to live up to his Hippocratic oath and who killed a man because he was stupid and negligent. It's not that I agree with what he did, I dislike him as much as you do and I understand that he is the reason our idol is dead. I just feel bad for him because he screwed up his own life.
It's worth mentioning that the presence of any narcotics unrelated to cause of death will have a very significant effect on what the attorney general concludes.

The truth will out. In due course.

but why are you still insinuating that Michael was on other narcotics??? What makes you think this??
i wanna know y they released this info BEFORE having the charges ready? cuz now he can flee
Because the media went to court, probably under the freedom of information action and demanded the release of those warrents. That is why the LAPD had to release some sort of a statement today. Because of the irresponsible media and their need to interfer with an ongoing investigation, the LAPD is racing against the clock on how much of a case they can build because they have to charge this doctor.
I didn't say I believed what Murray did was right. Murray is an incompetent idiot who failed to live up to his Hippocratic oath and who killed a man because he was stupid and negligent. It's not that I agree with what he did, I dislike him as much as you do and I understand that he is the reason our idol is dead. I just feel bad for him because he screwed up his own life.

well ok you are entitled to you opinion and I am usually a very compassionate person but.....Murray knew this was the chance he was taking when he agreed to give these types of meds. Also he was a cardiologist not an anesthesiologist he had no Idea obviously how to administer these meds. That is why Michael is dead....and Murray is alive probably wishing he was dead.
He killed someone else????????

Dr. Conrad Murray -- the doctor who was at Michael Jackson's home the day he died -- was once under investigation for an alleged botched surgery.

In 2007, Dr. Murray drained fluid from the heart of a 67-year-old Las Vegas patient. The patient died after surgery. According to the coroner's investigation report, his wife was told by one of the docs her husband's heart was punctured during the procedure -- so she complained to the coroner's office.

The investigation report confirms that, during Dr. Murray's surgery, the patient suffered a puncture to the right ventricle of his heart, which was eventually listed as one of four causes of death on the autopsy report.

We spoke to the family, who told us they wanted to file a malpractice suit but it was too expensive -- in part because pursuing that kind of legal action requires testimony from another medical expert, and that costs a lot of money.

Altogether, the suit proved to be too much trouble and the family stayed quiet ... until now.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/tag/dr. conrad murray/page/4/#ixzz0PX7CzqHk
Dr. Conrad Murray -- the doctor who was at Michael Jackson's home the day he died -- was once under investigation for an alleged botched surgery.

In 2007, Dr. Murray drained fluid from the heart of a 67-year-old Las Vegas patient. The patient died after surgery. According to the coroner's investigation report, his wife was told by one of the docs her husband's heart was punctured during the procedure -- so she complained to the coroner's office.

The investigation report confirms that, during Dr. Murray's surgery, the patient suffered a puncture to the right ventricle of his heart, which was eventually listed as one of four causes of death on the autopsy report.

We spoke to the family, who told us they wanted to file a malpractice suit but it was too expensive -- in part because pursuing that kind of legal action requires testimony from another medical expert, and that costs a lot of money.

Altogether, the suit proved to be too much trouble and the family stayed quiet ... until now.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/tag/dr. conrad murray/page/4/#ixzz0PX7CzqHk

really?? i mean can't it get worst? every time the other shoe drops.... and think it can't get worst.... it does.

this idiot .......... i am going to not write what i am thinking.