L.A. County Coroner Findings

It's worth mentioning that the presence of any narcotics unrelated to cause of death will have a very significant effect on what the attorney general concludes.

The truth will out. In due course.

are you a reporter or a cop? you sound as if you've seen the full report. have you? or do you just get your kicks out of being mysterious?
This is a start, if there were other substances in his system they were not enough to contribute to his death. We have to get ready because they(murray's atty) are going to put MJ's reputation and character on trial no matter what. He will be. Accused of doing all sorts of things. Who knows what went on in that room... Only Murray is here to tell, he killed the only other person there. I really feel sad right now.
it's not ILLEGAL to use an alias ONLY if the real name along w/ teh fact that an alias is being used is in the medical records. it is illegal if there's no mention of that.

they need to connect the dots. from murray to klien from mj to the anesthesiologist on the history tour. to all the docs mj was using, to teh pharmacies they were frequenting, and all of mj's medical records

what i don't understand is how murray is claiming mj had track marks on his arms/hands from lee giving him 'cocktails' yet he's admitting that he gave mj propofol for six wks....so how did he have bad veins and y were track marks an issue if he was putting in an iv each day?

he said mj refused to tellhim what docs he was seeing and what meds he was on....it's simple right there...do not treat him. plain and simple.

but money talks and the dude didn't care. he went in and was recklessq
This is a start, if there were other substances in his system they were not enough to contribute to his death. We have to get ready because they(murray's atty) are going to put MJ's reputation and character on trial no matter what. He will be. Accused of doing all sorts of things. Who knows what went on in that room... Only Murray is here to tell, he killed the only other person there. I really feel sad right now.
ahhhh my friend, he cannot do that. b/c he said he had no idea mj had medical issues. he had no idea that mj may have been taking pills...

so how would he know?

u don't get a patient who cannot sleep and then use propofol. u try trazadone or valium or ambien or lunesta first. not a damn anesthetic.

murray is trapped. either he admits he knew mj was in bad shape then he'll get in trouble for treating and prescribing to an addict.

or he'll say he didn't know and then he'll have to explain y propofolmade sense to him
True. It was money from the start.

For the outrageous price that he was being paid to be in Michael's care (and he wasn't even caring for Mike at all) and the fact that he could have not taken the money and instead got Mike the help he needed. There are affective sleep aids out there etc and to say that he was weining him of it...? Come on! We're no f*cking supid! You wanted to money so you did everything to ensure you'd get it.
well now he's looking at no career and a life behind bars...no one will see him now that the press has said he's the man who killed mj
True. I hope this becomes a lesson on how the law has to crack-down on 'Dr. Feel Goods.' The sad thing is, Michael believed in this guy, and sadly it took his life. If it wasn't Murray, it would most likely only be someone else.

Why all those friggen sedatives? Then the leathel dose? Jesus....I wish we could all go back in time. *sighs*
It's sad! But now it's official.

But it's also important for the kids to to have it official maybe in case some will torture them with doubts about their dad. Hopefully everybody also on this board understands that their Dad wasn't responsible for this. He wasn't.

He was a patient looking for help. He was killed.
well now he's looking at no career and a life behind bars...no one will see him now that the press has said he's the man who killed mj

I would think Murray would be very scared for his life at the moment in time.
It's worth mentioning that the presence of any narcotics unrelated to cause of death will have a very significant effect on what the attorney general concludes.

The truth will out. In due course.

I don't know where you're coming from but the way I read the report, there were NO OTHER drugs found in Michael's body.

"Other drugs detected were: Midazolam, Diazepam, Lidocaine and Ephedrine."

Surely if other drugs were found the line would have said 'Other drugs included:'

Regardless of whether other drugs were found or not, the coroner ruled that death was caused by Propofol and Lorazepam.
ahhhh my friend, he cannot do that. b/c he said he had no idea mj had medical issues. he had no idea that mj may have been taking pills...

so how would he know?

u don't get a patient who cannot sleep and then use propofol. u try trazadone or valium or ambien or lunesta first. not a damn anesthetic.

murray is trapped. either he admits he knew mj was in bad shape then he'll get in trouble for treating and prescribing to an addict.

or he'll say he didn't know and then he'll have to explain y propofolmade sense to him

Interesting point. The addict claim wouldn't save him. I'd like to see him explain that in the 2nd scenario, it wouldn't suprise me if he came up w/ something.

Couldn't he claim that MJ told him about previous meds being ineffective and Murray decided to try something different? I know it would contradict his statement about knowing about previously prescribed pills, but that would explain why it made sense to him.

This guy changes his story all the time, so again it wouldn't suprise me. :doh:
i don't understand why he gave the other drugs and not directly propofol the way Michael wanted...but to give Mike so many drugs in one night...that's torture!
L.A. County Coroner has just officially announced the cause of Michael Jackson's death -- Acute Propofol intoxication. The manner of death is ruled: "HOMICIDE."

LORD..... Even though we all suspected this, it sounds worse on paper. The loss of Michael will always be painful for me, but at least I feel calm knowing we have what we suspected been confirmed.
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To those who asked whether MJ could have been held responsible for using propofol if he was alive . well, since propofol is not a controlled substance then there is absolutely nothing illegal about using it . the argument the prosecution will present in court when Murray's lawyer says MJ took diprovan before during the History tour :

Jackson had two doctors one of them was an anesthesiologist , they had a midical clinic , so the instructions made by the propofol manufacturor had been followed by these doctors there was absolutely nothing illegal about what they did ..
on the other hand , Murray was not trained to use such a medicine, had no appropriate medical equipment , so he indeed did not follow the instructions on the propofol bottles and that is a huge negligent since this is a druge with ZERO MARGIN OF ERROR.

the nurse Lee did say she warned him about propofol . BUT MURRAY SAID HIMSELF he did not give MJ something that" should have killed him ". and when the article came from the LATimes talking about Murray leaving MJ to do phone calls , the publicist for his attorney released a statement stating that Murray did not feel there was any problem leaving MJ under propofol to make personal phone calls to family memebrs and assistants because Jackson did not suffer any complications with propofol before, the doctor thought it was safe . so yeah his attorney can say they warned MJ blah blah bla, but Murray's own actions tell you HE HIMSELF was not aware how serious was this drug . those statements made by the attorney are going to hunt Murray in the court and bring him down .
the drugs found in MJ's body were all prescribed by Murray , MJ obviously was not taking anything on his own , he had four other meds prescribed by Metzeger and Klien for insomnia but NON was found in his system .Chernoff was praying MJ was taking meds other than what Murray admitted he gave him that night . obviously that was not the case at all . all the meds found were given by no one but murray . so chernoff wants now to know the AMOUNTS ,desperate if you ask me .

rememebr most of the bottles were empty . the scene was staged like MJ overdosed himself when the police came to recover the evidence . but since murray gave mj everything through IV and the timing of when he was given those drugs would have been determined by the coroner ,chernoff advised Murray to admit he was the one who injected mj with these drugs , ofcourse they hoped MJ was taking something else when he was visiting Klien and they would say Murray did not know about it and the death caused bu combination of drugs because mj was doctor shopping , THAT WAS NOT THE CASE HERE .
chernoff now wants to say mj took the pills , he wants to use Murray original plan , that it was mj who overdosed himslef not murray . that's why they are asking about the AMOUNTS NOW .
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How do we know that Murray did nor convince Michael that propofol was his only hope of sleep?

Any Doctor worth his salt would just use standard drugs and find the cause behind the insomnia and then do what was necessary as best he could to stop the insomnia occuring.
urely if other drugs were found the line would have said 'Other drugs included:'
well they only released the cause of death not the full toxis. the drugs named contributed to the death any others that were in his system (if there were others) didnt contribute so its irrelvent interms of the investigation and thats why they werent named
Well the bottom line “HE WAS KILLED” and now I started to believe La Toya

I wish if he lived outside the US, all his trouble came from his home country.

Klein wasn't up to anything? um, then why the self prescribing? including...." the medications hydrocodone (Vicodin), modafinil (Provigil), diazepam (Valium), and injectable midazolam (Versed)."


well, these prescribtions cover a three years period , MJ was not using propofol for a three years when he died . he used it when the concerts approached . he wanted to sleep , he had obligations to meet and he would not have been able to meet these pobligations if he did not get some kind of sleep .

and three of the drugs found in mj's system were prescribed by Murray the others were found in Murray's bag and they were not prescribed to any patient according to the seacrh warrant .

I serioisly believe it was Klien who introduced mj to propofl and he may very well administred it whenever he had the opportunity to do so , but again from the coroner report nothing in j's system came from Klien .

please I'm not defending him I hate him as much as I hate murray but that's the truth .
well they only released the cause of death not the full toxis. the drugs named contributed to the death any others that were in his system (if there were others) didnt contribute so its irrelvent interms of the investigation and thats why they werent named
no elusive , the two main drugs which caused the death were named , the other meds traced in his body were listed but they did not cause the death . those were all the meds in his body

remember with Maye they listed the drugs in his body and even talked about the cocaine from several days before . that was it everything they found was listed .
, but again from the coroner report nothing in j's system came from Klien .
nothing that contributed t his death. we dont have the full toxis
no elusive , the two main drugs which caused the death were named , the other meds traced in his body were listed but they did not cause the death . those were all the meds in his body

remember with Maye they listed the drugs in his body and even talked about the cocaine from several days before . that was it everything they found was listed .

yeah the two main drugs were named but then the others listed were named as Benzodiazepine effect.they contributed to the death but werent the direct cause. they said they werent releasing the full toxis just the cause of death with was diprivan and the other one and contributing factors were the drugs names under the Benzodiazepine effect
Michael Jackson Coroner Report

Posted Aug 28th 2009 2:34PM by TMZ Staff

The L.A. County Coroner has just officially announced the cause of Michael Jackson's death -- Acute Propofol intoxication.

The report says "other conditions contributing to death: Benzodiazepine effect.

The manner of death is ruled: "HOMICIDE."

The Coroner did not release the full autopsy report -- just a press notice. It goes on:

"The drugs PROPOFOL and LORAZEPAM were found to be the primary drugs responsible for Mr. Jackson's death. Other drugs detected were: Midazolam, Diazepam, Lidocaine and Ephedrine.

The final Coroner's report, including the toxicology report, will remain on security, per the LAPD.
well they only released the cause of death not the full toxis. the drugs named contributed to the death any others that were in his system (if there were others) didnt contribute so its irrelvent interms of the investigation and thats why they werent named

It is stated in the coroner's press release that the drugs that contributed to the death were Propofol and Lorazepam. Those two drugs are the ones that killed Michael. The Lorazepam is the Benzodiazepine that they are referring to.

Midazolam, Diazepam, Lidocaine and Ephedrine were detected in Michael's body, but they didn't play a part in his death. Murray explained in his police interview that he gave Michael all those drugs to try to put him to sleep. The only drug that he doesn't give an explanation for is the Ephedrine.
which is what im saying. they havnt released the full toxis just what caused the death which was

Acute Propofol intoxication.

The report says "other conditions contributing to death: Benzodiazepine effect. which is the other drugs that were mentioned. if that was everything they wouldnt be holding back the full toxs report.they said they were releasing cause of death only.
That's it elusive , the full autopsy will talk about mj past overdoses if there was any , his body shape, the diseases and ofcourse the time of death , when each of these drugs were injected , the amounts , but the meds found were listed . they are not saying some of the meds were , they are saying the other drugs detected were ...etc.