L.A. County Coroner Findings

Midazolam, Diazepam, Lidocaine and Ephedrine were detected in Michael's body, but they didn't play a part in his death.

thats false

he report says "other conditions contributing to death: Benzodiazepine effect.
That's it elusive ,
so why are they a saying they are with holding the full toxis if thats it. and are only releasing the cause of death and nothing else..the drugs that caused thedeath have been released but nothing else.
lorazepam (Ativan) is Benzodiazepine elusive , it is listed as one of the two main causes of death
Michael Jackson Coroner Report

Posted Aug 28th 2009 2:34PM by TMZ Staff

The L.A. County Coroner has just officially announced the cause of Michael Jackson's death -- Acute Propofol intoxication. see the propfol

The report says "other conditions contributing to death: Benzodiazepine effect. Lorazepam

The manner of death is ruled: "HOMICIDE."

The Coroner did not release the full autopsy report -- just a press notice. It goes on:

"The drugs PROPOFOL and LORAZEPAM were found to be the primary drugs responsible for Mr. Jackson's death. Other drugs detected were: Midazolam, Diazepam, Lidocaine and Ephedrine.

The final Coroner's report, including the toxicology report, will remain on security, per the LAPD
Lawyer for Jackson doc: Release full autopsy now


LOS ANGELES – The lawyer for Michael Jackson's doctor is criticizing authorities for withholding the full results of the singer's autopsy.

Edward Chernoff, who represents Dr. Conrad Murray, says he's at a loss as to why the Los Angeles County coroner's office only released a brief summary of the results Friday, including that Jackson's death was a homicide and the cause was the powerful anesthetic propofol and another sedative.

Chernoff says he needs to know precisely what levels of various drugs were detected and said the failure to release the report seemed like "gamesmanship."

Chernoff says his client was truthful with investigators and the general findings made public support statements the doctor gave investigators after Jackson's June 25 death.

see the AMOUNTS NOT THE DRUGS , they listed the drugs now the AMOUNTS
Elusive, Ephedrine and Lidocaine aren't even classified as benzodiazepines, so they could not have contributed to Michael's death. The other four drugs are simply listed as being detected. The Propofol and the Lorazepam (which is the benzodiazepine) are the drugs that killed MJ.
Acute Propofol intoxication which means it was propofol which caused it + "other conditions contributing to death: Benzodiazepine effect which is Lorazepam .

then they say the propofol and lorazepam were the main drugs causing the death, they are explaning the previous statements .
then they list the other drugs detected in his body .

everything is so obvious .
Chernoff is not talking about other drugs detected , he is talking about the AMOUNTS . so he would blame mj and say he overdosed himself , that's the only defense they are left with now .

beofre they were talking about mj having different doctors and getting different meds now all the meds came from murray , the only defense now it was mj who took the pills , that's why most of the bottles were empty.
the doctors shopping claims are out of the window now, the combination of drugs prescribed by different doctors is out of the window now , the only defense now is MJ overdosed himself . that's why it will be very interesting to know when exactly he was injected with these drugs , when exactly he died , AND 90 % OF THE BOTTLES WERE EMPTY .
what does acute propofol intoxication term have to do with Lorazepam? totaly different substances and both contributed to the death .
More and more I am thinking this was intentional. NO ONE is as stupid as Murray appears to be in all this if it truly was accidental.

Also, WHY was Murray being offered $150,000 per month. This is an ubsurd salary for a doctor, and especially one of Murray's calibere. Seems more like that was his payment as a hitman.

It is not possible for me to read this entire thread as it is 47 pages now, but I am wondering if AEG will actually now make more money from Michael than if he had been alive and done the concerts. Will the insurance, THIS IS IT movie, memorabilia tour etc net them more than the 50 concerts?
well, these prescribtions cover a three years period , MJ was not using propofol for a three years when he died . he used it when the concerts approached . he wanted to sleep , he had obligations to meet and he would not have been able to meet these pobligations if he did not get some kind of sleep .

and three of the drugs found in mj's system were prescribed by Murray the others were found in Murray's bag and they were not prescribed to any patient according to the seacrh warrant .

I serioisly believe it was Klien who introduced mj to propofl and he may very well administred it whenever he had the opportunity to do so , but again from the coroner report nothing in j's system came from Klien .

please I'm not defending him I hate him as much as I hate murray but that's the truth .

Erm, Klein is not investigated for killing MJ. He is investigated for medical malpractice. Even if the drugs which eventually killed Michael didn't come directly from him, if he gave them any time to Michael he should go down! And if he introduced him to those drugs he should go down. What I've read about Klein's practice of prescribing drugs to himself (and then presumably giving it to others), he looks totally shady:

"According to the warrant for inspection and the affidavit for administrative inspection warrant, both obtained by FOXNews.com, between January 1, 2008 and July 6, 2009, Klein self-prescribed 27 controlled substances, which he filled at Mickey Fine Pharmacy and which investigators believe he gave to his friends — including Michael Jackson, who died of an apparent drug overdose on June 25."

"According to the affidavit: "The [CURES] report shows 27 prescriptions written by Dr. Klein in a self-prescribing capacity, specifically prescribing medication to himself, from March 2006 through May 2009. These prescriptions include the medications hydrocodone (Vicodin), modafinil (Provigil), diazepam (Valium), and injectable midazolam (Versed)."

Of course, it may have nothing to do with Michael, but it may have to do everything with him! It will be investigated and we will see.
what does acute propofol intoxication term have to do with Lorazepam? totaly different substances and both contributed to the death .


Severe respiratory failure. Benzodiazepines, including lorazepam, may depress central nervous system respiratory drive and are contraindicated in severe respiratory failure. An example would be the inappropriate use to relieve anxiety associated with acute severe asthma. The anxiolytic effects may also be detrimental to a patient's willingness and ability to fight for breath. However, if mechanical ventilation becomes necessary, lorazepam may be used to facilitate deep sedation.

The problem with a lot of these types of drugs, is that they affect the central nervous system in sutch a way that they can effect the ability to breath properly during sleep. It do relieve anxiety, and makes you relax. But it also effect the part of your system that govern you breathing. There are two different systems in our body; one is governed by "will", and one that is "automatic" ( like the heart). Breathing and use of muscles that affect breathing is governed by the same system that these medications affect (sorry for my poor explanation- I am not a medical trained person, this is a layman trying to explain what I know about this- maybe soneone with a better knowledge can help to clarify?).

My guess s that Lorazepam affected his system in making him sedated to a point where when the added effect of Propofol came, his ability to breath was alredy supressed to a point where this tipped his system over the edge. Propofol itself has side effects that can cause respiratory failure, and in this case there were two powerful drugs that added up to this. The point is, that this is KNOWN side effects. There is no way a doctor would not know the risk, regardless of amount used.
Erm, Klein is not investigated for killing MJ. He is investigated for medical malpractice. Even if the drugs which eventually killed Michael didn't come directly from him, if he gave them any time to Michael he should go down! And if he introduced him to those drugs he should go down. What I've read about Klein's practice of prescribing drugs to himself (and then presumably giving it to others), he looks totally shady:

"According to the warrant for inspection and the affidavit for administrative inspection warrant, both obtained by FOXNews.com, between January 1, 2008 and July 6, 2009, Klein self-prescribed 27 controlled substances, which he filled at Mickey Fine Pharmacy and which investigators believe he gave to his friends — including Michael Jackson, who died of an apparent drug overdose on June 25."

"According to the affidavit: "The [CURES] report shows 27 prescriptions written by Dr. Klein in a self-prescribing capacity, specifically prescribing medication to himself, from March 2006 through May 2009. These prescriptions include the medications hydrocodone (Vicodin), modafinil (Provigil), diazepam (Valium), and injectable midazolam (Versed)."

Of course, it may have nothing to do with Michael, but it may have to do everything with him! It will be investigated and we will see.

as for these drugs being given previously to mj . well, they are all prescribed to treat insomnia , so nothing illegal at all .
27 prescription over three years are not that much , the problem is he should not self-prescribe in the first place , another point is if indeed mj was using the aliases everybody was talking about sure Klien would not have been forced to do something illegal as selfprescribing in order to provide mj with drugs .

see the TRUTH is becoming slowly known , Klien was doing shady things BUT IT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH MJ . the investigation into mj's death exposed him and that's why he is mad .
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"According to the warrant for inspection and the affidavit for administrative inspection warrant, both obtained by FOXNews.com, between January 1, 2008 and July 6, 2009, Klein self-prescribed 27 controlled substances, which he filled at Mickey Fine Pharmacy and which investigators believe he gave to his friends — including Michael Jackson, who died of an apparent drug overdose on June 25."

obvious lie MJ did not die of overdose and it was not apparent :smilerolleyes:.

Of course, it may have nothing to do with Michael, but it may have to do everything with him! It will be investigated and we will see.

Speculation on your side , as i said above according to you and people who support the theories about mj's using aliases , why would klien risk his career if indeed those drugs were to MJ and MJ was using many aliases .:scratch:
So is it safe to say that if the concerts weren't booked, Michael would still be alive? :( The stress and the obligations obviously made him desperate to sleep :(
More and more I am thinking this was intentional. NO ONE is as stupid as Murray appears to be in all this if it truly was accidental.

Also, WHY was Murray being offered $150,000 per month. This is an ubsurd salary for a doctor, and especially one of Murray's calibere. Seems more like that was his payment as a hitman.
Exactly my thoughts. Murray acted/acts like stupid, for me he is not...he is playing and it works. He hadn't/hasn't done anything like a doctor. How is that possible?
exactly , that was it . he felt he was obligated to deliver , inorder to delriver the poor man had to sleep . he was not addcited , he was not drugged , no piankillers ,nothing .
August 28, 2009
LKL Web Exclusive: MJ investigation looking at Dr. Murray
Posted: 06:03 PM ET
This is a LKL Web Exclusive by Defense Attorney TRENT COPELAND – who will also be a guest on tonight’s show – agree or disagree with him, let us know!

With the critical question of the exact cause of Michael Jackson’s death now having been categorically answered by the LA County Coroner’s office, the inquiry now is assessing the impact this has on the case.
Is it now clearly an investigation of involuntary manslaughter? Or does the clear and unequivocal official cause of death as “propofol intoxication” make it more likely that the case has evolved into a second degree murder charge? And does this rule out other doctor’s for any role they may have had in supplying Jackson with other medications?
Here is my answer: I have believed all along that all roads in the investigation would lead to Dr. Conrad Murray. For now, any other doctor that provided Jackson with medication can breathe a collective sigh of relief. They will at least not be charged in his death.
Dr Murray, on the other hand, has from the beginning been in the center of the storm. And with his alleged admission that he alone administered the powerful anesthetic Propofol to Jackson outside of a hospital setting in combination with the multitude of other drugs that he allegedly injected into Jackson’s system, the barometric pressure on the LA County District’s Attorney’s office has now just risen considerably too.
The facts as we seem to now know them are shocking — probably shockingly criminal. And here is the challenge for the DA’s office. Do they simply aim for the low hanging fruit and charge Dr. Murray with “involuntary manslaughter” (a relative slap on the wrist) which in all likelihood would result in a maximum sentence of 2 years given the doctors lack of criminal history? Or do they take the aggressive approach and charge him with 2nd Degree Murder (15 years to life) given the apparent recklessness and conscious disregard for Jackson’s safety?
In the end, it may be that Dr. Murray’s unblemished and stellar medical record may actually work against him. It is hard to imagine that any doctor, particularly a board certified cardiologist, would believe that administering Propofol, in someone’s bedroom, without the benefit of heart monitors, respirators and other essential equipment to assure the patient’s safety could have made the decisions that Murray made believing that he was even remotely in the backyard of established medical competency.
Clearly, if any one was in a position to have known better and to have appreciated the life-threatening risks of all of this it would be a cardiologist. And so it seems that the DA’s office will almost certainly consider the totality of circumstances (the volume of Propofol sufficient to produce intoxication) and the doctor’s disregard of the risks when it determines whether this is an “involuntary manslaughter” case or Second Degree Murder. The road seems to be winding towards the latter.

Filed under: LKL Web ExclusiveLarry King LiveMichael Jackson

Murder: Second degree

Second-degree murder is ordinarily defined as 1) an intentional killing that is not premeditated or planned, nor committed in a reasonable "heat of passion" or 2) a killing caused by dangerous conduct and the offender's obvious lack of concern for human life.
August 28, 2009
LKL Web Exclusive: MJ investigation looking at Dr. Murray
Posted: 06:03 PM ET
This is a LKL Web Exclusive by Defense Attorney TRENT COPELAND – who will also be a guest on tonight’s show – agree or disagree with him, let us know!

With the critical question of the exact cause of Michael Jackson’s death now having been categorically answered by the LA County Coroner’s office, the inquiry now is assessing the impact this has on the case.
Is it now clearly an investigation of involuntary manslaughter? Or does the clear and unequivocal official cause of death as “propofol intoxication” make it more likely that the case has evolved into a second degree murder charge? And does this rule out other doctor’s for any role they may have had in supplying Jackson with other medications?
Here is my answer: I have believed all along that all roads in the investigation would lead to Dr. Conrad Murray. For now, any other doctor that provided Jackson with medication can breathe a collective sigh of relief. They will at least not be charged in his death.
Dr Murray, on the other hand, has from the beginning been in the center of the storm. And with his alleged admission that he alone administered the powerful anesthetic Propofol to Jackson outside of a hospital setting in combination with the multitude of other drugs that he allegedly injected into Jackson’s system, the barometric pressure on the LA County District’s Attorney’s office has now just risen considerably too.
The facts as we seem to now know them are shocking — probably shockingly criminal. And here is the challenge for the DA’s office. Do they simply aim for the low hanging fruit and charge Dr. Murray with “involuntary manslaughter” (a relative slap on the wrist) which in all likelihood would result in a maximum sentence of 2 years given the doctors lack of criminal history? Or do they take the aggressive approach and charge him with 2nd Degree Murder (15 years to life) given the apparent recklessness and conscious disregard for Jackson’s safety?
In the end, it may be that Dr. Murray’s unblemished and stellar medical record may actually work against him. It is hard to imagine that any doctor, particularly a board certified cardiologist, would believe that administering Propofol, in someone’s bedroom, without the benefit of heart monitors, respirators and other essential equipment to assure the patient’s safety could have made the decisions that Murray made believing that he was even remotely in the backyard of established medical competency.
Clearly, if any one was in a position to have known better and to have appreciated the life-threatening risks of all of this it would be a cardiologist. And so it seems that the DA’s office will almost certainly consider the totality of circumstances (the volume of Propofol sufficient to produce intoxication) and the doctor’s disregard of the risks when it determines whether this is an “involuntary manslaughter” case or Second Degree Murder. The road seems to be winding towards the latter.

Filed under: LKL Web ExclusiveLarry King LiveMichael Jackson

Murder: Second degree

Second-degree murder is ordinarily defined as 1) an intentional killing that is not premeditated or planned, nor committed in a reasonable "heat of passion" or 2) a killing caused by dangerous conduct and the offender's obvious lack of concern for human life.

I think he should get life in prison, for reckless disregard for MJ's safety. That man is a Menace to Medicine. Seriously. No "slap on the wrist" please!!
no way the DA is going to charge him with anything less than second degree murder , we were afraid the texicology report would list other drugs prescribed by other doctors which contributed to his death but obviously the drugs listed were all prescribed by Murray and no one but him .

again the next most imoprtant fact to be known is when exactly he gave these drugs to mj since I don't believe he gave them like he said , the time of death will play also a huge part in ADDING EVEN MORE CHARGES to the second degree murder.

murray's attorney now is parying the amounts in mj's system are much higher and they are propaply much higher than the dosages Murray adimtted to , then the empty bottles of drugs will play role in the defense case . He is screaming release the AMOUNTS so he can base his defense on them . too late, too little and very desperate .

Main purpose: General anesthesia
Mode of delivery: Intravenous


Main purpose: anxiety, insomnia
Mode of delivery: oral and intravenous


Main purpose: insomnia, premedication before surgery
Mode of delivery: oral and intravenous


Main purpose: anxiety, insomnia
Mode of delivery: oral and intravenous


Main purpose: local anesthetic, suppress fast rhythms of the heart
Mode of delivery: Intravenous


Main purpose: weight loss, energy booster (temporary improvements in either mental or physical function) , decongestant, treat low blood pressure.
Mode of delivery: Oral, intravenous
So is it safe to say that if the concerts weren't booked, Michael would still be alive? :( The stress and the obligations obviously made him desperate to sleep :(

These are my thoughts too. He was a perfectionist, that much is obvious, and he wanted to make these concerts spectacular. To do that he had to get rest. I'm speculating here, but maybe he'd used propofol in the past, and realised he'd have to use it again to get through these concerts. Otherwise he may never have touched the stuff.

Too sad :(

Main purpose: General anesthesia
Mode of delivery: Intravenous


Main purpose: anxiety, insomnia
Mode of delivery: oral and intravenous


Main purpose: insomnia, premedication before surgery
Mode of delivery: oral and intravenous


Main purpose: anxiety, insomnia
Mode of delivery: oral and intravenous


Main purpose: local anesthetic, suppress fast rhythms of the heart
Mode of delivery: Intravenous


Main purpose: weight loss, energy booster (temporary improvements in either mental or physical function) , decongestant, treat low blood pressure.
Mode of delivery: Oral, intravenous

Notice please all the drugs with the exception of propofol and lidocaine which is given with propofol could be taken orally .

why would Murray give MJ all the drugs Via an IV when he was not even planning to give him propofol as he said ? you can conclude that all this story about him trying to wean mj off propofol is a complete lie , and again the time of death and WHEN he was given the meds will be very interesting to know.
So is it safe to say that if the concerts weren't booked, Michael would still be alive? :( The stress and the obligations obviously made him desperate to sleep :(

looking at everything else, especially his decision to stop touring after 1997 (when, according to all reports, he was first given the Propofol by an anesthesiologist in order to sleep) -- it does look that way. :(

I think the follower/fans guessed this. hence their repeated attempts toward the end to try to get to Mike to ask him to stop the concert from going ahead.
why would Murray give MJ all the drugs Via an IV when he was not even planning to give him propofol as he said ?

Do we know for sure that the other drugs were given IV? I read one or two reports of Michael having half digested tablets in his stomach. Don't know how reliable this was though.

If they were all given by IV, then it definitely looks even more suspicious.
I don't understand WHY he didn't stop that? He must have known that his health IS more important to us that concerts/albums/recordings:(
I think Michael was torn, by his love of performing/his fans/his ambition/his desire for his children to see him on stage v. his need to stay healthy and be a dad to his kids etc. Not that they are mutually exclusive, but he must have realised that taking to the stage again would be a risk. With persuasive people around him though, telling him he could do it, he must have (at least initially) felt confident about going through it all again...