L.A. County Coroner Findings

Do we know for sure that the other drugs were given IV? I read one or two reports of Michael having half digested tablets in his stomach. Don't know how reliable this was though.

If they were all given by IV, then it definitely looks even more suspicious.

Murray said he gave everything through an IV that was in his interview with the police, I think that will be the defence theory Murray gave everythingb through IV , everything taken orally is mj's responsibility . that's why all the empty bottles were found beside his bed . Murray wanted the police to think it was an overdose , now that will be the defence strategy .
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Murray said he gave everything through an IV that was in his interview with the police

OK thanks. I read it but must have missed that bit. In that case, it's clear it was always his intention to give the propofol. Or make Michael think he would? Murray is lying, that much is obvious.
guys I have a feeling Murray injected him with all these drugs when he found mj dying , I really believe that, that's why it is very important to know when exatly the drugs were given and when exactly mj died . the story is even more shocking than it appears to be.
guys I have a feeling Murray injected him with all these drugs when he found mj dying , I really believe that, that's why it is very important to know when exatly the drugs were given and when exactly mj died . the story is even more shocking than it appears to be.

What makes me inclined to think the same is that I can't imagine Michael having taken all those anti-anxiety drugs as Murray claims, and then still be able to demand propofol.

Unless his tolerance was super-human, he'd have to have been extremely woozy by then.
notice , there was a 30 minutes between the first drug and the next , then we have another hour , another hour another hour then a gap of three hourse when according to his laughable story he finaly administered propofol to mj at 10.40 a.m .

he can say he left and mj took the pills himself , but homicid means homicide , the coroner figured out that the things were administered by someone else . Murray is in big trouble and as i said on kop discussion board before his lawyer allowed him to admit to the things he admitted to only cover up something that is even more absurd . wait and see.
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guys I have a feeling Murray injected him with all these drugs when he found mj dying , I really believe that, that's why it is very important to know when exatly the drugs were given and when exactly mj died . the story is even more shocking than it appears to be.

yep, that's going to be the crux of the prosecution's case. I have a feeling that that is a major point in the full coroner's report that they're not releasing yet.
I've wondered exactly how the coroner got to "homicide". he must have realized that after the first two or so "injections", there was no way Michael was going to be able to (even if he knew how) self-inject himself with the stuff, least of all the Propofol at 10:40am. and that last timing is just unbelievable to me.
I don't buy the theories about Murray being hired to kill mj , I don't believe Murray intentions were to kill mj either . but Murray DID do something very absurd that NIGHT , and tried to cover it with something EVEN MORE ABSURD . another very important thing is where is the jewellery ?
I've wondered exactly how the coroner got to "homicide". he must have realized that after the first two or so "injections", there was no way Michael was going to be able to (even if he knew how) self-inject himself with the stuff, least of all the Propofol at 10:40am. and that last timing is just unbelievable to me.

I bet the coroner realised they were injected at the same time.
his doctor told him it was safe. it was no problem.

a Benzodiazepine is a respitory suppressent meaning it slows the breathing. he gave him several different ones in a matter of four hrs, then propofol...a LETHAL dose of it, and is claiming he gave him 25mL

if he did that and stayed w/ mj for ten minutes, mj would've woken up before the 10 minutes had lapsed. it takes upwards of 400mL for mj to go to bed for several hrs. this man was incompetent and he didn't realize that by saying such a nominal dose, that he would pigeonhole himself in his claims...it doesn't fit the timeline

also, when you pass away, if you're in a room that's LOWER than the ave temp of a human body,they gauge liver temp and count backwards...if you're in a room that's 80* and ur temp is 85 then they count backwards, a half hr to an hr per degree and that'show they gauge when u likely passed.

HIS ROOM WAS in the 90*s. they jakked the fireplace up. so now they can't ascertain when he passed. it's insane to validate y a fireplace would be on in the summer when it's hot. he did it to cover it up

it's insane to think he was awake at 1040 in the morning and did not go downstairs and have breakfast w/ his kids. not greet them in the morning. that's not michael. he wasn't awake, he wasn't walking around trying to fall asleep...he was probably already gone by that time.

i want to know if temperature can effect lividity and rigor. who murray called in those minutes and why. and why his conduct was so egregious....

didn't call 911 immediately.

did cpr alone for thirty minutes. on a bed, no less.

refused to call t.o.d. and made them work on mj for another 47 minutes

and then he went to the hospital and was worked on for another hr...the man was long gone.

his conduct cannot be explained. u do NOT treat a patient if u feel they are not being honest w/ u about their med use or their doc history. u do NOT have a patient who cannot sleep and then jump to administer an anesthetic. especially if you're not trained.

he has so much to lose by killing the kop. the walls are closing in.
his doctor told him it was safe. it was no problem.

a Benzodiazepine is a respitory suppressent meaning it slows the breathing. he gave him several different ones in a matter of four hrs, then propofol...a LETHAL dose of it, and is claiming he gave him 25mL

if he did that and stayed w/ mj for ten minutes, mj would've woken up before the 10 minutes had lapsed. it takes upwards of 400mL for mj to go to bed for several hrs. this man was incompetent and he didn't realize that by saying such a nominal dose, that he would pigeonhole himself in his claims...it doesn't fit the timeline

also, when you pass away, if you're in a room that's LOWER than the ave temp of a human body,they gauge liver temp and count backwards...if you're in a room that's 80* and ur temp is 85 then they count backwards, a half hr to an hr per degree and that'show they gauge when u likely passed.

HIS ROOM WAS in the 90*s. they jakked the fireplace up. so now they can't ascertain when he passed. it's insane to validate y a fireplace would be on in the summer when it's hot. he did it to cover it up

it's insane to think he was awake at 1040 in the morning and did not go downstairs and have breakfast w/ his kids. not greet them in the morning. that's not michael. he wasn't awake, he wasn't walking around trying to fall asleep...he was probably already gone by that time.

i want to know if temperature can effect lividity and rigor. who murray called in those minutes and why. and why his conduct was so egregious....

didn't call 911 immediately.

did cpr alone for thirty minutes. on a bed, no less.

refused to call t.o.d. and made them work on mj for another 47 minutes

and then he went to the hospital and was worked on for another hr...the man was long gone.

his conduct cannot be explained. u do NOT treat a patient if u feel they are not being honest w/ u about their med use or their doc history. u do NOT have a patient who cannot sleep and then jump to administer an anesthetic. especially if you're not trained.

he has so much to lose by killing the kop. the walls are closing in.

Thank you Zazu!! Every well put
guys I have a feeling Murray injected him with all these drugs when he found mj dying , I really believe that, that's why it is very important to know when exatly the drugs were given and when exactly mj died . the story is even more shocking than it appears to be.

exactly, if you think about it how do we know Michael was even awake when Murray gave him all these drugs? if Murray's already proven negligence turned out to be as bad as it can be then why wouldn't he go as far as injecting more drugs than needed? with a doctor like him everything is possible!

and another thing - people say Michael was an addict because he was using all these drugs - these were given to him by a doctor and he had only been using this treatment for 6 weeks. An addict needs drugs ALL the time, not only when he's working hard for a tour. would've Michael been able to rehearse every day if Murray would've given him all these drugs every night?
S*it, it could have have been given to him while he was alsleep...but maybe he would have felt the needle...*shakes*

I just don't know anymore. But you make good points. Damn...

If he had an IV then he wouldn't have felt it.

Have they arrested the A$$hole yet? Or is he going to get off with a slap on the wrist?
Poor Michael. He didn't do his homework on Murray and paid the ultimate price. Even if Murray is prosecuted to the full extent of the law, there is no recompense for what has been lost.
I've wondered exactly how the coroner got to "homicide". he must have realized that after the first two or so "injections", there was no way Michael was going to be able to (even if he knew how) self-inject himself with the stuff, least of all the Propofol at 10:40am. and that last timing is just unbelievable to me.

I have wondered the same. Also, why was the Propofol still found in Michael's system if it's supposed to be gone and undetectable within 20 minutes of being administered? If that's true, then I hate to say this. But I'm starting to think that maybe it was given to him as he was on his way out or after he was already dead. *sigh*. I'm so sad about this whole thing.
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Thank you Zazu!! Every well put
ur very welcome akon akon queen of mean whoooooooooooo weeee michael! lol

and as mello said it, themedia is the reason it came out. they went to court and asked that it be revealed but they're keeping the actual facts out of it. so murraycan hang tight
that might the most important lesson here: research your doctors, people. look them up. figure out what they've done before as much as you can. and never, ever, pop any pills they give you before checking out side effects and dosage info.

I trusted my doctor once and took something called Lexapro. I ended up in the hospital. not a good move. and I wasn't even diagnosed as clinically depressed. he made a guess, a GUESS!

these days, with the internet, there is no reason to not read up about what you're ingesting... in food or drugs.
I have wondered the same. Also, why was the Propofol still found in his system if it's supposed to be gone and undetectable within 20 minutes of being administered. If that's true, then I hate to say this. But I'm starting to think that maybe Michael was given it as he was on his way out or after he was already dead. *sigh*. I'm so sad about this whole thing.

yeah, or that the dosage was a lot more than he's saying it was.
Also, why was the Propofol still found in his system if it's supposed to be gone and undetectable within 20 minutes of being administered. If that's true, then I hate to say this. But I'm starting to think that maybe Michael was given it as he was on his way out or after he was already dead. *sigh*. I'm so sad about this whole thing.

it can be found in the organs

I've wondered exactly how the coroner got to "homicide". he must have realized that after the first two or so "injections", there was no way Michael was going to be able to (even if he knew how) self-inject himself with the stuff, least of all the Propofol at 10:40am. and that last timing is just unbelievable to me.

cause murray admitted injecting him with the stuff that killed mike. death by someone else.whether on purpose or by accidenct
it can be found in the organs

Then I wonder what the point was in Murray trying to delay Michael's death pronouncement according the article about what happened with the EMT's when they got to the house. Unless someone told him differently, he surely had to have known that an investigation would turn up the propofol in Michael's body regardless of the time of administration. The result would have been the same whether Michael was taken to the hospital or he was still at home when he was pronounced dead. What was the advantage for Murray in trying to get it held off? That just seems kind of "uhhhhh" to me.
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well aren't those records sealed? u can'tgo to a doctor and ask how many patients they've messed up.

These days, one can go online and do a search about a particular doctor. There is probably a fee, but you can find out stuff like lawsuits past and pending, and so forth. You can do the same with hospitals. Can go online and find out their "death-rates," etc. YIKES! Knowledge is power. Hmmmm. . .
Then I wonder what the point was in Murray trying to delay Michael's death pronouncement according the article about what happened with the EMT's when they got to the house. Unless some told him differently, he surely had to have known that an investigation would turn up the propofol in Michael's body regardless of the time of administration. The result would have been the same whether Michael was taken to the hospital or he was still at home when he was pronounced dead. What was the advantage for Murray in trying to get it held off? That just seems kind of "uhhhhh" to me.

He didn't want Mike to be pronounced dead at the house, he wanted it done at the hospital. He was probably hoping they would think it was an overdose. If Michael had been pronounced dead at the house, I think it would have immediately become a crime scene.