L.A. County Coroner Findings

I think Michael didn't have enough time to take anything himself. With all that stuff in his blood, with a needle in his arm, I believe, it would be too difficult to him physically to do that. He must have been too weak. If Michael really woke up, by the time Murrey came back (in 2 minutes) he probably was still trying to realize what is going on. Murrey only makes things worse to himself saying that he left the room for 2 minutes. If Michael wasn't breathing for only two minutes, he still could be rescued. :( It's like to kill someone twice. The overdose could be an accident. But if doctor delayed 911 call on purpose, he has no chance.

sorry for my English..

again you all assume that the coroner based his report on Murray's testimony , something I believe was not the case.
if thats the case then what other reason could u have for him calling it homicide other than what i said above interms of the levels of the other drugs and mj not being able to administer. cause the only other thing is physcial markings to show someone else killed u like a standard homicide.

yeah , the amounts and mj not being able to inject himself with them , but we can see from the article that someone could overdose himself using propofol especially since mj was hooked to an IV , what made the coroner rule out overdose ?
propofol is not a substance u can inject and then slowly go to the bed and fal asleep. theminute it's in u, you're out.

the amount he's claiming to have given mj would've worn off before his little 'i sat for ten minutes w/ him' claim. so blah
not only the amounts but the timing , when these drugs entered mj's system , that what i think made the coroner rule the death as homicide .
because he found mj dying and he wanted to make it like an overdose, he thought propofol would disappear and the other drugs would be detected , remember most of the meds bottles were empty and beside mj's bed . an overdose scene staged by Murray.

Wow, I'm slow; I hadn't thought of all that. This makes perfect sense. OMG.
because he found mj dying and he wanted to make it like an overdose, he thought propofol would disappear and the other drugs would be detected , remember most of the meds bottles were empty and beside mj's bed . an overdose scene staged by Murray.

This seems likely. All those delays might have been for the propofol to leave the body? Remember, if Nurse Lee hadn't mentioned propofol, it's possible the LAPD wouldn't have known to look for it? And recently, it came to light that Murray said the NURSE was giving Michael propofol. She has strongly denied that.

There are so many inconsistencies, it's really depressing. . . .
no it was Murray who told them about propofol , I believe when he contacted his lawyer , he told him to admit to administring it along with the other drugs .
I think the attorney made him admit to administring propofol because he knew at somepoint propofol would be mentioned by someone and it would not look good if murray said nothing about it .

Murray wanted to say mj overdosed himself , the lawyer told him admit to administring propofol and the autopsy would probably show that mj had other drugs from other doctors we would claim it was a combination of drugs prescribed by different doctors and murray had no idea mj was taking other drugs prescribed by other doctors , thanks God the results said all the meds in mj's system were prescribed by murray and he himself admitted he injected mj with them .

now the attorney is going back to murray's intial story , mj overdosed himslef .
When the hell will these murderers be arrested??? I mean they arrested Michael right away, even when he wasn't even yet "proved guilty".
NO initially when they asked him, he said he gave him nothing. so IF it's true that he had injection marks, coul dbe from resusitation efforts...NOW it was two days later that he admitted it.

don't u think the docs in the er would've needed that information? they would've called it a lot sooner
exactly my point soso , murray intially wanted it to look like mj overdosed himslef that's why he run from the police immediately after mj was announced dead . but after two days of discussions with his lawyer they knew the coroner would know mj did not inject himself with these drugs so he admitted , but why murray admitted he gave him these drugs when he could have said mj took them on his own ofcourse with the exception of propofol ?
he could have said i only administered propofol like i usually do , i had no idea he took or injected himself with the other things ,
but the problem is, he admitted to giving him four or more different types of benzodiazapines....all that could be potential respitory suppressants...meaning it slows downthe breathing.

and then his 'usual' of propofol which would've knocked himi out for a few minutes, at MOST. so he's admitting, by way of his stories, his ineptness and his inability to accurately dispense this med

go backto what trish said a bout ephedra....
are you a reporter or a cop? you sound as if you've seen the full report. have you? or do you just get your kicks out of being mysterious?

I was thinking the same .....

So is it safe to say that if the concerts weren't booked, Michael would still be alive? :( The stress and the obligations obviously made him desperate to sleep :(


his doctor told him it was safe. it was no problem.

also, when you pass away, if you're in a room that's LOWER than the ave temp of a human body,they gauge liver temp and count backwards...if you're in a room that's 80* and ur temp is 85 then they count backwards, a half hr to an hr per degree and that'show they gauge when u likely passed.

HIS ROOM WAS in the 90*s. they jakked the fireplace up. so now they can't ascertain when he passed. it's insane to validate y a fireplace would be on in the summer when it's hot. he did it to cover it up

:shock: WTF????????!!!!!!!!!!!!???????? I agree, must be a cover up.... no one in their right mind would have the heating up like that, IN THE SUMMER!! except for the reason you said :( ...geez.....I don't know what to say...

i'm so fucking angry.

yep, that about sums me up too :ranting: :blowup:
what bothers me the most is the time line, he left enough time between each drug he administered to mj to leave the house and come back in case an evidence surfaced that he actually left the house during the night .

half an hour between the first injection and the second one, an hour between the second and the third , another hour between the third and the fourth ... three hours between midazolepam and propofol .
his girlfriend lived only ten minutes away from mj's mansion , there was a point murray and his attorney tried to make when he said he administered propofol at 10.40 a.m and not before .
but the problem is, he admitted to giving him four or more different types of benzodiazapines....all that could be potential respitory suppressants...meaning it slows downthe breathing.

and then his 'usual' of propofol which would've knocked himi out for a few minutes, at MOST. so he's admitting, by way of his stories, his ineptness and his inability to accurately dispense this med

go backto what trish said a bout ephedra....

my question is why his attorney allowed him to admit to that ? why did he let him say he was the one who injected mj with all these drugs , when he could very well said i had no idea he injected himself with these drugs . they knew something we don't know , murray's attorney wants desperately to place murray at the home that whole night .
what bothers me the most is the time line, he left enough time between each drug he administered to mj to leave the house and come back in case an evidence surfaced that he actually left the house during the night .

half an hour between the first injection and the second one, an hour between the second and the third , another hour between the third and the fourth ... three hours between midazolepam and propofol .
his girlfriend lived only ten minutes away from mj's mansion , there was a point murray and his attorney tried to make when he said he administered propofol at 10.40 a.m and not before .

Right. And what would have revealed that, are those missing security tapes. Let's not forget about THAT. The tapes would also have shown if there was anyone in the house who shouldn't have been there. . .. . .
victoria , the search warrant did say that SECURITY tape showed murray entering the house at 1 a.m , the tapes are not missing .
he could have said i only administered propofol like i usually do , i had no idea he took or injected himself with the other things ,

most criminals slip up. somehow, somewhere.

sure, he's innocent until proven guilty. but he made some egregrious mistakes that are already haunting his defense.
Isn't it strange that the first coroner who did the 1st autopsy said on CNN: there are no signs of foul play and now this???
victoria , the search warrant did say that SECURITY tape showed murray entering the house at 1 a.m , the tapes are not missing .

I thought I'd read somewhere that there is a lapse on the security tape footage? Some time period that is unaccounted for? I can't remember where I saw that, but it was on more than one site I looked at last night though. But perhaps those were not reputable sources either. I'll have to see if I can find the sources.
Isn't it strange that the first coroner who did the 1st autopsy said on CNN: there are no signs of foul play and now this???

it's called two things. murder and intelligent coverup.

Makes sense now, doesn't it?
It would depend on the circumstances. Forensic pathologists are the ones who check for drug levels. They specialize in that. A coroner is a public official who studies the body and can rule no foul play based on that evaluation however are not usually trained in the science of toxicology tests.

If drugs or alcohol are thought as the result of death, the forensic pathologist is requested.
I thought I'd read somewhere that there is a lapse on the security tape footage? Some time period that is unaccounted for? I can't remember where I saw that, but it was on more than one site I looked at last night though. But perhaps those were not reputable sources either. I'll have to see if I can find the sources.

Yes, that was reported on CNN. Don't know that I read it, but saw it on tv.
actually i read, michael was alays cold so he would tur up the fire place. Eve his chef said it too.

I don't believe that because he had thick comforter on his bed and it was June.

Also, how would the chef know considering she was not allowed upstairs?
Have you seen this article???!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Michael Jackson’s fatal heart attack was kept secret for three hours in a bid to cover-up the real cause of his death, it was claimed yesterday.
It is also believed the King of Pop’s dead body was then moved to his bedroom so police would think he killed himself with a fatal dose of the drug Propofol......"

I read that earlier...an hour or so ago. But I'm not in the UK, so I don't know how reliable the source is. Anyone else?