L.A. County Coroner Findings

When someone has been murdered, the official investigators
must determine if the victim had enemies or others who wished
him harm. There were people in the music industry who deliberately
made Michael Jackson's professional and personal life difficult.
Michael Jackson talks about such people in the
following videos:

Michael Jackson asks for Justice in the Music Industry...

In London speaks against Sony and Tommy Mottola

Michael Jackson: What The Fans Will Never Forget
How did Michael end up meeting Murray in the first place to end up hiring him as his Doc? With Murray's past I don't see why he'd want to hire him?
It's worth mentioning that the presence of any narcotics unrelated to cause of death will have a very significant effect on what the attorney general concludes.

The truth will out. In due course.
It's not worth mentioning if you don't have anything to back that statement up.

Why don't you just say what you mean?
Dr. Conrad Murray -- the doctor who was at Michael Jackson's home the day he died -- was once under investigation for an alleged botched surgery.

In 2007, Dr. Murray drained fluid from the heart of a 67-year-old Las Vegas patient. The patient died after surgery. According to the coroner's investigation report, his wife was told by one of the docs her husband's heart was punctured during the procedure -- so she complained to the coroner's office.

The investigation report confirms that, during Dr. Murray's surgery, the patient suffered a puncture to the right ventricle of his heart, which was eventually listed as one of four causes of death on the autopsy report.

We spoke to the family, who told us they wanted to file a malpractice suit but it was too expensive -- in part because pursuing that kind of legal action requires testimony from another medical expert, and that costs a lot of money.

Altogether, the suit proved to be too much trouble and the family stayed quiet ... until now.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/tag/dr. conrad murray/page/4/#ixzz0PX7CzqHk

Aw damn. Just damn. Damn damn damn. :doh:

Thanks Trish.
In my opinion, so that he WOULD die, so AEG could collect on the insurance, so they could market the film, and take memorbilia on tour, and utilize many other money-making opportunities. Also in my opinion, Murray was just the tip of the iceberg. We know Michael was murdered. We know who gave him the propofol. We do NOT know the other circumstances.

You mean so they could run "Michael Jackson" like an "institution"? They all got their wish now, haven't they? They no longer have a living/breathing person to get in the way of this "institution" by spending money as he saw fit as fast as he made it. Now the "institution" can get flourish...without its living/breathing counterpart interfering in his own business. Perfect ending, eh?

(btw...that's sarcasm for those that missed it; not an MJ diss.)

Can someone read this -

It is no surprise that such a combination of medications could kill someone, said Dr. David Zvara, anesthesia chairman at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
“All those drugs act in synergy with each other,“ Zvara said. Adding propofol on top of the other sedatives could have “tipped the balance” by depressing Jackson’s breathing and ultimately stopping his heart.

The 25 milligrams of propofol “is not a whopping amount,“ said Lee Cantrell, director of the San Diego division of the California Poison Control System. It was the cocktail of the other sedatives, known as benzodiazepines, that “may have been the trigger that pushed him over the edge,“ Cantrell said.

“This is horrible polypharmacy,“ he said, referring to the interaction among the various drugs. “No one will treat an insomniac like this.“
The affidavit, signed by a judge July 20, said that the coroner’s office chief medical examiner told police his review of preliminary toxicology results showed “lethal levels of propofol.“
Besides the propofol and two sedatives, the coroner’s toxicology report found other substances in Jackson’s system but they were not believed to have been a factor in the singer’s death, the official told the AP.

Murray didn’t tell paramedics or doctors at the UCLA hospital where Jackson was rushed about any drugs he administered other than lorazepam and flumazenil, a “rescue drug” to counteract problems from too much lorazepam, according to the affidavit.

It was only during a subsequent interview with Los Angeles Police detectives that Murray gave a more full accounting of the events leading up to the 911 call, the document said.

A call to the coroner’s office was not returned Monday. A spokeswoman for the Los Angeles District Attorney’s said no case had been presented so the office had nothing to comment on.

The line between safe and dangerous doses of propofol is thin, and according to the drug’s guidelines a trained professional must always stay bedside. Home use of propofol is virtually unheard of - safe administration requires both a specially trained anesthesiologist and an array of lifesaving equipment. Murray was trained as a heart doctor, not a pain and sedation specialist.

Murray told investigators he didn’t order or buy any propofol, but investigators served a search warrant Aug. 11 at a Las Vegas pharmacy and uncovered evidence showing Murray legally purchased from the store the propofol he gave Jackson on the day he died.

Jackson’s family released a statement Monday, saying it has “full confidence” in the legal process and the efforts of investigators. It concludes: “The family looks forward to the day that justice can be served.“

Murray's as done as a skunk crossing a highway.

At least we have something official at last from the Coroner. I'm so sad right now though. It just seems like such a waste, I mean if it weren't for Murray, MJ could still be with us. That's what I can't get over.

There is so much that needs to be investigated. I hope they are looking at everything Murray and Klein and any other Dr that recently prescribed for MJ.

I wonder what propofol blood level was found by the coroner. Could a 25mg dose even cause 'Acute Propofol Toxicity'?

I have found this good model The University of Florida's website. It is a Virtual Anaesthesia Machine model. I registered to use this. You can adjust certain parameters like weight of patient, IV bolus dose and IV infusion rate of propofol. http://vam.anest.ufl.edu/
This is just a generic model and doesn't take into account the individual patient's circumstances at all, eg what other drugs are in the system etc, but I guess it can be used for 'ball-park' indication of dose to blood level of propofol.
For a 25mg bolus IV propofol, and a patient weight of 60kg, the blood level it shows is towards the top of the range but not in the toxic range. This only lasts less than 10 mins then it quckly goes towards zero.

I hope the Coroners can work backwards from the blood levels and estimate the dose of propofol MJ received. This is v important. I have a feeling that it was higher than 25mg.
Not forgetting the benzodiazepines would have negatively interacted with the propofol as well.

Agree with the bolded. Also, I think it would be great for one of these experts to explain how propofol can STILL be found in the blood in intoxicating amounts when something like that goes in and out of the body so quickly. Does finding it in Michael's blood, as opposed to being found in another organ like the liver or whatever, make a greater or lesser difference? I could have sworn ppl were saying if it were to be found it would be found in an organ and NOT his blood becuz of the fastness of how it works. So if it was STILL in high doses in MJ's blood, what exactly does that tell us? Hopefully, this will get answered somewhere by someone official.

Until the complete Autopsy report is released, don't make too many assumptions about this case.
There is more to come when the full list of drugs found in Michael Jackson's system is revealed.(not just the ones reported to have caused his death)
As I said before, it's a whole different can of worms.

Lets not forget the multiple puncture sites (listed in detail in the full results) including between his toes.

I agree with the answer below.

I believe there are no assumptions to be made. The coroner has released the official cause of death as per the results of the autopsy. If there was anything else SIGNIFICANT to know about how/why MJ died then I think the coroner would have put that in his/her report. There might be some other details in the autopsy, but since they weren't reported by the coroner then I think that means he/she doesn't find them to be relevant to the cause of death.

Sounds about right to me.

Well, now it's official. :( We know what killed Michael and we know WHO ADMINISTERED it to him. If Murray gave Michael anything else, the coroner obviously didn't think it was anything that "should have killed" MJ...so Murray and his lawyer can take their own words and stuff it! :) We now know what DID kill MJ. All else is of no consequence...unless Murray has something else he wants to share with the world? Otherwise, he has no choice but to deal with gamesmanship. Michael had to deal with it during his molestation trial and he came out just fine becuz he was genuinely innocent. Let's see if Murray is just as "fortuitous". Little s**t!!!

And about the appetite suppressant, it would really suck to know Michael was getting that after each propofol episode for the mere fact that the man was known to not be food-focused while he was preparing for something like concerts/tours anyway. It would have been a double-whammy for him to have been given something whose side-effects is appetite suppression. Dear Lord. Negligence every which way but loose. I'm pissed but almost numb now.

Thanks to all for the news, updates and informative posts. Despite how hurtful this confirmation is, keep the faith that we're another step closer to justice today.
Dr. Conrad Murray -- the doctor who was at Michael Jackson's home the day he died -- was once under investigation for an alleged botched surgery.

In 2007, Dr. Murray drained fluid from the heart of a 67-year-old Las Vegas patient. The patient died after surgery. According to the coroner's investigation report, his wife was told by one of the docs her husband's heart was punctured during the procedure -- so she complained to the coroner's office.

The investigation report confirms that, during Dr. Murray's surgery, the patient suffered a puncture to the right ventricle of his heart, which was eventually listed as one of four causes of death on the autopsy report.

We spoke to the family, who told us they wanted to file a malpractice suit but it was too expensive -- in part because pursuing that kind of legal action requires testimony from another medical expert, and that costs a lot of money.

Altogether, the suit proved to be too much trouble and the family stayed quiet ... until now.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/tag/dr. conrad murray/page/4/#ixzz0PX7CzqHk

Is there more to come?!!! Nothing surprises me anymore! :no:

After reading about 40 pages, I feel like my head is gonna explode! So much injustice, disgusting media statements and DR. Murderer lies. Life is not fair at all.

Here is already August 29. very late or very early, 4.10 A.M. and I’m felling very sad and lonely.
But worst is yet to come. Sept. 3, it would be the very hard day. :(
It makes me more depressed. But I'm praying for justice for our angel and
I really appreciate being able to be here with all of you on MJJC in the very hard times.

"Lies run sprints, but the truth runs marathons. The truth will win this marathon in court."

I believe in that!
It's not worth mentioning if you don't have anything to back that statement up.

Why don't you just say what you mean?

Totally agree. And let's really think about it, IF there were any narcotics in Michael's system or pills of this nature in his stomach there's no way the coroner could have ruled them out as playing a part in the cause of death. Narcotics and propofol is a bad combo. Narcotics and benzos are a bad combo. Propofol and benzos are a bad combo. Now add narcotics, benzos AND propofol and that would be an explosive cocktail combo that the coroner could not ignore. I honestly believe IF any narcotics were found in MJ's system they would have contributed in some way to his death....unless there were "trace" amounts...meaning they were taken a day or so beforehand...IMO. And thus far, we've yet to see any such narcotics listed as being found in MJ's room, have we? Or did I miss that list? I've only seen the list showing all the anti-anxiety drugs and things prescribed by Metzger and Klein.
I'm gonna repeat my question from earlier. Is it possible that Michael didn't know the consequences that diprovan could potentially have? Is it possible that Murray is lying when he said he was trying to get him off it, and that the night that he died it was the first time he was introduced to it?
I'm gonna repeat my question from earlier. Is it possible that Michael didn't know the consequences that diprovan could potentially have? Is it possible that Murray is lying when he said he was trying to get him off it, and that the night that he died it was the first time he was introduced to it?

In my opinion, IF Michael had this before during History tour, this would not have been his first experience with propofol. And if you believe Nurse Lee, altho I know some don't, he was aware of the dangers becuz she informed him. HOWEVER, he had been assured by doctors that it was perfectly safe as long as he was monitored. He had no idea Dr. DooCrap would leave the room while he was under and leave him unmonitored.
Ok, how do you know he was told it was safe? And also, was it illegal for Michael to use diprovan in his home?
Ok, how do you know he was told it was safe? And also, was it illegal for Michael to use diprovan in his home?

Well from what i have been hearing from medical experts on tv, they said it was illegal to have propfol at home full stop and it should only be used in hospital.
So could Michael have been held responsible for that, had he lived? Or would it all be on Murray or whoever placed it in his home, possibly Klein?
Ok, how do you know he was told it was safe? And also, was it illegal for Michael to use diprovan in his home?

because in her interview the nurse said that she tried to tell Michael it was not safe and he told her that the doctor told him it was..I dont believe he specified which doctor to her ..or so she said. As far as using it in a home...it is usually used in a hospital where one can be monitored not in a home setting unless one is under the care of a licensed doc who knows how to use it
Ok, how do you know he was told it was safe? And also, was it illegal for Michael to use diprovan in his home?

Well, this is dependant on Nurse Lee's account...but she says Michael told her he had been assured by a doctor that it was safe...and again, IF he had this during a previous tour, he may have been relying on his own experience as well in thinking it was safe because nothing bad happened to him. However, he was "allegedly" monitored by a real anesthesiologist using real equipment to monitor him appropriately during that tour.

As for the legality, it's NOT illegal outside of a hospital because propofol is not considered a controlled substance at this time (they are now considering making it one). However, there's no one in the medical community who believes it is ethically appropriate to use outside of a hospital becuz only a hospital generally has the proper equipment to monitor and revive a patient if something goes wrong. So technically, it's not illegal to administer outside of a hospital, BUT moreseo medically unethical becuz of how dangerous and risky it can be. In fact, there has not been one expert, even those specializing in propofol, that I've seen on tv, who was not dumbfounded at the idea that ANY doctor would give this to anyone outside of a hospital. I guess it's one of those things that everyone pretty much thought was a "given" so no laws were created to regulate propofol outside of a hospital. Well, now they know. Anything for $$$$$$.
So could Michael have been held responsible for that, had he lived? Or would it all be on Murray or whoever placed it in his home, possibly Klein?

Responsibility would still be with the doctor becuz Michael couldn't administer it to himself. Whoever had administered it to Michael would have been the one responsible. Period.
I dont believe there was Narcotics in Michael's system and he cannot perform or function on narcs if you are dehydrated or losing weight. Propofol will not fly out his system in seconds, it will take minutes. If when, Incompetent Murray gave him the Propofol he left him unattended and he died of respiratory arrest then propofol would still be in his system. Ativan, Valium, will stay in the system for a hours and versed will stay for a while , thought not long.
I think Michael was too zonked out to ask for Propofol. Maybe the stupid murray saw he was tossing and turning and decided to give it to him any way without reading the bloody PDR.
I knew Murray had a shady past but now we do know.
Poor Michael had to be his experiment..
i think you won't find a doctor that would support the use of profofol in a home setting, from what i have heard from every physician on TV.... the use of profofol outside of a hospital is the most egregious act by a physician.

you can't blame a patient for the acts of a physician. period. whether the patient is MJ or a nobody like me. if you are a physician that can not take the hippocratic oath and apply that oath to every patient regardless of who they are.... than don't practice medicine.
what murray has done is unforgivable. but for the news media and any reporter/anchor to suggest?? could michael be blamed???? I have two words for them

**** ***,
i bet they won't take that tone if it was one of their family members.
I dont believe there was Narcotics in Michael's system and he cannot perform or function on narcs if you are dehydrated or losing weight. Propofol will not fly out his system in seconds, it will take minutes. If when, Incompetent Murray gave him the Propofol he left him unattended and he died of respiratory arrest then propofol would still be in his system. Ativan, Valium, will stay in the system for a hours and versed will stay for a while , thought not long.
I think Michael was too zonked out to ask for Propofol. Maybe the stupid murray saw he was tossing and turning and decided to give it to him any way without reading the bloody PDR.
I knew Murray had a shady past but now we do know.
Poor Michael had to be his experiment..

Yeah, who knows what really happened...
Michael could have begged on his knees
STILL the responsibility is to the DOCTOR

I'm totally heartbroken
I'm gonna repeat my question from earlier. Is it possible that Michael didn't know the consequences that diprovan could potentially have? Is it possible that Murray is lying when he said he was trying to get him off it, and that the night that he died it was the first time he was introduced to it?

I think it is possible that MJ had no idea he was being put under these drugs. Conrad can easily paint the picture that he was just following orders from MJ and like what the media is trying paint the picture of MJ begging and he felt pressure but..

The time!

It doesn't add up. The intervals between the time suggests imo that Michael was being pumped with these drugs for a slow overdose and Michael was struggling inside to not go. Not resisting sleep but resisting something else.

There are other uses for IV's in a home setting. Some of those drugs given to him have a side effect of not remembering.

I'm wondering if there was an anesthesia mask found. I'm still not buying that MJ even asked for those drugs that night and someone subdued him without his consent.

There better be justice for this and I hope the LAPD isn't being wooed by people who could be involved.
Dr. Conrad Murray -- the doctor who was at Michael Jackson's home the day he died -- was once under investigation for an alleged botched surgery.

In 2007, Dr. Murray drained fluid from the heart of a 67-year-old Las Vegas patient. The patient died after surgery. According to the coroner's investigation report, his wife was told by one of the docs her husband's heart was punctured during the procedure -- so she complained to the coroner's office.

The investigation report confirms that, during Dr. Murray's surgery, the patient suffered a puncture to the right ventricle of his heart, which was eventually listed as one of four causes of death on the autopsy report.

We spoke to the family, who told us they wanted to file a malpractice suit but it was too expensive -- in part because pursuing that kind of legal action requires testimony from another medical expert, and that costs a lot of money.

Altogether, the suit proved to be too much trouble and the family stayed quiet ... until now.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/tag/dr. conrad murray/page/4/#ixzz0PX7CzqHk

this pisses me off because if this family would have spoken before, then Murray wouldn't have ever been picked to take care of Michael. Ugh, its so bad, I really wish the family would have said something way before. Something so bad as this had to happen for them to talk. Its just so sad
daisy;2156403 STILL the responsibility is to the DOCTOR [/quote said:
I agree. Its is a doctors reponsibilty to take care of therir patenits , especally where there is drugs involved.
Conrad can easily paint the picture that he was just following orders from MJ and like what the media is trying paint the picture of MJ begging and he felt pressure but..

i have never heard of patients being able to ORDER physicians. and if you are a physician that takes orders from patients you are in the wrong profession.

I'm wondering if there was an anesthesia mask found. I'm still not buying that MJ even asked for those drugs that night and someone subdued him without his consent.

i agree.

There better be justice for this and I hope the LAPD isn't being wooed by people who could be involved.

EVERYONE NEEDS TO PRAY FOR THIS. sadly money talks.... and too many characters in this whole tragedy has lots of money.
according to the results published today , the only meds found in mj's body were rescribed by Murray and no one but Murray , people were talking about mj being addcited to demerol and other painkillers and klien was the one injecting him with these drugs , obviously that WAS NOT TRUE .

the nurse LEE came and said I 'm only coming forward because i've got sick hearing people say he was addcit , because Michael was not addcit , she performed drug tests on him throughtout her employment which lasted four months from january till 19th of april and they always came back NEGATIVE . she delievered these tests to the LAPD.

Klien may have introduced mj to propofol BUT HE FOR SURE HAS NO DIRECT CONNECTION TO HIS DEATH .

he will go down for completely different matters, he was exposed for prescribing drugs for himself , no wonder he is very upset and claiming to be the parent , he knew they would figure that out . But again I'm sure klien did not give mj anything in the last months and YOU SHOULD PRAY THAT WAS THE CASE, else Murray will calim mj was doctor shopping .

Klein wasn't up to anything? um, then why the self prescribing? including...." the medications hydrocodone (Vicodin), modafinil (Provigil), diazepam (Valium), and injectable midazolam (Versed)."
