L.A. County Coroner Findings

Wow. I think they had to announce the COD because of the unsealed warrants and it just what we thought. The Dr.cannot claim that MJ was taking something else. He cannot refute this (well he can try).
This is terrible. What happens now.. :cry: is this IT?
I hate this....I just can't take these livestreams...I feel like the day of the memorial again....and like the day he died.
We shouldn't be seeing this. We should be enjoying stories about the concerts. :cry:
Oh God, I know. I should be at my first MJ concert in 21 years right now at this very moment. It's 7:45pm at the O2... and we're not there :cry:
It's no wonder he was loing weight so much if he weas being given Ephedrine.... it's also an appetite surpressant.
So now that the COD has been revealed as Homicide with propofol, police can arrest Murray because he admitted administering it? Its as simple as that right?
we already knew this. what we DIDN'T know (but suspected) was that the 25mg dosage was fictitious and bogus.

he gave him a LOT more in terms of infusion methinks.

ugh. I feel sick.
I think i heard dr. Murray crap himself.... i hope the f**ker goes down, if not if i ever come across him god help me i won't be in a sane frame of mind to stop my actions.
Oh gosh...

Michael. :cry:

He deserves justice. They better get Murray's ass.
Kcal 9 News Los Angeles was reading a statement that was handed out 5mins about what Killed MJ but no press Conference as of yet it was different drugs that Killed MJ which was mentioned earlier
:cry: im so frusterated this had to happen..
Michael should be here with us
Im so emotionally drained. why is this happeneing :cry:
Just a thought---I wonder if when Dr. Murray started the proprofol IV, did he possibly "not" set it on a drip but left the tubing open and all the propofol went in at once. Could be. I don't know. It's just terrible.

CNN is talking....now about Kid Rock. Geeeee I just wish CNN would announce it.
The L.A. County Coroner has just officially announced the cause of Michael Jackson's death -- Acute Propofol intoxication.

The report says "other conditions contributing to death: Benzodiazepine effect." Benzodiazepines are a group of drugs (see below) used to treat anxiety and insomnia.

The manner of death is ruled: "HOMICIDE."

The Coroner did not release the full autopsy report -- just a press notice. It goes on:

The drugs PROPOFOL and LORAZEPAM (Ativan) were found to be the primary drugs responsible for Mr. Jackson's death.

Other drugs detected were: Midazolam (Versed), Diazepam (Valium), Lidocaine (topical anesthetic) and Ephedrine (used to treat hypotension associated with anesthesia).

The final Coroner's report, including the toxicology report, will remain on security hold, per the LAPD.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0PVMi1vLm
So I'm thinking Murray is probably saying prayers and goodbye to his family...
He won't be seeing people for a longg time I'm sure...Michael's death is allll over his hands :(
:cry: painful. Our poor Michael :( I feel so blind, I had no idea. God I feel sick.
Oh my god...why did this have to happen to Michael???:cry:

That murderer shoud be arrested right now...What are they waiting for???
So now that the COD has been revealed as Homicide with propofol, police can arrest Murray because he admitted administering it? Its as simple as that right?

If it were that simple he'd be arrested by now don't you think? There is a CHAIN of so called doctors, pharmacists and other medical professionals who need to be held responsible for what's happened. We're not sure WHY Murray hasn't been arrested yet, but I would assume it's because this wasn't a murder (conspiracy theories aside), it was a homicide/manslaughter and they are still in the process of gathering evidence. U want this to be an air tight case, don't you? I know I sure do. I'd never want them to make arrests too early, then Murray slip through the cracks because of some technicality.