Katy Perry Closing In on Michael Jackson Chart Record *Update- Perry Matches MJ's Record*

No I haven't seen this clip and yes I'm aware that many people, not only MJ fans hates over him. Still, he does what he has to do and I'm happy for him if he gets success, I won't listen to him more because of that, but I don't feel the need to hate him because OTHER people (read media) are putting his name next to MJ's.

So if you don't mind, you also don't have to say I write stupid thing, thank you. :)
Have a nice day.

Not liking someone as an artist is not "hating on" somebody. I don't personally know either Katy Perry or Justin Bieber so I can't hate them. I can hate their music though and I'm entitled to voice that opinion. There's nothing wrong about that.
I actually love Last Friday Night and I think she's a nice person but my loyalty is with MJ.
Not liking someone as an artist is not "hating on" somebody. I don't personally know either Katy Perry or Justin Bieber so I can't hate them.

So if you know my point doesn't apply to you personally, why are we having this discussion in the first place ;)
As I said, you are entitled to not like their music (or hate it as you say, although I can't figure out the concept of 'hating' (which is a very strong word) any music) there is nothing wrong in that you're right, but not everybody is 'only' doing that.

So again, if what I was trying to point doesn,t apply to you, then cool, have a seat :)
Exactly. Big deal! Records get matched or broken all the time. It doesn't take away the original holder's greatness. Madonna broke Elvis's top 10 hit record and fans were so upset by that. Why? So what? It's bund to happen eventually. I don't get the big fuss. Good for Katy. I do think she's talented and she does actually write most of her music and her music will most certainly be remembered. After all, her 5 consecutive hits have been monstrous. They're not flukes. I'm not saying she'll be remembered such as our MJ (of course not) but she could be lovingly remembered such as fun pop acts like Paula Abdul. It's all down to personal opinion and let's face it - many of the people posting are biased. Again, Katy nor anyone else can touch MJ so there's no reason to overreact.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Guys, Records are made to be broken. And if you're a fan of MJ because of his records then i'm sorry but you're a fan for all the wrong reasons. I get that the whole "record" game is fun, I enjoy it too, but you guys are taking this way too seriously.
I don't thinks fans are overacting. Michael's record for the most Grammy's won in one night was equaled by Carlos Santana around 10yrs ago and fans weren't hating him. I don't rate Katy Perry (but I don't rate most current acts) and I can only think of one of her songs off my head. She appears to be much bigger in the USA than she is around the world, just like Take That are much bigger in the UK that the rest of the world.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Guys, Records are made to be broken. And if you're a fan of MJ because of his records then i'm sorry but you're a fan for all the wrong reasons. I get that the whole "record" game is fun, I enjoy it too, but you guys are taking this way too seriously.

Despite my post about how I like and feel protective of the records Michael's set. I do agree with this above post, and feel it's the right attitude to have. The fact Michael's set and has so many records is just a bonus. The fact is it's Michael's genius as an artist that really matters, and the fact his music will last for so long, as charts and records are often forgotten, whilst the music lasts forever.
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She was so desperate to match mj's record and she finally got it by cheap her song half prize plus remix. If she did it with her original songs like Michael did, i will be happy for her. Didn't two of her five songs reach to number 1 because of the remix?
I see a lot of hate or shade being thrown Katy's way but she's a talented girl who writes her music and worked very hard for this achievement. Her singles have been absolutely massive and have each outperformed all of MJ's hits from BAD. That is not a knock at Michael and of course BAD is a classic and always will be, I'm just trying to point out that it's unfair to brush Katy off as though she cheated or doesn't deserve it. Her singles have spent 18 weeks at #1 and have been in the top ten for over a year where as MJ's hits were at the top for 7 weeks. Please research before knocking someone. Yes, times have changed but it's still an awesome achievement and fuddy duds would say the same thing about MJ's success back in the day.

There's really no diminishing this accomplishment. She worked it and she worked it hard. When you add into the fact that her five #1's have spent a total of 18 weeks at the top of the charts vs. Michael's 7 weeks and it becomes even more impressive. When you take into account that E.T. spent more weeks in the Top 10 than both Jackson's Bad and I Just Can't Stop Loving You spent on the entire Hot 100 (and I haven't actually counted the weeks for her other singles, but I'm pretty sure at least Firework spent more time in the Top 10 than both those songs did on the entire Hot 100, and California Gurls spent HALF of those songs' chart times in the #1 position...) then it becomes even more impressive still.

Perry actually broke airplay records on four separate occasions with her singles on pop radio (I believe it was four times, I'm starting to lose count). This doesn't support your arguement. Sure album sales aren't matching (but I'm still not sure how people can compare the boom of the 80's and 90's to today). But airplay? Airplay stats ARE indicitive of how huge these songs have been. ALL FIVE songs went #1 on both airplay and sales (something that MJ's five #1's from Bad failed to accomplish).

As stated, times change. This still doesn't diminish this accomplishment. The internet absolutely makes it easier, but there's no way to actually compare. Who knows if the almost 5 million singles California Gurls sold (or the 4 million that Firework and E.T. have sold) would translate to 1 million sales back in the mid 80's, or 2 million, or maybe 500k? People in the 80's and 90's were flocking to record stores in droves. Now? They're flocking to the internet. It's just a different avenue. And as for being gone from the Top 20 in 3 weeks? All of Perry's singles have spent at least that much time (a lot more actually) in the Top 2 alone. MJ's singles though? 14 week runs on the Hot 100? His singles were closer to being out of the Top 20 in three weeks than any of Perrys.

I'm not trying to be arguementitive, I promise. You're entitled to your completely valid opinion just as much as I am mine. I just wish people would look at some of the facts surrounding this. Simply stating "it's easier these days" doesn't make it true, and if you look at the facts surrounding the accomplishment, you'll see... that's not really the case. I'm all for people being annoyed that Perry tied this record. I'd be annoyed if say, Britney or Mariah or Ke$ha or Pitbull or Lil' Wayne tied this record, but I'd still be able to see what an accomplishment it was. MJdeserved his success back in the day and Katy deserves hers today. The charts are indeed a game and MJ also played it well when he was active. Let's please just accept that times change and move on. No need to drag anyone in the dirt in an attempt to down play their success and make ourselves feel better.

I think this post sums up the situation pretty accurately. Simply put, time has changed. These days, record companies utilize different marketing strategies and gimmicks to help their artists to succeed. The methods they have now (releasing different remixes electronically, slashing sales price) might not be feasible back in the 80's. The comparison between Michael's record from 25 years ago and Katy's record in 2011 is invalid to begin with.

An accomplishment is still an accomplishment. If it's really that easy, then how come no one before Katy Perry managed to release five #1 htis. Not even Britney Spears or Eminem or Lady Gaga has five #1 hits from one album.

Having successful singles is now the focus of the game. Songs can be bought individually. Remixes can be released in a cost effective way. The record of having five #1 hits will surely be broken. However, Thriller's record as the best selling album of all time is invincible. The shift in the music industry and people's listening pattern help seal Thriller's status.

I also think this "Katy Perry tieing Michael Jackson for having five #1 hits" is insignificant. Honestly, I'm not into chart positions, polls or Billboard records. I honestly didn't remember how many Top 10 or #1 hits Michael had. His success and significance is not measured by "records".
Despite my post about how I like and feel protective of the records Michael's set. I do agree with this above post, and feel it's the right attitude to have. The fact Michael's set and has so many records is just a bonus. The fact is it's Michael's genius as an artist that really matters, and the fact his music will last for so long, as charts and records are often forgotten, whilst the music lasts forever.

Exactly! Smooth Criminal was not a #1 hit, So? Some of my absolute favorite Michael Jackson songs are not "hits" per se.

Charts and records are short lived. Music lasts forever.
I don't hate Katy Perry at all. I think some of us just don't like the tactics used to get this #1. If the original song had gone #1 without remixing and cutting the price then fine. So I guess is this what other artists will be doing now? If that is what the music business is now then there is nothing to be done about it. I became a fan of Michael when I was 6 and charts and sales were not something I was thinking about. Even now I don't pay attention very much but it's interesting to learn. I went to HMV today to look around and I saw her cd and they had stickers on them that said she has 5 #1 songs from it. Didn't this just happen yesterday? Oh well.
It's a sad day when Katy Perry matches a MJ record... Just saying.

This is so, so true....It would be nice if someone with some decent talent were to match Michael's record...It's a bit of a joke that it was Katy Perry :fear: Shows the state of the music industry nowadays :no:
I don't hate Katy Perry at all. I think some of us just don't like the tactics used to get this #1. If the original song had gone #1 without remixing and cutting the price then fine. So I guess is this what other artists will be doing now? If that is what the music business is now then there is nothing to be done about it. I became a fan of Michael when I was 6 and charts and sales were not something I was thinking about. Even now I don't pay attention very much but it's interesting to learn. I went to HMV today to look around and I saw her cd and they had stickers on them that said she has 5 #1 songs from it. Didn't this just happen yesterday? Oh well.

Times change and tactics were used to get MJ's singles to #1 as well. His BAD hits are obviously classics but they had very short chart life and "Dirty Diana" was actually even accused of only hitting #1 due to payola. I'm not saying that's what I believe but it was absolutely a real controversy back in the day. I've actually seen it brought up at another forum that is having this exact same discussion. It seems Katy having 5 #1 singles has ruffled a lot of feathers but I personally realize that while all of MJ's stats are nice, it doesn't really matter at the end of the day. Just the music. And that can't be touched. Folks need to relax and trust that. It's just like people saying so and so is the next Michael Jackson. Ain't but one MJ and that's the way it will always be. Relax.
Times change and tactics were used to get MJ's singles to #1 as well. His BAD hits are obviously classics but they had very short chart life and "Dirty Diana" was actually even accused of only hitting #1 due to payola. I'm not saying that's what I believe but it was absolutely a real controversy back in the day. I've actually seen it brought up at another forum that is having this exact same discussion. It seems Katy having 5 #1 singles has ruffled a lot of feathers but I personally realize that while all of MJ's stats are nice, it doesn't really matter at the end of the day. Just the music. And that can't be touched. Folks need to relax and trust that. It's just like people saying so and so is the next Michael Jackson. Ain't but one MJ and that's the way it will always be. Relax.

I am relaxed. I don't understand why people keep saying chill, relax, calm down etc. It's a bit rude. I don't even know most of Michael's records that he achieved to be honest. I don't know what tactics were used in 1987. I don't agree with the tactics being used now but I am not in the music business so it's not a factor for me. Her tying Michael doesn't change anything for me. People assuming that we are judging or valuing Michael based on his records that's not very fair. That's not what I am doing anyways. I hope I am not being rude or offensive here.
Times change and tactics were used to get MJ's singles to #1 as well. His BAD hits are obviously classics but they had very short chart life and "Dirty Diana" was actually even accused of only hitting #1 due to payola. I'm not saying that's what I believe but it was absolutely a real controversy back in the day. I've actually seen it brought up at another forum that is having this exact same discussion. It seems Katy having 5 #1 singles has ruffled a lot of feathers but I personally realize that while all of MJ's stats are nice, it doesn't really matter at the end of the day. Just the music. And that can't be touched. Folks need to relax and trust that. It's just like people saying so and so is the next Michael Jackson. Ain't but one MJ and that's the way it will always be. Relax.

First of all, a lot of singles back then had a short chart life. So that wasn't exclusive only to MJ. They may have had a shorter life then Perry's, but he made his achievement a lot faster than her and without any additional pushing by quickie remixes and discounts.

And why are you telling people to relax? It's a discussion board, isn't it? It ain't like people are going out and starting a riot or something.

Anyway, back to Katy's so called record. I saw another interesting thing that was pointed out on another (non MJ) forum. Billboard is saying the record is for 5 number 1 singles from ONE ALBUM, however one of her #1 singles is a remix with Kaney West, which does NOT appear on the album. On the album is a different version without Kanye.

This doesn't seem quite right to me. Kanye is credited on the #1 single, yet he's not in the album, so that's not exactly 5 number 1 singles from one album, is it? LOL
I think the remix counts with the original song even though the remix isn't on the album? I think she will probably re-release the album with remixes on it.
^Yea, I know they count them together on both airplay and sales, but radio played the remix with Kanye and people bought that remix as well, but that's not what's on the album. And the record is for number 1 singles from one album, so it's a little weird to me. Especially because Kanye is credited for that #1 single.
^Yea, I know they count them together on both airplay and sales, but radio played the remix with Kanye and people bought that remix as well, but that's not what's on the album. And the record is for number 1 singles from one album, so it's a little weird to me. Especially because Kanye is credited for that #1 single.

This is the common strategy they used now which I really don't like it. Rihanna also use the same strategy to make S&M number one single with Britney Spears. Personally, I really don't like all the remix version. To me, E.T. sounds way better without Kayne West. Anyway, it's obvious that Katy and her record company are so desperate to tie the record and use all the strategies they can use. I believe they are going to release a new version of the album, maybe the 6th single to break the record. We'll see.
I don't like it either. Is everyone going to remix their songs to get it to#1 now? It should be the original song on the album. I am not saying you can't remix a song. I read other artists came close to tying Michael for this record over the years.

Heath Daniels' exclusive backstage interview with Grammy nominated song writer, producer and rock star Linda Perry. Perry shares her thoughts on why Adele has a best selling album and why Katy Perry's album is "crap".

Katy Perry is pop’s new cash queen.

The sugar-coated singer has pulled in an estimated $50 million in the past 12 year from her album, “Teenage Dream,” which has just tied Michael Jackson’s record for the most No. 1 hits from a single album.

Perry topped Billboard’s Hot 100 chart yet again this week with her party jam “Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.),” making her the first woman and only the second artist overall to have five No. 1 songs from the same album. The record equals that held by Jackson’s “Bad” album.

“Teenage Dream” has sold some 1.7 million copies, with fans scooping up a total of 20 million singles tracks, according to Nielsen SoundScan.

With albums retailing for roughly $13 and singles for $1.30, her financial partners will share more than $48 million, minus marketing costs and retailers’ share.

Top-tier artists like Perry can command between 15 percent and 20 percent of music revenue, while music producers get around a 3 percent cut, according to one iindustry source.

Perry worked with producer/songwriter, Dr. Luke on some of her hits, including “Teenage Dream” and “California Gurls.”

Perry’s chart-topping album comes at an opportune time for EMI, which houses her label, Capitol Records. Lender Citigroup is looking for a buyer for EMI, which it repossessed from Terra Firma, and is conducting second-round bids.

Perry’s publishing label is Warner/Chappell Music. The parent, Warner Music Group, is also bidding for EMI.




Linda Perry is a huge hypocrite. After all, she did help usher in pop stars like Katy Perry with her brand of song writing and producing. She's worked with all the artists and helped create the very style of music she mocks. How ironic and distasteful. And no, she is not right whatsoever. Katy's album has been in the top of the charts for over a year now which means it's still a top seller and is still spawning massive hits. If people only thought that the album only had one or two good songs then how does that explain each single being astronomically huge? I guess Linda should adjust her statement to their only being 5 good songs on the album. Or she could simply keep her mouth shut and save herself the embarrassment, especially when she's behind the entire movement she bitches about. What a crock of BS!
Congratulations to Linda Perry. Finally someone who understands why most music these days is crap.
And for Katy's record? Don't make me laugh. =P
Linda Perry is a huge hypocrite. After all, she did help usher in pop stars like Katy Perry with her brand of song writing and producing. She's worked with all the artists and helped create the very style of music she mocks. How ironic and distasteful. And no, she is not right whatsoever. Katy's album has been in the top of the charts for over a year now which means it's still a top seller and is still spawning massive hits. If people only thought that the album only had one or two good songs then how does that explain each single being astronomically huge? I guess Linda should adjust her statement to their only being 5 good songs on the album. Or she could simply keep her mouth shut and save herself the embarrassment, especially when she's behind the entire movement she bitches about. What a crock of BS!

I wouldn't quite compare Christina Aguilera, Pink, and Vanessa Carlton (among the artists she's written for) to Katy Perry though. There's at least some substance in their songs. Katy Perry is extremely bubblegum. She isn't doing much for the landscape of pop music at all. I don't think there's anything wrong with that particularly, but I think it rubs people the wrong way how these news articles are blowing this matched record out of proportion like it means anything significant.

I was also surprised because "Last Friday Night" hasn't been getting much airplay in my area. Always have Z100 (NYC's top 40 station) on and for a supposedly top 5 single, I've barely heard it... Still hear E.T. all the time. It must be doing well on iTunes/other formats, 'cause the airplay alone seems pretty minimal.

Her label can boast all they want, but at the end of the day "Teenage Dream" has only sold like 1.7 million copies in the USA. That's pretty poor for an album with 5 number-one singles, even in this day and age. It shows that people don't like her music enough to actually purchase her album.