JUST IN: Michael Jackson died of lethal levels of propofol, court documents show





Hope you enjoy it!! :evil: :evil: :evil:


That's exactly what "they" WANT us to think! There is no way to really know if this is what Michael "decided."

That combination and amount of drugs sounds more like a lethal injection given at an execution, than a treatment for insomnia.

Saying that Michael DEMANDED or CHOSE to take these drugs puts the blame on HIM. Or at least that's what Murray seems to be trying to do. I think it goes much deeper. If Michael indeed had an IV line in place, anything could have been put into that. As is done in executions. I don't KNOW this, but it's my opinion that this could have happened.

If there really was a plot to kill Michael (in my opinion), the best way would be exactly this. Have a doctor make a "mistake." I doubt Murray will even get jail-time. I just don't see how any doctor in the known universe could have possibly been that stupid! I think he wasn't stupid. He knew exactly what he was doing. I can't prove it, but. . . . .

He left the room to make PHONE CALLS? And then failed in the morning to use his cell phone to call 911? No other phones were working? Give us a break. He didn't know the address? I highly doubt that. And if he didn't, just ASK someone. A person this stupid wouldn't have the capacity to tie a shoe, much less pass any sort of exams to be a doctor.

I think this is what will happen. Murray will get a slap on the wrist. There will be NO trial. Just a plea-agreement. And after that, follow the money. If Murray is suddenly driving a new Rolls Royce, someone needs to inquire as to how, exactly, he could afford that? And anything else he might purchase. We ARE watching. Murray is "f xxxx ed." If he turns up rich in the next few months/years, WE will want to know how and who paid him. Just speculation here, of course. Uh huh.
How convenient to blame Michael asking for drugs and using a few docs and taking different drugs. I'm not saying he didn't take any, but let's don't cover the real murder here.
About those cocktails... Cherilynn Lee clearly said she gave MJ cocktails intravenously to boost his energy. That's prob what he meant when he told Murray that he was getting cocktails that were good for him
Coroner rules Jackson’s death a homicide

Court document reveals singer had lethal levels of propofol in system

HOUSTON - The Los Angeles County coroner ruled Michael Jackson's death a homicide Monday after a search warrant affidavit revealed that Jackson had lethal levels of the powerful anesthetic propofol in his system when he died.

The document unsealed Monday allowed officials to raid the Houston offices and storage facility of Dr. Conrad Murray last month.

According to the warrant, Murray, Jackson's personal physician, had been treating the singer for insomnia with the sedative for six weeks. According to the document, Murray said he had been trying to wean Jackson off the powerful sedative by using smaller doses in combination with the sedatives lorazepam and midazolam.
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On the morning Jackson died, Murray said he tried to induce sleep without using propofol, starting first with valium at 1:30 a.m. When Jackson was still awake at 2 a.m., Murray injected Jackson with lorazepam, then injected him with midazolam at 3 a.m. Murray told police he administered several other drugs over the next few hours.

By 10:40 a.m., Jackson, still unable to sleep, urged Murray to give him propofol. Murray said in court documents that he administered 25 milligrams of the drug at that time, then left Jackson alone under the influence of the drug to make phone calls to his Houston office. When he returned, Jackson was not breathing. He performed CPR while a member of Jackson's staff called 911. The singer was rushed to UCLA Medical Center where he was declared dead sometime later.

The affidavit says, while Murray acknowledged to police that he administered propofol, authorities find no evidence that he had purchased, ordered or obtained the medication under his medical license or Drug Enforcement Administration tracking number. Police detectives found about eight bottles of the anesthetic in Jackson's house along with other vials and pills that had been prescribed to Jackson by Dr. Murray, Dr. Arnold Klein and Dr. Allan Metzger.

Valium, lorazepam, clonazepam, tamsulosin and other drugs also were confiscated in the search, and propofol was found in Murray's medical bag. According to the warrant, Murray told police he was not the first doctor to administer propofol to the singer.

Authorities subpoenaed medical records from Klein, Metzger and Dr. David Adams, in addition to Murray, the affidavit states. They also asked for medical records from Dr. David Slavitt, who conducted the independent medical examination of Jackson for Anschuntz Entertainment Group, Dr. Randy Rosen and nurse practitioner Cherilyn Lee.

The affidavit also states that Jackson told Murray that two doctors in Germany had given him propofol. Murray said he repeatedly asked Jackson what other physicians were treating him and what drugs they were prescribing. Murray said Jackson refused to give the information.

Coroner rules Jackson’s death a homicide

Court document reveals singer had lethal levels of propofol in system

HOUSTON - The Los Angeles County coroner ruled Michael Jackson's death a homicide Monday after a search warrant affidavit revealed that Jackson had lethal levels of the powerful anesthetic propofol in his system when he died.

The document unsealed Monday allowed officials to raid the Houston offices and storage facility of Dr. Conrad Murray last month.

According to the warrant, Murray, Jackson's personal physician, had been treating the singer for insomnia with the sedative for six weeks. According to the document, Murray said he had been trying to wean Jackson off the powerful sedative by using smaller doses in combination with the sedatives lorazepam and midazolam.
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On the morning Jackson died, Murray said he tried to induce sleep without using propofol, starting first with valium at 1:30 a.m. When Jackson was still awake at 2 a.m., Murray injected Jackson with lorazepam, then injected him with midazolam at 3 a.m. Murray told police he administered several other drugs over the next few hours.

By 10:40 a.m., Jackson, still unable to sleep, urged Murray to give him propofol. Murray said in court documents that he administered 25 milligrams of the drug at that time, then left Jackson alone under the influence of the drug to make phone calls to his Houston office. When he returned, Jackson was not breathing. He performed CPR while a member of Jackson's staff called 911. The singer was rushed to UCLA Medical Center where he was declared dead sometime later.

The affidavit says, while Murray acknowledged to police that he administered propofol, authorities find no evidence that he had purchased, ordered or obtained the medication under his medical license or Drug Enforcement Administration tracking number. Police detectives found about eight bottles of the anesthetic in Jackson's house along with other vials and pills that had been prescribed to Jackson by Dr. Murray, Dr. Arnold Klein and Dr. Allan Metzger.

Valium, lorazepam, clonazepam, tamsulosin and other drugs also were confiscated in the search, and propofol was found in Murray's medical bag. According to the warrant, Murray told police he was not the first doctor to administer propofol to the singer.

Authorities subpoenaed medical records from Klein, Metzger and Dr. David Adams, in addition to Murray, the affidavit states. They also asked for medical records from Dr. David Slavitt, who conducted the independent medical examination of Jackson for Anschuntz Entertainment Group, Dr. Randy Rosen and nurse practitioner Cherilyn Lee.

The affidavit also states that Jackson told Murray that two doctors in Germany had given him propofol. Murray said he repeatedly asked Jackson what other physicians were treating him and what drugs they were prescribing. Murray said Jackson refused to give the information.


i'm starting to see this around the web, but is it official??
I DON'T BELIEVE IT WAS SO SIMPLE! i think there's a murder hidden very deep. I'm so afraid they'll get away with that ....

Exactly. A doctor doesn't try to wean their patient off the drug, then later on inject DEADLY doses of it into his patient. That doesn't make any sense at all!! Of course, this will be all over the news today so us fans need to start making phone calls and tell them EXACTLY what we believe, that is was PLANNED MURDER from the very beginning. Nothing makes sense even now with what he's saying and nothing has ever made sense.
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I want to know where are the cops to arrest him, they damn sure didn't take this long to arrest MJ several years ago..

To think MJ died alone.. I just cant, I really can't
Just In: LA Coroner rules Mr.Jackson Death A Homicide

Jackson's Death Ruled Homicide By L.A. Coroner

Pop Singer Died From Lethal Levels Of Propofol

POSTED: 3:52 pm EDT August 24, 2009
UPDATED: 4:29 pm EDT August 24, 2009

A search warrant affidavit says Michael Jackson had lethal levels of the powerful anesthetic propofol in his system when he died.

The document unsealed Monday allowed officials to raid the Houston offices and storage facility of Dr. Conrad Murray last month.

It says Murray told a Los Angeles police officer he administered several drugs to Jackson the day he died, including 25 milligrams of the sedative, which he gave intravenously.

The affidavit says Murray never ordered, purchased or received any of the propofol but that the doctor found about eight bottles of it in Jackson's home along with numerous other vials and pills.

Federal drug agents raided a Beverly Hills pharmacy on Friday.

Drug Enforcement Administration spokesman Jose Martinez said agents served a warrant at the Mickey Fine Pharmacy & Grill, seeking evidence of improper dispensing of controlled substances.

More than weeks ago, authorities raided a Nevada pharmacy where Murray bought propofol.

No charges against Murray have been filed.

Refresh this page often for more details on this developing story.

Distributed by Internet Broadcasting. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
In my opinion Murray is now trying to build his defense on 'Michael was a drug addict' statement, however this statement doesn’t help him. No matter if Michael was or wasn't addicted and demanding medication:

1. This was a doctor-patient relation and Murray is the one who was paid for being professional, not Michael,

2. he gave his patient very dangerous mix of different drugs,

3. as professional – he is expected to have a specialized knowledge: in other words he should know which medicines he can mix and which he can't and what effects this can have on his patient,

4. he left alone his patient after giving him this dangerous cocktail,

5. there was no required medical equipment in the room, nothing that would help him monitor his patient,

6. and on the top of all - he was paid really well for his job and always had a choice to resign in case he didn't like it...

Therefore, the only one conclusion can be made: any doctor who does things Mr. Murray did is guilty and should be convicted.
Re: Just In: LA Coroner rules Mr.Jackson Death A Homicide

Those sick money hungry bastards!
Alright, I have a feeling Murray has been sneaking this drug in before that day.


Lorazepam has strong sedative/hypnotic effects, and the duration of clinical effects from a single dose makes it an appropriate choice for the short term treatment of insomnia, particularly in the presence of severe anxiety. Withdrawal symptoms, including rebound insomnia and rebound anxiety, may occur after only 7 days' administration of lorazepam.[7]

Its relatively potent amnesic effect,[4] with its anxiolytic and sedative effects, makes lorazepam useful as premedication. It is given before a general anaesthetic to reduce the amount of anaesthetic agent required, or before unpleasant awake procedures, such as in dentistry or endoscopies, to reduce anxiety, to increase compliance, and to induce amnesia for the procedure. Oral lorazepam is given 90 to 120 minutes before procedures, and intravenous lorazepam as late as 10 minutes before procedures.[8][9][10]

" Lorazepam is absorbed relatively slowly if given intramuscularly, a common route in restraint situations."

-Severe respiratory failure. Benzodiazepines, including lorazepam, may depress central nervous system respiratory drive and are contraindicated in severe respiratory failure. An example would be the inappropriate use to relieve anxiety associated with acute severe asthma. The anxiolytic effects may also be detrimental to a patient's willingness and ability to fight for breath. However, if mechanical ventilation becomes necessary, lorazepam may be used to facilitate deep sedation.

Oral midazolam is indicated for the short term treatment of moderately severe insomnia in patients who did not adequately react to other hypnotics, and who have persistent trouble in falling asleep. Because of midazolam's extremely short duration, midazolam is not used for patients who have trouble staying asleep through the night; moderate to long acting benzodiazepines like temazepam, nitrazepam, flunitrazepam and lormetazepam are used for those purposes.

That's the only word I need to see. Lawd... what did they do to this man?
I THINK THIS IS perfect timing to find out it was homicide, yes a little late but better late than never. We all knew it was homicide, we all knew deep in our hearts that something was wrong, Michael did not just die from a heartattack. Arent you guys *happy* the truth is finally out? We all knew it from the start, now we have it confirmed by the coroner.

According to Sky:


:: 1.30am - He gave Jackson valium.
:: 2.00am - When the valium failed to work, he injected lorazepam intravenously.
:: 3.00am, When Jackson was still awake, Murray administered midazolam.
:: 3.00am until 10.40am - Murray said he gave Jackson various drugs.
:: 10.40am - Murray administered 25 milligrams of propofol after Jackson repeatedly demanded the drug.

(I think the 25 mg dose is per 20 secs or per minute)
What was this so called doctor thinking!? I can't understand why he would have given michael all of those drugs. This is just so so awful, Im so sad and so angry, this should never have happened.
You know... Michael was a smart man.. he would be smarter and know not to cocktail with lethal drugs. Would Michael really be so desperate and so stupid that he begged for different drugs just to fall asleep? Im not entierly buying that crap.. What if Michael asked for ONE sedative and Dr Murray gave him three? What if after Michael had fallen asleep Dr Murray gave him some more?

i think the same. it doesnt sound like Michael. again they try to make an idiot of him that begs for drugs and doesnt understand consequences
I want to see this "Dr" DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In my opinion Murray is now trying to build his defense on 'Michael was a drug addict' statement, however this statement doesn’t help him. No matter if Michael was or wasn't addicted and demanding medication:

1. This was a doctor-patient relation and Murray is the one who was paid for being professional, not Michael,

2. he gave his patient very dangerous mix of different drugs,

3. as professional – he is expected to have a specialized knowledge: in other words he should know which medicines he can mix and which he can't and what effects this can have on his patient,

4. he left alone his patient after giving him this dangerous cocktail,

5. there was no required medical equipment in the room, nothing that would help him monitor his patient,

6. and on the top of all - he was paid really well for his job and always had a choice to resign in case he didn't like it...

Therefore, the only one conclusion can be made: any doctor who does things Mr. Murray did is guilty and should be convicted.

One of the search warrants referred to Michael as an addict so I don't think that will be debatable.
There are also other doctors involved.
They're saying he had lethal amounts but then add Murray gave him a lowered dosage?? HUH???
i think the same. it doesnt sound like Michael. again they try to make an idiot of him that begs for drugs and doesnt understand consequences
Hmm... yeah, but according to that nurse Michael DID beg for the drug... I bet she will be called in Murray's defense.