JUST IN: Michael Jackson died of lethal levels of propofol, court documents show

Murray knew this was coming that is why he wanted to "taint" the potential jury pool by making that video last week..
I hope he is arressted, tried, convicted, and senctence to life plus made to watch Paris's speech at her father's service over and over again..
Sky News Headline: Law enforcement official says LA coroner rules michael jackson death as homicide. Also the news reporter and another doctor on the phone are saying Murray had every right to try and ween michael off the drugs and wondering if michaels been administrating it himself? ...WTF!!!!! I'm angry.

But he didn't have the right to KILL him with another drug. Whether MJ administered anything to himself or not (like I believe that MJ IV'ed himself -- they need quit with that madness).
I am so close to tears right now. I HOPE DR.MURRAY ET AL GO TO JAIL FOR A VERY VERY LONG TIME!
In my opinion Murray is now trying to build his defense on 'Michael was a drug addict' statement, however this statement doesn’t help him. No matter if Michael was or wasn't addicted and demanding medication:

1. This was a doctor-patient relation and Murray is the one who was paid for being professional, not Michael,

2. he gave his patient very dangerous mix of different drugs,

3. as professional – he is expected to have a specialized knowledge: in other words he should know which medicines he can mix and which he can't and what effects this can have on his patient,

4. he left alone his patient after giving him this dangerous cocktail,

5. there was no required medical equipment in the room, nothing that would help him monitor his patient,

6. and on the top of all - he was paid really well for his job and always had a choice to resign in case he didn't like it...

Therefore, the only one conclusion can be made: any doctor who does things Mr. Murray did is guilty and should be convicted.

I agree 100000%! That arguement works against him because it paints him as an enabler and ignoring his hippocratic oath that states:

I will apply dietic measures for the benefit of the sick according to my ability and judgment; I will keep them from harm and injustice.

I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody if asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect. Similarly I will not give to a woman an abortive remedy. In purity and holiness I will guard my life and my art.

Don't drop the soap Murray!
i think the same. it doesnt sound like Michael. again they try to make an idiot of him that begs for drugs and doesnt understand consequences

MJ did mix many drugs in 90s... And that does not make him an Idiot.

BTW, no mather what MJ wanted, the doctor is the one who should know what he can and what he can't take...
Now thats a cardiologist right there.. I hope this man never does open heart surgery on a live human being ever again. Police if you are reading this.. What are you waiting for? Please do something, put this man behind bars before he runs off or takes his own life.

I am fighting back tears, rage and despair that Michael was murdered due to greedy vile bastards with no regard for human life :mad: :cry:
Re: Just In: LA Coroner rules Mr.Jackson Death A Homicide

I just saw this...devestating...I can't believe he was killed :'(
It was a weird cocktail to treat insomnia. With those drugs you can treat pretty much every psychological illness + prostate problems and epilepsy! There seems to be no rational plan when it comes to the list of drugs and what they were meant to treat.
Hmm... yeah, but according to that nurse Michael DID beg for the drug... I bet she will be called in Murray's defense.

so what even if he did? What if i go to my doc begging her to cut my arm off?
What kind of a doctor that is anyways, God am sick.
And now we're hearing their are LETHAL doses of propofol. A doctor trying to wean his patient off using smaller doses, and all of a sudden there are lethatl doses found???

This is BS. It's called a PLANNED MURDER.

I didn't want to believe it for such a long time, but knowing all this...

I want to scream!
It was a weird cocktail to treat insomnia. With those drugs you can treat pretty much every psychological illness + prostate problems and epilepsy! There seems to be no rational plan when it comes to the list of drugs and what they were meant to treat.

sounds like murray was trying anything he could lay his hands on
Let me see:
- valium at 1:30 a.m.
- lorazepam intravenously at 2 a.m.
- midazolam at 3 a.m.
- "over the next few hours, Murray said he gave Jackson various drugs"
- 25 milligrams of propofol at 10:40 a.m.

"Murray told them that he left Jackson alone under the influence of the medication to make telephone calls to his Houston office and family members."


Good Lord!
What about the Hippocratic Oath, dear Dr. M.?? "Above all, do no harm" ... :no::no::no:

Re: Just In: LA Coroner rules Mr.Jackson Death A Homicide

This is just the beginning of an even worse nightmare...
It seems clear to me that it was the cocatail of various drugs that killed Michael. The 25 mg dosage og propofol is less then what is claimed to have been give before. But a combination of drugs is always dangerous, and a doctor should know this. As well, a doctor has a moral and professional obligation not to give a patient something that is not in the patients best interest- even if the patient insist. I mean- what would be worse; him being fired because he refused to give Michael something, and Michael being unable to sleep- or giving Michael a lethal combination of drugs, and killing him?

Whatever is going to happen to this man, I do not know. But he will live the rest of his life knowing he killed Michael jackson. Because that is what this is; murder.
If Murray admitted this over a month ago, then why haven't he been arrested yet?
It's Murray saying "Yo I killed Michael..." and the cops be like "Aight it's cool, we just gonna peep your house a bit before we arrest you"
I don't know what to say, I'm not surprised he was murdered I just hope that they catch all those who were behind it.....
This reminds me of the past trials... except Michaels no longer here to defend himself.
U forgot to add his boyfriend "Big Tye" next to him.. rofll

lmfao, dude there's a time and place for making posts like that and this thread is definetly not that place!

- butitmademelolsomuchlmaohahaha:rofl:-