JUST IN: Michael Jackson died of lethal levels of propofol, court documents show

And why would they unseal the search warrant now unless they were looking to dirty Michael up to make Murray look good in a possible court case. As a doctor, Murray knew giving Michael that Propofol was wrong. He has absolutely no excuse. He knew better. If I was a private doctor for a celebrity and they were begging me for something like this, I'd quit working for them instead of giving them something that could kill them. Murray had the chance to stop this from happening and did nothing.
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I can't believe he gave him so much stuff that night.

I feel stupid asking this, but I will ask anyway.
How can a search warrant tell what Michael did and did not have in his body?

Isn't a search warrant just to be able to go into someone's home and snoop around?

thats what i thought a search warrent was..:scratch:
It's really sad that MJ decided to take this drugs... But i dont have sleeping disorders, so i can't judge him.

But why the hell did doctor give him so much medications?

That's exactly what "they" WANT us to think! There is no way to really know if this is what Michael "decided."

That combination and amount of drugs sounds more like a lethal injection given at an execution, than a treatment for insomnia.

Saying that Michael DEMANDED or CHOSE to take these drugs puts the blame on HIM. Or at least that's what Murray seems to be trying to do. I think it goes much deeper. If Michael indeed had an IV line in place, anything could have been put into that. As is done in executions. I don't KNOW this, but it's my opinion that this could have happened.

If there really was a plot to kill Michael (in my opinion), the best way would be exactly this. Have a doctor make a "mistake." I doubt Murray will even get jail-time. I just don't see how any doctor in the known universe could have possibly been that stupid! I think he wasn't stupid. He knew exactly what he was doing. I can't prove it, but. . . . .

He left the room to make PHONE CALLS? And then failed in the morning to use his cell phone to call 911? No other phones were working? Give us a break. He didn't know the address? I highly doubt that. And if he didn't, just ASK someone. A person this stupid wouldn't have the capacity to tie a shoe, much less pass any sort of exams to be a doctor.

I think this is what will happen. Murray will get a slap on the wrist. There will be NO trial. Just a plea-agreement. And after that, follow the money. If Murray is suddenly driving a new Rolls Royce, someone needs to inquire as to how, exactly, he could afford that? And anything else he might purchase. We ARE watching. Murray is "f xxxx ed." If he turns up rich in the next few months/years, WE will want to know how and who paid him. Just speculation here, of course. Uh huh.
I also feel sick listening to this, then they put Murrey's face full on the screen and I don't want to look into the eyes of the man who killed Michael.

With all those drugs in his system I doubt if he was in any condition to demand anything, and what is wrong with Murrey saying 'no Michael, this could kill you'. Someone introduced him to Propofol in the first place, and this bastard was giving it to him every night? then he leaves him alone.

I believe now 100% that this was murder, even a quack like Murrey would know he was creating an addiction, then giving him such a potent cocktail of drugs, then leaving him alone to die, then delaying calling 911. And he said he was frightened to phone his friends and email - why? aware his phone might be tapped? I think Murrey was on someone's payroll, at worst he only gets 4 - 6 years, and only if he is convicted, not long if he was in dept up to his neck and can end up with a fat pay cheque at the end.

They should charge him with murder. It doesn't matter if Michael was addicted and begged, demanded or anything else, he must have known that what he was doing was going to kill Michael.
TMZ is also saying this (edit: about drugs found in the HOUSE search, not body):

According to the report, cops also found Valium, Tamsulosin, Lorazepam, Temazepam, Clonazepam, Trazodone and Tizanidine, along with the Propofol.

According to the report, the various drugs were prescribed by Dr. Murray, Dr. Arnold Klein and Dr. Allan Metzger.

Oh Jesus. I'm just sick all over. :no:
yeah im a bit confused on this really too

The search warrant is from Houston and when they raided the storage facility there, a couple weeks ago, belonging to Murray. The investigators MUST have something to list on the document to the judge to request a search. The information has been sealed, as it often is in search warrants, until today.

So what you are reading in the article is what was listed on the search warrant by the investigators as probable cause to search the storage unit in Houston.
HOLY CRAP!:bugeyed That's just awful, how could he give sooo many drugs together at that time....he should have known that something would happen...why did he walk away..for God's sake...how STUPID can you be?!:doh:
I don't believe it's just this and that Murray is gonna get away with it...I'm curious of what will all be behind this story, this ain't the complete story I'm afraid. Oh please let the truth be unfold, it has to.

Poor, poor Michael...I can just imagine him laying on the bed, being scared and dying and no one is around to help him out, left alone like always. :cry:

Oh my...it's so hard.
he didn't deserve to die like this, and all alone in that room...now I'm crying
It's sad all I can do is cry... Michael, lost his life over dumb*** doctor.
So here we go again, one stupid idiot kills a genius.:( Then they put the stupid idiot in the cell. Case closed.
I feel like suffering a deja vu.:(:(:(
TThe investigators MUST have something to list on the document to the judge to request a search. The information has been sealed, as it often is in search warrants, until today.

So what you are reading in the article is what was listed on the search warrant by the investigators as probable cause to search the storage unit in Houston.

Ahh thank you, now it makes sense!
Who are we to know that Michael demanded these drugs? He is dead, he cant voice his opinion. What if he never wanted these drugs and never asked for them? Or asked for something lighter and they decided to add some mix? If this murder was planned then there is no way to prove it. They can say MJ demanded and needed this, so they got it for him. This sucks... I have a feeling they wont be charged or punished...

Sky News Headline: Law enforcement official says LA coroner rules michael jackson death as homicide. Also the news reporter and another doctor on the phone are saying Murray had every right to try and ween michael off the drugs and wondering if michaels been administrating it himself? ...WTF!!!!! I'm angry.
I feel sick. This is all so f***ing wrong. How the hell did we end up here?
That´s horrible!!!! Poor Michael!!! How could he resist this mixture of drugs!!!
I hope that this "doctor" will be arrested for a very long time!!!!
Wow, it's all over the news that the coroner is stating that MJ's death was a homicide! THIS IS UNBELIEVABLE

AUGUST 24--A search warrant affidavit sworn by a Los Angeles detective provides a detailed account of the police probe into the death of Michael Jackson, whose doctor told cops that he had been treating the pop star's insomnia by intravenously administering the powerful anesthetic propofol in the weeks before Jackson's June 25 death. The affidavit of LAPD Detective Orlando Martinez was included in a search warrant application filed last month in Houston, Texas, where Dr. Conrad Murray maintained an office and a storage unit. A copy of Martinez's affidavit, prepared last month, can be found below. Murray, reportedly the subject of a criminal probe stemming from Jackson's death, told investigators that he "felt that Jackson may have been forming an addiction to" propofol, and tried to "wean Jackson off the drug." The affidavit notes that Jackson "was very familiar with the drug and referred to it as his 'milk.'" The affidavit also quotes an L.A. coroner's official saying that preliminary toxicology results showed that "Jackson's cause of death was due to lethal levels of propofol." (17 pages)

That's exactly what "they" WANT us to think! There is no way to really know if this is what Michael "decided."

That combination and amount of drugs sounds more like a lethal injection given at an execution, than a treatment for insomnia.

Saying that Michael DEMANDED or CHOSE to take these drugs puts the blame on HIM. Or at least that's what Murray seems to be trying to do. I think it goes much deeper. If Michael indeed had an IV line in place, anything could have been put into that. As is done in executions. I don't KNOW this, but it's my opinion that this could have happened.

If there really was a plot to kill Michael (in my opinion), the best way would be exactly this. Have a doctor make a "mistake." I doubt Murray will even get jail-time. I just don't see how any doctor in the known universe could have possibly been that stupid! I think he wasn't stupid. He knew exactly what he was doing. I can't prove it, but. . . . .

He left the room to make PHONE CALLS? And then failed in the morning to use his cell phone to call 911? No other phones were working? Give us a break. He didn't know the address? I highly doubt that. And if he didn't, just ASK someone. A person this stupid wouldn't have the capacity to tie a shoe, much less pass any sort of exams to be a doctor.

I think this is what will happen. Murray will get a slap on the wrist. There will be NO trial. Just a plea-agreement. And after that, follow the money. If Murray is suddenly driving a new Rolls Royce, someone needs to inquire as to how, exactly, he could afford that? And anything else he might purchase. We ARE watching. Murray is "f xxxx ed." If he turns up rich in the next few months/years, WE will want to know how and who paid him. Just speculation here, of course. Uh huh.

I didn't say that MJ knew what he was taking that night. I just said that I'm sad that MJ decided to took the drugs in that 6 weeks. Being sad about something does not mean i judge him. After all, i'm drug addict (cigarettes) myself...
effin speechless right now!!!!!!!!!! Did the dumbass not realize what would happen if he mixed random drugs together? Did he really think the outcome would be good? He just took whatever drugs he had in his arsenal and fed them to Michael. Michael should've known better than to take all of that. Someone send his ass to jail! I hope he rots in there.

I am just furious but Murray isn't in it alone. The trail of blood runs real deep in MJ's case.