JUST IN: Michael Jackson died of lethal levels of propofol, court documents show

and also surely this all just proves that murray is to blame and his days are numbered does it not?
It seems clear to me that it was the cocatail of various drugs that killed Michael. The 25 mg dosage og propofol is less then what is claimed to have been give before. But a combination of drugs is always dangerous, and a doctor should know this. As well, a doctor has a moral and professional obligation not to give a patient something that is not in the patients best interest- even if the patient insist. I mean- what would be worse; him being fired because he refused to give Michael something, and Michael being unable to sleep- or giving Michael a lethal combination of drugs, and killing him?

Whatever is going to happen to this man, I do not know. But he will live the rest of his life knowing he killed Michael jackson. Because that is what this is; murder.
The report says lethal levels of Propofol as the main cause of daeth, so I'm getting confused now with the rest of the drug combos.
What would constitute a lethal dose?? :huh:
I demand stuff from my doctor but does she give in, HELL NO, cuz she is not about to do something unethical or illegal. Murray is just a jackass and I can't believe MJ died because this man couldn't man up and follow the laws that the AMA wrote in regards to giving stuff to patients. MJ would be alive had he not given him this cocktail of medication and instead stepped up and told AEG/DiLeo/ and who ever else that MJ couldn't do these shows and need to be treated for severe insomnia and dependency on Propofol..

EXACTLY! Any doctor that would let a patient tell them what to give is no real doctor. Michael was NOT a medical expert. It was Murray's job to do the right thing and tell Michael "No, I will not do this for you! It's too dangerous and I think you need help, ASAP!" All that MF cared about is his GD PAYCHECK! Perhaps he could have been Michael's ticket to getting the help that he needed had he done the right thing.

That bastard needs to go down. He cannot get away with this! He just can't! And what's also sad is that poor Michael's name will be dragged through the mud all over again in Murray's defense :(

I was having a pretty good day until I read this. Excuse me while I go cry now. It just kills me that all this could have been prevented. Michael would still be with us had that idiot done the right thing :cry:
According to Sky:


:: 1.30am - He gave Jackson valium.
:: 2.00am - When the valium failed to work, he injected lorazepam intravenously.
:: 3.00am, When Jackson was still awake, Murray administered midazolam.
:: 3.00am until 10.40am - Murray said he gave Jackson various drugs.
:: 10.40am - Murray administered 25 milligrams of propofol after Jackson repeatedly demanded the drug.

(I think the 25 mg dose is per 20 secs or per minute)

Okay, so you're trying wean him off the propofol, so you why don't you give him some Ambien instead or another medication taylored for sleep? But he injected him with the valium (which could be used for sleep, but still)... and then the lorazepam... and a liiiittle bit of midazolam PLUS "Various drugs?" WTF else?!! :doh: And then aaaaaahhhh... of course... Michael is high as a kite right now, so I'll just go ahead and give him the propofol anyway. What a fucking inept-idiot-moron of a "doctor." Throw his ass in jail if this is true! Though, I still feel that Murray is witholding more info, of course. I mean, "Various drugs?" What in the... f*** is that supposed to mean? :mello:
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Guys Dr Murray is just a tip of the iceberg. I bet you there are much more people were involved! We have to find out the truth! MJ when he was a life was aware about some sort of conspiracy around him. Hope the will arrest Murray soon!
Anybody who wants to find the truth please visit: http://www.mjjcommunity.com/forum/sh...ad.php?t=74045

...The affidavit says, while Murray acknowledged to police that he administered propofol, authorities find no evidence that he had purchased, ordered or obtained the medication under his medical license or Drug Enforcement Administration tracking number. Police detectives found about eight bottles of the anesthetic in Jackson's house along with other vials and pills that had been prescribed to Jackson by Dr. Murray, Dr. Arnold Klein and Dr. Allan Metzger.

Valium, lorazepam, clonazepam, tamsulosin and other drugs also were confiscated in the search, and propofol was found in Murray's medical bag. According to the warrant, Murray told police he was not the first doctor to administer propofol to the singer.

Authorities subpoenaed medical records from Klein, Metzger and Dr. David Adams, in addition to Murray, the affidavit states. They also asked for medical records from Dr. David Slavitt, who conducted the independent medical examination of Jackson for Anschuntz Entertainment Group, Dr. Randy Rosen and nurse practitioner Cherilyn Lee.

So. Who gave Murray Propofol??? Who, who, who? He couldn't legally get it himself.

Dr. Slavitt's examination results will answer a lot of questions that I have....
It sounds that trough Dr Murray's incompetence, and mixing a leathal cocktail of medical drugs he caused Michael to die.

Is this court document real, as there isn't anything in it that we haven't heard about in the media.
Murray should have never agreed to giving MJ a drug that is illegal to use outside of hospitals because you never know the bad things that can happen. Dr. Klein did say that MJ was trying prescription drugs(I think diprivan or demoral) when he was doing the History tour. I wish MJ would've never done the tour, it was too much for him to handle.:no: Dr. Murray might as well forget it, he is going to jail. Giving someone an illegal drug is enough evidence to put him in jail.
ITV says that the court documents were unsealed after a request by a newspaper! :huh:

And :rolleyes: at the addict and fix comments...
I hope to God that TMZ report isn't true :( :( It can't be surely.
Ok so Murray had the nerve to say he wasn't the first to give MJ the Propofal, but damn Mofo you were the f'n LAST person to give it to him.. Stop making up f'n excuses...

for those of you in the US, turn to Headline News, Every person on here is saying Murray is responsible and that he is making excuses..
and to add more salt to the wound they are now saying murray buggered off to phone his family ??
So now they're saying he waited well over an hour before dialling 911?! :bugeyed
Yeah and what's worse is that he made some calls (to Houston presumedly) before he called 911.

Sorry, but it's a wrap. Murder in the 2nd degree.

Good luck in trying to find a place to hold this trial...
sounds like murray was trying anything he could lay his hands on

Yes, so it seems. You know, these drugs are much more dangerous cocktail than Propofol alone if it is administered correctly in safe environment. All together...murder. One just can not give those drugs without careful thought...they are serous drugs used to treat all sorts of mental illnesses like mania, schizophrenia...yes, some of them are used to treat short term insomnia. Also MS decease and catatonic symptoms.
If there is a just GOD, i hope that Dr. Murderer and his accomplices are destroyed and dealt with legally and beyond. Michael didn't deserve this, nobody is perfect but the man gave more of his life to everybody else and very few people gave true love to him :cry: :cry: :cry:
Yes, so it seems. You know, these drugs are much more dangerous cocktail than Propofol alone if it is administered correctly in safe environment. All together...murder. One just can not give those drugs without careful thought...they are serous drugs used to treat all sorts of mental illnesses like mania, schizophrenia...yes, some of them are used to treat short term insomnia. Also MS decease and catatonic symptoms.

i know, i cannot believe the list.......................its really like he was willing to do anything with no consideration for consequences.:no:
I....don't know what to say :cry: :cry: that cocktail of drugs sounds lethal and I have no knowledge of this sort of thing....so how could that 'doctor' justify giving Michael all that? geez...I feel sick :cry:
correct me if i,m wrong,but wasn,t the same thing reported a while back.
it is coming from the l.a times,
on sky news in the u.k they had been in contact with coroners office and they said it hasn,t been confirmed and they don,t know where the reports are coming from,
Well, now we all know that Michael was in good health, it was not a heart problem and it wasn't the fact he was a drug addict like media reports. He basically couldn't sleep, insomnia, he just wanted a good nights sleep, so so sad.

Hope Murray gets the punishment that is due to him, BBC news has confirmed by the coroners that it is homicide.

Michael would be in London right now, if it wasn't for Murray, simple as that.
If this doctor is indeed a cardiologist, how the f........ could he not know how to react in an adequat way after he "found" Michael not breathing? I am sorry to say so, as I have tried not to give in to the conspiracy theories. But this story just seems too strange to be accepted.

The coctail of drugs, the poorly done attempts of CPR, the amount of time before calling 911, the strange excuses being made about the lack of phones, the fact that there was propofol in the house while the doc claims not to have brought them, etc.... its just too many strange things. This is not a drug addict story. This seems to me to be something different.
I've just been reading through the warrant...

"Murray REFUSED to sign the death certificate"

"Upon arrival at UCLA Medical Centre, neither the coroners investigator nor detectives could locate Murray to reinterview him. Repeated attempts at contacting and locating Murray were unsuccessful"