JUST IN: Michael Jackson died of lethal levels of propofol, court documents show


LAPD -- you effers -- throw his effin ass in jail damn you!!
On the morning Jackson died, Murray tried to induce sleep without using propofol, according to the affidavit. He said he gave Jackson valium at 1:30 a.m. When that didn't work, he said, he injected lorazepam intravenously at 2 a.m. At 3 a.m., when Jackson was still awake, Murray administered midazolam.

Over the next few hours, Murray said he gave Jackson various drugs. Then at 10:40 a.m., Murray administered 25 milligrams of propofol after Jackson repeatedly demanded the drug, according to the court record.
How is this possible? How can a doctor do this?
He could kill an elephant with this! Mike was 50 years old and so thin! Murray killed him! And he was just trying to sleep! I can't believe this! I feel so sick!
I don't know what to say, I'm not surprised he was murdered I just hope that they catch all those who were behind it.....
This reminds me of the past trials... except Michaels no longer here to defend himself.

The warrant also states "Murray's cellular phone records show Murray on the telephone, with 3 seperate callers, for 47 minutes starting at 1118 hours until 1205 hours."


yes, so why couldn't he call 911 right away when he found Michael?????
This is a case of a doctor that wanted to make a big pay day off of Michael and would do anything to keep that job even if it meant doing things and administering things he knew nothing about. This whole thing just keeps getting sadder and sadder by the day. All this happened because Michael couldnt sleep. What a shame. A very needless loss.

if 25 mg of Propofol is lethal then what 50 mg is?? On tmz it says he had been giving him 50mg for 6 weeks!
Re: Just In: LA Coroner rules Mr.Jackson Death A Homicide

Has this been confirmed directly by the coroner's office? Because on MSNBC they reported that a "law enforcement source" was quoted as saying that the coroner has ruled this as a homicide. Which basically means squat....So is this coming directly from the LA coroner or is it just media buzz.....

buzz. and, the article also said that a spokesman for the coroner refused to comment on the report.

plus, i just saw another article on the controversy surrounding Professor Gates, and a commentary on how law enforcement officials don't always like to tell the truth, when it comes to search warrants and police reports. so do, with that information, what you will.
so I am going over this again and again.....you mean to say that this could have been AVOIDED???????????!!!!!!!!!!!! I KNEW MICHAEL WAS IN GOOD HEALTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I WANT TO SCREAM!!!!!!!!!! :rant:..............what a waste of a wonderful life..............I feel for those poor poor children, it makes me so sad :cry:

so.......if it wasn't for that COWBOY, Michael would still be here!!!!!!!!!!!!

*stares at 'homicide'* ............ all I can say is THROW AWAY THE KEY!!!!!!!!!!!! :boohoo:

sorry guys...I'm so upset right now...hugs all round....we need them :(
i AM BEGINING TO CHANGE MY OPINION AFTER READING THIS. May be this man really wanted to kill Michael Jackson.

I am going to cry some more.

I am thinking the same way. Why to wean someone off from something that he thought MJ might be addicted to. Sure he would need others opinions as well...and you do not wean someone off by giving that lethal amount of tablets and intra-muscular injections....in one night!
Justice will never be fully served.

His life is worthless to Michael Jackson. He has nothing to be taking from worthy of what we have lost.
I feel sick, we knew all along, but this is a shock nonetheless


Re: Just In: LA Coroner rules Mr.Jackson Death A Homicide

buzz. and, the article also said that a spokesman for the coroner refused to comment on the report.

plus, i just saw another article on the controversy surrounding Professor Gates, and a commentary on how law enforcement officials don't always like to tell the truth, when it comes to search warrants and police reports. so do, with that information, what you will.

That's what I thought. Everyone is freaking out and nothing is confirmed. This is probably the same law enforcment source that was quoted as saying that the funeral was going to take place as Neverland.......everyone freaked out then and we know how that has turned out.
Trying to wean him off the propofol, so he gave him three different sedatives, "various drugs" and then administered propofol on top of it? What?

That's what I was thinking! He probably gave him the other sedatives to put him to sleep so he could give him the propofol....:no:
Michael "demanded" the Propofol? We have NO way to know if he did.
there is no way mj can have demanded anything if murray had given him what he claims ie all the sedatives. mj would ahve been out of it (not asleep) this is murrays excuse blame mj said he asked for it. the corroner is blaming lethal amoounts of propofol as cause of death yet murray claims he only gave him abit. no mention of the other drugs which is strange.if murray even gave him these drugs to start with.

so this is what murray told police in his first interview. its not the actual coroners report thats been released.its just the info from the search warrant that has been relased. its new interms of we are hearing murrays first story that he told police after it happened. that story really doesnt make sense. if u give someone those amount of sedatives then mj aint gonna be a a fit state to ask for diprivan at 10am.but thats murray passing the buck and blaming mj for it.also he had rehearsals at around 2pm so if u havnt slept by 10am then theres no point. also the phone call timeing dont fit anymore. the phonecalls to houston happened around 9am at the latest. the thing is the police know the proper time of death so they know whether hes lieing or not.what we are hearing now is murrays first story that he told police after it happened. but from what we know now it doesnt fit.

and we know murray is lieing because of the phone records not matching what he claimed. imo it just fits the assertion that he gave mj diprivan left and came back and found him dead. and the homicide breaking news is not new. homicide covers manslaughter which we know hes been investigated for.homicide was mentioned weeks ago
wow! No wonder that Mike died, who can bear such "coctail" of medications... Damn you Murray, why you were soooo stupid,why?!!!! :boohoo:


The statement of probable cause starts on p. 16. Here's one bit that caught my attention (p. 19):

"JACKSON remained awake and at approximately 1040 hours, MURRAY finally administered 25mg of PROPOFOL (DIPRIVAN), diluted with LIDOCAINE (XYLOCAINE), via IV drip to keep JACKSON sedated after repeated demands/requests from JACKSON. JACKSON finally went to sleep and MURRAY stated that he remained monitoring him. After approximately 10 minutes, MURRAY stated he left JACKSON's side to go to the restroom and relieve himself. MURRAY stated that he was out of the room for about 2 minutes maximum. Upon his return, MURRAY noticed that JACKSON was no longer breathing. MURRAY began single man cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) at once. MURRAY also administered .2mg of FLUMANEZIL (ANEXATE) to JACKSON and called JACKSON's personal assistant, MICHAEL AMIR WILLIAMS, with his cellular telephone for help. MURRAY reached WILLIAMS and requested that he send security upstairs for an emergency. MURRAY continued CPR and after a few minutes without the security detail's response, he left JACKSON and ran out to the hall and downstairs to the kitchen. MURRAY asked the chef to send up PRINCE JACKSON, the eldest son, and returned to continue CPR. P. JACKSON responded upstairs and summoned the security detail. ALBERTO ALVAREZ went to the aid of MURRAY and called 911 via his cellular telephone."

Let me just summarize that:

At 1040 Murray administers propofol. Approximately 12 minutes later (so @1052) MJ isn't breathing.

Murray administers CPR and calls Michael Amir Williams who he reaches, but who apparently doesn't do anything? What? Then, after a 'few minutes' he runs down to... tell the chef to send Prince upstairs? What? Then PRINCE is the one who gets security who finally calls 911? Huh?

And we know when the 911 call was received - 1222. So if we take Murray's times as accurate, that CPR and 'few minutes' apparently took an hour and a half.

Add to that (p. 20):

"In his statement, MURRAY estimated the time that he noticed JACKSON was not breathing to be approximately 1100 hours. MURRAY's cellular telephone records show MURRAY on the telephone with three separate callers for approximately 47 minutes starting at 1118 hours, until 1205 hours. MURRAY did not mention this to the interviewing detectives."

It's crazy. Did Murray call Williams? If so, why didn't Williams do anything? And who were the other two people he called?
Re: Just In: LA Coroner rules Mr.Jackson Death A Homicide

i doubt it's murder, but more like manslaughter. A medical malpractice.
what time did they FINALLY call 911??? I forgot and dont feel like backtracking through the pages so can someone post that info here....

It sounds that trough Dr Murray's incompetence, and mixing a leathal cocktail of medical drugs he caused Michael to die.

Is this court document real, as there isn't anything in it that we haven't heard about in the media.

yeah, but I don't understand also why such an incompetent person would be employed as a personal doctor by any celebrity and paid really well. Maybe Mr. Murray was not so incompetent in reality... maybe he exactly knew what he was doing...
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When my husband's daughter passed at the hands of her step-mother, she called her ex-husband (now my current husband) before she called 911 (at the time, she said his daughter fell, hit her head, and was non-responsive, so she was asking what to do)...and he was in another state (military-duty)! Of course my husband shouted at her to call the 911.

She was panicking because she knew she f*** up. (The step-mom/his ex-wife choked the toddler to death.)

I can believe that Murray called other folks, in a panic and because he f*** up, to find out how to deal with this or what to do. Now the key part is to talk to these other folks.

He will try to put the spin on it, that MJ, was an addict, but I still think MJ asked for this drug because it was introduced to him as something that could help him sleep, and it did, so he continued to use it.

I do not believe he was using it to get "high."Which is what I"m about to post in another board momentarily. He just wanted to go to sleep and rest his soul, now he is.
I am actually thinking Michael was not addicted to drugs the way media wants us to believe. I hope they can not frame MJ as a drug addict or that MJ OD himself. Murray would then avoid jail probably. That would be his grand plan.
Coroner Rules Michael Jackson's Death Homicide

Karen Grigsby Bates and Robert Siegel

Report: Michael Jackson's Death Ruled Homicide

by The Associated Press

A law enforcement official tells The Associated Press that the Los Angeles County coroner has ruled Michael Jackson's death a homicide.

The finding makes it more likely criminal charges will be filed against the doctor who was with the pop star when he died.

The official says the coroner determined a fatal combination of drugs was given to Jackson hours before he died in his rented Los Angeles mansion on June 25. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because the findings have not been publicly released.

Forensic tests found the powerful anesthetic propofol in Jackson's system along with two sedatives, the official says.
