JUST IN: Michael Jackson died of lethal levels of propofol, court documents show

All I'm going to say is that I have been watching the news for about 3 hours now and this reported "timeline" has changed about 5 times. WHO KNOWS what the hell happened.
there is no way mj can have demanded anything if murray had given him what he claims ie all the sedatives. mj would ahve been out of it (not asleep) this is murrays excuse blame mj said he asked for it. the corroner is blaming lethal amoounts of propofol as cause of death yet murray claims he only gave him abit. no mention of the other drugs which is strange.if murray even gave him these drugs to start with.

Elusive, I'm with you on this. That's exactly what I was thinking. hell, after drug #3, something might have been going on. A warm feeling, something, not an adamant patient demanding drugs:bugeyed
We knew that propofol killed him by complete irresponsibility at the hands of a doctor. But what I find shocking is the number of injections of sedatives he gave that night and then 'other drugs' according to report before then administering propofol. I mean it is so risky. I am just gobsmacked. You can see Murray trying to blame Michael the addict, making his lame excuses. Michael demanded propofol after all that, so I guess Michael was the doctor then Murray not you. After all those meds was he in sound mind. Sound mind or not it should not have been given to him. It beggers belief. I am so sick of their lame ass excuses and their lies. He went to the toilet for a few minutes and Michael had died. Ahem, timeline has shown that as a lie. He also points a finger at Nurse Lee. I just knew it. There is more to her story.

Let's be prepared for the attack on Michael though, this will be their defense. All these irresponsible greedy doctors just stating Michael asked for it, Michael begged for it, like it is something natural or ok. When will these doctors ever be held responsible?! The problem the police will have is linking the drugs and the purchase of them with the doctors. That is what they have been trying to do. They can't put a case together otherwise.
Let me say this again after you: I HOPE THAT WILL CATCH ALL THOSE WHO WERE BEHIND IT.

This is what I am expecting too :( there is other doctors , I believe,that are responsible for MJ's death too, not just Murray...
i say this on CNN :yes: but my mother told me to trun off cause the media is happen is it up :yes:

but i say :no: the media is telling story what wrong and telling storying about dr.murry :yes: i HOPE HE GOES TO HELL :yes: :mat:

ooh do you want to hear this on te day of June 25 :yes: i had vision that i saw MJ fighting and yelling at someone but i can't see no face :no: but look like is dr.murry :yes: but there was anyother guy in the room too :yes: that what i saw in my vision i hope i spell that right vision i think so :thinking:
Oh Lord.
Even if Michael demanded it,no serious doctor gives him 3 different kinds of painkillers in just 3 hours.Shame!Anything for money.
The dose of the propofol is lethal no matter if it was 'lowered' or not but because it shouldnt have been given at all after all those other drugs. Its so sad how this so called doctor can be so dumb. You dont even have to be a so called doctor to know its already wrong 'enough' to give several that dangerous drugs... I could strangle this doctor but I just have to trust the legal system first...
Not the tox report... it's come from a warrant issued when the police raided his Houston office. Check back through the thread to find the link to the warrant.

But I still don't think that the Coroner has officially released the cause of death. This "homicide" rumour is coming from a source, not directly from the coroner's office. I don't know what to believe.....*grumble*
Geez, all those drugs in just a 12 hour period :(

..Yeah sure, that won't hurt anybody! Good grief, how stupid can this doctor be? :mad:
HOW FREAKING RIDCULOUS! Why would you give somebody that many different drugs. ARE you a complete utter moron. UGH!

This doesn't match up (the article timeline) with the fact that michael had passed hours before ems got to him. MURRY is still a ugly lie. JUST one big UGLY LIE!

And what about the fact that your patient complained of chest pains and the fact that he was hot/cold on fathers day but you did NOTHING for him. but pumped him fulla crap drugs that ultimately killed him.

IM mad all over again.

PLEASE ARREST this MURDER, lock him up and throw away the key.:mat:

I have been upset at how life turned out for michael and then to come on here and read this is just sigh .....to much. :cry:
I think it's time for the coroner to release the official toxicology reports since that story leaked
This is beyond negligence. This is a disregard for human life. It doesn't matter if Michael was a "drug addict" or a man who simply wanted to get rest - this doctor is a murderer and it isn't the first time Dr. Murray killed someone ...

Dr. Murray said he gave Michael this sedative for 6 weeks prior to Michael's death. If you take a good hard look at the evidence, you will see Michael's health and weight decline during this time. The moment Dr. Murray was hired, the chef, Tohme, Leonard Rowe and others were dismissed and the family isolated from Michael. Michael's weight started to decline and he stopped eating. How he could he eat? He was fed drug after drug to treat insomnia. How on earth could no one in his camp NOT NOTICE THE SUDDEN CHANGE? Michael was controlled by these drugs and probably couldn't even think clearly. Look at what was given to him the day he died!!! He was fed so many drugs that it would have probably killed an elephant!!!

Murray may have pulled the trigger, but many enablers around Michael provided the bullets. My poor, dear Michael. *sigh* :( :no:
Re: Just In: LA Coroner rules Mr.Jackson Death A Homicide

I heard this on the radio coming back from the store - one step closer to the end and the truth I guess.
ut I still don't think that the Coroner has officially released the cause of death.
no he hasnt the info comes from a primlimary finding that was written on a search warrant.

e knew that propofol killed him by complete irresponsibility at the hands of a doctor. But what I find shocking is the number of injections of sedatives he gave that night and then 'other drugs' according to report before then administering propofol
did he though? this is murrays story. why no mention of it in the corroners finding of course of death.

below is from kop board i guess based off the warrant

m reporting as Im reading:

I've been reading the document - but apparently the doctor told the police one story, but his cell phone records show ANOTHER story. I think that's when the cops began to get suspect. All the drugs they found over at MJ's bedside were prescribed by Murray, Klien and Metzel. All of them were: Muscle relaxers, one to treat sleeping issues, and one to treat anxiety. ANOTHER interesting note - MURRAY mentioned the NURSE LEE as someone who had given Michael propofol in the past. He also mentioned two doctors in Germany who gave Michael propofol.

In the search warrant it says the doctor told them he went to the bathroom for 2 minutes and came back and found MJ not breathing and began to perform CPR, however, his cell phone records showed that he make phone calls after he found MJ not breathing. But he never mentioned that to the police.

Another drug found is a dental sedative called lidocaine...aside from the others

Midazolam which is an anesthetic.

Flumazenil is to prevent drowsiness.

Another interesting thing the Jackson family told cops the name of another doctor Dr. Randy Rosen who was treating Michael previously or something

Also, the names Prince Jackson and Kai Chase came up as part of MJ's "circle" of people around him who were around him when everything went down. Nothing about MJ using their names for drugs.

Someone called the police and told them that Dr. Klein had prescribed Michael under the name Omar Arnold. This person is described as a FEMALE...who called and wanted to be anonymous could this has been DEBBIE ROWE?

Most of Mj's aliases were variations of his own name: Mike Jackson, Mic Jackson...a few were not

Dr. Klein refused to cooperate with the cops - he didn't want to show them Michael's records

The cops believe the doctors along with the nurse are hiding more Michael records....

there are other doctors involved including a Dr. Adams

Grace was interviewed by the LAPD she said she knew of Dr. Klein treating MJ

The dose of the propofol is lethal no matter if it was 'lowered' or not but because it shouldnt have been given at all after all those other drugs. Its so sad how this so called doctor can be so dumb. You dont even have to be a so called doctor to know its already wrong 'enough' to give several that dangerous drugs... I could strangle this doctor but I just have to trust the legal system first...

it was lethal cause it should never have been giving out of a F*ckin hospital and by a cardioligist to boot!!!!! :(

The statement of probable cause starts on p. 16. Here's one bit that caught my attention (p. 19):

"JACKSON remained awake and at approximately 1040 hours, MURRAY finally administered 25mg of PROPOFOL (DIPRIVAN), diluted with LIDOCAINE (XYLOCAINE), via IV drip to keep JACKSON sedated after repeated demands/requests from JACKSON. JACKSON finally went to sleep and MURRAY stated that he remained monitoring him. After approximately 10 minutes, MURRAY stated he left JACKSON's side to go to the restroom and relieve himself. MURRAY stated that he was out of the room for about 2 minutes maximum. Upon his return, MURRAY noticed that JACKSON was no longer breathing. MURRAY began single man cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) at once. MURRAY also administered .2mg of FLUMANEZIL (ANEXATE) to JACKSON and called JACKSON's personal assistant, MICHAEL AMIR WILLIAMS, with his cellular telephone for help. MURRAY reached WILLIAMS and requested that he send security upstairs for an emergency. MURRAY continued CPR and after a few minutes without the security detail's response, he left JACKSON and ran out to the hall and downstairs to the kitchen. MURRAY asked the chef to send up PRINCE JACKSON, the eldest son, and returned to continue CPR. P. JACKSON responded upstairs and summoned the security detail. ALBERTO ALVAREZ went to the aid of MURRAY and called 911 via his cellular telephone."

Let me just summarize that:

At 1040 Murray administers propofol. Approximately 12 minutes later (so @1052) MJ isn't breathing.

Murray administers CPR and calls Michael Amir Williams who he reaches, but who apparently doesn't do anything? What? Then, after a 'few minutes' he runs down to... tell the chef to send Prince upstairs? What? Then PRINCE is the one who gets security who finally calls 911? Huh?

And we know when the 911 call was received - 1222. So if we take Murray's times as accurate, that CPR and 'few minutes' apparently took an hour and a half.

Add to that (p. 20):

"In his statement, MURRAY estimated the time that he noticed JACKSON was not breathing to be approximately 1100 hours. MURRAY's cellular telephone records show MURRAY on the telephone with three separate callers for approximately 47 minutes starting at 1118 hours, until 1205 hours. MURRAY did not mention this to the interviewing detectives."

It's crazy. Did Murray call Williams? If so, why didn't Williams do anything? And who were the other two people he called?

So Prince WAS upstairs. Damn. Just damn.

So lets's review this once more:

1040 he gives MJ the Profocol
1050 leaves the room for the john
1052 he comes back and MJ is not breathing, administers FLUMANEZIL (ANEXATE)
> 1052 calls MJ's assistant to call 911
> 1052+ 'a few minutes' LEAVES MJ TO GO GET PRINCE

THEN! He says

1100 he notices MJ not breathing


1118 - 1205 Murray makes 3 cell phone call (PHONE RECORDS)

~~~My Conclusion Right Now~~~

Don't believe you gave MJ that stuff that late.

I think you found him dead. He was that way for a long minute of time.

You make some phone calls to cover up your s. yht.

Then you do the unthinkable. You call MJ's kid to his room to witness your act.

You unconciouable bastard.