JUST IN: Michael Jackson died of lethal levels of propofol, court documents show

If the bloody Propofol would have done the trick then give that or nothing and get help..and I mean therapy...not more drugs that are potentially more dangerous than Proponol. Proponol is abused in the medical industry highly because the doctors/nurses do long shifts and suffer from insomnia. Its is funny how it is not controlled like Morphine.
Posted on TMZ:
UPDATE: If Dr. Murray is charged with a crime, there's a statement in the affidavit that could be evidence of a consciousness of guilt. The document also states both UCLA doctors and L.A. Fire Dept. paramedics said "Dr. Murray had only disclosed that he had given the medication Lorazepam [Ativan] to Jackson prior to his medical emergency." Dr. Murray did not disclose that he had given Jackson Propofol.


This is just f'n sad, that he is not in handcuffs yet
r. Murray Left Michael Jackson for 47 Minutes
By: Roger Friedman // Monday August 24, 2009

In the affadavit given by Office E.G. Chance of the Houston Police Department, Michael Jackson is quoted as calling Propofol, the dangerous drug that likely killed him, his “milk.” Apparently it has a milky substance.

While Propofol was being administered to Jackson at 10:40 am on June 25th, his doctor—Conrad Murray—left his side for 47 minutes to make phone calls. When Dr. Murray returned to Jackson’s bedside, the singer was not breathing.

Dr. Murray did not tell this to police when he was interviewed on June 27th. But according to Officer Chance’s affadavit, discovered by The Los Angeles Times, Murray lied to police and said he was away from Jackson’s side for not more than two minutes. It was only by going through Murray’s phone records that the police discovered he was lying.

Murray, according to his cell records, was on the phone from 11:18am to 12:05pm. He told police later that he’d realized Michael had stopped breathing at 11am. But the implication in the police report is that he didn’t notice for a full hour. By that time, it was probably too late. And even, according to the report, Los Angeles Fire Dept. Rescue responded to a call at 12:22pm, meaning Dr. Murray did not instantly call 911 when he realized what had happened while he was on the phone.
did he though? this is murrays story. why no mention of it in the corroners finding of course of death.

below is from kop board i guess based off the warrant

m reporting as Im reading:

I've been reading the document - but apparently the doctor told the police one story, but his cell phone records show ANOTHER story. I think that's when the cops began to get suspect. All the drugs they found over at MJ's bedside were prescribed by Murray, Klien and Metzel. All of them were: Muscle relaxers, one to treat sleeping issues, and one to treat anxiety. ANOTHER interesting note - MURRAY mentioned the NURSE LEE as someone who had given Michael propofol in the past. He also mentioned two doctors in Germany who gave Michael propofol.

In the search warrant it says the doctor told them he went to the bathroom for 2 minutes and came back and found MJ not breathing and began to perform CPR, however, his cell phone records showed that he make phone calls after he found MJ not breathing. But he never mentioned that to the police.

Another drug found is a dental sedative called lidocaine...aside from the others

Midazolam which is an anesthetic.

Flumazenil is to prevent drowsiness.

Another interesting thing the Jackson family told cops the name of another doctor Dr. Randy Rosen who was treating Michael previously or something

Also, the names Prince Jackson and Kai Chase came up as part of MJ's "circle" of people around him who were around him when everything went down. Nothing about MJ using their names for drugs.

Someone called the police and told them that Dr. Klein had prescribed Michael under the name Omar Arnold. This person is described as a FEMALE...who called and wanted to be anonymous could this has been DEBBIE ROWE?

Most of Mj's aliases were variations of his own name: Mike Jackson, Mic Jackson...a few were not

Dr. Klein refused to cooperate with the cops - he didn't want to show them Michael's records

The cops believe the doctors along with the nurse are hiding more Michael records....

there are other doctors involved including a Dr. Adams

Grace was interviewed by the LAPD she said she knew of Dr. Klein treating MJ


Excellent point.... Murray could well have lied about all of that as well.
Jesus f*cking Christ!!!!
I am SO pissed right now, I can't even shed a tear!
I knew it wasn't Michael's time to leave. I knew it!
Like a poster said here last week: God didn't kill Michael. Mankind did.

Dr. Murray says he noticed that Jackson wasn't breathing at around 11 AM. He was then on the cell phone for 47 minutes with 3 separate calls, from 11:18 to 12:05. The 911 call came in at 12:21 PM .... a much longer delay than originally reported.

HOLD UP A F*CKING MINUTE! What the f*ck is this?!
Let me get this sh*t straight.
It took more than an HOUR to call 911?!
What kind of f*cked up doctor is this?! The bringer of death?!

Someone was lying out of their ass!
They weren't painkillers... they were drugs used to treat insomnia and anxiety (I believe).

I don't know if the drugs were necessary to treat insomnia...they are more general than that...used for other conditions as well like mental problems. At least Propofol is very specific to treat insomnia....I am not saying it is OK to use it because it is not but definitely more specific and hence "safer" in that way.
Aaaaaaaaaa he killed him!!!!!!
I hate you, hate you murray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Go to hell!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok i got it....1222

47 fricking minutes???????????????????????????????????????????

Oh dear God!!!!!!!

Murray claims in the search warrant that he found MJ not breathing at 1052 am or 1100 am, which ever one you want to believe.

The 911 call takes place at 1222 pm. That 82 - 90 minutes of a person not breathing.

He was clearly dead before the EMTs got there.

He was probably dead long before that. Murray is a GD liar.

[on edit]

Oh and add to that another 3 mins for the EMTs to arrive and another 30 mins to get him to the hospital (a 6 min ride)

And they finally 'call him' at 2:30 something?
Michael Jackson's PR firm releases statement following media reports suggesting homicide: http://news.bnonews.com/jzyd

From the BNO Newsroom.

LOS ANGELES (BNO NEWS) -- Michael Jackson's PR firm released the following statement on Monday after media reports suggested that the star's death was ruled a homicide by the Los Angeles County coroner.

"The Jackson family has full confidence in the legal process, and commends the ongoing efforts of the L.A. County Coroner, the L.A. District Attorney and the L.A. Police Department.

The family looks forward to the day that justice can be served."
I wonder if this murderer Murray is going to go down without singing.

"Doctors make the best assassins."
said by Dick Gregory.
(Dick, I really don't think you should stop fasting
just yet.)
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Murray claims in the search warrant that he found MJ not breathing at 1052 am or 1100 am, which ever one you want to believe.

The 911 call takes place at 1222 pm. That 82 - 90 minutes of a person not breathing.

He was clearly dead before the EMTs got there.

He was probably dead long before that. Murray is a GD liar.

my thought's exactly you got it in one

The statement of probable cause starts on p. 16. Here's one bit that caught my attention (p. 19):

"JACKSON remained awake and at approximately 1040 hours, MURRAY finally administered 25mg of PROPOFOL (DIPRIVAN), diluted with LIDOCAINE (XYLOCAINE), via IV drip to keep JACKSON sedated after repeated demands/requests from JACKSON. JACKSON finally went to sleep and MURRAY stated that he remained monitoring him. After approximately 10 minutes, MURRAY stated he left JACKSON's side to go to the restroom and relieve himself. MURRAY stated that he was out of the room for about 2 minutes maximum. Upon his return, MURRAY noticed that JACKSON was no longer breathing. MURRAY began single man cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) at once. MURRAY also administered .2mg of FLUMANEZIL (ANEXATE) to JACKSON and called JACKSON's personal assistant, MICHAEL AMIR WILLIAMS, with his cellular telephone for help. MURRAY reached WILLIAMS and requested that he send security upstairs for an emergency. MURRAY continued CPR and after a few minutes without the security detail's response, he left JACKSON and ran out to the hall and downstairs to the kitchen. MURRAY asked the chef to send up PRINCE JACKSON, the eldest son, and returned to continue CPR. P. JACKSON responded upstairs and summoned the security detail. ALBERTO ALVAREZ went to the aid of MURRAY and called 911 via his cellular telephone."

Add to that (p. 20):

"In his statement, MURRAY estimated the time that he noticed JACKSON was not breathing to be approximately 1100 hours. MURRAY's cellular telephone records show MURRAY on the telephone with three separate callers for approximately 47 minutes starting at 1118 hours, until 1205 hours. MURRAY did not mention this to the interviewing detectives."

It's crazy. Did Murray call Williams? If so, why didn't Williams do anything? And who were the other two people he called?

He seems to have vanished off the radar, hasn't he????? :mello:
He kill Michael Jackson, he's unresponsible and he needs to pay for this, if Michael was adiccted, then the doctor should have warned this to other doctors and Michael's family, Michael is dead cause DR MURRAY CARED ABOUT THE MONEY NOT THE PATIENT, DR MURRAY KILLED MICHAEL JACKSON, he will have to pay, he killed a man