JUST IN: Michael Jackson died of lethal levels of propofol, court documents show

In a nutshell Gaz. Thank you
This is all so sad cuz it should never have happened and Michael should be in London right now giving us the greatest show on earth for his children and his fans.
RIP Michael, I shall always love you xx

Janey!! cool! you are still using the blend I made you 2 years ago lol!
Like I've already said in the investigation thread:


They may not have given the lethal dose, but they all are responsible and they all have MJ's blood on their hands.

Was it the money? Was it the promise of fame and fortune? How could they say Michael was healthy? How could they claim Michael was 150/160 pounds? Why didn't AEG cancel? I mean obviously they noticed SOMETHING because they hired someone to remind Michael to eat and someone to cut his chicken. Lou Ferrigno said that Michael was down to one meal a day. Why didn't anyone notice that Michael was going to Klien's office every single day? It wasn't just for a "hey how ya doing" visit.... Michael in those six weeks lost soo much weight, didn't respond to lawsuits, became isolated and didn't look healthy at all. Something was dreadfully wrong and those around him just didn't care or was so driven by the concerts and the money that could have been made that they just looked the other way.

Of course Michael became drug addict! Why? Look at what was fed to him by all of these doctors! They didn't CARE for him - only for his money!! These DRUG DEALERS that call themselves doctors should be in JAIL. If you can jail someone for dealing cocaine and give them a 20 year sentence, you can well give these doping doctors the same prison sentence if not more.
Horrible. In the words of Monty Python, 'GET ON WITH IT' - the arrests that is. I wanna see that IDDDDDDDDDDIOT cuffed before Michael is laid to rest. What kind of c***nose doctor does that??????????? Don't blame your patients, no-one's buying that. Blaming poor Michael when he can't stick up for himself - that's low man, seriously, suck my socks chump!
id like to know if all these other drugs were given to mj or its just a lie from murray to create a new timeline.
Harvey was just talking on TMZ, he says that no charges have been made yet but in his opinion Murray is in big trouble............
it hurts because all this could have been prevented if it wasnt for the doctor

#)*$!)(*$!*($ :angry:
Was it the money? Was it the promise of fame and fortune? How could they say Michael was healthy? How could they claim Michael was 150/160 pounds? Why didn't AEG cancel? I mean obviously they noticed SOMETHING because they hired someone to remind Michael to eat and someone to cut his chicken. Lou Ferrigno said that Michael was down to one meal a day. Why didn't anyone notice that Michael was going to Klien's office every single day? It wasn't just for a "hey how ya doing" visit.... Michael in those six weeks lost soo much weight, didn't respond to lawsuits, became isolated and didn't look healthy at all. Something was dreadfully wrong and those around him just didn't care or was so driven by the concerts and the money that could have been made that they just looked the other way.

Of course Michael became drug addict! Why? Look at what was fed to him by all of these doctors! They didn't CARE for him - only for his money!! These DRUG DEALERS that call themselves doctors should be in JAIL. If you can jail someone for dealing cocaine and give them a 20 year sentence, you can well give these doping doctors the same prison sentence if not more.


Here here. They couldn't see Michael's weight loss for the $$$ signs in their eyes.
In my opinion, this was not a doctor, but an executioner (see my earlier post a few pages back.) If "someone, " or a corporation, wanted to kill Michael, why not have a doctor do it? He probably won't even get jail time. Follow the money. This is NOT over.

And rockstar? About the vision you reported having? I BELIEVE you.

I think an 'executioner' would have done it more cleanly. It would have been planned. This was a little too messy to be a clean, professional job IMO. But I could be wrong since you do have a point.
These DRUG DEALERS that call themselves doctors should be in JAIL. If you can jail someone for dealing cocaine and give them a 20 year sentence, you can well give these doping doctors the same prison sentence if not more.

So true :yes:
So the most wonderful man in the world died alone, intoxicated with a gazillion drugs by the man in whose hands he put his life with all his trust.

Murray is an idiot and a murderer. I can't call him anything else.

They arrested Michael and set up a $3 mil bail ASAP, but this guy gets to walk freely for 2 months.

I've never wishes harm on anyone, but this guy.....I would harm with my own hands. His crime was bigger than he could imagine.

I'm boiling too much to even comment on anything else.
he answer would probably be in that autopsy result.
yeah it will be although priliminary results say diprovan only which is why im asking
I think now that this is out Murrey will be arrested and charged soon, and so he should be.

He would be safer in jail, I just want to know who paid him. I can't bare the idea of Michael drugged, and helpless. The fact that Murrey was prepared to give him those drugs probably gave Michael confidence that he was in safe hands.
Exactly but who hired Murray?? 'They' say Michael, but he is not here to confirm that so why should we believe these people who keep telling conflicting stories, I have a feeling Michael didn't choose him OR he did but someone was paying Murray to keep Michael on drugs where they could control him... something else was going on...!
That's the $64,000 question. Where in the HELL did Murray come from?

I'm sry, but Murray was NOT MJ's 'friend'.

He couldn't have treated Paris in 2006 unless it was within days the Jackson family returned to the United States, because MJ didn't return here until a couple of days before Christmas. Then JB died on Christmas day. I kinda don't forget milestone dates, here, who in the hell do they think they are fooling?

Dr. Murray didn't know MJ all that long, I'm sry. He was supposedly introduced to MJ by MJ's 'bodyguard'???? Why isn't this fool being investigated since he now is security for --- wait for it ---


I'm sry., but this syht stinks to high heaven.
All I know is the DEVIL is at work here.....

You're damn right! The devil has been doing ALOT of bullsh*t...

It's all about the money. It's ALWAYS about the f*cking money. Like Michael said, they kill for it.

If all hell hasn't broken loose yet, it sure will will now!
I think everyone should read through this.
I second that! Don't rely on TV, for example. I've been watching several channels and so far no one seems to have picked up on the fact yet that the "timeline" isn't some official timeline. It just doesn't add up. And the fact the Dr Murray lied about what drugs he'd given Michael when the paramedics arrived and etc, etc. You don't have to read the whole thing, but at least read pages 17-25. That's 9 pages of very important info.
That's the $64,000 question. Where in the HELL did Murray come from?

I'm sry, but Murray was NOT MJ's 'friend'.

He couldn't have treated Paris in 2006 unless it was within days the Jackson family returned to the United States, because MJ didn't return here until a couple of days before Christmas. Then JB died on Christmas day. I kinda don't forget milestone dates, here, who in the hell do they think they are fooling?

Dr. Murray didn't know MJ all that long, I'm sry. He was supposedly introduced to MJ by MJ's 'bodyguard'???? Why isn't this fool being investigated since he now is security for --- wait for it ---


I'm sry., but this syht stinks to high heaven.

Exactly why is the guy who some say introduced them now protecting Murray who killed Michael...?! There is a lot in this that is sinister. I hope the LAPD focus on that too as well as the doctors.
do they say in the documents that the cause of death is propofol or they found only propofol ?
When my husband's daughter passed at the hands of her step-mother, she called her ex-husband (now my current husband) before she called 911 (at the time, she said his daughter fell, hit her head, and was non-responsive, so she was asking what to do)...and he was in another state (military-duty)! Of course my husband shouted at her to call the 911.

She was panicking because she knew she f*** up. (The step-mom/his ex-wife choked the toddler to death.)

I can believe that Murray called other folks, in a panic and because he f*** up, to find out how to deal with this or what to do. Now the key part is to talk to these other folks.

He will try to put the spin on it, that MJ, was an addict, but I still think MJ asked for this drug because it was introduced to him as something that could help him sleep, and it did, so he continued to use it.

I do not believe he was using it to get "high."Which is what I"m about to post in another board momentarily. He just wanted to go to sleep and rest his soul, now he is.

I can believe that he was in panic and called someone to help him. But I don't believe he was talking to 3 ppl and noone shouted at him to call 911? - even for his own good! I can't believe that!
According to Sky:


:: 1.30am - He gave Jackson valium.
:: 2.00am - When the valium failed to work, he injected lorazepam intravenously.
:: 3.00am, When Jackson was still awake, Murray administered midazolam.
:: 3.00am until 10.40am - Murray said he gave Jackson various drugs.
:: 10.40am - Murray administered 25 milligrams of propofol after Jackson repeatedly demanded the drug.

(I think the 25 mg dose is per 20 secs or per minute)

Dr. Murray says he noticed that Jackson wasn't breathing at around 11 AM. He was then on the cell phone for 47 minutes with 3 separate calls, from 11:18 to 12:05. The 911 call came in at 12:21 PM .... a much longer delay than originally reported.


OMG!! No one should ever be given drugs like this. Murray obviously has no idea when it comes to practicing medicine and has complete and utter disregard for human life!!

Yeah and what's worse is that he made some calls (to Houston presumedly) before he called 911.

Sorry, but it's a wrap. Murder in the 2nd degree.

Good luck in trying to find a place to hold this trial...

I agree!! This has gone way past manslaughter!! Too many suspicious things about Murray. I have thought from the start when he was missing after MJ was pronounced dead. The timeline says it all. I don't know if he intended to kill MJ or not, but he certainly did nothing to prevent it and everything to cause it!!

I've just been reading through the warrant...

"Murray REFUSED to sign the death certificate"

"Upon arrival at UCLA Medical Centre, neither the coroners investigator nor detectives could locate Murray to reinterview him. Repeated attempts at contacting and locating Murray were unsuccessful"

TOO MANY THINGS ARE SHADY ABOUT THIS MAN!!! He firstly gives MJ a ridiclously dangerous cocktail of drugs, leaves his patient unattended. Finds him in distress, or maybe dead, does nothing but makes some calls (WTF?) then does CPR on the freakin bed!! Waits to call the paramedics. Refuses to sign the death certificate and makes the paramedics take MJ to hospital so someone esle will have to sign it. Then goes missing and lawyer's up before finally talking to the cops. GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY!!

I am so ANGRY right now! Michael should still be alive today. This was a completely preventable death and that just makes it so much harder to accept!!
Was it the money? Was it the promise of fame and fortune? How could they say Michael was healthy? How could they claim Michael was 150/160 pounds? Why didn't AEG cancel? I mean obviously they noticed SOMETHING because they hired someone to remind Michael to eat and someone to cut his chicken. Lou Ferrigno said that Michael was down to one meal a day. Why didn't anyone notice that Michael was going to Klien's office every single day? It wasn't just for a "hey how ya doing" visit.... Michael in those six weeks lost soo much weight, didn't respond to lawsuits, became isolated and didn't look healthy at all. Something was dreadfully wrong and those around him just didn't care or was so driven by the concerts and the money that could have been made that they just looked the other way.

Of course Michael became drug addict! Why? Look at what was fed to him by all of these doctors! They didn't CARE for him - only for his money!! These DRUG DEALERS that call themselves doctors should be in JAIL. If you can jail someone for dealing cocaine and give them a 20 year sentence, you can well give these doping doctors the same prison sentence if not more.
When put in this way, it all starts to make sense. Sadly. It would explain a lot.

But if it did all go down this way, then I have one more question. If Kai was cooking for him and he was doing well and looking good, then why did he need a Dr. Murray? Why?

And sadly, i'mma gonna have to say this: ALL HAD TO KNOW THAT MJ WAS NOT RIGHT.

And I do mean ALL OF THEM.

All of them.

I am reading all that has been posted and I'm like, 'is this for real? and how did this all happen?'

How the hell do you say you are weening MJ of Propofol, give him a series of drugs back to back and then give him the very same thing you said you were weening him off of, how the hell does that make any sense????

Something is very much amiss here, there is more to this whole thing, how can MJ be demanding anything with all these drugs in his system? He must've been woozy at best but still was awake!

God almighty, this is more than an injustice!:(