JUST IN: Michael Jackson died of lethal levels of propofol, court documents show

Why isn't this fool being investigated since he now is security for --- wait for it ---

Mello, you got to be kidding me!! :bugeyed
I wondered for many a day what ever became of the bodyguards and I definately didnt know THIS!

OMGawl! This whole dam thing makes me sick!
I'm sick of hearing about it! MJ should NOT be dead!
Talk about gross neglegence!!
I think everyone should read through this.

Yes, I think it's very important for everyone to read the search warrant PDF very carefully. One thing I noticed immediately was that Murrray said he thought Cheryln Lee (the nurse) had been giving Michael a "cocktail" by IV that included Propofol! Not vitamins, but Propofol! No way to know if this is true, but it proves that Murray DID know about Cheryln Lee! Murray was interviewed first before Lee EVER went on tv. So there was knowledge of her. . . . . . We need to compare the timeline provided by Lee (of when she saw Michael last), and the date Murray was hired.

Off to the Investigation Unit now. . . . . . . . .
How can someone who has been given all those drugs through the morning and night then DEMAND propofol??? He must have been in a very sleepy and sedative state!!

How the hell could he 'demand' stuff!!
I dont know if this has been answered in this thread..

but why did he give MJ propofol in the morning again?
didnt Michael sleep the entire night from 3am - 10am? so why propofol again?

Why did it take more than one hour after finding MJ not breathing for the doc to alert security to call 911

so sickening...
How can someone who has been given all those drugs through the morning and night then DEMAND propofol??? He must have been in a very sleepy and sedative state!!

How the hell could he 'demand' stuff!!

If he was drugged up like that, he sure as hell could not.

Let me just say that I have actually taken/been prescribed almost ALL of those prescription medications (minus the propofol, of course :smilerolleyes:) ... and that is just completely INSANE. TRUST ME.

And the dosages he was giving Michael... I'm sorry, but Michael was most likely HIGH AS A KITE already and probably DELIRIOUS as well (I obviously don't know what his drug tolerance was, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that you would NOT be in your normal mental state, duh) when Murray finally 'agreed' to administer the propofol (lowered dosage, bleh... it doesn't matter). WHAT... A... DUMBASS!!
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I dont know if this has been answered in this thread..

but why did he give MJ propofol in the morning again?
didnt Michael sleep the entire night from 3am - 10am? so why propofol again?

so sickening...
No, MJ had not gone to sleep. So by 1040 am, Murray claims that he gave him the propofol to put him out.
How can someone who has been given all those drugs through the morning and night then DEMAND propofol??? He must have been in a very sleepy and sedative state!!

How the hell could he 'demand' stuff!!

I know that drug tolerance occurs, but to what point?

Is there anyone here with medical knowledge? I am wondering if it is possible to have such a tolerance of the drugs that what MJ was injected with would have no effect whatsoever, leaving him completely lucid and able to "demand" more drugs.

I think this would be the key to knowing if this was accidental or murder!
No, MJ had not gone to sleep. So by 1040 am, Murray claims that he gave him the propofol to put him out.

So Mike were awake the ENTIRE night.. all the medics he gave to him didnt work?
So he decide to give him Propfol in the morning? Just HOURS before Mike were gonna go to the rehearsals?


And what about the chef saying that the doc would always come and get MJ's juice at a certain time. this day that did not happen... so she thought MJ had overslept.. this indicates on that MJ would always be up around that time...

so why put him out in the morning..??

EXCLUSIVE: Doc Named In Search Warrant Refused To Give Jackson Diprivan, Says Attorney

One of the doctors for Michael Jackson named in the Houston search warrant released Monday refused to give the singer Diprivan, his attorney told RadarOnline.com.
Dr. Allan Metzger is the doctor who turned down Jackson says his lawyer Harland Braun. "Michael Jackson asked my client, Dr. Metzger for Diprivan in April 2009," Braun told RadarOnline.com. 'Dr. Metzger told
him that he wouldn't give it to Michael. Dr. Metzger turned Michael Jackson down."
Lethal doses of propofol, the same drug as Diprivan, were found in Jackson's system.
Braun told RadarOnline.com: "Dr. Metzger has fully cooperated with authorities. We have turned over all of Dr. Metzger's records to the LAPD. "Dr. Metzger did give Mr. Jackson a prescription for a mild sleeping pill in April 2009, because Michael was complaining of not sleeping.
"Dr. Metzger treated Michael in 2003, and spoke to him by phone in 2008 and 2009, only two times. The last time that Dr. Metzger saw Michael was the April 2009 visit to Michael's home, and that was when he said no to Michael's request for Diprivan."

Michael had been up from 1:30am with the first dose of valium all the way to 10:40 when the dumb#$$ doc gave him the profopol

And from 3am to 10:40 he apparently gave him more drugs!!!!

this all just sickens me to the core.
I had a nightmare that Murray attacked Michael.. the dream was so vivid.
And Michael wanted me to tell that to others in the dream.
rockstar what was your vision? I think you saw the same thing as me.

Oh my god, MJJStarlight, i want to know about our dream. I haven't seen a dream about Michael's death, but I CAN'T SHAKE A FEELING THAT MICHAEL IS WITH ME EVERY MINUTE AND HE WANTS US TO KNOW THE TRUTH ABOUT HIS DEATH!!! And it's much more than just Dr. Murray! Much more.
I can't sleep anymore, dunno what to do, how to make truth surface?
I pm you.
I know that drug tolerance occurs, but to what point?

Is there anyone here with medical knowledge? I am wondering if it is possible to have such a tolerance of the drugs that what MJ was injected with would have no effect whatsoever, leaving him completely lucid and able to "demand" more drugs.

I think this would be the key to knowing if this was accidental or murder!

That is a good question.. so we need to research the drugs he was given before the propofol and the interactions of what mixing drugs does also. That can never be good, there are severe side effects to mix things.

Oh im crying too :cry: I think I will go away for a little while. this is too hard on my heart :cry:
UPDATE FROM TMZ (dont know if it has been posted)

[size=+2]UPDATE: If Dr. Murray is charged with a crime, there's a statement in the affidavit that could be evidence of a consciousness of guilt. The document also states both "UCLA doctors and L.A. Fire Dept. paramedics stated that Dr. Murray had only disclosed that he had given the medication Lorazepam [Ativan] to Jackson prior to his medical emergency." Dr. Murray did not disclose that he had given Jackson Propofol.[/size]
I think Dr Murray made a lot of mistakes. He panicked and made the wrong decisions which made themselves worse with each new drug introduced. Murray will pay for the rest of his life for this and I for one hopes he realises what he's done and who he's taken away from us :( ... damn him...
Yes, I think it's very important for everyone to read the search warrant PDF very carefully. One thing I noticed immediately was that Murrray said he thought Cheryln Lee (the nurse) had been giving Michael a "cocktail" by IV that included Propofol! Not vitamins, but Propofol! No way to know if this is true, but it proves that Murray DID know about Cheryln Lee! Murray was interviewed first before Lee EVER went on tv. So there was knowledge of her. . . . . . We need to compare the timeline provided by Lee (of when she saw Michael last), and the date Murray was hired.

Off to the Investigation Unit now. . . . . . . . .

WT? Here we go with the blame game. First she has no idea what the stuff even is and has to call someone and get her PDR to find out, now he's trying to flip it to say he thinks she's been administering it? How come I distinctly remember hearing her say she had heard about him but never even met "Dr." Murray. Excuse after excuse and lie after lie by everyone. It's sickening. :mello:
I can not understand why he gave him so many drugs in such a sort space of time, Conrad is the devil, he wanted to kill him.
Yes, I think it's very important for everyone to read the search warrant PDF very carefully. One thing I noticed immediately was that Murrray said he thought Cheryln Lee (the nurse) had been giving Michael a "cocktail" by IV that included Propofol! Not vitamins, but Propofol! No way to know if this is true, but it proves that Murray DID know about Cheryln Lee! Murray was interviewed first before Lee EVER went on tv. So there was knowledge of her. . . . . . We need to compare the timeline provided by Lee (of when she saw Michael last), and the date Murray was hired.

Off to the Investigation Unit now. . . . . . . . .

This is not to excuse Murray at all (Michael's blood is on many hands), but I really felt like Lee was trying to cover her ass by coming forward to say she did not give Michael propofol before propofol even came up. Like she knew her name was going to come up in the investigation.
How on earth someone could be this stupid... Its impossible for this doctor to show it was an accident because he intentionally did what he did. So technically that makes the whole stuff intentional, doesnt it?
GUYS he gave him the other drugs after HE DIED OR WAS DYING , the cause of death is ONLY PROPOFOL , if other meds were found they would have never be able to rule that propofol was the cause of death and not a combination of drugs .

he found mj in dire need of situation or even dead and started injecting him with every fucking drugs he had , to make it look like mj overdosed himself .
Ok, I didn't really believe it and I wanted to wait and listen to the story, but this almost seems intentional now. I mean, no reasonable doctor possibly would have given him all of that and expected things to be ok, right? AND, he just happened to be in the bathroom for two minutes and MJ stopped breathing?

I don't know...I really thought it was just negligence, but this is really fishy. His story doesn't make much sense, and the amount of drugs and combination is ridiculous.
the man lied about when he called. now we know y he kept the fireplace going. he knew mj was dead at 11....that's what he's admitting. now emt's said mj was long dead before they came at 1230 then he told them to do cpr for another 47 minutes.

he made THREE calls after he claims to have found mj not breathing...THEN he does cpr?
I researched some of the drug names

I know valium is to calm someone down
One of the drugs was used for enlarged prostates (I'll have to look up the name again)
And the others for anxiety
And of course we all know pro....
How on earth someone could be this stupid... Its impossible for this doctor to show it was an accident because he intentionally did what he did. So technically that makes the whole stuff intentional, doesnt it?

More I think about this, more I think it has to be intentional. NO ONE is that stupid as to make all the mistakes that Murray made. (Have henceforth stopped referring to him as a doctor...it is an insult to all the doctors out there).

There is no way a man of this level of intellegence (or lack thereof) could have passed his medical degrees!!
GUYS he gave him the other drugs after HE DIED OR WAS DYING , the cause of death is ONLY PROPOFOL , if other meds were found they would have never be able to rule that propofol was the cause of death and not a combination of drugs .

he found mj in dire need of situation or even dead and started injecting him with every fucking drugs he had , to make it look like mj overdosed himself .

Exactly but the murderer didn't realize that the Propofol was going to override all of the garbage he was injecting MJ with. I want that SOB along with the uglyass Klein and all of the scumbags to pay with their life the same way they took away Michael's :cry: :cry:
GUYS he gave him the other drugs after HE DIED OR WAS DYING , the cause of death is ONLY PROPOFOL , if other meds were found they would have never be able to rule that propofol was the cause of death and not a combination of drugs .

he found mj in dire need of situation or even dead and started injecting him with every fucking drugs he had , to make it look like mj overdosed himself .

And this is based on.... ?

I don't know where you are getting this from.
That is a good question.. so we need to research the drugs he was given before the propofol

Valium is in a group of drugs called benzodiazepines. It affects chemicals in the brain that may become unbalanced and cause anxiety.
Valium is used in the management of anxiety disorders. It may also be used to treat agitation, shakiness, and hallucinations during alcohol withdrawal and to relieve certain types of muscle pain.
Valium may also be used for other purposes not listed in this medication guide.

Lorazepam is in a group of drugs called benzodiazepines. It affects chemicals in the brain that may become unbalanced and cause anxiety. This results in a reduction in nervous tension.
Lorazepam is used to treat anxiety or anxiety associated with symptoms of depression.