JUST IN: Michael Jackson died of lethal levels of propofol, court documents show

Can someone tell me why they didnt find any other drugs but this propofol if so much were given to him?
I want each and everyone accountable around michael to be brought to justice to.

We want answers as to why you did not see what we could, why you deserted him.

Why you just said and I can imagine this,

"give him what he wants"

"Make him happy"

You are all to blame and you know who you are whether you were his concert promoter his manager his personal assistant his what ever.

The facts are this is much much deaper than DR Murray administering propofol

This is about YOU and you know who you are,

You have litteraly held the gun against michael's head with Dr Murray pulling the trigger.

I am so fucking angry right now.

If there was ever a time the justice system needs to work here in the USA it is NOW, thank goodness the coroner didn't cave and put cause of death as accidental overdose or any other BS, he put the right cause HOMICIDE because that's what it is Michael was MURDERED by a host of people for his money and they had no regard for his life or his children's lives.
on TMZ says that Klien has been self prescribing since march, not sure if drugs were for himself or for Michael.
soso :

no the documents don't talk about the calls to his assistants at 7 am LA TIME , it is a fact his assitants removed the boxes at 9.22 am LA time , those are related to the crime , according to his NEW time line he did administer propofol after 10 am , he only gave this time to cover up the fact that the calls earlly in the morning were related to what happened and that mj was FAR LONG GONE .
Can someone tell me why they didnt find any other drugs but this propofol if so much were given to him?

I think others have said it but more than likely the other drugs were injected after he died therefore they wouldn't stick, even though the murdering doctor was hoping they would. The asswipe gave him lethal doses of propofol and killed Michael bottom line.
I'm so upset--each new bit of information makes the situation more insane--more devastating. How could a doctor act so irresponsibly??????? He killed him. It's a nightmare.
And there it is. :cry:

Haven't had time to read the rest of this thread, only the first post. I'm watching Headline News now and they are thinking the recklessness is so bad here, the word murder is being thrown around...murder with malice.

Murphy is going down...along with whoever else was involved here. I'd love to know who he was calling while Michael was dead or dying. If it's already mentioned somewhere in this thread, my bad.

As much as I was waiting for the results and kinda suspected the outcome, it's still devastating to hear. I can't believe he's gone becuz of this. Murphy needs to pay. Probation or a plea deal will not suffice. He needs to do hard time...in prison...where other inmates who are MJ fans can moonwalk all over his ass!
in the documents they keep referring to propofol as the cause of death , that would have been impossible to determine if indeed those drugs were in his system prior to his death . no way it would have been a combination of drugs . not propofol .
Can someone tell me why they didnt find any other drugs but this propofol if so much were given to him?
We don't know that answer yet. The coroner's report is still sealed. Dr. Murray claimed that he gave MJ all that stuff and the police warrant states that they found all these drugs in MJ's home and in Dr. Murray's bag...
the man lied about when he called. now we know y he kept the fireplace going. he knew mj was dead at 11....that's what he's admitting. now emt's said mj was long dead before they came at 1230 then he told them to do cpr for another 47 minutes.

he made THREE calls after he claims to have found mj not breathing...THEN he does cpr?

Let's not forget that Murray made sure to call Laquisha and Lawhatever to check if they cleared out some boxes in the storage. When they cleared it then he called 911. He was waiting on those fools to clear his footprints. How did Murray know to call these two? What made him automatically think about what's in those boxes? It's like he almost knew or somehow thought it through. Murray was a very panicked and made way too many mistakes.
also Murray said that he injected him with a drug when he found him not breathing , so who to say he was alive when he injected him with that drug
So the most wonderful man in the world died alone, intoxicated with a gazillion drugs by the man in whose hands he put his life with all his trust.

Murray is an idiot and a murderer. I can't call him anything else.

They arrested Michael and set up a $3 mil bail ASAP, but this guy gets to walk freely for 2 months.

I've never wishes harm on anyone, but this guy.....I would harm with my own hands. His crime was bigger than he could imagine.

I'm boiling too much to even comment on anything else.

"They arrested Michael and set up a $3 mil bail ASAP, but this guy gets to walk freely for 2 months."

Ain't that the awful truth? Can you comment on this LAPD????
Jackson Doc Self-Prescribed Powerful Drugs
Posted Aug 24th 2009 7:00PM by TMZ Staff

Dr. Arnold Klein, Michael Jackson's friend and doctor, wrote dozens of prescriptions for powerful controlled substances for himself, according to a search warrant obtained by TMZ.

We got hold of the affidavit for the search warrant that allowed the DEA to raid Mickey Fine Pharmacy in Beverly Hills -- the pharmacy Dr. Klein often used to fill prescriptions for Michael Jackson, often using aliases.

According to the affidavit, records show Dr. Klein self-prescribed 27 times from March, 2006 through May, 2009. The prescriptions include "the medications hydrocodone (Vicodin), modafinil (Provigil), diazepam (Valium), and injectable midazolam (Versed). The prescriptions were filled at Mickey Fine Pharmacy in Beverly Hills.

According to California law, "No person shall prescribe, administer, or furnish a controlled substance for himself."

It is not known if Dr. Klein used the prescriptions for himself or possibly for Michael Jackson. We do know Dr. Klein often prescribed to Jackson using various aliases.

Interestingly, the affidavit states Dr. Klein's lawyer told the DEA that his client "has never self-prescribed."

I want each and everyone accountable around michael to be brought to justice to.

We want answers as to why you did not see what we could, why you deserted him.

Why you just said and I can imagine this,

"give him what he wants"

"Make him happy"

You are all to blame and you know who you are whether you were his concert promoter his manager his personal assistant his what ever.

The facts are this is much much deaper than DR Murray administering propofol

This is about YOU and you know who you are,

You have litteraly held the gun against michael's head with Dr Murray pulling the trigger.

I am so fucking angry right now.
AMEN! Yes we are with you!
did anyone ask themselves how could a man stay in a room with fireplaces on all night in June ? how could murray stay in that room all night ? i would not be able to stay without a A.C let alone with a fireplace
did anyone ask themselves how could a man stay in a room with fireplaces on all night in June ? how could murray stay in that room all night ? i would not be able to stay without a A.C let alone with a fireplace

Considering it's summer time and very warm outside i think it's safe to say that fireplace was being used to keep Michael's body warm long after he passed away due to the murdering of Dr.Murderer.
also Murray said that he injected him with a drug when he found him not breathing , so who to say he was alive when he injected him with that drug
I will agree with that point Oceangirl, because I too think that he was probably not alive long before Murray claims he found him.

But I suspect that if the Propocol was the only substance in his system, he would have gone down long before now. We just have to wait and see what the coroner's report says...
Soo Dr. Murray is a Cardiologist that automatically became a Anesthesiologists just because MJ asked for Propofal, so I guess it's ok for my Dentist to perform hysterectomies if his patient asked for one.
Murray and all those other enabling doctors need to be charged asap..
I will agree with that point Oceangirl, because I too think that he was probably not alive long before Murray claims he found him.

The doc claims he left the room for maximum of 2 minutes and then got back and found Mj.

Considering it's summer time and very warm outside i think it's safe to say that fireplace was being used to keep Michael's body warm long after he passed away due to the murdering of Dr.Murderer.

yes. Mj had a thick comforter so I doubt he was cold.

"They arrested Michael and set up a $3 mil bail ASAP, but this guy gets to walk freely for 2 months."

Ain't that the awful truth? Can you comment on this LAPD????

AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously when you look at it why the hell is murray walking around? I hope he's nervous as hell right now and is going out of his mind! It's unfair what they did to michael!
I will agree with that point Oceangirl, because I too think that he was probably not alive long before Murray claims he found him.

But I suspect that if the Propocol was the only substance in his system, he would have gone down long before now. We just have to wait and see what the coroner's report says...
i'm not sure can we believe in 'official' coroner's report?
He should be charged with murder not manslaughter charges, Dr murray knew exactly what he was doing when he gave michael that cocktail of drugs and that top up was to make sure he never woke up again, God help me im sooo angry right now
Soo Dr. Murray is a Cardiologist that automatically became a Anesthesiologists just because MJ asked for Propofal, so I guess it's ok for my Dentist to perform hysterectomies if his patient asked for one.
Murray and all those other enabling doctors need to be charged asap..

Right. I'mma have to do more research on Murray's "education" ... did he go to Med School in The US or what??? :lol:
Michael Jackson Died Of Lethal Levels Of Propofol

You don't have to be a genius to know, it was too much.
-- He must now take responsibility for his ignorant actions.
It shouldn't have been Mike's time.
There was still so much out there for Mike...Its so sad.
Does he realize it, tho? He KiLLEd Michael.
A father, a legend, a sweet human being - Loved by so many.

ii expected it being this - but to know it officially makes it harder.
- knowing it could have been prevented, makes it hardest.​