JUST IN: Michael Jackson died of lethal levels of propofol, court documents show

originally posted by #1mjstan
he went 2 med school in grenada...... But yet failed the board certification test twice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So was he 3rd time lucky or just thought it was ok to keep failing until he passed i would have got the message the first time and thought why carry on, he was shit couldn't even pass the medical but was in charge of michael wtf

he wished he would've passed had he taken it for the 3rd time.. he isn't board certified at all
Re: Just In: LA Coroner rules Mr.Jackson Death A Homicide

why not? they have been trying for a long time to stop him, death was the only way at the end.

I didn't mean it literally...just disbelief that my idol was killed when he should have lived a long and happy life with his children...why would anyone want to kill him? I really don't understand.
it is this simple

michael jackson was indirectly killed whether intentionaly or not its not the case, this man had a responsibility to the well being and heath of his patient

that was clearly not the case here, instead he fed him lethal life taking drugs

the man needs to be arrested now and brough to justice for involuntary murder, no other charge is acceptable in my oppinion.

As for the rest in responsibilty in michael's loop that failed him.

We are coming after you.

amen brother amen!!! We are coming after them....
The bastard dying by way of suicide would be the WORST his co-conspirators would walk away from from murdering Michael. Wouldn't shock me though if that's what law enforcement want him to do like that dude who killed his wife and hung himself, if Murry kills himself they don't have to work up sweat to give Michael true justice which would be another tragedy in itself.

exactly he took michael away from everyone his family his beautiful daughter and two sons and us the fans

we can't just go to the shop and replace him like we would a laptop
I can't wait until we are able to post that Murray has been arrested. I honestly don't understand how with all this knowledge and his own admissions, that he has not already been arrested. He could be a serious flight risk - he already went missing right after MJ was pronounced dead!

Suicide watch wtf?? he's only doing this so he won't be convicted f*cking idiot!!! Good timing Murray, why don't you try and kill yourself painfully in prison.

I'd love to say to him if you wait just a little bit longer, you can be comfy with his own sort, shit food and his ugly mug staring back at him in the mirror in prison. One thing he should ask himself is, "I'm a dumb twat, couldn't even pass my board certificate should have lived in a shed in the middle of nowhere". Life would be so better without him along with Tohme Tohme.
The scenario it's even worse than what I could possibly imagine. He gave him too much drugs in one night, he could have killed a horse as we say in Italy. He killed him and above all he waited toooo much to call the ambulance. I want justice for Michael, for his lovely children, and for us fans. Murray must pay and I hope he will for the rest of his bloody and useless life.
it makes it so much worse to know that this really didn't have to happen :cry:


For Jackson, a long and medicated night
By The Associated Press (AP) – 15 minutes ago
Michael Jackson was given a series of sedatives by Dr. Conrad Murray on June 25, the day the singer died, according to an affidavit released Monday in Houston:
1:30 a.m. — 10 milligram tablet of Valium, a sedative.
2 a.m. — 2 milligrams of the sedative lorazepam (brand name Ativan) given intravenously.
3 a.m. — 2 milligrams of the sedative midazolam (brand name Versed) given intravenously.
5 a.m. — 2 milligrams of lorazepam given intravenously.
7:30 a.m. — 2 milligrams of midazolam given intravenously.
10:40 a.m. — 25 milligrams of propofol (brand name Diprivan) given intravenously and diluted with lidocaine (brand name Xylocaine).
10:50 a.m. — Doctor leaves Jackson's room; returns minutes later to find Jackson not breathing. Begins CPR and gives 0.2 milligrams of flumazenil (brand name Anexate), used to reverse sedatives.

My main question is.....WHAT THE HELL WAS HE WAITING FOR? I mean come on...Mike was laying there not breathing and Murray was having a cell phone party with everyone except 911. That man have dug himself in a hole.....
He found Michael around 11am... but security called 911 at 12.21pm!! More than one hour after the doc found him.


I'm thinking that that delay was down to the fact that once Murray/they realised Michael was dead they spent the next few hours and the rest panicking like hell!

Murray was usually downstairs for breakfast by 930am/10am according to the chef. That morning he was not. Too busy attending to Michael's demands no doubt he said .... yet not too busy to put a call in to his staff to get them to go to that storage unit was he. The blind panic had set in well before when Murray stated it did.

I just hope the real story DOES in time come out. If Murray wasn't the only one involved I believe it might, or has a good chance to. If Murray's going down he's likely to go down squealing like a pig and hopefully will take the rest down with him. I'm gutted at this news.

On the one hand I'm so glad LAPD do seem to be seriously dealing with this ..and Murray, but seeing Michael's death officially now being declared a homicide is ...well, I'm beyond words :(
I tried to compile some basic info about each of the drug names that was listed in the affidavit, because it can get confusing. Listed is what kind of drug each thing is, what the usual or specifically-mentioned use is and when/how it was mentioned (like if it was found by the bed, found during the search on June 29th at this Carolwood house, if Dr Murray said he used it, etc).

Drugs Mentioned in Affidavit

Diazepam/Valium - Benzodiazepine-derivative drug (sedative). Found near bed (prescribed by Dr Murray). Dr Murray says he gave MJ 10mg at "1:30am" on June 25th to try to get him to sleep without the use of other drugs.

Tamsulosin/Flomax - Alpha-blocker drug. Pretty specifically used for the condition 'benign prostatic hyperplasia' (prostate issue). Haven't found that it's really used for anything else. Found near bed (prescribed by Dr Murray).

Lorazepam/Ativan - Benzodiazepine drug (sedative). Found near bed (prescribed by Dr Murray) & also found (not labeled as prescribed to anyone) with June 29 search warrant. Dr Murray told paramedics that he had given this to MJ in two separate 2mg doses during the course of the night before he stopped breathing. So, paramedics were seemingly only aware that this drug having been given to Michael (instead of what Murray later said... that he used this drug + Midazolam + Propofol + Anexate). Murray also says he gave this to MJ on June 22 with Midazolam and a reduced (25mg) dose of Propofol and he slept ok. Murray said he again gave this plus Midazolam to MJ with no Propofol on June 23rd and he slept ok. On the morning of June 25th, after MJ tried Valium and it wasn't working well, he injected 2mg at "2:00am" via IV. He said he administered another 2mg dose at "5:00am".

Midazolam/Versed - Benzodiazepine-derivative drug (sedative). Found in house with June 29th search warrant, not labeled as prescribed to anyone. Murray says he gave this drug plus Lorazepam to MJ on Jun 22 and June 23rd in his attempt to ween him off of Propofol. On June 25th he injected
2mg via an IV at "3:00am" because Lorazepam alone wasn't working. He then injected another 2mg at "7:30am".

Temazepam/Restoril - Benzodiazepine drug (sedative). Found near bed (prescribed by Dr Murray).

Clonazepam/Klonopin - Benzodiazepine drug (sedative & muscle relaxer). Wikipedia says "frequently abused street drug", but also used in epilepsy, anxiety, panic disorders, etc. Found near bed (prescribed by Dr Metzger).

Trazodone/Desyrel - Psychoactive drug of piperazine and triazolopyridine, usually used as an anti-depressant, but sometimes for insomnia, panic disorders, etc. Found near bed (prescribed by Dr Metzger).

Tizanidine/Zanaflex - Muscle-relaxer. Used off-label as a sleep-aid, sometimes for migraines, etc. Found near bed (prescribed by Dr Klein).

Propofol/Diprivan - Multiple bottles found with Jun 29th search warrant. Murray claims that MJ had been taking 50mg per night for 6 weeks. The night of June 22nd he only used 25mg of Propofol (along with two other sedatives, Lorazepam and Midazolam). He said he used no Propofol at all the next night, June 23rd (only the two other sedatives). On the morning of June 25th, after Valium and the two sedatives failed to help Michael sleep, he gave him 25mg of Propofol at "10:40am" (diluted with Lidocaine, which is normal procedure because Propofol often burns during injection) via IV drip.

Flumanezil/Anexate - Counteracts benzodiazepine drugs (like Tamsulosin, Lorazepam, Midazolam, etc) for instance, in case of overdose. Found in house during Jun 29th search warrant, not labeled as prescribed to anyone. Murray says he gave MJ .2mg at the time he was doing CPR June 25th.
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I'm thinking that that delay was down to the fact that once Murray/they realised Michael was dead they spent the next few hours and the rest panicking like hell!

Murray was usually downstairs for breakfast by 930am/10am according to the chef. That morning he was not. Too busy attending to Michael's demands no doubt he said .... yet not too busy to put a call in to his staff to get them to go to that storage unit was he. The blind panic had set in well before when Murray stated it did.

I just hope the real story DOES in time come out. If Murray wasn't the only one involved I believe it might, or has a good chance to. If Murray's going down he's likely to go down squealing like a pig and hopefully will take the rest down with him. I'm gutted at this news.

On the one hand I'm so glad LAPD do seem to be seriously dealing with this ..and Murray, but seeing Michael's death officially now being declared a homicide is ...well, I'm beyond words :(

Oh I agree 100%. I think he came back into the room and saw Mike and said "Oh Sh*t....I've killed Michael Jackson" But the frustrating thing is that had he called right away....perhaps Mike would still be with us * shrugs*
Via CNN Campbell Brown at 8pm EST and 9pm EST Larry King Live are supposed to be covering this... For Your Information only.
For Jackson, a long and medicated night
By The Associated Press (AP) – 15 minutes ago
Michael Jackson was given a series of sedatives by Dr. Conrad Murray on June 25, the day the singer died, according to an affidavit released Monday in Houston:
1:30 a.m. — 10 milligram tablet of Valium, a sedative.
2 a.m. — 2 milligrams of the sedative lorazepam (brand name Ativan) given intravenously.
3 a.m. — 2 milligrams of the sedative midazolam (brand name Versed) given intravenously.
5 a.m. — 2 milligrams of lorazepam given intravenously.
7:30 a.m. — 2 milligrams of midazolam given intravenously.
10:40 a.m. — 25 milligrams of propofol (brand name Diprivan) given intravenously and diluted with lidocaine (brand name Xylocaine).
10:50 a.m. — Doctor leaves Jackson's room; returns minutes later to find Jackson not breathing. Begins CPR and gives 0.2 milligrams of flumazenil (brand name Anexate), used to reverse sedatives.


Interesting. That's right... REVERSE that shit, biatch!!
Murray was usually downstairs for breakfast by 930am/10am according to the chef. That morning he was not. Too busy attending to Michael's demands no doubt he said .... yet not too busy to put a call in to his staff to get them to go to that storage unit was he. The blind panic had set in well before when Murray stated it did.

Im also wondering about this.

According to the doc.. Michael wanted Propofol at 10.40am... WHY would he supposedly want it at that time? The Chef has said that the doc would go and get some juice for Mike. That for me indictaes that Michael would be up at that time...

and it was reported that Michael had rehearsals that day around 2pm...

so why would he want Propofol just hours before rehearsals??
Via CNN Campbell Brown at 8pm EST and 9pm EST Larry King Live are supposed to be covering this... For Your Information only.

Thanks for this! I'll be watching Larry King live! :no: I've never been more confused. I bet Murray will be the scapegoat. I want him in jail but I would like to see Klien and other co-conspirators served justice as well. If Murray is charged then the whole investigation might just end right there. Lot of people neglected Michael!
somebody in this world has to know how to undo all of this. my mind cannot believe otherwise. :cry: i don't care who, how, whatever, if they just take it all back and give michael his life back.
This is terrible... I really don't think what Murray said was even true. My theory is that he administered the drugs only on the last day and that Michael didn't ask for it, nor did Michael take any other drug before then.

Thanks for the drug info MJBUNNY

I find it odd that Murray says some of these drugs worked only a few nights earlier and yet claims they had no effect on June 25th. Drug tolerance is a gradual thing.