JUST IN: Michael Jackson died of lethal levels of propofol, court documents show

Oh I agree 100%. I think he came back into the room and saw Mike and said "Oh Sh*t....I've killed Michael Jackson" But the frustrating thing is that had he called right away....perhaps Mike would still be with us * shrugs*

You know what - I think Murray realised that MJ had already flatlined and started panicing and covering his tracks like getting the girls to visit the storage facility.

I have long thought that Murray must have left MJ alone for a while only to return and find him already past the point of reviving.
Soo Dr. Murray is a Cardiologist that automatically became a Anesthesiologists just because MJ asked for Propofal, so I guess it's ok for my Dentist to perform hysterectomies if his patient asked for one.
Murray and all those other enabling doctors need to be charged asap..


For Jackson, a long and medicated night
By The Associated Press (AP) – 15 minutes ago
Michael Jackson was given a series of sedatives by Dr. Conrad Murray on June 25, the day the singer died, according to an affidavit released Monday in Houston:
1:30 a.m. — 10 milligram tablet of Valium, a sedative.
2 a.m. — 2 milligrams of the sedative lorazepam (brand name Ativan) given intravenously.
3 a.m. — 2 milligrams of the sedative midazolam (brand name Versed) given intravenously.
5 a.m. — 2 milligrams of lorazepam given intravenously.
7:30 a.m. — 2 milligrams of midazolam given intravenously.
10:40 a.m. — 25 milligrams of propofol (brand name Diprivan) given intravenously and diluted with lidocaine (brand name Xylocaine).
10:50 a.m. — Doctor leaves Jackson's room; returns minutes later to find Jackson not breathing. Begins CPR and gives 0.2 milligrams of flumazenil (brand name Anexate), used to reverse sedatives.

Was Michael awake the entire night.. he couldnt sleep/was awake the entire night despite the doc giving him all that crap the entire night.. so in the end he gave him Propofol?

Or did the Doc manage to put him out.. but do maintain so that Michael wouldnt wake up.. he gave him that to make sure he was sleeping the entire night?
Thanks for the drug info MJBUNNY

I find it odd that Murray says some of these drugs worked only a few nights earlier and yet claims they had no effect on June 25th. Drug tolerance is a gradual thing.

Good point Kes1984, why did Michael have problems that night... and why did Dileo say on Larry King's show Michael had been ok when he told the family he was poorly the night before... Marlon said:

Marlon Jackson: I talked to Frank Dileo, Michael's manager. Frank told me that Michael last night was complaining about not feeling well.

Michael's doctor went over to see him, and Frank said, "Marlon, from last night to this morning, I don't know what happened."

When they got to him this morning, he wasn't breathing. They rushed him to the hospital and couldn't bring him around. That's what happened. They don't know what happened.


Hmmm... now who is lying....?
? aren't sedatives used to relax you...put you to sleep.....as I stated in another thread....why all these different sedatives....normally the dosage is what is increased with using one sedative...not changing the drug all together....this SCREAMS homicide...all we need now is motive to make it murder 1.
ok so is texas two hrs ahead of us then?

and on dlisted it says that he gave mj valium at 1:30 When that didn't work, he gave him a shot of lorazepam thirty minutes later. And when that didn't work, he gave him a shot of midazolam thirty minutes after that. As the hours went by, Dr. Con kept feeding Michael various drugs, but nothing was working. At 10:40am, Michael demanded that Dr. Con give him a shot of propofol. Dr. Con gave in. After he gave him the propofol, he went to the bathroom. When he came back 2 minutes later, Michael was not breathing

how much shit can u give a person before u realize that gee, im overmedicating them. wtf? and how can he be addicted to propofol? maybe building a tolerance so that more woul dbe needed to sedatehim but not an addiction.

The statement of probable cause starts on p. 16. Here's one bit that caught my attention (p. 19):

"JACKSON remained awake and at approximately 1040 hours, MURRAY finally administered 25mg of PROPOFOL (DIPRIVAN), diluted with LIDOCAINE (XYLOCAINE), via IV drip to keep JACKSON sedated after repeated demands/requests from JACKSON. JACKSON finally went to sleep and MURRAY stated that he remained monitoring him. After approximately 10 minutes, MURRAY stated he left JACKSON's side to go to the restroom and relieve himself. MURRAY stated that he was out of the room for about 2 minutes maximum. Upon his return, MURRAY noticed that JACKSON was no longer breathing. MURRAY began single man cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) at once. MURRAY also administered .2mg of FLUMANEZIL (ANEXATE) to JACKSON and called JACKSON's personal assistant, MICHAEL AMIR WILLIAMS, with his cellular telephone for help. MURRAY reached WILLIAMS and requested that he send security upstairs for an emergency. MURRAY continued CPR and after a few minutes without the security detail's response, he left JACKSON and ran out to the hall and downstairs to the kitchen. MURRAY asked the chef to send up PRINCE JACKSON, the eldest son, and returned to continue CPR. P. JACKSON responded upstairs and summoned the security detail. ALBERTO ALVAREZ went to the aid of MURRAY and called 911 via his cellular telephone."

Let me just summarize that:

At 1040 Murray administers propofol. Approximately 12 minutes later (so @1052) MJ isn't breathing.

Murray administers CPR and calls Michael Amir Williams who he reaches, but who apparently doesn't do anything? What? Then, after a 'few minutes' he runs down to... tell the chef to send Prince upstairs? What? Then PRINCE is the one who gets security who finally calls 911? Huh?

And we know when the 911 call was received - 1222. So if we take Murray's times as accurate, that CPR and 'few minutes' apparently took an hour and a half.

Add to that (p. 20):

"In his statement, MURRAY estimated the time that he noticed JACKSON was not breathing to be approximately 1100 hours. MURRAY's cellular telephone records show MURRAY on the telephone with three separate callers for approximately 47 minutes starting at 1118 hours, until 1205 hours. MURRAY did not mention this to the interviewing detectives."

It's crazy. Did Murray call Williams? If so, why didn't Williams do anything? And who were the other two people he called?

Okay, THIS pretty much blows away everything Murray's attorney first claimed happened. It completely blows away their original timeline about Murray finding MJ not breathing around 11:30am and then spending approx. 25-30 minutes trying to revive him. If he honestly gave propofol at 10:40am, waited 10 minutes (10:50am) and went to take a pee for 2 mintues, that would mean he found MJ at 10:52 am. So even if you believe the 10:40am story that leaves a WHOLE lotta time before 911 was called at 12:22pm. And this would also mean he made calls AFTER finding Michael not breathing.

Murray is toast! Major toast becuz he attorney has already spoken for him and even THAT has turned out to be false.
this doctor is a lier , non of what he said is true.
why did Murray give him Propofol at 10 in the morning?
that's when Michael needed to wake up, not go to sleep
After reading all that he gave MJ even I know that you do not give him 25 mg of propofol! OMG this was so idiotic and negligent. He needs to serve time in jail on the MJ fan unit of the jailhouse (you know fans are everywhere).
WTF, what would possess him to give Michael so many drugs in a such a short period of time? Did he get his degree out of a Cracker Jack box? I've never seen so many blunders from one doctor in my life and the more that comes out, the more furious I get. When his ass is convicted, I want that mother frucking bastard placed in gen pop and given the worst beat down in history-which I would love to participate in.
? aren't sedatives used to relax you...put you to sleep.....as I stated in another thread....why all these different sedatives....normally the dosage is what is increased with using one sedative...not changing the drug all together....this SCREAMS homicide...all we need now is motive to make it murder 1.

True, but sometimes dosage increasage doesn't do shit... if the medication doesn't work with your brains' natural chemistry. I've been a test bunny, too, at one time. YEPPERS. It was pure HELL. :cry:
i think all the fans of the world we should stand up for are rights in this world what happen to are heao, are talent of the world he is are angel all the years we're there for him i think we should all go and street fight for are lives again and support are Jacksons Family in this world
i got to do this and i got to do this to fight are love one we love so much on you with me WE ALL SHOULD FIGHT WITH JACKSONS FAMILY :yes:

i can't take this anymore WE ALL SHOULD STAND UP AND FIGHT FOR THIS :yes:
i'm so angry at dr.murry and that nuise too :mat:

i can't be here and or watch that news on this this i got to fight this :yes:

so who is with me
And the other thing, I remember Frank Dileo saying he called the assistant (Michael) and the assistant CLAIMED he was on his way to the house. I'm confused. Was the assistant already at the house or was he not? And why would Murray call someone OFF the property to summon security ON the property where he is. Why not run downstairs and get security himself instead of CALLING an assistant who's not even there????

So much BS. Foul every which way you look at it.
? aren't sedatives used to relax you...put you to sleep.....as I stated in another thread....why all these different sedatives....normally the dosage is what is increased with using one sedative...not changing the drug all together....this SCREAMS homicide...all we need now is motive to make it murder 1.

Oh Indeed.

Why the f*ck would Murry keep giving him all those different drugs?? Was he that stupid??

When Mike called Dileo saying he didn't feel good that was probably a call for help...why didn't Frank help??

I soo believe LaToya on this one...this is gonna turn out to be some ugly ass sh*t in the end...
OMG I feel so sick now. WTF did Murray do?

So many contradictions about the timings in his version of events. There are too many gaps in the times in his version. It doesn't make any sense. He can't have been out of the room for just 2 mins, otherwise what did he do for the rest of the time?

I hope the police are building a more accurate timeline by looking into everything, not just his version.

-Why not just call 911 straight away and do proper CPR? Basic Stuff.
-Who was he on the phone to?
-When & IF he called Michael Williams wtf didn't he send anyone upstairs?
-Why administer a cocktail of Benzodiazepines? Diazepam, Lorazepam & Medazolam, they are all from the same class of drugs.

0130 - 10mg Oral Diazepam
0200 - 2mg IV Lorazepam
0300 - 2mg IV Medazolam
0500 - 2mg IV Lorazepam
0730 - 2mg IV Medazolam

Then at approx. 1040 - 25mg Propofol.

I wanna see the coroner's report to find out what levels of what drugs were in his blood.

- But how could 25mg Propofol be lethal if he'd had 50mg before? Maybe it was at too high a rate of infusion? Was it even an infusion or a 'bolus dose'?

AstraZeneca's (the manufacturer of Diprivan) dosage recommendation states basically, a continuous infusion is needed if it's being used for general anaestheia or mac sedation, because it has such a short half life (time of action). (see http://www1.astrazeneca-us.com/pi/diprivan.pdf). So how Murray gave it to MJ is crucial IMO.

This is taken from AstraZeneca's PDF about Diprivan (Propofol):


Drug Interactions: The induction dose requirements of DIPRIVAN Injectable Emulsion may be reduced in patients with intramuscular or intravenous
premedication, particularly with narcotics (e.g., morphine, meperidine, and fentanyl, etc.) and combinations of opioids and sedatives (e.g., benzodiazepines,
barbiturates, chloral hydrate, droperidol, etc.). These agents may increase the anesthetic or sedative effects of DIPRIVAN Injectable Emulsion and may also
result in more pronounced decreases in systolic, diastolic, and mean arterial pressures and cardiac output.

Maybe all the benzos in his system interacted severely with propofol.

- Murray said he monitored MJ's oxygen sats and pulse with Oximeter. Wonder if the cops found proof of this?

Please, please, please let justice prevail for MJ and all his family. It's just all incredibly sad to know that this could and should have been avoided.
Such a big horrible nasty mess :(

Soo sad! No-one should be subject to it!

This is horrible! Who would have thought this at the start or june :(
Why would Michael have demanded Propofol at 10:40 am?? With rehearsals that day, and also his own children that were surely awake by that time, there's no way that's true. Obviously, he would have demanded the Propofol much earlier, which would support the theory that Michael actually passed away earlier in the morning. Also, you don't use something like Propofol to treat insomnia! Murray is just trying to cover his own behind, and doing a really bad job at it, just like he did a really bad job of caring for Michael. :angry:
And the other thing, I remember Frank Dileo saying he called the assistant (Michael) and the assistant CLAIMED he was on his way to the house. I'm confused. Was the assistant already at the house or was he not? And why would Murray call someone OFF the property to summon security ON the property where he is. Why not run downstairs and get security himself instead of CALLING an assistant who's not even there????

So much BS. Foul every which way you look at it.

Murray or security also called Joe in Vegas & it was Joe who told them to hang up and call 911 now!!!! I remember this coming from Joe's mouth on 6/25
Now all this time people kept saying Michael was a drug addict. How many people posted this....the media said it countless times also..sickening. Michael was NOT A DRUG ADDICT . As we see MURRAY put the drugs in Michael's system. not Michael putting the drugs in Michaels system. I am so upset right now. I knew that Murray killed Michael...also I am sure it goes alot deeper than Murray also. I am venting right now but...I wrote the truth. Michael did not deserve do die it wasn't his time.
Honestly there is something about her that just doesn't sit right with me. A little too slick and rehearsed. Just a feeling...

yep, and she smiles too damned much. plus the bookplug, and all the cutesy stories.

and she said Prince didn't go upstairs. I'm wondering if Murray'll sing sometime soon. the "scapegoat" comment in his YT vid actually gave me a lot of hope in that regard.
L.A. County coroner's officials found lethal levels of the powerful anesthetic propofol after examining Michael Jackson's body, according to a search warrant affidavit unsealed today in Houston.

According to the search warrant, Jackson's doctor, Conrad Murray, told LAPD detectives that he had been treating Jackson for insomnia for about six weeks. He had been giving Jackson 50 milligrams of propofol every night using an intravenous line, according to the court records.

But Murray told detectives that he feared Jackson was forming an addiction and began trying to wean the pop star off the drugs. He lowered the dosage to 25 milligrams and mixed it with two other sedatives, lorazepam and midazolam. On June 23, two days before Jackson's death, he administered two medications and withheld the propofol.

On the morning Jackson died, Murray tried to induce sleep without using propofol, according to the affidavit. He said he gave Jackson valium at 1:30 a.m. When that didn't work, he said, he injected lorazepam intravenously at 2 a.m. At 3 a.m., when Jackson was still awake, Murray administered midazolam.

Over the next few hours, Murray said he gave Jackson various drugs. Then at 10:40 a.m., Murray administered 25 milligrams of propofol after Jackson repeatedly demanded the drug, according to the court record.

Murray has already acknowledged obtaining and administering propofol to Jackson the morning that he died. In an interview with police, Murray told them that he left Jackson alone under the influence of the medication to make telephone calls to his Houston office and family members.

When he returned, he discovered Jackson was not breathing. He performed CPR, and one of Jackson’s staff members called 911. The 50-year-old pop star was rushed to the UCLA Medical Center, where he was later declared dead. Much of the investigation has focused on propofol — a drug typically administered by anesthesiologists during surgery — and whether Murray’s decision to give it to Jackson as a sleep aid outside a hospital setting reaches a level of negligence required for an involuntary manslaughter charge.


Actually, I don't have a problem with Dr. Murray using Midazolam and Lorazepam together with Propofol. It's a common practise to use those together in the OR. Kids get those all the time right before they get Propofol, so you CAN use them together. It's not a problem. Also some muscle relaxants, etc. are okay too sometimes. It's not necessarily WHAT Dr. Murray used that is a problem...it's HOW he used them and WHERE. The drugs in itself aren't necessarily the problem...it's the fact that he used them in an enviroment that was NOT SAFE and he used them while alone with no one to assist him, and without proper equipment, that is not okay and that I have a problm with. All those drugs are quite safe when used correctly. We use Propofol all the time, WITH Midazolam, Fentanyl, Piritramide, Mivacron (muscle relaxant), etc. etc. and we have never had problems. But the patients also are either intubated or we have the equipment next to the patient, and their oxygen saturation and pulse are carefully monitored...blood pressure is monitored, etc. etc. And we are NEVER alone with a patient. There is always staff there to help. But NO RESPONSIBLE PERSON would EVER use Propofol in a home setting, and on top of that ALONE. That is just absolutely IRRESPONSIBLE and NOT SAFE. And we have not heard ANYTHING about Michael having been monitored even with just a Pulse Oximeter nor have we heard Dr. Murray INTUBATING him once he noticed he was not breathing (I really do hope he HAD an intubation gear there...)! And CPR on a BED??!!! And not calling 911 IMMEDIATELY??? It just creeps me out when ever I even think about it.

What I would also like to know....since Murray was "playing an anesthesiologist"....he should also have exact records of what he gave MJ and when and how much and also what MJ's vital signs were the whole time. When ever you use those drugs, you carefully document everything from when you began giving something and when you stopped, the drug name and dose and time, how much the patient got oxygen or if the patient was intubated, what their oxygen saturation, BP, and pulse was at all times. So Murray should have those documents too somewhere. IF he was being responsible.

What comes to the Propofol dose...Either they got the facts wrong about the dose, or Murray isn't telling the truth...or something just doesn't add up. 25 mg on an adult man doesn't do much. If he gave MJ just 25 mg, then the only way I can think it MAYBE could have been lethal is if he injected it REALLY fast (as in less than 5 seconds) and left MJ alone that SECOND. Because with only 25mg a grown up won't be unconscious for very long (if at all). We usually need more than that just to get a 5 year old unconscious. And we usually need around 100mg to keep a small kid unconscious for 20-30 minutes. So the dose doesn't make sense. Also 50 mg PER NIGHT is ridicilous. You can't keep even just a 110 pound man even sedated all night with just 50 mg of Propofol. The LEAST amount you'd need to keep someone who weighs 110 pounds (not saying MJ was that thin, but let's say he was) just SEDATED for an hour, would be 15 mg...to completely knock them out for an hour you'd need about 200 mg. So with 50 mg you could maybe keep a 110 pound person sedated for about 3 hours (but you'd still need an initial dose to get them unconscious first...so you wouldn't get far with 50 mg...certainly not the whole night). So the doses don't really make sense to me. We use 30 mg to sedate a 2-3 year old for around 30 minutes (who got Midazolam before Propofol), so 25mg would not do much for a 110 (or more) pound adult. It makes no sense. Unless they got it wrong and meant Murray used 25-50mg per hour to keep MJ sedated. That maybe could still work somehow...not sure, but it would make a bit more sense. 25-50mg as the WHOLE dose would not do much.
People should be posting some of their questions and suspicions on Larry King's website, even tho I'm sure he has his own questions, but he might not think of everything.

And I can't wait for this to go on trial because I will be there making sure no one gets off the hook! They should let fans line up and everyone gets to punch him in the face once. I know it'd be hard to keep it to just one, but everyone wants their chance to express their nauseating heartbreak physically.
interesting Daisydaisy! Maybe you're right and the drug was administered quickly hence it being a lethal dose.

Also agree about it being odd to use different drugs from the same class. Makes no sense. He was treating MJ like a guinea pig in giving him any odd thing in a completely irresponsible manor!
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I dont think that he demanded it i dont think that with that much of other drugs in his system he could talk let alone say yes or no. And i think its exactly the way Thome and Murray wanted it.
OMG I feel so sick now. WTF did Murray do?

So many contradictions about the timings in his version of events. There are too many gaps in the times in his version. It doesn't make any sense. He can't have been out of the room for just 2 mins, otherwise what did he do for the rest of the time?

I hope the police are building a more accurate timeline by looking into everything, not just his version.

-Why not just call 911 straight away and do proper CPR? Basic Stuff.
-Who was he on the phone to?
-When & IF he called Michael Williams wtf didn't he send anyone upstairs?
-Why administer a cocktail of Benzodiazepines? Diazepam, Lorazepam & Medazolam, they are all from the same class of drugs.

0130 - 10mg Oral Diazepam
0200 - 2mg IV Lorazepam
0300 - 2mg IV Medazolam
0500 - 2mg IV Lorazepam
0730 - 2mg IV Medazolam

Then at approx. 1040 - 25mg Propofol.

I wanna see the coroner's report to find out what levels of what drugs were in his blood.

- But how could 25mg Propofol be lethal if he'd had 50mg before? Maybe it was at too high a rate of infusion? Was it even an infusion or a 'bolus dose'?

AstraZeneca's (the manufacturer of Diprivan) dosage recommendation states basically, a continuous infusion is needed if it's being used for general anaestheia or mac sedation, because it has such a short half life (time of action). (see http://www1.astrazeneca-us.com/pi/diprivan.pdf). So how Murray gave it to MJ is crucial IMO.

This is taken from AstraZeneca's PDF about Diprivan (Propofol):


Drug Interactions: The induction dose requirements of DIPRIVAN Injectable Emulsion may be reduced in patients with intramuscular or intravenous
premedication, particularly with narcotics (e.g., morphine, meperidine, and fentanyl, etc.) and combinations of opioids and sedatives (e.g., benzodiazepines,
barbiturates, chloral hydrate, droperidol, etc.). These agents may increase the anesthetic or sedative effects of DIPRIVAN Injectable Emulsion and may also
result in more pronounced decreases in systolic, diastolic, and mean arterial pressures and cardiac output.

Maybe all the benzos in his system interacted severely with propofol.

- Murray said he monitored MJ's oxygen sats and pulse with Oximeter. Wonder if the cops found proof of this?

Please, please, please let justice prevail for MJ and all his family. It's just all incredibly sad to know that this could and should have been avoided.

Not if the intent was murder all along, I think Mike was intentionally killed for more money, i believe there are those who are of the mindset that Michael was worth more dead than alive and THAT is why i believe he was intentionally murdered.
And the other thing, I remember Frank Dileo saying he called the assistant (Michael) and the assistant CLAIMED he was on his way to the house. I'm confused. Was the assistant already at the house or was he not? And why would Murray call someone OFF the property to summon security ON the property where he is. Why not run downstairs and get security himself instead of CALLING an assistant who's not even there????

So much BS. Foul every which way you look at it.

Because the f**kers are all in on it!!!

ALL of them, I will not believe Mike was some druggie begging for all this stuff, You want me to believe Mike was stupid enough to knowingly have Murry give him all these drugs? If Mike was half awake all night asking for more drugs every hour to two hours, Mike would have known what was going on, so HELL NO MJ was not stupid! all of them (those who have sh*t to hide) are really trying to get people to believe that drug addict trip, and use Mikes past addiction against him...all of this to take heat off the truth....

But we can see it, they are All crooks and sharks...guility as all hell only trying to cover their own a*ses