JUST IN: Michael Jackson died of lethal levels of propofol, court documents show

Yeah none of this makes sense, and I definitely think Michael had flatlined (as someone above mentioned) when Murray walked into the room after being away doing whatever he claims, basically not doing his job which was to monitor Michael. Hence him panicking and perfroming CPR on the bed (!).

Any doctor giving that mix of drugs in mere hours has got to go down...
Because the f**kers are all in on it!!!

ALL of them, I will not believe Mike was some druggie begging for all this stuff, You want me to believe Mike was stupid enough to knowingly have Murry give him all these drugs? If Mike was half awake all night asking for more drugs every hour to two hours, Mike would have known what was going on, so HELL NO MJ was not stupid! all of them (those who have sh*t to hide) are really trying to get people to believe that drug addict trip, and use Mikes past addiction against him...all of this to take heat off the truth....

But we can see it, they are All crooks and sharks...guility as all hell only trying to cover their own a*ses

:yes: :yes:
- But how could 25mg Propofol be lethal if he'd had 50mg before? Maybe it was at too high a rate of infusion? Was it even an infusion or a 'bolus dose'?
That's what I'm thinking, too. A lethal level of Propofol. That means that the Propofol alone would have killed him, forgetting whatever else was in his system. So WTF? The IV drip was set to too high a rate or Murray was careless and gave him way too much?

Do you remember those reports (tabloid, though, weren't they?) about the IV bag supposedly being empty when the paramedics arrived? There's no confirmation of that that I know of, but it makes me wonder now. How does a lethal dose of Propofol get into one's bloodstream when half as much as was normally taken is supposedly administered? Mistakes like setting the drip rate incorrectly happen in hospitals, you know. So why not at home with a presumably incompetent doctor?
It's easy for Murray to say that MJ demanded this drug be given to him, but we don't know if it was demanded( I doubt that) and if Murray would not take this himself then why give it to someone. He should have said no in the first place-he's the doctor! I am saddened and angry that this happened, it's so unneccessary
Murray or security also called Joe in Vegas & it was Joe who told them to hang up and call 911 now!!!! I remember this coming from Joe's mouth on 6/25

THANK YOU! I thought I imagined hearing that....especially becuz I never heard Joe say it again...so I thought maybe I misheard it. Nor did I hear anyone from the Jackson family utter a peep about this. Okay, so we have ppl calling everyone BUT 911. WTF??! And WHY are they calling Joe???? :blink: Natural thing to do is to call 911 for help. WTH can Joe do even if he were around the corner? He's not a doctor!!!
This makes me want to scream with anger and sadness and I feel physically ill reading it. It was all so uneccesary, he could still have been here!! :cry:

Please, can someone tell me where to watch Larry King tonight? We are too poor to have cable :(
Summer - that was very interesting. Sounds like you have medical knowledge. I am interested to know what your qualifications are. I have been hoping someone on here is in the medical field and could help shed some light on some questions.
And the other thing, I remember Frank Dileo saying he called the assistant (Michael) and the assistant CLAIMED he was on his way to the house. I'm confused. Was the assistant already at the house or was he not? And why would Murray call someone OFF the property to summon security ON the property where he is. Why not run downstairs and get security himself instead of CALLING an assistant who's not even there????

So much BS. Foul every which way you look at it.

Yep I agree Wendy2004, I also have been wondering about the assistant also called Michael in this thread http://www.mjjcommunity.com/forum/showthread.php?t=73614
Was he there? where is he now? Was he hired by Tohme? I wonder if anyone knows anything about this assistant?
This is freaking crazy!
I cannot wait till justice is served on his a**!

I don't care how many times he demanded propofol, just say no! What's with all these different drugs so early in the morning?
What was this so called doctor thinking!? I can't understand why he would have given michael all of those drugs. This is just so so awful, Im so sad and so angry, this should never have happened.


Now when we look at it that way. See how brightly understandable it is?

I don't care how many times he demanded propofol, just say no! What's with all these different drugs so early in the morning?

Exactly. If Michael demanded me that drug I would've said, "Hell no, you're not getting another damn drop of propofol nigga. Now shut up."

sorry about that word. I'm not racist. I love Michael sooo much! and I would've been just trying to get my point across to him.

That's what that doc needed to say to him. At least Michael would have been alive.
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Because the f**kers are all in on it!!!

ALL of them, I will not believe Mike was some druggie begging for all this stuff, You want me to believe Mike was stupid enough to knowingly have Murry give him all these drugs? If Mike was half awake all night asking for more drugs every hour to two hours, Mike would have known what was going on, so HELL NO MJ was not stupid! all of them (those who have sh*t to hide) are really trying to get people to believe that drug addict trip, and use Mikes past addiction against him...all of this to take heat off the truth....

But we can see it, they are All crooks and sharks...guility as all hell only trying to cover their own a*ses

I agree, they have been giving conflicting stories left right and centre in their interviews.... hmmm....
Not if the intent was murder all along, I think Mike was intentionally killed for more money, i believe there are those who are of the mindset that Michael was worth more dead than alive and THAT is why i believe he was intentionally murdered.

I am defintitely starting to think intentional murder myself now. But just trying to think, who would have the motive to want him dead. Who stood to make money from it? Because we know it will all be about money.

AEG for example, is it possible for them to make more money from TII with MJ dead than had he actually done the concerts? Doesn't seem plausible to me.

How about Sony? There is always the issue of the ATV catalogue...hmmm

Any ideas people?
- But how could 25mg Propofol be lethal if he'd had 50mg before? Maybe it was at too high a rate of infusion? Was it even an infusion or a 'bolus dose'?

Maybe becuz he's lying about the milligrams. Maybe his whole "I was trying to do the right thing" story is total BS...which I suspect considering how many times his story and his attorney's version of events have changed. There is NOTHING this man is saying that I think anyone can believe.

Unfortunately, his words are all we have to go on. He can say whatever he likes. Our best hope is that medical science comes thru and speaks louder than this dr.'s lies.
:'( I am so confused.. I can't keep up with anything. I just can't believe the last face Michael saw was "DR." CONRAD f*cking MURRAY who left him.. ALONE and Michael passed. Oh God.. did Michael know what would happen? I'm so confused right now. :(
Yes, I think it's very important for everyone to read the search warrant PDF very carefully. One thing I noticed immediately was that Murrray said he thought Cheryln Lee (the nurse) had been giving Michael a "cocktail" by IV that included Propofol! Not vitamins, but Propofol! No way to know if this is true, but it proves that Murray DID know about Cheryln Lee! Murray was interviewed first before Lee EVER went on tv. So there was knowledge of her. . . . . . We need to compare the timeline provided by Lee (of when she saw Michael last), and the date Murray was hired.

Off to the Investigation Unit now. . . . . . . . .

yes, and this makes the fact that she DIDN'T go to the police even more sinister. oh god, the chain of suspects is making my head spin. and that Tohme thread is unbelievable. everybody here needs to read the search warrant and that thread. people, listen to Michael's voice on the tapes!!
Mark Lester comments on the findings... yeah whatever...

Talking to U.S. news network MSNBC on Monday (24Aug09), Lester said, "I was very close to Michael... and I knew there was absolutely nothing wrong with Michael... I just find it absolutely horrendous.
"Questions obviously have to be asked - why would he (Dr. Murray) use these kinds of medications? It is just ridiculous when maybe a couple of sleeping tablets would have done the trick... This is like using a sledgehammer to crack a walnut.
"I know that Michael had problems with sleeping from time to time but I was never aware of his use of medication whatsoever."

I am defintitely starting to think intentional murder myself now. But just trying to think, who would have the motive to want him dead. Who stood to make money from it? Because we know it will all be about money.

AEG for example, is it possible for them to make more money from TII with MJ dead than had he actually done the concerts? Doesn't seem plausible to me.

How about Sony? There is always the issue of the ATV catalogue...hmmm

Any ideas people?

All of the above and dare I say it..........some of his own family
? aren't sedatives used to relax you...put you to sleep.....as I stated in another thread....why all these different sedatives....normally the dosage is what is increased with using one sedative...not changing the drug all together....this SCREAMS homicide...all we need now is motive to make it murder 1.

Not really true. You can't keep increasing the dose, or you will overdose...that's why you use a different drug. If you give too much of the same drug in a too short period of time...you will overdose. It's not unusual to give different drugs if one dosen't work. We once had to give a one year old three different drugs (pentobarbital, midazolam and Ketanest) to keep him calm over night, and he still kept waking up.

You all have to keep in mind that it is not always the mix of drugs that is dangerous...anything can become dangerous if you don't monitor the patient and aren't prepared for an emergency. Simple as that.
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yep, and she smiles too damned much. plus the bookplug, and all the cutesy stories.

I really believe those cutesy stories were intended by her to show herself in a good light in case she was investigated. As if she already knew the s*** was eventually going to hit the fan.

The sad part (among many) of this is that Prince and perhaps Paris will most likely be called in to testify as witnesses once a trial gets underway. I'm sure the last thing in the world Michael ever wanted was to have his children have to spend time in court. This is going to be a long, ugly and painful period of time for them. I pray they will stay strong through this. They have already been through more than any child should have to go through.
Mark Lester comments on the findings... yeah whatever...

Talking to U.S. news network MSNBC on Monday (24Aug09), Lester said, "I was very close to Michael... and I knew there was absolutely nothing wrong with Michael... I just find it absolutely horrendous.
"Questions obviously have to be asked - why would he (Dr. Murray) use these kinds of medications? It is just ridiculous when maybe a couple of sleeping tablets would have done the trick... This is like using a sledgehammer to crack a walnut.
"I know that Michael had problems with sleeping from time to time but I was never aware of his use of medication whatsoever."


Given how that cockroach has been predatory with his obsession of Paris who gives a flying fig what he thinks!
THANK YOU! I thought I imagined hearing that....especially becuz I never heard Joe say it again...so I thought maybe I misheard it. Nor did I hear anyone from the Jackson family utter a peep about this. Okay, so we have ppl calling everyone BUT 911. WTF??! And WHY are they calling Joe???? :blink: Natural thing to do is to call 911 for help. WTH can Joe do even if he were around the corner? He's not a doctor!!!

Joe's friend says that a call came to Joe at 11:30 asking what to do:


part of the article:

lose personal friend of Michael Jackson's embattled father has come forward to ABC News' "Good Morning America" to defend Joe Jackson against claims that the elder Jackson is exploiting his son's untimely death.
Joe Jackson, left, is pictured with Rutt Premsrirut in this file photo.
(Courtesy Rutt Premsrirut)
More Photos

Joe Jackson has endured widespread criticism in the press in recent days for everything from alleged abuse of his sons early on in their career to self-promotion at the BET awards just days after his son's death, and for aggressively seeking to gain control of the singer's sprawling empire in the immediate aftermath of his son's death.
Jackson, who is separated from his wife, Katherine Jackson, was left out of the singer's will. On Wednesday, the Jackson family hired Ken Sunshine, a veteran New York-based public relations professional.
In a statement to ABC News authorized by Joe Jackson, Rutt Premsrirut, his close friend of many years, seeks to paint the celebrity patriarch in a decidedly different light -- as a dedicated father who has steered one of America's most famous families through decades of triumphs and tragedies.

This is a response to the negative media coverage that Mr. Joseph Jackson, father of the late Michael Joseph Jackson has been receiving recently.

To quote the late Michael Joseph Jackson in his autobiographical book "Moonwalker": "Before you judge someone, walk two full moons with them." Mr. Joseph Jackson, known to us privately as "Joe," has always been the man of steel, the go-to person during times of crisis. He deals with situations from a point of equanimity. Continuously compartmentalizing his inner emotions has become an everyday activity.
When his dear mother and father passed away, he never shed a tear. "I internalize my emotions, but they eat up on the inside over the years." This has made him very effective during times of crisis. Each time he would rise to the occasion and function at the highest levels.
When Michael Jackson collapsed at 11:30 [a.m. PT June 25], the security guard's first instinct was to call Joe in Las Vegas to find out what to do. Joe screamed into the phone, "Get yourself together and call 911, now now now !!!" That was him in action, no emotion.

It could be a typo though by a reporter, could have been that it was 12:30.
Not really true. You can't keep increasing the dose, or you will overdose...that's why you use a different drug. If you give too much of the same drug in a too short period of time...you will overdose. It's not unusual to give different drugs if one dosen't work. We once had to give a one year old three different sedatives (pentobarbital, midazolam and Ketanest) to keep him calm over night, and he still kept waking up.

You all have to keep in mind that it is not always the mix of drugs that is dangerous...anything can become dangerous if you don't monitor the patient and aren't prepared for an emergency. Simple as that.

Agreed 100 percent! :yes:
I am defintitely starting to think intentional murder myself now. But just trying to think, who would have the motive to want him dead. Who stood to make money from it? Because we know it will all be about money.

AEG for example, is it possible for them to make more money from TII with MJ dead than had he actually done the concerts? Doesn't seem plausible to me.

How about Sony? There is always the issue of the ATV catalogue...hmmm

Any ideas people?

I can think of about 6 ppl. Some involve money and some don't. Not all nefarious agendas and motives revolve around the almighty dollar. The types that don't involve money tend to be the most deadly...becuz no one would ever see it coming. I'll leave it at that. I'm not ready to go on my speculative tirade...altho I'm so HOT right now I'm about to go down the list.

Sometimes when you only follow the money, you miss the real perpetrators.
yes, and this makes the fact that she DIDN'T go to the police even more sinister. oh god, the chain of suspects is making my head spin. and that Tohme thread is unbelievable. everybody here needs to read the search warrant and that thread. people, listen to Michael's voice on the tapes!!

I agree this only gets worse and worse...correct she woudnt go to the police because then she too would be a suspect. I also saw the Thome thing this morning I heard Michael's voice on that tape with his spiritual adivisor he was jsut so afraid of Thome. This has me so sad I just cannot stop crying...
Im also wondering about this.

According to the doc.. Michael wanted Propofol at 10.40am... WHY would he supposedly want it at that time? The Chef has said that the doc would go and get some juice for Mike. That for me indictaes that Michael would be up at that time...

and it was reported that Michael had rehearsals that day around 2pm...

so why would he want Propofol just hours before rehearsals??

I'm wondering more and more whether there was more than an element of truth in those press reports a few weeks ago which claimed (and described how in a lot of detail) Michael was in a terrible distressed/distracted state (of mind) the day before he died.

If he WAS, and that state continued or worsened it could explain somewhat why he was allegedly incapable of sleep at ALL that night. Yet he did the rehearsals ok the day before didn't he. Maybe something happened after that rehearsal which was kicked it all off, putting Michael into such a state and throughout that night whilst they tried in vain to finally sedate him, failed and then such lethal doses finally took their fatal toll by 9am or so that morning?

BTW - the Frank/Tohme thing earlier - considering the homicide announcement the timing of that about Tohme is just far too "coincidental " for comfort.
Summer - that was very interesting. Sounds like you have medical knowledge. I am interested to know what your qualifications are. I have been hoping someone on here is in the medical field and could help shed some light on some questions.

I'm a pediatric RN and I also sometimes work as a nurse anesthetist. So I know a thing or two about Propofol. We use all those drugs mentioned in the article all the time. Never had any problems. I usually always work together with an anesthesiologist and we have other medical staff there too.
The Ebony book I got with Michael on the cover he was telling his friend he do not want to die he want to live see how his children lives will end up.

ok this is bs cuz mj was usually UP by then eating breakfast and with his kids. the cook even asked where he was and y he didn't come down. murray 'took his breakfast' up to him or am i remembering wrong?

he was put on that a long sooner than what murray is claiming. mj was 'dead' by murray's admission at 11 so y not call immediately? y try to do cpr at 1230? y refuse to call tod?

he's lying. he put the fireplace on and let it go. kept mj warm, and had to think of a way to play this out. lemme c all my people, then once im sure they've cleared the stuff, i'll 'find' mj and act frantic.