JUST IN: Michael Jackson died of lethal levels of propofol, court documents show

Been Frantically trying to read through this thread after a relative Text me asking me to confirm, whether or not its true, MJ's death Ruled As Homicide??????

Anybody know where this is being reported at? I'm sorry I've been busy most of the day and had not heard anything, after i got her text I ran here, when it took long for page to upload I knew something was up.

Is this official, please tell me so I can shout?????????????

I hope this question doesnt upset anyone.

btw, i've read several pages, but see nothing about "homicide" yet?
Summer so since you're a nurse and you say the mix of these drugs is not unusual in a safe environment, that also means that MJ was not an addict right? because this mix is not unusual? please I need to understand you can't trust the media with anything
so basically what Murray did wrong was he administered a dangerous drug without proper equipment and left MJ unmonitored
ok so is texas two hrs ahead of us then?

and on dlisted it says that he gave mj valium at 1:30 When that didn't work, he gave him a shot of lorazepam thirty minutes later. And when that didn't work, he gave him a shot of midazolam thirty minutes after that. As the hours went by, Dr. Con kept feeding Michael various drugs, but nothing was working. At 10:40am, Michael demanded that Dr. Con give him a shot of propofol. Dr. Con gave in. After he gave him the propofol, he went to the bathroom. When he came back 2 minutes later, Michael was not breathing

how much shit can u give a person before u realize that gee, im overmedicating them. wtf? and how can he be addicted to propofol? maybe building a tolerance so that more woul dbe needed to sedatehim but not an addiction.

Hold up, I thought MJ was supposed to go to rehearsals in the afternoon, so why will MJ ask for propofol at 10:40am?
ok this is bs cuz mj was usually UP by then eating breakfast and with his kids. the cook even asked where he was and y he didn't come down. murray 'took his breakfast' up to him or am i remembering wrong?

he was put on that a long sooner than what murray is claiming. mj was 'dead' by murray's admission at 11 so y not call immediately? y try to do cpr at 1230? y refuse to call tod?

he's lying. he put the fireplace on and let it go. kept mj warm, and had to think of a way to play this out. lemme c all my people, then once im sure they've cleared the stuff, i'll 'find' mj and act frantic.

I remember the chef saying murray usually take MJ's breakfast to him at around 10:15-10:30 (he did not do this that day).... which is already unusuall...

and whyyyyy in theee helll would MJ begged for propofol at effing 10 something in the morning... he had effing rehearsal at 2??

and the time line is soo effed up. Murray said he found MJ unconcious (his first story). now he's saying after administering mj with propofol he went to the bathroom for 2 min and when he came back MJ was no longer breathing.

and TMZ is reporting that Murray made 3 phone calls from the time he found MJ unconcious to the time he called the cops... i thought he said he didn't have his phone or his cell phone didn't work? (well it's TMZ... so idk, you got me there)

why wait almost 1 and a half hour to freak out!????
i mean if it was all accidently he'd be screaming and running down the stair in a heartbeat.
nooo reason why it should take more than an hour to call the cops!!!!

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH this driving me crazyyyy.

now what i want to know is whyyyy Murray murdered him!?
Murray had nothing to gain from this... who the eff is paying or threatening Murray to do this... !?? *coughThomeThomecough*

why does Murray keep changing his story. if he was telling the truth there should only be one story not 10000 of them. there's no reason to lie if it was all unintentional!

man this isss soooo DHJKHDJKH up!!
watchin the news... they just gave a timeline of the events that evening... it said murray returned to the room 2 mins after he left but tmz is reportin that they have proof he spent 47 mins on the phone... if he really did that then it makes me so angry... if he was chit chattin with family and friends while michael was dying in the next room, abandoned by the doctor who was there to make sure he stays alive... plus that drug coctail he gave him... who can survive that?
Been Frantically trying to read through this thread after a relative Text me asking me to confirm, whether or not its true, MJ's death Ruled As Homicide??????

Anybody know where this is being reported at? I'm sorry I've been busy most of the day and had not heard anything, after i got her text I ran here, when it took long for page to upload I knew something was up.

Is this official, please tell me so I can shout?????????????

I hope this question doesnt upset anyone.

btw, i've read several pages, but see nothing about "homicide" yet?

It's officially declared homicide, there are numerous AP articles available that give detailed information hope that helps.
Been Frantically trying to read through this thread after a relative Text me asking me to confirm, whether or not its true, MJ's death Ruled As Homicide??????

Anybody know where this is being reported at? I'm sorry I've been busy most of the day and had not heard anything, after i got her text I ran here, when it took long for page to upload I knew something was up.

Is this official, please tell me so I can shout?????????????

I hope this question doesnt upset anyone.

btw, i've read several pages, but see nothing about "homicide" yet?

welli just saw oh HLN that the coroner has no comment......so I would say this is the real report otherwise the coroner would have something to say.
2mg of benzos are a normal amt but is a 2hr time interval too much or too little? I forget.

And I see right away at least 2 discrepancies in the repors. One say that Murray left for 2 minutes to use the bathroom, another report say that he left to make calls for a while. Which is it?

Also how does Murray assume MJ was developing an addiction when he used the same dose constantly? Was it that he started off giving MJ a few times per week and MJ then wanted propofol more often?

And I agree with Summer that the dosing doesn't seem appropriate to have the effect he said it would have. I think the "law enforcement official" doesn't know much of what he is talking about and so he glibly gives incorrect details.

I am not fully convinced that this is what happened to MJ. It doesn't sound potent enough. And if lethal amts were found it had to be a whoooooolllllleee lot to be found in such high amts since propofol has such a very short half-life.

I am not satisfied with this leaked acct.

And what is up with this constant 'leak'? What is he trying to accomplish if the LAPD were the ones who told the coroner to hold off on the report in the first place?

All the medical personnel who have been on CNN thus far have said the levels mentioned would have been too much. One claimed it would have been enuf to take down an elephant. Then there was another doctor who said the combo IS given everyday in hospitals BUT under the watchful eye of an anesthesiologist. However, 2 out of 3 say this combo of drugs goes beyond medical malpractice. The doctor who says it's normal in hospital setting tho AGREES that without a breathing tube and whatnot ready to be put into the patient, he would not give this combo to anyone.

Translation: Dr. Murray is ******.
I'm only 26 but I have seen so many dirty sides of the world since I became Michael's fan. THis is the last and ULTIMATE disgusting experience as an MJ fan.
but.... still love Michael.
How dirty how disgusting this world is however the world tries to bash him, I love him.
Thanks for that. I am very interested in your take on all of this from a medical perspective!

Well like I said, I don't necessarily have a problem with the MIX of drugs....but what I do have a problem with is using Propofol in a home setting. To me that's COMPLETELY IRRESPONSIBLE. Also, I'd really like to know what was the first thing Murray did when he noticed MJ was not breathing? Did he intubate him, and what I have a HUGE problem with is 1. why did he do CPR on a BED, and WHY he didn't call 911 IMMEDIATELY??!! THAT is what I have a HUGE problem with. He obviously had a cell phone that worked. Why didn't he call 911? His car was at MJ's house. How could he not know the address? And even if his car wouldn't have been there and he was driven there....MJ was his PATIENT...HOW can you be someone's doctor and be treating them in their own home and NOT know the address??? What dos THAT say about you as a doctor? How LAZY and CARELESS can you be??!! What if he wouldn't have given MJ anything, but MJ would have started choking? Or would have had a heart attack? Or an allergic reaction? And he would have been there...and MJ would have died, just because he couldn't call 911 because he didn't know the ADDRESS of HIS PATIENT THAT HE WAS TREATING??!!! I mean, COME ON???!! He gotta have a better excuse than that or if it's true what he is saying then he really is even MORE stupid than I thought. :doh: Also...another thing I have a problem with...so if he says he couldn't call 9111 with his cell phone because he didn't know the address...WHY did he then ask Kai Chase to go get Prince and security INSTEAD of asking her to CALL 911 IMMEDIATELY???!!! No matter HOW you twist it all, it just makes no sense and the doctor is in it DEEP no matter how he tries to explain what he did. If he did not try to kill MJ intentionally, then the only thing I can think of other wise is that he was just lazy and careless and gave MJ all these drugs and then left him alone and MJ stopped breathing while Murray was away or not paying attention (could be he was in the same room, but on the phone not paying attention...) and once Murray realized what was going on, it was too late. So he panicked, and tried to cover up and do whatever he can to get rid of as much evidence as he can, or something of that sort. Or he noticed MJ wasn't breathing but had a pulse, so he panicked and tried to revive him alone, because he didn't want anyone to find out what he was doing there and what he had gave MJ (because he knew he would have been in TROUBLE if anyone found out and he could los his license)...so he tried to get MJ back alone, but couldn't so that's when he REALLY panicked and ran downstairs to Kai Chase...and we know the rest...That doctor killed Michael. Period.
L.A. County coroner's officials found lethal levels of the powerful anesthetic propofol after examining Michael Jackson's body, according to a search warrant affidavit unsealed today in Houston.

According to the search warrant, Jackson's doctor, Conrad Murray, told LAPD detectives that he had been treating Jackson for insomnia for about six weeks. He had been giving Jackson 50 milligrams of propofol every night using an intravenous line, according to the court records.

But Murray told detectives that he feared Jackson was forming an addiction and began trying to wean the pop star off the drugs. He lowered the dosage to 25 milligrams and mixed it with two other sedatives, lorazepam and midazolam. On June 23, two days before Jackson's death, he administered two medications and withheld the propofol.

On the morning Jackson died, Murray tried to induce sleep without using propofol, according to the affidavit. He said he gave Jackson valium at 1:30 a.m. When that didn't work, he said, he injected lorazepam intravenously at 2 a.m. At 3 a.m., when Jackson was still awake, Murray administered midazolam.

Over the next few hours, Murray said he gave Jackson various drugs. Then at 10:40 a.m., Murray administered 25 milligrams of propofol after Jackson repeatedly demanded the drug, according to the court record.


You know if you really look at each word as you read you would almost laugh how patheic this murder is and how desperate they want people to believe this shiz ! ! ! Its like Michael at 1:30 Im need to sleep, 2:00am Im not sleep yet, 3am Doc I need more; oh let me do the Moonwalk that usually gets me tired; 4am Doc what you got in the bag; 5am I feel a slight buzz; 6am Doc it wore off; 7am Doc can you call some of your other Drug Dealing Docs to send something over; 8am Doc this is just not working; 9am Doc Wassup; 10AM just give me the damn Popofol/Dipavin.

Michael Jackson was Murdered. God keeps Your Soul Michael Jackson and you are truly in Goodness and Mercy now.
I know! Where was his family to keep his life in check? How come nobody noticed MJ's weight and said something? Other than that reunion, he wasn't really in contact with them which I blame Thome for.

I heard on the news month ago that Janet did everything she could help her brother. CNN said when Michael returns back to USA Janet visiting him at Las Vegas she was shock how much weight her brother lost she went got her two other brothers talk to sense to Michael.
On MSNBC tonight, someone cleared up the question of Murray being in Mikes life since 2006. That was proved false, Mike met him just before he hired him 6 weeks before his death. Could be that Thome planted Murray in Las Vegas to become the intentional murderer? Thome fired May 5, Murray comes in the picture around that same time...?

I think that too, I just put it on my recent post on this thread I started the other week http://www.mjjcommunity.com/forum/showthread.php?p=2143074#post2143074

I put this:
Due to the new headlines about Murray, has anyone heard any stories on how he got back from the hospital, where he went and who aided him? Tohme(although he was sacked back in May) was at the hospital, why was he there and where did Tohme go next and with who?? I've got suspicions he hired Murray, but that is just suspicion right now...
and no matter how much Murray is at fault they're still trying to blame it on MJ "the addict"
I hate everyone.
I think that too, I just put it on my recent post on this thread I started the other week http://www.mjjcommunity.com/forum/showthread.php?p=2143074#post2143074

I put this:
Due to the new headlines about Murray, has anyone heard any stories on how he got back from the hospital, where he went and who aided him? Tohme(although he was sacked back in May) was at the hospital, why was he there and where did Tohme go next and with who?? I've got suspicions he hired Murray, but that is just suspicion right now...

Yep, I think you may be right on here. Was one of those phone calls from Murray to Thome?
and no matter how much Murray is at fault they're still trying to blame it on MJ "the addict"
I hate everyone.
The thing is Michael would have found an unscrupulous doctor to administer the drug anyway. What angers me is he found both an unscrupulous AND a stupid doctor. Lethal combination (pun intended)...
I'm quite speechless right now..

I don't really know what to do. It's a bit hard to comprehend..

Our Michael was taken away from us..
I know! Where was his family to keep his life in check? How come nobody noticed MJ's weight and said something? Other than that reunion, he wasn't really in contact with them which I blame Thome for.

I think the reason a lot of ppl didn't think twice about Michael's weight is becuz he has always been skinny. I saw a pic of him just recently from Christmas 2004 before the trial (Neverland Christmas thingy) and his legs were literally like toothpicks. And this was BEFORE the trial actually started. Yet, he survived it.

HOWEVER, I think the reason Michael may have lost so much weight once Murray came on the scene was becuz you aren't supposed to eat for so many hours before having propofol. Even when in the hospital or for outpatient procedures that might require certain anesthetics, they ask you to fast before the surgery. THIS may be why Michael was losing additional weight in the final weeks before his death. This may have been mentioned in the Investigative Unit or somewhere else. I've not been on here all weekend and not kept up with certain threads. So that may have been mentioned already.
Dr. Conrad Murray's Attorney Issues Statement

Updated: Aug 25, 2009 2:06 AM GDT Monday, August 24, 2009 9:06 PM EST
The attorney representing Dr. Conrad Murray in the death investigation of singer Michael Jackson issued a response late Monday afternoon.
Attorney Edward Chernoff was responding to the affadavit that was released Monday. The affadavit was part of two search warrants that showed what investigators found in Murray's medical office and storage unit in Houston, Texas. Chernoff released this statement on his website.
"Much of what was in the search warrant affidavit is factual. However, unfortunately, much is police theory. Most egregiously, the timeline reported by law enforcement was not obtained through interviews with Dr. Murray, as was implied by the affidavit. Dr. Murray simply never told investigators that he found Michael Jackson at 11:00 am not breathing. He also never said that he waited a mere ten minutes before leaving to make several phone calls. In fact, Dr. Murray never said that he left Michael Jackson's room to make phone calls at all.
We will not comment on the "anonymous" law enforcement source that claims that Michael Jackson's death will be ruled a homicide. Most of the reports by "anonymous" sources have been proven wrong. We will be happy to address the Coroner's report when it is officially released."

It's officially declared homicide, there are numerous AP articles available that give detailed information hope that helps.

OHHHHHHH ThANK yOU God!!!!(not intended to offend any who worship's differently)!!!

Thank You, Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't believe it!!!!

Tears of joy and Sadness.
I'm only 26 but I have seen so many dirty sides of the world since I became Michael's fan. THis is the last and ULTIMATE disgusting experience as an MJ fan.
but.... still love Michael.
How dirty how disgusting this world is however the world tries to bash him, I love him.

Me too - I am 25 and following MJ has shown me a very dark and corrupt side of this world.

Well like I said, I don't necessarily have a problem with the MIX of drugs....but what I do have a problem with is using Propofol in a home setting. To me that's COMPLETELY IRRESPONSIBLE. Also, I'd really like to know what was the first thing Murray did when he noticed MJ was not breathing? Did he intubate him, and what I have a HUGE problem with is 1. why did he do CPR on a BED, and WHY he didn't call 911 IMMEDIATELY??!! THAT is what I have a HUGE problem with. He obviously had a cell phone that worked. Why didn't he call 911? His car was at MJ's house. How could he not know the address? And even if his car wouldn't have been there and he was driven there....MJ was his PATIENT...HOW can you be someone's doctor and be treating them in their own home and NOT know the address??? What dos THAT say about you as a doctor? How LAZY and CARELESS can you be??!! What if he wouldn't have given MJ anything, but MJ would have started choking? Or would have had a heart attack? Or an allergic reaction? And he would have been there...and MJ would have died, just because he couldn't call 911 because he didn't know the ADDRESS of HIS PATIENT THAT HE WAS TREATING??!!! I mean, COME ON???!! He gotta have a better excuse than that or if it's true what he is saying then he really is even MORE stupid than I thought. :doh: Also...another thing I have a problem with...so if he says he couldn't call 9111 with his cell phone because he didn't know the address...WHY did he then ask Kai Chase to go get Prince and security INSTEAD of asking her to CALL 911 IMMEDIATELY???!!! No matter HOW you twist it all, it just makes no sense and the doctor is in it DEEP no matter how he tries to explain what he did. If he did not try to kill MJ intentionally, then the only thing I can think of other wise is that he was just lazy and careless and gave MJ all these drugs and then left him alone and MJ stopped breathing while Murray was away or not paying attention (could be he was in the same room, but on the phone not paying attention...) and once Murray realized what was going on, it was too late. So he panicked, and tried to cover up and do whatever he can to get rid of as much evidence as he can, or something of that sort. Or he noticed MJ wasn't breathing but had a pulse, so he panicked and tried to revive him alone, because he didn't want anyone to find out what he was doing there and what he had gave MJ (because he knew he would have been in TROUBLE if anyone found out and he could los his license)...so he tried to get MJ back alone, but couldn't so that's when he REALLY panicked and ran downstairs to Kai Chase...and we know the rest...That doctor killed Michael. Period.

Completely agree - I have issues with the exact same things. It's clearly a BS excuse about not knowing the address. Emergency services can trace where a call is made from anyway, even if someone doesn't know the exact address. EPECIALLY from a cell phone!

I am only basicly first aid trained and immediately when I heard he did CPR on the bed in that 911 call, I couldn't believe it. I know from my training that as soon as someone is unconsious you follow the DR ABC method and part of that is rolling them into the recovery position (ON THE FLOOR) and checking their breathing, pulse etc and if no breathing or pulse and then rolling them back to their back and starting compressions! If I know this stuff, there is no excuse for a medically trained doctor to not know it. :doh::doh:
Dr. Conrad Murray's Attorney Issues Statement

Updated: Aug 25, 2009 2:06 AM GDT Monday, August 24, 2009 9:06 PM EST
The attorney representing Dr. Conrad Murray in the death investigation of singer Michael Jackson issued a response late Monday afternoon.
Attorney Edward Chernoff was responding to the affadavit that was released Monday. The affadavit was part of two search warrants that showed what investigators found in Murray's medical office and storage unit in Houston, Texas. Chernoff released this statement on his website.
"Much of what was in the search warrant affidavit is factual. However, unfortunately, much is police theory. Most egregiously, the timeline reported by law enforcement was not obtained through interviews with Dr. Murray, as was implied by the affidavit. Dr. Murray simply never told investigators that he found Michael Jackson at 11:00 am not breathing. He also never said that he waited a mere ten minutes before leaving to make several phone calls. In fact, Dr. Murray never said that he left Michael Jackson's room to make phone calls at all.
We will not comment on the "anonymous" law enforcement source that claims that Michael Jackson's death will be ruled a homicide. Most of the reports by "anonymous" sources have been proven wrong. We will be happy to address the Coroner's report when it is officially released."


His lawyer is as much a pathological liar as is his client, we aren't stupid we can see point blank they are full of horse manure.