JUST IN: Michael Jackson died of lethal levels of propofol, court documents show

Okay. Stop right there. I can't read anymore past these sentences. I don't possibly understand why you don't have a problem. Michael Jackson was not undergoing any operations here. This mess was done in his home in his room. I'm not trying to entertain the logic of correct drug combinations when it shouldn't have ever happened in the first place.

Before anyone takes that and runs... Like I said, what I DO have a problem with is that they were used in a home. I was not saying I didn't have a problem Murray using them on Michael. I was saying I don't have a problem with the MIX of drugs...as in...the mix ALONE would not kill you. So many here were saying "how could he use such a lethal mix" and I was just trying to correct those, because it's not the mix that's necessarily the problem. It's HOW and WHERE they were used. I think you misunderstood me. The defense for Murray can easily say that combination is safe and is being used all the time...and it's true. So the mix was pretty much okay (when it comes to Midazolam and Lorazepam being used with Propofol. Don't know what else he used. I am only referring to those two other drugs). What was not okay was that it was used in a home. Hope that clears it up.

It's not really that simple...Using those drugs together is not unusual...in the OR. It IS unusual to be used in a home. No responsible person would ever in their right mind knock a person out with Propofol in someone's HOME. That's irresponsible. And I don't really know if you could call Michael an "addict" if he just wanted to use those drugs to sleep. It's true you can develop a tolerance...We have had kids who were very sick and had numerous operations and have gotten Propofol, etc. very often, so those kids sometimes need much higher doses before the drugs work. And I guess when you rely on any type of drug you can become "dependant"...even if it's just "psychological" and you just THINK you need them. I can't say if MJ was an addict, because I don't know his medical history and what drugs exactly he used, for how long, and why. If someone has a serious problem with insomnia, and needs drugs to be able to sleep, I wouldn't say they are an "addict", because they are using the drugs to treat a problem, and the drugs are prescribed for that very problem. However, I guess there are people who become dependant on sleeping pills too and can't get sleep without the pills anymore. I'm not an addiction specialist, so I can only tell you my opinion, nothing more. One thing I do know though, and that is that NO RESPONSIBLE DOCTOR would EVER use Propofol in a home. And that's a FACT.

2 minutes doesn't make sense really. If he was away just two minutes and MJ stopped breating for two minutes...and if he intubated him immediately and would have given him proper CPR (but maybe just intubating him and getting oxygen into his lungs would have done the trick) and called 911 immediately....he most likely would have been able to save him. There is no way he was away just 2 minutes. Or he was, but then he had no idea what to do to get MJ breathing...had no laryngoscope, no tube, no nothing there...
ughhh I feel like I am going insane!! Who was Dr. Murray talking to on the phone? and why did he not say he talked on the phone to three different people the two times he talked to LAPD? He keeps changing his story! First their isn't a working phoneline in the house. But he can easily call people with his cell phone. Why did he wait soo long to call 911!!!! This shouldn't have happened Michael should still be here with us D; I don't trust anyone. And yes, I want to know also, how did Dr. Murray get to the hospital? and how did he leave? who came to pick him up? Sooo many questions...

and people keep saying MJ was a drug addict. I deff believe he wasn't. I think these people were controlling him. Dr. Murray was getting paid to do this to Michael. Murray is already over $400,000 in debt. So he needed the money. But I believe that the people controlling Michael were (Tohme Tohme, AEG, Frank Delio, and Sony)

according to tmz, idiot conrad murray made phone calls to his office to clear anything that'd link him to MJ's death. Any idiots could see this doctor murdered MJ and he told lies to cover up his ass. I'm also 100% confirmed he's paid by big corporations AEG and Sony to murder MJ. I know I'm 100% right. Just wait and see!!!! those motherfuckers murderers need to pay for MJ's death!
See I think Randy Phillips screwed up early on when he kept insisting that Mike wanted Doc Murderer, then the BS story was served up that Doc Murderer treated one of Mike's kids, now it comes out tonight that Mike only met this asswipe 6 weeks before he died. So I think that AEG is in on it because Michael probably told them after the 50 tour dates he didn't wanna do anymore and they were p'od, probably thought if he cancels shows that costs us money, a deceased MJ with owning the rehearsal footage and they can sell that for YEARS to come rather than chance him not fulfilling all the dates, SONY for obvious reasons the catalog, and everyone because of the love of money and being purely evil where Michael is concerned especially every disgusting doctor who over medicated him the months leading up to the TII engagement.
Sony is in it! You saw the picture of that evil grinning face of Marty bandier in the article from the New York Times???? His face's saying 'YES we finally got rid of MJ and we're going to gain full control of the catalogue!, MJ is out! He lost!'
Summer, so Michael was basically quoting the truth (as it was put to him once) in that as long as someone monitors him, Propofol is safe.

ugh, I'm just so angry right now...

Yes and no. It's pretty safe...when used in a HOSPITAL setting. NOT in a home. (Unless the home is equipped like a hospital and he has an ANESTHESIOLOGIST (not some idiot of a doctor who can't even do CPR and is apparently disoriented because he can't even remember the address where he drove his own car to :doh:) and enough staff there to assist. )
Sony is in it! You saw the picture of that evil grinning face of Marty bandier in the article from the New York Times???? His face's saying 'YES we finally got rid of MJ and we're going to gain full control of the catalogue!, MJ is out! He lost!'

HELL NO! that catalouge better not be going anywhere if they did this just for that!!!
this is all too sad for me...im still not over michael death...
One thought that popped in my mind....Cherilyn Lee and Dr. Murray. Is there any connection between the two? Because if Murray used Propofol. And Lee came out to say MJ asked her "way before" for Propofol....But what if those two are connected, and Lee just came out to say that to help Murray, so that MJ will look like he was desperate to get it...to make him look like an "addict"? Just a thought. If Murray and Lee are connected, then I am gonna doubt Lee's motives of coming out with that info. That would make her go from "hero" to "Murray's aid".
Sony is in it! You saw the picture of that evil grinning face of Marty bandier in the article from the New York Times???? His face's saying 'YES we finally got rid of MJ and we're going to gain full control of the catalogue!, MJ is out! He lost!'

Its time for people to wake and realize all killers aint in the hood and wear hoods, some wear white button shirts and $5000 dollar suits everyday, let me tell you how far I believe this goes back and most people overlooked it but some caught it, when Michael was in the heat of his fight with Tommy Mottola and Sony to get away from them he had I believe correct me until 2010 and he would be a Free Agent and OWN ALL his CATALOGS free and Clear, tell me how did his Defending Attorney Johnnie Cochran end up dead with Brain Cancer while he was defending Michael and Michael ends up dead 4 years later himself while still under contract with SONY? Yes I dont believe Johnnie Cochran just died of Brain Cancer either.
It was a known fact awhile back that Dr Murray has admitted to giving Michael Propofol among others the day he died. Murray knew or should have known that if he kept giving Michael that stuff there would be trouble sooner or later. If somebody plays with fire and gets careless, they are going to get burned somewhere. He shouldn't have given it to Michael in the first place. And he didn't have to give it even if Michael asked for it. At that point, if people saying this in the media were being truthful, Murray should have said no. And he could have also just quit. At least he would have been in the clear and there would be nobody on his behind right now. He didn't do himself any favors here because at best, he made himself look like an idiot. And that's really too bad. This was just money-hunger all the way. Not a doctor who genuinely cared for his patient. Michael might be alive today if Murray had exercised the judgement he was trained to. However good his treatment of other people as they claim, his treatment of Michael stunk big time. People are in jail right now for this same kind of thing (recklessness resulting in death), and it doesn't even have to be drugs. This was nasty, stupid and senseless. Whatever happened, a man is dead. And Murray, for his part, could have saved Michael by not even taking the chance thinking that something wouldn't happen. And that, in conjunction with what ultimately happened to Michael, is the worst part of all this. All IMO.
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I don't know if the drugs were necessary to treat insomnia...they are more general than that...used for other conditions as well like mental problems. At least Propofol is very specific to treat insomnia....I am not saying it is OK to use it because it is not but definitely more specific and hence "safer" in that way.

Propofol is not used to treat insomnia. No doctor agrees with this.
One thought that popped in my mind....Cherilyn Lee and Dr. Murray. Is there any connection between the two? Because if Murray used Propofol. And Lee came out to say MJ asked her "way before" for Propofol....But what if those two are connected, and Lee just came out to say that to help Murray, so that MJ will look like he was desperate to get it...to make him look like an "addict"? Just a thought. If Murray and Lee are connected, then I am gonna doubt Lee's motives of coming out with that info. That would make her go from "hero" to "Murray's aid".

I would have to agree if there is a clear link between the two. Right now we simply have it stated that Murray "thought" the Nurse was giving MJ propofol in a cocktail. No proof of that, yet...or why he "thought" this. However, that statement contradicts with Dr. Metzger who claimed in April Michael was asking him for it...same time as Lee said Michael asked her. If Michael was already getting it from Lee, why would be he asking Metzger. I believe Lee's records reported she last had any dealing with MJ on April 19th.
The anesthesiologist on NG show said...
The 50 milligrams that Murray is claiming to have been giving Michael would only keep him asleep for approximately 10 minutes.

The anesthesiologist on LKL said...
2 of the drugs mentioned, propofol and the other I don't recall the name but it's one to calm patients before surgeries are iv only and should NEVER be given outside of a hospital.

Clearly as they stated Murray has gone beyond being medically unethical. My sister who's a nurse said WTF why is he not in jail the minute she heard propofol administered in a home, let alone someone dying from it. Gahhhhh!

Then on JVM show...
Murray was medically trained in Grenada and failed the board exam twice?...first time I heard that, dunno the truth to it...I thought he only failed the cardiologist exam? Well whatever, he's still a complete idiot...

According to Jane Velez-Mitchell, a member of the Jackson family believes one of the calls Murray made that morning was to AEG.....:mello: If that's true, WHY?

Blahhhhh what a day.....-_-
It was a known fact awhile back that Dr Murray has admitted to giving Michael Propofol among others the day he died. Murray knew or should have known that if he kept giving Michael that stuff something bad was going to happen sooner or later. If somebody plays with fire and gets careless, they are going to get burned somewhere. He shouldn't have given it to Michael in the first place. And he didn't have to give it even if Michael asked for it. At that point, if people saying this in the media were being truthful, Murray should have said no. At least he would have been in the clear and there would be nobody on his behind right now. He didn't do himself any favors here because at best, he made himself look like an idiot. And that's really too bad. This was just money-hunger all the way. Not a doctor who genuinely cared for his patient. Michael might be alive today if Murray had exercised the judgement he was trained to. However good his treatment of other people as they claim, his treatment of Michael stunk big time. People are in jail right now for this same kind of thing (recklessness resulting in death), and it doesn't even have to be drugs. This was nasty, stupid and senseless. Whatever happened, a man is dead. And Murray, for his part, could have stopped the whole thing before it even started. And that, in conjuction with what ultimately happened to Michael, is the worst part of all this.

I dont believe Dr. Murray if he was giving Michael Jackson anything was doing so on the orders of on one but AEG Randy Phillips and his crew, Michael Jackson was under CONTRACT to perform in less than 15 days in London, no AGENT is going to not know or allow any DOCTOR/s in there house messing with there STAR recklessly or caringly. They knew and I believe they prescribe everything Dr. Murray ever did to Michael and thats how they got him to all along IMPLICATE himself when THEY finally KILLED MICHAEL. Dr. Murray didnt realize he was dealing with REAL KILLERS.
I would have to agree if there is a clear link between the two. Right now we simply have it stated that Murray "thought" the Nurse was giving MJ propofol in a cocktail. No proof of that, yet...or why he "thought" this. However, that statement contradicts with Dr. Metzger who claimed in April Michael was asking him for it...same time as Lee said Michael asked her. If Michael was already getting it from Lee, why would be he asking Metzger. I believe Lee's records reported she last had any dealing with MJ on April 19th.

I thought she also said she had only heard of Dr. Murray but never met him?

Who knows anymore.......................
One thought that popped in my mind....Cherilyn Lee and Dr. Murray. Is there any connection between the two? Because if Murray used Propofol. And Lee came out to say MJ asked her "way before" for Propofol....But what if those two are connected, and Lee just came out to say that to help Murray, so that MJ will look like he was desperate to get it...to make him look like an "addict"? Just a thought. If Murray and Lee are connected, then I am gonna doubt Lee's motives of coming out with that info. That would make her go from "hero" to "Murray's aid".

Yes, I am interested in that too. When did Cherilyn Lee come onto the MJ scene? I'd not heard of her until after his death.

Its time for people to wake and realize all killers aint in the hood and wear hoods, some wear white button shirts and $5000 dollar suits everyday, let me tell you how far I believe this goes back and most people overlooked it but some caught it, when Michael was in the heat of his fight with Tommy Mottola and Sony to get away from them he had I believe correct me until 2010 and he would be a Free Agent and OWN ALL his CATALOGS free and Clear, tell me how did his Defending Attorney Johnnie Cochran end up dead with Brain Cancer while he was defending Michael and Michael ends up dead 4 years later himself while still under contract with SONY? Yes I dont believe Johnnie Cochran just died of Brain Cancer either.

OMG - that is massive if this is true. Sony make a fortune from MJ and if they stood to loose his their stake in his catalogue....wow!!

Tell me, if this is true, legally, what now happens with this being that Michael died pre 2010? Will his estate continue on and gain completely ownership of these catalogues anyway? If so, there would be no reason for Sony to want him dead.

But, if his death makes that agreement null and void, then we have a definite motive my friends!
See I think Randy Phillips screwed up early on when he kept insisting that Mike wanted Doc Murderer, then the BS story was served up that Doc Murderer treated one of Mike's kids, now it comes out tonight that Mike only met this asswipe 6 weeks before he died. .

Jesus, the truth is really starting to come out now. Makes me ill, what a web they're all spinning.
Sony is in it! You saw the picture of that evil grinning face of Marty bandier in the article from the New York Times???? His face's saying 'YES we finally got rid of MJ and we're going to gain full control of the catalogue!, MJ is out! He lost!'

Just looked, yeah that looks rather gloaty :(


this is so sad, i cannot believe it :(
why isn't this stupid idiot "doctor" already arrested?? i dont understand this..
i really hope that justice will prevail in the end, i beg for justice, all those who are responsible for michael's death should be put forever in jail! i hate them, i hope they suffer eternally for what they did.
wtf. how could you even smile? Bandier is yet another suspicious one.
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If only I could travel back to June 25 to stop this from happening and arrest Murray

Yeah, but maybe June 25th 2008, Michael would have never even met the idiot....nor someone else who would take a chance at endangering him. If they really cared about keeping the man alive they would have said "NO!' pure and simple. Too many enablers around the man. They don't care, it's the money they have their eye on...not the son, uncle, brother or father. Michael was all of these. *sigh*
I don't know if the drugs were necessary to treat insomnia...they are more general than that...used for other conditions as well like mental problems. At least Propofol is very specific to treat insomnia....I am not saying it is OK to use it because it is not but definitely more specific and hence "safer" in that way.

Propofol is an anesthetic and it's not something you'd use to treat insomnia!

I would have to agree if there is a clear link between the two. Right now we simply have it stated that Murray "thought" the Nurse was giving MJ propofol in a cocktail. No proof of that, yet...or why he "thought" this. However, that statement contradicts with Dr. Metzger who claimed in April Michael was asking him for it...same time as Lee said Michael asked her. If Michael was already getting it from Lee, why would be he asking Metzger. I believe Lee's records reported she last had any dealing with MJ on April 19th.

What I found "interesting" was when I heard Nurse Lee supposedly staying a night "watching MJ while he slept". I can't remember if she said it in an interview or if I read it in an article...but she supposedly gave MJ "herbs" to make him sleep...and stayed in his room to "monitor him". If she gave him some harmless herbs...why would she need to stay there to watch him? That always kind of bothered me. And she's a nutritionist, isn't she? Not an "insomnia specialist".
Yes and no. It's pretty safe...when used in a HOSPITAL setting. NOT in a home. (Unless the home is equipped like a hospital and he has an ANESTHESIOLOGIST (not some idiot of a doctor who can't even do CPR and is apparently disoriented because he can't even remember the address where he drove his own car to :doh:) and enough staff there to assist. )

summer, right, thank you. so, basically, Michael may have been misled by whoever told him this little factoid.
The anesthesiologist on NG show said...
The 50 milligrams that Murray is claiming to have been giving Michael would only keep him asleep for approximately 10 minutes.

The anesthesiologist on LKL said...
2 of the drugs mentioned, propofol and the other I don't recall the name but it's one to calm patients before surgeries are iv only and should NEVER be given outside of a hospital.

Clearly as they stated Murray has gone beyond being medically unethical. My sister who's a nurse said WTF why is he not in jail the minute she heard propofol administered in a home, let alone someone dying from it. Gahhhhh!

Then on JVM show...
Murray was medically trained in Grenada and failed the board exam twice?...first time I heard that, dunno the truth to it...I thought he only failed the cardiologist exam? Well whatever, he's still a complete idiot...

According to Jane Velez-Mitchell, a member of the Jackson family believes one of the calls Murray made that morning was to AEG.....:mello: If that's true, WHY?

Blahhhhh what a day.....-_-

See - all medical people who have given opinions on this think the same! And many have commented that Propofol is not a solution to insomnia. It does not help you sleep, it reders you unconcious. This is not the same type of rest one gets from sleep. It would be more appropriate for abuse from someone looking for escapism, not sleep.

WOW - that is a very smug look!!
The anesthesiologist on NG show said...
The 50 milligrams that Murray is claiming to have been giving Michael would only keep him asleep for approximately 10 minutes.

The anesthesiologist on LKL said...
2 of the drugs mentioned, propofol and the other I don't recall the name but it's one to calm patients before surgeries are iv only and should NEVER be given outside of a hospital.

Clearly as they stated Murray has gone beyond being medically unethical. My sister who's a nurse said WTF why is he not in jail the minute she heard propofol administered in a home, let alone someone dying from it. Gahhhhh!

Then on JVM show...
Murray was medically trained in Grenada and failed the board exam twice?...first time I heard that, dunno the truth to it...I thought he only failed the cardiologist exam? Well whatever, he's still a complete idiot...

According to Jane Velez-Mitchell, a member of the Jackson family believes one of the calls Murray made that morning was to AEG.....:mello: If that's true, WHY?

Blahhhhh what a day.....-_-

Like I said, I would not be surprised if it turns out that he was actually NO doctor in the first place and never really went to medical school...or never graduated. Is anyone checking his documents? HOpe they do. Wouldn't surprise me if he forged the documents and said he got trained abroad, when he in fact never did. MJ isn't the first patient he killed with his "skills" anyways...
Yes, I am interested in that too. When did Cherilyn Lee come onto the MJ scene? I'd not heard of her until after his death.

OMG - that is massive if this is true. Sony make a fortune from MJ and if they stood to loose his their stake in his catalogue....wow!!

Tell me, if this is true, legally, what now happens with this being that Michael died pre 2010? Will his estate continue on and gain completely ownership of these catalogues anyway? If so, there would be no reason for Sony to want him dead.

But, if his death makes that agreement null and void, then we have a definite motive my friends!

OMG is certainly right KES so keep saying it so GOD will know we know. Check this out, not only did Michael Jackson while still under CONTRACT to SONY end up dead but all his Assests go to Sony and guess what with the FAKE SELF APPOINTED EXECUTOR who has always been in bed with SONY over MICHAEL ESTATE this is an all out PARTY for these Music Industry Moguls, they couldnt deal with Michael he wouldnt give them nothing so KILL him and take everything. Michael Jackson NEVER had a WILL he PUT everything in A TRUST and left his Mother Katherine Jackson as Trustee and his Children as Benficiries, Ive done the research there is a HUGE DIFFERENCE in a WILL and in a TRUST. There have DisInherited The Jackson Family and his Children and now everything is based on a TRUST that NO ONE knows what in it but John Branca and whatever he throws in it. How Perfffffffffffecccccccccccccttttttttttttttt.
Yes and no. It's pretty safe...when used in a HOSPITAL setting. NOT in a home. (Unless the home is equipped like a hospital and he has an ANESTHESIOLOGIST (not some idiot of a doctor who can't even do CPR and is apparently disoriented because he can't even remember the address where he drove his own car to :doh:) and enough staff there to assist. )

I'm keep thinking back to times when I have had anaesthetics and how scrupulously careful the hospital folk were each and every time. The last time I had one was for more major surgery than the previous ones, I was "out" for longer (an hour, hour and a half) hence presumably the dosage was a lot higher. Definitely the level of caution raised accordingly too at the time.

Aside from the fact that then and each time you were required to sign a consent form beforehand...which did state on it there was a risk you could actually die from an anaesthetic, the anaesthetist himself came to see me twice before the operation. Again, he stated on one of those occasions the risks and that the anaesthetic "could" be fatal. When I was awake again afterwards he came back in to see me AGAIN (he had a rather black sense of humour that man, as his first words to me were "you survived it then").

But having experienced an anaesthetic and in such a monitored, regulated and controlled hospital environment, the fact that Michael was being given an anaesthetic just to get him to sleep and at ALL and then in such circumstances and in his HOME I just can't get my head around, and I haven't been able to since the news first broke. Its just beyond belief. It also beggars belief that a doctor...and not just any doctor but a specialist consultant...would agree to do it, even ONCE, let alone on a regular basis like he did. They just would not.
I am still feeling very angry and sick about this. Especially since I knew right from the begining that Michael was murdered. It was that vivid MJ dream that I had around the begining of July that told me that he was. I just hope that murderer gets what is coming to him.