JUST IN: Michael Jackson died of lethal levels of propofol, court documents show

Another point I realize: The doses that MJ supposedly got were not given on a per hr. basis which makes me think that MJ was NOT getting an infusion, he was getting injections of propofol! So, as Summer said, was it just injected too fast??

And what about the O2 tanks?? Did these exist at all?

And see if y'all can follow me. Ok, propofol disappears out of the blood stream quite quickly but the coroner supposedly found a lethal amt in his blood which I can never understand. But one theory for this is, if the heart stopped pumping blood to the rest of the body, the propofol would be found in high concentrations in the peripheral blood. Which would mean MJ's heart stopped working seconds after, or even before he was given propofol. What do you think? Summer, anybody else??

Could it have been the benzodiazepines that did MJ in?? (which would explain why he got flumenazil, the anti-dote for benzos, from the doc).

I thought about this, too and think it's possible as well. Worse case scenario is if he purposely did this...just stood there and let the propofol run into Michael. He would have to have been pretty angry for some reason to do such a brutal thing tho, imo. Either it was negligence, assassination, or something done in a moment of blind rage.
........ New York Times reported that Sharpton and lawyer Johnnie Cochran's current initiative to help black musicians really originated with Jackson's dispute with Sony, which the Times says may erupt into a lawsuit.

Jackson has spent the last couple of months complaining that Sony didn't do enough to promote and market ''Invincible,'' released last November on Sony's Epic label, which sold 2 million copies in the U.S. and only a few million more in the rest of the world -- lackluster figures by Jackson's standards. Sony says it has done plenty, having spent $50 million producing and promoting the album, but it balked at Jackson's request earlier this year for $8 million to shoot a third video for the album, the Times reports. But the dispute over the handling of ''Invincible'' grew out of a larger struggle between Jackson and Sony over Jackson's effort this year to renegotiate his contract with the label, where he has spent his entire adult career, those involved in the negotiations tell the Times.

At issue are two sets of assets. One is Jackson's master recordings, which Sony is supposed to turn over to him in seven years, but which he wants in three. (Owning those will mean he no longer has to split royalties with Sony.) The other is Sony/ATV, the music publishing company that Jackson co-owns with Sony, which holds the copyrights to several hundred thousand songs, including the catalogs of the Beatles and such Sony artists as Bob Dylan. (Last week, Sony/ATV bought Nashville publisher Acuff-Rose, which holds the rights to 55,000 country songs.) Both Jackson and Sony want to buy out each other's stake in the publishing venture, the Times says.

The Times quotes two people close to Jackson as saying he plans to sue Sony. ''If you look ahead to what can happen, it's in the courtroom,'' one of them told the Times. ''Then it gets interesting.''


seven years?!! SEVEN YEARS?!

people, that article was written in 2002. at the end of this year, Michael would have gained full control to his own catalogue, and possibly would have enough money to buy the rest of the Beatles catalogue.

it's sickening.
seven years?!! SEVEN YEARS?!

people, that article was written in 2002. at the end of this year, Michael would have gained full control to his own catalogue, and possibly would have enough money to buy the rest of the Beatles catalogue.

it's sickening.

Thats right see how easy things fall into place when you really have the right information. Michael would have been totally free probably July 1, 2009, Sharpton, Mottola and their Lawyers know the date of the contract Johnnie Cochran and Michael Jackson are dead, I bet it was before December 31, 2009, or better yet Michael probably signed it July 7, 2002 or whenever that FAKE WILL was supposed to have been signed instead they had Michael's funeral on his FREEDOM DATE from SONY - The DEVIL.
Another thing that I just thought of....Did anyone ever tell MJ that if they use Propofol, they might need to intubate him? That means sticking a tube down your throat. He was preparing for a tour. He was an artist...a SINGER. Sticking a tube down his throat every night would not have done wonders to his voice....Just a thought.
What is it preventing MJ's estate from gaining full control of the catalogue at the end of the year still?

Edit: i realized that in 7 yrs MJ would get full control of HIS OWN master recordings, not the catalogue. So nothing, conceivably, can stop MJ's estate from getting his masters at the end of 7 yrs.
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Another point I realize: The doses that MJ supposedly got were not given on a per hr. basis which makes me think that MJ was NOT getting an infusion, he was getting injections of propofol! So, as Summer said, was it just injected too fast??

And what about the O2 tanks?? Did these exist at all?

And see if y'all can follow me. Ok, propofol disappears out of the blood stream quite quickly but the coroner supposedly found a lethal amt in his blood which I can never understand. But one theory for this is, if the heart stopped pumping blood to the rest of the body, the propofol would be found in high concentrations in the peripheral blood. Which would mean MJ's heart stopped working seconds after, or even before he was given propofol. What do you think? Summer, anybody else??

Could it have been the benzodiazepines that did MJ in?? (which would explain why he got flumenazil, the anti-dote for benzos, from the doc). Was propofol injected after the passing, or literally seconds before?

Very interesting. I had heard this mentioned about Propofol. Sounds like you are onto something there. Especially considering as I am aware, authorities didn't know about Propofol until a couple of days into their investigation when they did the search on his home and found it. Correct me if I'm wrong. So they would not have necessarily been looking for Propofol in his system.
Fuckin idiot it doesnt take a rocket scientist to know that all those mixtures of drugs wud kill someone if nothing worked oh well, hell he shudnt if even been giving him drugs n the first place. But to knowingly continue to do so and mix so many in one night is foolishness. If michael cud not sleep oh well. After rehearsals a warm bath dinner and tylenol PM wud of been n the works,if they didn't help as his doctor his ass wud of not been performing until he got help nd was able to sleep for atleast eight hours without the help of meds. Michael cud still be here but with careless bitches like murray walkin the damn earth he isn't
Thats right see how easy things fall into place when you really have the right information. Michael would have been totally free probably July 1, 2009, Sharpton, Mottola and their Lawyers know the date of the contract Johnnie Cochran and Michael Jackson are dead, I bet it was before December 31, 2009.

Would he have been though? My understanding of it was that when Michael decided he wanted out of the Sony contract back then, it was THEN that he discovered the "catch" in respect to the terms in respect to the date he would get control.

The terms were in respect to the number of albums he had to release and, taking so much time on his albums so albums were released maybe after a space of two years or so, Michael realised Sony had pretty much stuffed him. Also the further he fell behind with the number of albums to be put out the terms stated the number of years before he gained control were to be extended accordingly too!

I don't know if this is absolutely accurate or if it is what the eventual outcome to this dispute was but it seemed they had him well and truly trapped with that one at the time.
Wendy, maybe the benzodiazepenes are the culprit in this situation, and propofol was added last minute to make sure it was found in the blood, and put a propofol twist on this???

Otherwise, there is one other simple explanation: this was all a terrible accident that Dr. Murray was involved with. I cannot see any evidence that he conspired to commit a crime and then left himself so open to a criminal charge. It doesn't make any sense. But we can all agree that Murray was terribly negligent.
What is it preventing MJ's estate from gaining full control of the catalogue at the end of the year still?

Edit: i realized that in 7 yrs MJ would get full control of HIS OWN master recordings, not the catalogue. So nothing, conceivably, can stop MJ's estate from getting his masters at the end of 7 yrs.

Im sure in the all mighty Mottola Contract that according to Dick Gregory the Contract states in "DEATH" everything comes back to SONY. Please listen to Dick Gregory talk about how they got Michael to sign this contract in Part 1 and in Part 3 he talks about how AEG never was going to have any Concerts in London it was all a setup.

Everybody please carefully read the warrant/affidavit. It is a fairly easy read, and it will cut out some of the gross misinformation on the board.

Murray told the detectives about propofol at most 2 days after MJ passed.
ok maybe I'm missing something but didn't the tox report last week that got leaked or whatever.. only show the xanax and the propofol? not a coctail of mixed drugs. and is this a court document the doctor filed? of course hes going to claim all that to try to make it seem like it was a drug overdose.. not his negligence.

Know this is not a drug overdose on Michael's part. Murray drug overdosed him. Michael did not give these drugs to himself. Murray gave them to him, but he still is lying. 3 sedatives and he still didn't go to sleep. BULLSHIT. He is a f'n liar.
all those conspiracy theories make the head hurt..........at the end of the day... God called Michael home...
I would like to see that contract for myself regarding MJ's masters because that would be really messed up!!!
Another thing that I just thought of....Did anyone ever tell MJ that if they use Propofol, they might need to intubate him? That means sticking a tube down your throat. He was preparing for a tour. He was an artist...a SINGER. Sticking a tube down his throat every night would not have done wonders to his voice....Just a thought.

exactly. they obviously did not.

he was totally misled about this drug and how much "use" it was going to be to him.
You know... Michael was a smart man.. he would be smarter and know not to cocktail with lethal drugs. Would Michael really be so desperate and so stupid that he begged for different drugs just to fall asleep? Im not entierly buying that crap.. What if Michael asked for ONE sedative and Dr Murray gave him three? What if after Michael had fallen asleep Dr Murray gave him some more?

There you go.

An addiction to propofol, is that even possible. Please this is a joke.
all those conspiracy theories make the head hurt..........at the end of the day... God called Michael home...

God dont call people home thats Murdered, PEOPLE send them home and God is not a LIAR he said "THOU SHALL NOT KILL".
Another thing that I just thought of....Did anyone ever tell MJ that if they use Propofol, they might need to intubate him? That means sticking a tube down your throat. He was preparing for a tour. He was an artist...a SINGER. Sticking a tube down his throat every night would not have done wonders to his voice....Just a thought.

Maybe the plan was to use just enuf to put him out but not give him enuf where he'd need intubation. Of course, in an emergency situation, intubation couldn't be avoided but who would think they'd be that unlucky to have an emergency every night...or at all? :(
he would not take stupid risks like that, more than anything he wanted to live for his children, Murray can say anything he wants now but I know Michael wouldn't knowingly risk his life like that
Murray has proved to be such an idiot so far, I think he messed up big time that night and now he's trying to blame MJ as much as he can

Yea he his and he has some type of nerve.
If you believe Randy in that Magic & Madness book then there was more to it than what that article states. Bandier had actually beaten Michael and was getting the catalogue - his bid had been accepted...till Branca supposedly skuppered it by getting Bandier's financiers to pull out. Hence Michael, able to come up with the money quicker, got the catalogue after all.

Now years later up pops Bandier again... as Sony's CEO! If Bandier didn't and still doesn't harbour an almighty bitter resentment about what happened back then, then the man should be sainted because any ordinary person would never forget something like that. So, when I found out who exactly Bandier WAS, my immediate thought was that the feud with Sony was far from over; it was probably only really about to start.

Oh you're so right. Anyone would have a major grudge over that. Especially now seeing how much that catalogue is worth! That's very interesting!

dr is trying to cover his ass..........bet you Michael died around 830a-9a on Jun25....the timeline is going to get him...

he murdered Michael Jackson.... how can you live with that

I agree - I think he probably died around 8.30am and that's why the call was made to the 2 girls to go to the storage unit around 9am (I think).

seven years?!! SEVEN YEARS?!

people, that article was written in 2002. at the end of this year, Michael would have gained full control to his own catalogue, and possibly would have enough money to buy the rest of the Beatles catalogue.

it's sickening.

Well that is very interesting. I still think that if this agreement was in place, it will still carry on via his estate though. That's where I am curious because then it wouldn't matter to Sony if he were dead or alive.

Another thing that I just thought of....Did anyone ever tell MJ that if they use Propofol, they might need to intubate him? That means sticking a tube down your throat. He was preparing for a tour. He was an artist...a SINGER. Sticking a tube down his throat every night would not have done wonders to his voice....Just a thought.

Good point!! As a singer, intubation would be very detrimental. He was having vocal lessons with Seth Riggs etc to get his voice back in shape - I doubt he would want to risk having a tube shoved down his throat!! For sure!
This whole thing is unbelievable and just getting worse by the day. I'm so upset and sad over today's events. I can't believe MJ's death has been ruled a homicide. It's just devastating. This is awful to think his death could have been prevented.
I was watching CNN (AC360) where Dr. Gupta went into an OR to watch Propofol being administered. there's no "just enough". as soon as they infused him, the patient stopped breathing.

I don't know what we're missing here, but Summer -- did you see this?! the patient stopped breathing as soon as he got the Propofol! they had him intubated and that helped him breathe from that very second.

either there are some dots I'm not connecting here or there's something extremely fishy in this whole story about 6 weeks of 50mgs of Propofol every night.
exactly. they obviously did not.

he was totally misled about this drug and how much "use" it was going to be to him.

Well, if one believes he received this on History tour, perhaps he relied on experience rather than being misled. And unfortunately, most fans know the difference between History tour and MJ's previous tours when it came to his voice.
OK Murray said that he called Brother Michael (Michael's assistant)? Brother Michael was not at the house:

DILEO: A fan who said, Frank, do you know there's an ambulance in front of Michael's house?

And I said, no, I don't, but I'm going to look right into it. And I hung up. I called Michael's assistant. And I said -- his name is Michael, also.

I said Michael, is there an ambulance at the house?

He said, that's what I heard. He said, I'm on my way. And I said, well, I'll be there in one second. I went in to get my ticket for the car. And I called Randi Phillips and said look, you're closer...

That's from Larry King Live...

Why would he need to call Michael's assistant who was not home? I don't get it.... And I wonder what he told Brother Michael? Surely if he told Brother Michael that Michael Jackson was not breathing, the assistant would have immediately told Murray the address and called an ambulance himself. Surely he would have called the security and had them dispatched to the room...

This crap is so convoluted! If Murray is telling the truth, then why would Michael assistant not take it seriously?