JUST IN: Michael Jackson died of lethal levels of propofol, court documents show

I dunno if this has been posted yet...but Dr. Murrays lawyer just released a statement.
Sorry if it's been posted

Conrad Murray Lawyer -- It's Just Police Theory

Posted Aug 24th 2009 10:21PM by TMZ Staff

Dr. Conrad Murray's lawyer, Ed Chernoff, just released the following statement regarding the affidavit we published today, in which authorities recount Dr. Murray's blow-by-blow account of the day Michael Jackson died:

"Much of what was in the search warrant affidavit is factual. However, unfortunately, much is police theory. Most egregiously, the timeline reported by law enforcement was not obtained through interviews with Dr. Murray, as was implied by the affidavit. Dr. Murray simply never told investigators that he found Michael Jackson at 11:00 am not breathing.

He also never said that he waited a mere ten minutes before leaving to make several phone calls. In fact, Dr. Murray never said that he left Michael Jackson's room to make phone calls at all."

well gee I am glad that Murray's lawyer agree's that MOST of what isin the affedavit is factual ....except for....the time line and the time he found Michael not breathing.....This guy is so full of shit (chernoff) . Much is factual except for..... yeah ok .....I just want to tell him ..Yoyr client Killed Michael Jackson start preparing for Murder charges!!!
Perhaps he sold it becuz something was being held over his head like, say, an offshore account in the Caymans he didn't want to have to answer to? I dunno. I don't want to suspect John here, either. I really don't. But it's mighty fishy that Raymone Bain claims she asked Michael twice about having a will over the past few years and Michael never saw fit to amend or change anything, yet Branca comes along and right away a letter is drawn up confirming his status as an executor. Was death on Michael's mind or something that he felt the need to even do this...and then he would actually die a week later?

I'm trying to keep an open mind, too....which is why I'm still holding on to my speculations for the most part, but a lot of things just have a bad coincidental vibe to them. If Michael were alive, I'd be all YAY, John. Right now, everybody's suspect, imo. Too much money and too much bad blood in the picture for NO ONE to be a suspect. Like I said earlier, not all agendas have to be about money. For some ppl, it could be personal.

That same thing went through my mind too. The whole thing around that just fizzled to nothing didn't it so that could be the reason why, but then what did Sony give Michael? Because presumably they would have been as much up sh*t creek as Branca if it were publically proven without doubt to be the case? Maybe parties not known deliberately set out then to frame Branca to get him out of the picture instead? God knows. It was all very odd. As is the letter confirming Branca's status again too.
Word! I love Michael very, very much, too, people ... but once again... some of you guys are clearly delusional and in denial, sorry to say--again. This thread might as well be a tabloid, and I can't stand tabloids so I'm bowing out of here.

Carry on...

that's okay. it's not necessary for anyone who cannot handle it to read this or any of the threads in the investigative unit. I've got friends who only read the music threads etc.

tabloids don't search for the truth. we do.

big difference.
I dunno if this has been posted yet...but Dr. Murrays lawyer just released a statement.
Sorry if it's been posted

Conrad Murray Lawyer -- It's Just Police Theory

Posted Aug 24th 2009 10:21PM by TMZ Staff

Dr. Conrad Murray's lawyer, Ed Chernoff, just released the following statement regarding the affidavit we published today, in which authorities recount Dr. Murray's blow-by-blow account of the day Michael Jackson died:

"Much of what was in the search warrant affidavit is factual. However, unfortunately, much is police theory. Most egregiously, the timeline reported by law enforcement was not obtained through interviews with Dr. Murray, as was implied by the affidavit. Dr. Murray simply never told investigators that he found Michael Jackson at 11:00 am not breathing.

He also never said that he waited a mere ten minutes before leaving to make several phone calls. In fact, Dr. Murray never said that he left Michael Jackson's room to make phone calls at all."

I dont know how reliable TMZ is, I thought Dr. Murray has always said he found Michael Not Breathing and UnResponsive around 11am, so I was wondering where did this timeline come from, but I guess this EXPLAINS why Dr. Murray is not bonding out of Jail tonight. LAPD knows this is a Criminal Murder Homicide and not a Manslaughter Homicide, I just wonder who will they be arresting in the next few days.
Sorry if this has been asked already, but it's hard to keep up with all these posts.

This drug is used as an anesthetic right? I don't know about everyone else, but the few times I've had surgery, I've woken up feeling like utter crap - because of the anesthetic.

Why would someone use this to treat someone who can't sleep? Sure, it might put them to sleep, but what about after? If you can't sleep - you feel terrible, tired, etc etc. I just don't understand, with a dosage that was apparently making him sleep for like 10 minutes - how is it worth it? Wouldn't you wake up feeling crappy??

I dont know much about the drug itself, and I know there are different types of drugs they use during surgery. But don't they all give the same feeling while it wears off?? You'd feel crappy??

insomnia should be treated with diet and lifestyle changes etc. And maybe a tablet. Not these sorts of drugs. Shame on this "doctor".
Did they have to go through the assistant first before anything was done? It is bizarre indeed. It is so complicated. Who are all these people??????? I am glad the children at least, are released from this circle of people. It's so dark in that circle.
OK Murray said that he called Brother Michael (Michael's assistant)? Brother Michael was not at the house:

That's from Larry King Live...

Why would he need to call Michael's assistant who was not home? I don't get it.... And I wonder what he told Brother Michael? Surely if he told Brother Michael that Michael Jackson was not breathing, the assistant would have immediately told Murray the address and called an ambulance himself. Surely he would have called the security and had them dispatched to the room...

This crap is so convoluted! If Murray is telling the truth, then why would Michael assistant not take it seriously?

And this is another question I have about this assistant. What were this guy's hours? How did it get to be lunchtime and he hadn't checked in for work yet. Usually personal assistants are on the job early in the morning to make sure they are available for their boss during the day. So had Brother Michael been there earlier in the morning while Michael was still awake and then left to go somewhere or was he on his way to the house for the first time that day? Considering Michael was normally available to have lunch with his kids everyday, I'm just trying to figure out when exactly did Brother Michael normally report for work? If he was there earlier and had left the property, it would be interesting to know whether or not he saw or spoke to Michael that morning at all.

Btw...I just realized IF, by chance, Michael was still awake early that morning, he got to see one last sunrise. :(
Sorry if this has been asked already, but it's hard to keep up with all these posts.

This drug is used as an anesthetic right? I don't know about everyone else, but the few times I've had surgery, I've woken up feeling like utter crap - because of the anesthetic.

Why would someone use this to treat someone who can't sleep? Sure, it might put them to sleep, but what about after? If you can't sleep - you feel terrible, tired, etc etc. I just don't understand, with a dosage that was apparently making him sleep for like 10 minutes - how is it worth it? Wouldn't you wake up feeling crappy??

I dont know much about the drug itself, and I know there are different types of drugs they use during surgery. But don't they all give the same feeling while it wears off?? You'd feel crappy??

insomnia should be treated with diet and lifestyle changes etc. And maybe a tablet. Not these sorts of drugs. Shame on this "doctor".

I think it was used to keep him sedated while he was injected with other drugs and keep him alive to throw off the time of death, my Granny thats a Nurse says it sounds like literally put him on LIFE SUPPORT while they did what they had to do to him then they just let him die by sending his heart into Cardiac Arrest and not reviving him from all the other drugs they where injecting in him to OverDose him, just a horrific death.
Michael Jackson's Medical Homicide: What The Coroner's Announcement Really Means

Michael Jackson’s death took a bizarre turn this afternoon when the Los Angeles County Coroner’s office announced it’d found the anesthetic propofol, usually used in general surgery, and two other sedatives to have caused the singer’s death in June. The drugs were no surprise—court testimony earlier this week established early on that Jackson was on myriad medications the day he died. The big shock came when the coroner announced that the death was being labeled a medical homicide.

It's important to note that homicide indicates that Jackson was killed; it does not, necessarily, mean he was murdered (homicide with intent to kill); most previous medical homicide cases have involved euthanasia. The Los Angeles County DA has not yet announced murder or manslaughter charges against Jackson's physician, Conrad Murray, who admits to giving Jackson the drugs.

Besides the fact that it made Jackson family whisperings of a conspiracy sound slightly less crazy, the "medical homicide" announcement left us wondering: what does medical homicide even mean? How do you draw the line between medical homicide and malpractice? And is it as bad as it sounds?

Yes, actually. NEWSWEEK's Sarah Kliff spoke with Dr. Vincent DiMaio, editor of the American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology and former chief medical examiner in Baxter County, Texas about what constitutes medical homicide, what doesn’t and why it’s actually not too difficult to tell the difference. Excerpts:

By classifying this death as a homicide, what is the Los Angeles County Coroner’s Office saying about the actions of Jackson’s doctor?
What they’re alleging is that [Michael Jackson’s doctor] gave [Jackson] a medication for a non-medical reason and that caused the death…The reason they can classify this as a homicide is that there is simply no medical reason for this drug to have been administered. Suppose he was in surgery, and the doctor had given him too much medication. That’s a different situation which would probably be signed off on as an accident. But in this situation, it’s clearly a homicide.

In general, how do you define a medical homicide? What makes it different from medical malpractice?
There are five ways that forensic pathologists categorize deaths: natural, accidental, homicide, suicide or undetermined. Essentially, homicide means that somebody has caused the death of another person…In terms of medical homicide specifically, I think the simplest way to say it is that it’s a medical decision that’s outrageous, that you could not justify your actions medically. Or you just go to extremes, like deciding to do an operative procedure for which you don’t have the support, doing an operation on your kitchen table. That’s essentially the way to say it: if you have a medical situation, where you’re using things inappropriately and have no medical justification, that’s homicide.

Is it difficult, in medical situations, to draw a line between accident and homicide? Are there cases that fall in between?
Usually, it’s actually really simple. If the doctor makes a mistake, you have records and other people who were in the room, and it would mostly be classified as malpractice. If it’s reasonable, and you screw up, it’s not going to be homicide. When you do something that’s really out there, that makes absolutely no medical sense at all, something like this, that’s when it’s no longer malpractice.

What about the Jackson case clearly indicates it was a homicide?
Even though there was no intention to kill, what he did was so beyond what normal people would consider reasonable medicine that it gets classified as a homicide. There was no medical justification and, besides that, he was using an anesthetic without an anesthesiologist. So not only do you have no medical justification, you also don’t have the right support system in place.

Will it be possible for the doctor to argue his case as a medical mistake, a case of negligence, not homicide?
You just can’t argue this one. Here’s the problem question for him: what is the medical justification for giving him this drug? And that’s where they’ve got him, because there is no medical reason for the situation he was in. He wasn’t even doing an operative procedure and there was no anesthesiologist. Moreover, he’s an internist. Even if the drug were warranted, the conditions would be inappropriate. It’s not his specialty, its not internal medicine and there were no support personnel.

How often do medical homicide cases come up in forensic pathology?
Very rarely. You do get some situations where doctors do medical procedures that are not recognized, causing the death of a patient, but most of these are medical malpractice. Most of the homicide cases that I know of are euthanasia, which is a bit different. It just gets to the point that, for something to be categorized as homicide, it would have to be something really gross, where there’s no real justification for what they are doing.

How does the Jackson case fit into the history of forensic pathology?
It’s completely unusual, not something that anyone, myself included, would ever expect to encounter. The only cases called homicide, that I know of, were where it was intended [the euthanasia cases]. But there’s nothing to this level.
Murray knew MJ in 2006. Read the affidavit!! Murray said he started administering propofol 6 weeks ago. And it has info that Murray was in contact with MJ as early as 2006. Nowhere is it stated that they only met 6 weeks ago. Whoever said that about them recently meeting is in misinformed, and misread the affadavit/warrant.
Sorry if this has been asked already, but it's hard to keep up with all these posts.

This drug is used as an anesthetic right? I don't know about everyone else, but the few times I've had surgery, I've woken up feeling like utter crap - because of the anesthetic.

Why would someone use this to treat someone who can't sleep? Sure, it might put them to sleep, but what about after? If you can't sleep - you feel terrible, tired, etc etc. I just don't understand, with a dosage that was apparently making him sleep for like 10 minutes - how is it worth it? Wouldn't you wake up feeling crappy??

I dont know much about the drug itself, and I know there are different types of drugs they use during surgery. But don't they all give the same feeling while it wears off?? You'd feel crappy??

insomnia should be treated with diet and lifestyle changes etc. And maybe a tablet. Not these sorts of drugs. Shame on this "doctor".

I believe the thing that makes propofol special is that it leaves the body quickly which allows the patient to wake up almost instantly after the administering stops. And altho you may not jump up and do a jig, you may not feel as groggy and crappy as with other anesthetics.
It pretty simple in the United States "INTENT" makes any Homicide Murder, in Michael Jackson case "LETHAL" makes it "INTENT" dots connected.
I want to know where are the cops to arrest him, they damn sure didn't take this long to arrest MJ several years ago..

To think MJ died alone.. I just cant, I really can't

Exactly, they came in with guns in hand, I mean read to shot. This is F*cking ridiculous.

Can they name Murray as a suspect now? If it's officially homicide, someone must have done it. I can't think of anybody else apart from Murray or Klein.

I can, the man that works for Colony, the man that was tasked to make money off of MJ no matter what, the man that got AEG involved in all this, the man the MJ fired, the Man that threatened the life of one man (Michael Jackson) and two groups (The Auctioneers and the Jackson Family)

This is motive why is the man not behind bars with that F*cker Murray.
Okay, it is the patients right to demand a drug, but it is ultimately either the physician or the nurse to deny that patient medication, especially if it could cause harm to the patient. Okay, MJ demanded it...that doesn't mean that Dr. Murray was forced to give it to him...he was more interested in the money he was going to get than any medical ethics at all, wasn't he?
i think it was in early 07 cuzmj came back to teh states just as james' funeral was set to happen so he had no way of meeting murray. he went back to vegas after that so um...it has to be a short window of time in 06.

and no way mj was awake. no way he was up and at 'em and didn't have breakfast w/his kids, didn't go downstairs. bullcrap. he was dead long before murray says he gave him propofol.

every med he gave him is a breathing suppressant and it could stop u from breathing. wtf?
so what happened to the hippocratic oath? according to EVERY anesthesiologist on tv tonite, 25ml is not enough to put someone to sleep formore than a few minutes. so that shows he had no idea what he was doing. u can't get addicted to propofol.
That's why they're gonna set his bail very high so he won't escape :wild:

Better yet, they should refuse him bail

It better be damn high.

He broke right?

So he shouldn't be able to get out of jail on bond.

But, if he do. Houston we have a problem.
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Okay, it is the patients right to demand a drug, but it is ultimately either the physician or the nurse to deny that patient medication, especially if it could cause harm to the patient. Okay, MJ demanded it...that doesn't mean that Dr. Murray was forced to give it to him...he was more interested in the money he was going to get than any medical ethics at all, wasn't he?

yeah well murray says Michael wanted it....who believes Murray???? Not me thats for sure...he lied about many things so far...such as what took so long to call 911.
Dr. Pisky on CNN blamed it on mj , he kept saying mj was asking for drug after drug and poor Murray had no choice but fullfill mj's demands . he feels bad for Murray because he did not know what he was putting himsilf into , it was mj's fault . did dr'pinsky even read the affidavite ?
I thought he couldn't call 911 because there where no phones around?

Uhmmm, well that's a proven lie (another - never believe a liar. Their lies just get bigger and more extravagant. Proof in point, what we are seeing hear).


Oh yea he didn't know the address. BULLSHIT!!! Just another of his many lies.

How could he even be credible he has lied entirely to much.
Or maybe all the previous reports we've heard have been lies. Remember we have been depending on TMZ and other tabloid sources for our news. So some of the things we've heard and ran with were just stupid rumors.
Deepak Chopra said on Larry King that he doesn't really blame Dr. Murray for not calling 911 right away. that he was probably panicking.

my respect for Chopra has been on a steep nosedive ever since Michael's death. :(
Dr. Pisky on CNN blamed it on mj , he kept saying mj was asking for drug after drug and poor Murray had no choice but fullfill mj's demands . he feels bad for Murray because he did not know what he was putting himsilf into , it was mj's fault . did dr'pinsky even read the affidavite ?

What a load of crap. Ok, I want some Valium. I guess I will just go to my local doctor and demand it. Then they'll have to give it to me because they have no choice! :doh::blink:
The warrant also states "Murray's cellular phone records show Murray on the telephone, with 3 seperate callers, for 47 minutes starting at 1118 hours until 1205 hours."


Hold up are you telling me this mutherF*cker left Michael alone on this sh*t for almost an hour.

Oh hell no.

How much u wanna bet he was calling to tell his family and mistress and baby mama goodbye cause he knew he f*cked up royally.

This ain't the only calls he made
I want to know what calls he made around 9:00 am.
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Murray knew MJ in 2006. Read the affidavit!! Murray said he started administering propofol 6 weeks ago. And it has info that Murray was in contact with MJ as early as 2006. Nowhere is it stated that they only met 6 weeks ago. Whoever said that about them recently meeting is in misinformed, and misread the affadavit/warrant.

I don't believe Murray, Michael was out of the country for most of 2006 until around when JB passed away in December 2006 unless the murderer says he met him at that time which is plausible since Dr. Murderer treated James Brown as well sadly. He died of cardiac arrest, wonder if Murderer over medicated the Godfather as well.