JUST IN: Michael Jackson died of lethal levels of propofol, court documents show

I just saw a CNN on AC360 where Dr. Gupta went into an OR to watch Propofol being administered. there's no "just enough". as soon as they infused him, the patient stopped breathing.

I don't know what we're missing here, but Summer -- did you see this?! the patient stopped breathing as soon as he got the Propofol! they had him intubated and that helped him breathe from that very second.

either there are some dots I'm not connecting here or there's something extremely fishy in this whole story about 6 weeks of 50mgs of Propofol every night.

There are procedures where propofol is given and the patient doesn't need intubation. Pehaps it's a matter of dosage that makes the difference. What dosage the person received on CNN and what others are given could be different things. Summer can probably attest to this.
What I find interesting about this is he's saying their checkbook is always open regardless, YET they passed on the Rodgers and Hammerstein catalog that went up for sale. If I'm not mistaken, Michael was interested in it and Sony/ATV was in the running for it. Turns out, I recently found out, the winning company or whatever who ended up with the R&H catalog had JOHN BRANCA as their negotiator. :ermm: SO, in essence, he was bidding against Sony/ATV (Michael). And the cat sold for $200 million. Makes me wonder now did Bandier really bid vigorously FOR it at all if money was no object...or did John bid vigorously for it to make sure Sony/ATV (Michael) didn't get it? It's just weird how out of ALL the ppl who could have negotiated that catalog it turned out to be John, the man who got ATV for Michael. One of those funny coincidences? hmm...

Nah, more like Branca was involved with this sale because a) it's what he does b) he's considered one of, if not THE, best entertainment lawyers around and c) he hadn't worked for Michael since 2006 and didnt again till after that sale.

I'm keeping an open mind to everything right now but till something definitive comes out I think Branca did more than ok for Michael through the years. Maybe someone can assist with the reason Branca sold Michael his equity share in the Sony/ATV catalogue when he did - I wonder about that so would like to know.. but the fact that he DID kind of gives him the benefit of the doubt in my eyes. If Branca was up to no good and really in cahoots with Sony he wouldn't have sold his share or sold it to Michael.
This whole thing is unbelievable and just getting worse by the day. I'm so upset and sad over today's events. I can't believe MJ's death has been ruled a homicide. It's just devastating. This is awful to think his death could have been prevented.

Since this has been ruled a HOMICIDE; I believe there's only 1 way Michael's Death could have been prevented; He gave all the Catalogs back and let Sony do what they wanted to do with them, and let his Accoutants, Lawyers and Doctors SPEND HIS MONEY THE WAY THEY WANTED TO without him SAYING one word.
Another thing that I just thought of....Did anyone ever tell MJ that if they use Propofol, they might need to intubate him? That means sticking a tube down your throat. He was preparing for a tour. He was an artist...a SINGER. Sticking a tube down his throat every night would not have done wonders to his voice....Just a thought.

Thats right! You have a really sore and croaky throat afterwards and for upto several days afterwards too sometimes.
Just 1 lorazepam is enough to put the average person down for hours! What in the world was this man thinking?!
Seems to me like Murray had other things on his mind, and it was as if Michael was bothering him. So he just slew one Rx after the other. What a b*sterd!
WHAT was the DOSAGE on that CNN clip????????? Let us be smart about what the media tries to tell us. What was the dosage, what other drugs did this guy on CNN get??

Wasn't the contract b/w MJ and SONY over??
I agree with Chernoff, Murray's lawyer that they are conflicting reports, even within the warrant itself. Did he make calls, or did he go to relieve himself?? Make up your mind LAPD?
In the LAPD timeline, Murray leaves Michael for two minutes to use the bathroom, then finds Michael not breathing at 11 am. Murray's cell phone records indicate that he was on the phone to three different people for 47 minutes between 11:18 am and 12:05 pm, after supposedly finding Michael. That is a rather chilling thought.
Well, if one believes he received this on History tour, perhaps he relied on experience rather than being misled. And unfortunately, most fans know the difference between History tour and MJ's previous tours when it came to his voice.

true! god, it's ALL falling into place right now.

Oh Michael :(
Just 1 lorazepam is enough to put the average person down for hours! What in the world was this man thinking?!
Seems to me like Murray had other things on his mind, and it was as if Michael was bothering him. So he just slew one Rx after the other. What a b*sterd!
I agree with you. How can a person not sleep after these many powerful drugs?! He was only human.
sky news just said breaking news, that la coroner is treating whats happened as homicide!!!!

Murray did something, and finally, some people other than us fans are realizing it! :angry:


By now we KNOW that Murray killed Michael. What is not proven yet is whether this doctor was such an imbecile that it's amazing he could even manage to get himself dressed in the morning, OR, was he a hired assassin? It's one of those two scenarios. I hope the LAPD does NOT stop digging until the truth is revealed.

Good luck with that, the LAPD don't give an ish about Michael Jackson, our best hope is some prosecutor who wants to make a name for himself beyond Michael Jackson and decides to prosecutes this case.
WHAT was the DOSAGE on that CNN clip????????? Let us be smart about what the media tries to tell us. What was the dosage, what other drugs did this guy on CNN get??

Wasn't the contract b/w MJ and SONY over??

they didn't say :(... there must be a way for us to find out. I'll see what I can find out...

no, the contract wasn't over. I think Michael (in 2001) thought it was. I remember he said he was a free man except for a box set. he must have realized later on that the fine print told another story. it was supposed to be at the end of this year from what I'm learning.
There is no way he can tell anyone of us that after a valium Michael wasn't the least bit tired. It does not take 4 drugs and then Propofol to get someone to sleep. THATS NOT POSSIBLE. Michael weight about what 110 pounds one drug would have put him to sleep. He was killed but i still dont understand how he got the very first drug into Michael unless he lied about what it was. I heard he met Michael 6 weeks before he died is that a fact??
RedMaryFlint, unless Murray wasn't the person speaking on the phone. But the question remains: why didn't he call the ambulance during that time??

Is this because it was a top celeb like MJ and they wanted to be discreet? Was he trying to elicit from the entourage heads how to go about and handle this without causing a huge stir from the media??
OMG is certainly right KES so keep saying it so GOD will know we know. Check this out, not only did Michael Jackson while still under CONTRACT to SONY end up dead but all his Assests go to Sony and guess what with the FAKE SELF APPOINTED EXECUTOR who has always been in bed with SONY over MICHAEL ESTATE this is an all out PARTY for these Music Industry Moguls, they couldnt deal with Michael he wouldnt give them nothing so KILL him and take everything. Michael Jackson NEVER had a WILL he PUT everything in A TRUST and left his Mother Katherine Jackson as Trustee and his Children as Benficiries, Ive done the research there is a HUGE DIFFERENCE in a WILL and in a TRUST. There have DisInherited The Jackson Family and his Children and now everything is based on a TRUST that NO ONE knows what in it but John Branca and whatever he throws in it. How Perfffffffffffecccccccccccccttttttttttttttt.[/QUOTE

:yes: :yes: Let's hope that Mrs. K. Jackson lives to see those kids become adults or I don't want to think about the alternative if she doesn't......
Good luck with that, the LAPD don't give an ish about Michael Jackson, our best hope is some prosecutor who wants to make a name for himself beyond Michael Jackson and decides to prosecutes this case.

exactly. they only give a fuck when they can arrest MJ and set 3 mil bail on HIM.

I've never trusted the LAPD when it comes to being fair to Michael.

the fuckers!
Nah, more like Branca was involved with this sale because a) it's what he does b) he's considered one of, if not THE, best entertainment lawyers around and c) he hadn't worked for Michael since 2006 and didnt again till after that sale.

I'm keeping an open mind to everything right now but till something definitive comes out I think Branca did more than ok for Michael through the years. Maybe someone can assist with the reason Branca sold Michael his equity share in the Sony/ATV catalogue when he did - I wonder about that so would like to know.. but the fact that he DID kind of gives him the benefit of the doubt in my eyes. If Branca was up to no good and really in cahoots with Sony he wouldn't have sold his share or sold it to Michael.

Perhaps he sold it becuz something was being held over his head like, say, an offshore account in the Caymans he didn't want to have to answer to? I dunno. I don't want to suspect John here, either. I really don't. But it's mighty fishy that Raymone Bain claims she asked Michael twice about having a will over the past few years and Michael never saw fit to amend or change anything, yet Branca comes along and right away a letter is drawn up confirming his status as an executor. Was death on Michael's mind or something that he felt the need to even do this...and then he would actually die a week later?

I'm trying to keep an open mind, too....which is why I'm still holding on to my speculations for the most part, but a lot of things just have a bad coincidental vibe to them. If Michael were alive, I'd be all YAY, John. Right now, everybody's suspect, imo. Too much money and too much bad blood in the picture for NO ONE to be a suspect. Like I said earlier, not all agendas have to be about money. For some ppl, it could be personal.
Not only do I believe JOHN BRANCA was EXTORTING MONEY FROM Michael on this deal you are talking about, there is a blog somewhere on the internet Ive read so much overload; but anyway that JOHN BRANCA and PAUL McCARTNEY where working TOGHETHER to BUY the BEATLES CATALOG out of HOCK. Paul already knew to not BID because JOHN and PAUL had a SAY SAY SAY DEAL to use MICHAEL JACKSON's MONEY TO BUY the CATALOG and MICHAEL wouldnt give it back as soon or as easy as they had planned, Im CONVINCED now John Branca has been EXTORTING and EMBLEZZLING Michael Jackson's MONEY for DECADES and this is why Michael FIRED BRANCA and NEVER HIRED HIM BACK so they had to say that he hired BRANCA back the week before he was found DEAD, this was one of the first things Katherine Jackson QUESTIONED in their first COurt Appearance after Michael's Death, John Branca is THE FIXER in the Murder Plot. Its been John Branca getting Michael in DEBT Trouble as Dick Gregory said "All these Debts are Crazy Lies".

:yes: :yes:
I dunno if this has been posted yet...but Dr. Murrays lawyer just released a statement.
Sorry if it's been posted

Conrad Murray Lawyer -- It's Just Police Theory

Posted Aug 24th 2009 10:21PM by TMZ Staff

Dr. Conrad Murray's lawyer, Ed Chernoff, just released the following statement regarding the affidavit we published today, in which authorities recount Dr. Murray's blow-by-blow account of the day Michael Jackson died:

"Much of what was in the search warrant affidavit is factual. However, unfortunately, much is police theory. Most egregiously, the timeline reported by law enforcement was not obtained through interviews with Dr. Murray, as was implied by the affidavit. Dr. Murray simply never told investigators that he found Michael Jackson at 11:00 am not breathing.

He also never said that he waited a mere ten minutes before leaving to make several phone calls. In fact, Dr. Murray never said that he left Michael Jackson's room to make phone calls at all."
OMG is certainly right KES so keep saying it so GOD will know we know. Check this out, not only did Michael Jackson while still under CONTRACT to SONY end up dead but all his Assests go to Sony and guess what with the FAKE SELF APPOINTED EXECUTOR who has always been in bed with SONY over MICHAEL ESTATE this is an all out PARTY for these Music Industry Moguls, they couldnt deal with Michael he wouldnt give them nothing so KILL him and take everything. Michael Jackson NEVER had a WILL he PUT everything in A TRUST and left his Mother Katherine Jackson as Trustee and his Children as Benficiries, Ive done the research there is a HUGE DIFFERENCE in a WILL and in a TRUST. There have DisInherited The Jackson Family and his Children and now everything is based on a TRUST that NO ONE knows what in it but John Branca and whatever he throws in it. How Perfffffffffffecccccccccccccttttttttttttttt.[/QUOTE

:yes: :yes: Let's hope that Mrs. K. Jackson lives to see those kids become adults or I don't want to think about the alternative if she doesn't......

More than likely Katherine Jackson will live to see everyone of those who conspired to stop her baby Michael Jackson Heartbeat, she will live to see all them take their last breath and have their final heartbeat. Some people you just dont want to mess with they really are God's Anointed and God says Touch Not My Anointed.
Murray factually knew MJ in 2006!!!

Before we make assumptions, let us remember that before the HIStory tour, MJ had undergone procedures that likely took place using general anesthesia and therefore required intubation. So we can't assume that it was propofol-induced sleep and i ntubation that caused him to not sing at HIStory. Remember he has been singing hard for so many years, his voice cannot be oever-worked, plus singing (well) and dancing is really hard, and it isn't the first that MJ mimed in songs rather than sing out etc.
In the LAPD timeline, Murray leaves Michael for two minutes to use the bathroom, then finds Michael not breathing at 11 am. Murray's cell phone records indicate that he was on the phone to three different people for 47 minutes between 11:18 am and 12:05 pm, after supposedly finding Michael. That is a rather chilling thought.

yeah .....This is all rather chilling..the reports I heard a few days ago was...he called his employees and some family members that is why he wasn't in the room with Michael at the time. Now they are saying he went to relieve himself....I believe it is the first one of the two because it just fits in with the getting rid of any evidence outside of the house that may of pointed him as a suspect. Like the report of the girls going to the storage locker. He probably called family to be like OMG I killed Michael Jackson, what do I do now?? OR...He called the rest of the dirty people that were involved in this killing to say....well I did it Michael is gone. I dont put any one of these scenarios past Murray.
Michael Jackson's Medical Homicide: What The Coroner's Announcement Really Means

Michael Jackson’s death took a bizarre turn this afternoon when the Los Angeles County Coroner’s office announced it’d found the anesthetic propofol, usually used in general surgery, and two other sedatives to have caused the singer’s death in June. The drugs were no surprise—court testimony earlier this week established early on that Jackson was on myriad medications the day he died. The big shock came when the coroner announced that the death was being labeled a medical homicide.

It's important to note that homicide indicates that Jackson was killed; it does not, necessarily, mean he was murdered (homicide with intent to kill); most previous medical homicide cases have involved euthanasia. The Los Angeles County DA has not yet announced murder or manslaughter charges against Jackson's physician, Conrad Murray, who admits to giving Jackson the drugs.

Besides the fact that it made Jackson family whisperings of a conspiracy sound slightly less crazy, the "medical homicide" announcement left us wondering: what does medical homicide even mean? How do you draw the line between medical homicide and malpractice? And is it as bad as it sounds?

Yes, actually. NEWSWEEK's Sarah Kliff spoke with Dr. Vincent DiMaio, editor of the American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology and former chief medical examiner in Baxter County, Texas about what constitutes medical homicide, what doesn’t and why it’s actually not too difficult to tell the difference. Excerpts:

By classifying this death as a homicide, what is the Los Angeles County Coroner’s Office saying about the actions of Jackson’s doctor?
What they’re alleging is that [Michael Jackson’s doctor] gave [Jackson] a medication for a non-medical reason and that caused the death…The reason they can classify this as a homicide is that there is simply no medical reason for this drug to have been administered. Suppose he was in surgery, and the doctor had given him too much medication. That’s a different situation which would probably be signed off on as an accident. But in this situation, it’s clearly a homicide.

In general, how do you define a medical homicide? What makes it different from medical malpractice?
There are five ways that forensic pathologists categorize deaths: natural, accidental, homicide, suicide or undetermined. Essentially, homicide means that somebody has caused the death of another person…In terms of medical homicide specifically, I think the simplest way to say it is that it’s a medical decision that’s outrageous, that you could not justify your actions medically. Or you just go to extremes, like deciding to do an operative procedure for which you don’t have the support, doing an operation on your kitchen table. That’s essentially the way to say it: if you have a medical situation, where you’re using things inappropriately and have no medical justification, that’s homicide.

Is it difficult, in medical situations, to draw a line between accident and homicide? Are there cases that fall in between?
Usually, it’s actually really simple. If the doctor makes a mistake, you have records and other people who were in the room, and it would mostly be classified as malpractice. If it’s reasonable, and you screw up, it’s not going to be homicide. When you do something that’s really out there, that makes absolutely no medical sense at all, something like this, that’s when it’s no longer malpractice.

What about the Jackson case clearly indicates it was a homicide?
Even though there was no intention to kill, what he did was so beyond what normal people would consider reasonable medicine that it gets classified as a homicide. There was no medical justification and, besides that, he was using an anesthetic without an anesthesiologist. So not only do you have no medical justification, you also don’t have the right support system in place.

Will it be possible for the doctor to argue his case as a medical mistake, a case of negligence, not homicide?
You just can’t argue this one. Here’s the problem question for him: what is the medical justification for giving him this drug? And that’s where they’ve got him, because there is no medical reason for the situation he was in. He wasn’t even doing an operative procedure and there was no anesthesiologist. Moreover, he’s an internist. Even if the drug were warranted, the conditions would be inappropriate. It’s not his specialty, its not internal medicine and there were no support personnel.

How often do medical homicide cases come up in forensic pathology?
Very rarely. You do get some situations where doctors do medical procedures that are not recognized, causing the death of a patient, but most of these are medical malpractice. Most of the homicide cases that I know of are euthanasia, which is a bit different. It just gets to the point that, for something to be categorized as homicide, it would have to be something really gross, where there’s no real justification for what they are doing.

How does the Jackson case fit into the history of forensic pathology?
It’s completely unusual, not something that anyone, myself included, would ever expect to encounter. The only cases called homicide, that I know of, were where it was intended [the euthanasia cases]. But there’s nothing to this level.

OK Murray said that he called Brother Michael (Michael's assistant)? Brother Michael was not at the house:

That's from Larry King Live...

Why would he need to call Michael's assistant who was not home? I don't get it.... And I wonder what he told Brother Michael? Surely if he told Brother Michael that Michael Jackson was not breathing, the assistant would have immediately told Murray the address and called an ambulance himself. Surely he would have called the security and had them dispatched to the room...

This crap is so convoluted! If Murray is telling the truth, then why would Michael assistant not take it seriously?
It's bizarre. There's an emergency, and both Murray and Dileo call the assistant? And it's up to the 12-year-old to get security to call 911? Was the assistant on the way to the house not because he'd "heard", but specifically because Murray called him? Who is this Brother Michael, and where is he now?
I dunno if this has been posted yet...but Dr. Murrays lawyer just released a statement.
Sorry if it's been posted

Conrad Murray Lawyer -- It's Just Police Theory

Posted Aug 24th 2009 10:21PM by TMZ Staff

Dr. Conrad Murray's lawyer, Ed Chernoff, just released the following statement regarding the affidavit we published today, in which authorities recount Dr. Murray's blow-by-blow account of the day Michael Jackson died:

"Much of what was in the search warrant affidavit is factual. However, unfortunately, much is police theory. Most egregiously, the timeline reported by law enforcement was not obtained through interviews with Dr. Murray, as was implied by the affidavit. Dr. Murray simply never told investigators that he found Michael Jackson at 11:00 am not breathing.

He also never said that he waited a mere ten minutes before leaving to make several phone calls. In fact, Dr. Murray never said that he left Michael Jackson's room to make phone calls at all."

His lawyer is full of shit like his client is, I believe that somebody promised Conrad a huge amount of money all he needed to do was make sure that it looked like Mike died of a drug overdose, problem for Conrad is he mucked it up royally and his ass is being hung out to dry and he knows it. His only hope is to name names of others who helped him conspire to murder Michael, once the coroner decided to do the right thing and put down homicide all bets were off and Conrad is running like the scared bitch he truly is. He thought he was going to get paid, get away and the plan aint working out like he thought and all of his lies and other BS are being exposed.
A letter was drawn up confirming Branca as the executor in recent weeks before his death?? I never heard of that one before. But if MJ was touring then he would definitely have to tend to his will and that may have included a routine confirmatory letter from the executor. But how about the co-executor??
all those conspiracy theories make the head hurt..........at the end of the day... God called Michael home...

Word! I love Michael very, very much, too, people ... but once again... some of you guys are clearly delusional and in denial, sorry to say--again. This thread might as well be a tabloid, and I can't stand tabloids so I'm bowing out of here.

Carry on...
Murray factually knew MJ in 2006!!!

Before we make assumptions, let us remember that before the HIStory tour, MJ had undergone procedures that likely took place using general anesthesia and therefore required intubation. So we can't assume that it was propofol-induced sleep and i ntubation that caused him to not sing at HIStory. Remember he has been singing hard for so many years, his voice cannot be oever-worked, plus singing (well) and dancing is really hard, and it isn't the first that MJ mimed in songs rather than sing out etc.

It came out tonight that was a lie, Murray only met him 6 weeks ago. That story was floated about after MJ died to deviate from the lie, when stuff started falling apart everybody has been pointing fingers at each other.
it's a homicide because -- simply -- Dr. Murray had no logical reason to administer Propofol to Michael at 10:50 am (or whatever time he REALLY did it).

two important questions remain unanswered:

1) what was Dr. Murray's motive in doing what he did.

2) when was the actual time that the CORONER says Michael died.