JUST IN: Michael Jackson died of lethal levels of propofol, court documents show

Dr. Pisky on CNN blamed it on mj , he kept saying mj was asking for drug after drug and poor Murray had no choice but fullfill mj's demands . he feels bad for Murray because he did not know what he was putting himsilf into , it was mj's fault . did dr'pinsky even read the affidavite ?

No shocker there, that asswipe along with Jeffrey Toogarbage and others have been blaming Michael all along. Bottom line, regardless of these jerks opinions, Dr. Murderer clearly violated his hipocratic oath and killed Michael. No reputable doctor keeps supplying drugs to an addict regardless of if they keep asking for them, you put their ass in rehab or say NO! Murderer had the choice to say NO! so Pisky can keep shove his biased sympathy up his ass.
there is no way mj can have demanded anything if murray had given him what he claims ie all the sedatives. mj would ahve been out of it (not asleep) this is murrays excuse blame mj said he asked for it.

Thank you,

There is now F*ckin way Michael would even be comprehensive after all the shit he gave him.

This man is such a F*ckin liar. I hate liars with a passion.
indranee said:
seven years?!! SEVEN YEARS?!

people, that article was written in 2002. at the end of this year, Michael would have gained full control to his own catalogue, and possibly would have enough money to buy the rest of the Beatles catalogue.

it's sickening.

MJ#1WhoIsIt said:
Thats right see how easy things fall into place when you really have the right information. Michael would have been totally free probably July 1, 2009, Sharpton, Mottola and their Lawyers know the date of the contract Johnnie Cochran and Michael Jackson are dead, I bet it was before December 31, 2009, or better yet Michael probably signed it July 7, 2002 or whenever that FAKE WILL was supposed to have been signed instead they had Michael's funeral on his FREEDOM DATE from SONY - The DEVIL.

OMG...my heart about stopped reading this.
The clues just keep adding up...the situation just keeps going deeper...things just keep getting worse...
GOD. :(
and that's y pinsky isn't in the capacity to prescribe meds. he didn't even know that some of the meds were ok for mj to have. the anesthesiologist made him look stupid.

sorry but if they wanna portray mike as an addict, then it's the doctor who is at fault. u don't give those meds to an addict. he even said that. the faultlies w/ the doctor. the person wants it. they'renot thinking rationally. so it's up to the dr to stop it.

mj already paid the price for this crap. he's dead. so now the heads need to start rolling and the gavel needs to drop.those accountable need tobe called to stand before their judge and let's do this

murray and any others who helped
Deepak Chopra said on Larry King that he doesn't really blame Dr. Murray for not calling 911 right away. that he was probably panicking.

my respect for Chopra has been on a steep nosedive ever since Michael's death. :(

yeah I agree with you....Chopra has lost respect from me too. I think these doctors always cover each other's butts. And as far as Pinsky goes.....pfft....His opinion means nothing to me..
Dr. pinsky instead of saying that Murray admitting he gave all these meds to mj one after the other and still nothing wokred proved MJ had a severe insomnia , he said that he kept awake after all these drugs meant he was a very long drug addcit to all sort of things and he was suffering from withdrawal symptomps. I mean why such people are even on t? was mj addcit when he was a teenager and suffered from insomnia ?
and that's y pinsky isn't in the capacity to prescribe meds. he didn't even know that some of the meds were ok for mj to have. the anesthesiologist made him look stupid.

sorry but if they wanna portray mike as an addict, then it's the doctor who is at fault. u don't give those meds to an addict. he even said that. the faultlies w/ the doctor. the person wants it. they'renot thinking rationally. so it's up to the dr to stop it.

mj already paid the price for this crap. he's dead. so now the heads need to start rolling and the gavel needs to drop.those accountable need tobe called to stand before their judge and let's do this

murray and any others who helped

Ditto!!! I wanna see some heads roll.....I wanna see some justice for Michael.
When my husband's daughter passed at the hands of her step-mother, she called her ex-husband (now my current husband) before she called 911 (at the time, she said his daughter fell, hit her head, and was non-responsive, so she was asking what to do)...and he was in another state (military-duty)! Of course my husband shouted at her to call the 911.

She was panicking because she knew she f*** up. (The step-mom/his ex-wife choked the toddler to death.)

I can believe that Murray called other folks, in a panic and because he f*** up, to find out how to deal with this or what to do. Now the key part is to talk to these other folks.

He will try to put the spin on it, that MJ, was an addict, but I still think MJ asked for this drug because it was introduced to him as something that could help him sleep, and it did, so he continued to use it.

I do not believe he was using it to get "high."Which is what I"m about to post in another board momentarily. He just wanted to go to sleep and rest his soul, now he is.

First of all the panic excuse is bullshit. Doctors are trained to not panic in emergency situations. This man is a cardiologist.

He is suppose to know what to do in these situations. He didn't panic. He wanted to cover his ass.
Oh Lord.
Even if Michael demanded it,no serious doctor gives him 3 different kinds of painkillers in just 3 hours.Shame!Anything for money.

They were not painkillers (damn this is how rumors get started) they were sedative. Powerful ones at that.
First of all the panic excuse is bullshit. Doctors are trained to not panic in emergency situations. This man is a cardiologist.

He is suppose to know what to do in these situations. He didn't panic. He wanted to cover his ass.

Exactly, that's why he didn't call the paramedics, that's why he lied at the beginning of not giving him propofol, and that's why he fled. He was freaking out.
Mj was dead before Murray made the phone calls to Houston , so mj was dead before 9.22 am LA TIME the time the assistants went and removed the boxes . he is claimng now he gave mj propofol 10 .45 am LA time , only to not be forced to explain the calls in the early morning and the VERY LONG period of waiting before caLLING FOR HELP .

According to the chief of Fire department , MJ was FAR LONG GONE when they arrived .
and that's y pinsky isn't in the capacity to prescribe meds. he didn't even know that some of the meds were ok for mj to have. the anesthesiologist made him look stupid.

sorry but if they wanna portray mike as an addict, then it's the doctor who is at fault. u don't give those meds to an addict. he even said that. the faultlies w/ the doctor. the person wants it. they'renot thinking rationally. so it's up to the dr to stop it.

mj already paid the price for this crap. he's dead. so now the heads need to start rolling and the gavel needs to drop.those accountable need tobe called to stand before their judge and let's do this

murray and any others who helped

I am so glad I wasn't the only one that noticed that Dr. Drew looked stuck on stupid after Dr. Dyson who is a practicing Anesthesiologist, let him know that those particular meds can be given together and that it is done on a regular in the hospital.
Dr. Drew needs to stick with those B-D list celebs that like to make an ass of themselves on reality tv and let the real doctors do what they do best.
It does not make any sense that he waited all that time and tried to cover everything before calling for help , hired an attorney disappeared for two days , went back and admitted to giving mj all these drugs which could have been taken by mj's himself .

my point is : administring propofol is incriminating enough , your defence would have been like all lawyers said before today , he was taking other meds that other doctors were prescribing, i had no idea he was getting those drugs and i administred porofol like i do every day and was shocked by his death . propofol could have killed him but there were other drugs it was a combination of drugs that have killed him you can't blame me ..

is not this what you would expect from someone who hired an attorney and left for two days to prepare his case ?

what did make murray admit to the things he did ?
Man this thread has turned into tabloid rubbish. Can we just get the facts mam just the facts?

Just remember that in every suspicious event the golden rule to ask is QUE BONO (who profit) ?
Why would you give valium and then 1/2 hr after give ativan iv? Ativan lasts about 4-6 hrs in the body. You become groggy. Then you chose to give versed? now why? Did you have a cardiac monitor handy and a crash cart at hand incase the patient goes into respiratory failure? Dang!! This Murderer is so incompetent that he even panic?
I think Michael was dead hours before he did anything. Michael did not know what hit him..This man will go to hell for sure.
I really dont know why he gave versed. It knocks you out for half an hour for the most..too much ativan at too short an interval..This was the day to Kill Michael..Hope they are happy..
Dumb fool took that long to call the paramedics..He knew Michael was deal already and he had to cover himself..
The Police will get the phone call from the phone company..It will reveal the conversation..
BTW who is paying the Lawyer as Murray has no money?
He is lying as it is natural for him..He is probably on some drugs him self..
Lawyer: Police twisted Jackson doc's words

(AP) – 2 hours ago

LOS ANGELES — A lawyer for Michael Jackson's personal doctor says police have twisted his client's account of the singer's last hours.

Dr. Conrad Murray never told detectives he left Jackson and returned to find he had stopped breathing at 11 a.m. on June 25, attorney Edward Chernoff said in a statement late Monday.

That was one of the assertions in court papers, unsealed Monday, that are part of the investigation into how Jackson died. Chernoff called much of what's in the affidavit, which Los Angeles Police filed to search Murray's Texas clinic last month, "police theory."

The Los Angeles Coroner's office has ruled Jackson's death a homicide caused by a mix of drugs meant to treat insomnia, a law enforcement official told The Associated Press.
okay guys... I'm gonna watch Mike dancing up a storm in Speed Demon and then go to bed. I can't take much more of this tonight... god help whomever is responsible. cos that's the only way their ass is going to be saved.
This is murder and Murray was working for someone or group who want Jackson out of the way. Funny how the Media knew all of this "drug OD" instantly. "Lucky" AEG put that Drug over dose clause in their insurance policy. How "clever" of them to know how MJ who "officially die."

This is it; the cover story folk as I predicted

Murray want get a day in jail. Will he be "suicided" by the real perps? Katherine watch your back and your food. Look at Elizabeth Taylor.
It does not make any sense that he waited all that time and tried to cover everything before calling for help , hired an attorney disappeared for two days , went back and admitted to giving mj all these drugs which could have been taken by mj's himself .

my point is : administring propofol is incriminating enough , your defence would have been like all lawyers said before today , he was taking other meds that other doctors were prescribing, i had no idea he was getting those drugs and i administred porofol like i do every day and was shocked by his death . propofol could have killed him but there were other drugs it was a combination of drugs that have killed him you can't blame me ..

is not this what you would expect from someone who hired an attorney and left for two days to prepare his case ?

what did make murray admit to the things he did ?

well he had to admit to the intervenous ones because michael could not administer them to himself and Murray knew that they would show up in the tox report. The pills he gave Michael....I dont know why he told the truth about them....maybe Murray has a conscience and it is getting to him.
Mj was dead before Murray made the phone calls to Houston , so mj was dead before 9.22 am LA TIME the time the assistants went and removed the boxes . he is claimng now he gave mj propofol 10 .45 am LA time , only to not be forced to explain the calls in the early morning and the VERY LONG period of waiting before caLLING FOR HELP .

According to the chief of Fire department , MJ was FAR LONG GONE when they arrived .

Yes, he was already showing signs of livor mortis according to the paramedic report.

About Livor Mortis

one of the signs of death, is a settling of the blood in the lower (dependent) portion of the body, causing a purplish red discoloration of the skin: when the heart is no longer agitating the blood, heavy red blood cells sink through the serum by action of gravity. This discoloration does not occur in the areas of the body that are in contact with the ground or another object, as the capillaries are compressed. Coroners can use the presence or absence of livor mortis as a means of determining an approximate time of death. The presence of livor mortis is an indication of when it would be irrelevant to begin CPR, or when it is ineffective to continue it if it is in progress. It can also be used by forensic investigators to determine whether or not a body has been moved (for instance, if the body is found lying face down but the pooling is present on the deceased's back, investigators can determine that the body was originally positioned face up).
Livor mortis starts 20 minutes to 3 hours after death and is congealed in the capillaries in 4 to 5 hours. Maximum lividity occurs within 6-12 hours. The blood pools into the interstitial tissues of the body.
There are procedures where propofol is given and the patient doesn't need intubation. Pehaps it's a matter of dosage that makes the difference. What dosage the person received on CNN and what others are given could be different things. Summer can probably attest to this.

True. It depends what you wanna do. If you wanna just have the patient sedated a bit or have them knocked out completely. If they are just sedated, you don't need to intubate. When we use Propofol to sedate kids for diagnostic procedures, we don't intubate them...they just get oxygen with a mask and are monitored with a Pulse Oximeter. But there are two of us to monitor and watch the patient plus other medical staff around as well. And we have everything you need to intubate there plus everything you'd need in an emergency. In the OR we always intubate the patients because we don't want the patients to be just slightly sedated, they need to be knocked out. The patient in the CNN clip was gonna get surgery, so they wanted the patient to be completely under. Depends what dose you use and how fast you inject it ,what Propofol will do to you.

There is no way he can tell anyone of us that after a valium Michael wasn't the least bit tired. . It does not take 4 drugs and then Propofol to get someone to sleep. THATS NOT POSSIBLE. Michael weight about what 110 pounds one drug would have put him to sleep. He was killed but i still dont understand how he got the very first drug into Michael unless he lied about what it was. I heard he met Michael 6 weeks before he died is that a fact??

Actually yeah it is possible. Like I said before, we once had a one year old who needed three different drugs during one night, and he still didn't sleep through the night and kept waking up. And had all that not have worked, the next step for him would have been something more powerful and intubation. But that was only because he had breathing problems anyways. It was a bit of a catch 22. He was admitted because he had an infection and was not getting enough oxygen. But he was so scared and agitated that we could not get him to accept neither an oxygen mask nor a nasal canulla. He kept ripping them off. So without them he was calm...but not getting enough oxygen. With them he went crazy...and kept ripping them off and kicking and screaming which of course was also not good for his breathing. So we had two options. Try to lightly sedate him, even though we knew the drugs could cause even more respiratory problems....or take him to the ICU and intubate him. And no one really wanted to get that invasive, so the doctors decided to go with the lighter option. So he got a small dose of one drug first....and he was calm for maybe an hour...then he got another drug...and he was again calm for maybe an hour, probably two hours max. So he got another small dose of the first drug again, and it worked for maybe an hour and finally he got the third drug and he slept a couple of hours and then he was wide awake again. So it was a small one year old...and even he needed three different drugs to get him through the night. We just used small doses because he was already having difficulty breathing so we wanted him to be calm, but not get enough to cause his respiration to be influenced much, since the whole point of it all was to not wanting to have to intubate him. Luckily he was doing better in the morning though and was able to accept the canulla, so he got through the worst that way. Anyways, the point is that it is very well possible that Michael kept waking up, even though he got all those different drugs. I'm not defending Dr. Murray though. I'm just saying, it's possible from how those drugs work.
Its time for people to wake and realize all killers aint in the hood and wear hoods, some wear white button shirts and $5000 dollar suits everyday, let me tell you how far I believe this goes back and most people overlooked it but some caught it, when Michael was in the heat of his fight with Tommy Mottola and Sony to get away from them he had I believe correct me until 2010 and he would be a Free Agent and OWN ALL his CATALOGS free and Clear, tell me how did his Defending Attorney Johnnie Cochran end up dead with Brain Cancer while he was defending Michael and Michael ends up dead 4 years later himself while still under contract with SONY? Yes I dont believe Johnnie Cochran just died of Brain Cancer either.

I don't know about that but there's a saying "the business field is like a battle field", If you're good to your enemy, you are cruel to yourself. They are scarier than the killers in the hoods, they are evil people disguising themselves as good people, killing their enemies without leaving traces of bloods in their hands!
murrays an idiot he cant expain himself. he's too stupid. i hope they put him away for a long time

Thank you! Somebody said what I've been thinking all along only much nicer than how I would say it! ie : MURRAY F**KED UP BIG TIME! and HE is the reason why MICHAEL PASSED AWAY.
Deepak Chopra said on Larry King that he doesn't really blame Dr. Murray for not calling 911 right away. that he was probably panicking.

my respect for Chopra has been on a steep nosedive ever since Michael's death. :(

Deepak Chopra needs to shut up. That's all I'm going to say. And I used to like him. USED TO being the key words...

Even if you panic you don't wait 30 minutes to an HOUR to call 911!!!! I mean, let's be honest....if you panic and DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO.....what do you do??? You call 911 TO GET HELP! To have someone TELL you what to do and to get them SEND someone there to HELP you!! I do understand that everyone still is just a human and even though you train for emergency, at the end of the day you still are human and will react like a human, and sometimes you panic even when you don't intend. But no matter how much you panic I can not believe someone would be incapable of calling 911 right away. That's how you get help if don't know what to do yourself and are in panic. When we have an emergency at the ward, the first thing we do is call for help. Get someone else to call the emeregency team. And usually help is there within a minute. And I can't find ANY way to defend Dr. Murray...no matter how I try. If he gave Propofol to MJ, and he's not an anesthesiologist and he had no one there to assist him and obviously was not prepared for an emergency...then I'm sorry...there is no excusing what he did. No way. His goose is cooked.
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Originally Posted by MJ#1WhoIsIt
Its time for people to wake and realize all killers aint in the hood and wear hoods, some wear white button shirts and $5000 dollar suits everyday, let me tell you how far I believe this goes back and most people overlooked it but some caught it, when Michael was in the heat of his fight with Tommy Mottola and Sony to get away from them he had I believe correct me until 2010 and he would be a Free Agent and OWN ALL his CATALOGS free and Clear, tell me how did his Defending Attorney Johnnie Cochran end up dead with Brain Cancer while he was defending Michael and Michael ends up dead 4 years later himself while still under contract with SONY? Yes I dont believe Johnnie Cochran just died of Brain Cancer either.
Originally Posted by MJ#1WhoIsIt
Its time for people to wake and realize all killers aint in the hood and wear hoods, some wear white button shirts and $5000 dollar suits everyday, let me tell you how far I believe this goes back and most people overlooked it but some caught it, when Michael was in the heat of his fight with Tommy Mottola and Sony to get away from them he had I believe correct me until 2010 and he would be a Free Agent and OWN ALL his CATALOGS free and Clear, tell me how did his Defending Attorney Johnnie Cochran end up dead with Brain Cancer while he was defending Michael and Michael ends up dead 4 years later himself while still under contract with SONY? Yes I dont believe Johnnie Cochran just died of Brain Cancer either.

You are right on point Johnny Cochran was murdered aswell.

I also believed Elizabeth Taylor was poisoned to keep out of the way. She would definately be setting the record straight on the "drug addict" nonsense propagated by the media.
sorry but if they wanna portray mike as an addict, then it's the doctor who is at fault. u don't give those meds to an addict. he even said that. the faultlies w/ the doctor. the person wants it. they'renot thinking rationally. so it's up to the dr to stop it.

mj already paid the price for this crap. he's dead. so now the heads need to start rolling and the gavel needs to drop.those accountable need tobe called to stand before their judge and let's do this

murray and any others who helped

I agree. I'm not buying that mess either. Murray could have quit with Michael still alive without that cursed propofol in his body and walked out the door if Michael was demanding it. Never mind the doggone money. Ethics trump cash. No choice my aunt Fanny.
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*sigh* this is not the investigative part of the forum.

Some of you guys should really step back, take a deep breath or breath into a paper bag.

Please differ between facts and speculation or theoretical possibilities.

Also summer and others... as much as I value your guys knowledge in medical stuff, please know I sincerely do, please mention that there is at times the possibility stuff works different in different ppl under different circumstances.
And as a matter of fact non of us knows all the circumstances... I do have my doubts even the coroner does.

Please this is a very emotional topic for all of us to talk about... but this mixing up of what is really known as fact... and what's only possible and making sense but not to prove for now... and then what's really sometimes crazy speculation... mixing up all that will not help... noone.

All those curses on Murray... oh please they are in my heart also... but try to keep them and vent them at the apropriate thread.

Also I'd like to ask everyone in an emotional uproar to please use the support forum.
Yes no doubt this is heart breaking!!!!!!!!!! for all of us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But I would like to ask ppl here in this discussion to use their minds and keep their emotions under controll... or even go to the support forum.

It's too bad that all these threads are getting nowhere lately and are just a mess in the end!
No moderator in this world could differ and clean fast enough.

Please please please let's turn back to mindfull discussion.
All the rest will not help neither Michael, nor us, nor the matter of fact that the family and us want/need clearity about the circumstances of his death.
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