JUST IN: Michael Jackson died of lethal levels of propofol, court documents show

*sigh* this is not the investigative part of the forum.

Some of you guys should really step back, take a deep breath or breath into a paper back.

Please differ between facts and speculation or theoretical possibilities.

Also summer and others... as much as I value your guys knowledge in medical stuff, please know I sincerely do, please mention that there is at times the possibility stuff works different in different ppl under different circumstances.
And as a matter of fact non of us knows all the circumstances... I do have my doubt the coroner still does.

Please this is a very emotional topic for all of us to talk about... but this mixing up of what is really known as fact... and what's only possible and making sense but not to prove for now... and then what's really sometimes crazy speculation... mixing up all that will not help... noone.

All those curses on Murray... oh please they are in my heart also... but try to keep them and vent them at the apropriate thread.

Also I'd like to ask everyone in an emotional uproar to please use the support forum.
Yes no doubt this is heart breaking!!!!!!!!!! for all of us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But I would like to ask ppl here in this discussion to use their minds and keep their emotions under controll... or even go to the support forum.

It's too bad that all these threads are getting nowhere lately and are just a mess in the end!
No moderator in this world could differ and clean fast enough.

Please please please let's turn back to mindfull discussion.
All the rest will not help neither Michael, nor us, nor the matter of fact that the family and us want/need clearity about the circumstances of his death.

thank you for redirecting. This thread has collapsed under its own weight! You mods are so very much appreciated, so you know!
Originally Posted by MJ#1WhoIsIt
Its time for people to wake and realize all killers aint in the hood and wear hoods, some wear white button shirts and $5000 dollar suits everyday, let me tell you how far I believe this goes back and most people overlooked it but some caught it, when Michael was in the heat of his fight with Tommy Mottola and Sony to get away from them he had I believe correct me until 2010 and he would be a Free Agent and OWN ALL his CATALOGS free and Clear, tell me how did his Defending Attorney Johnnie Cochran end up dead with Brain Cancer while he was defending Michael and Michael ends up dead 4 years later himself while still under contract with SONY? Yes I dont believe Johnnie Cochran just died of Brain Cancer either.

You are right on point Johnny Cochran was murdered aswell.

I also believed Elizabeth Taylor was poisoned to keep out of the way. She would definately be setting the record straight on the "drug addict" nonsense propagated by the media.

Elizabeth Taylor was poisoned? Okay, what have I missed? *goes to check the news*
Oh my god, MJJStarlight, i want to know about our dream. I haven't seen a dream about Michael's death, but I CAN'T SHAKE A FEELING THAT MICHAEL IS WITH ME EVERY MINUTE AND HE WANTS US TO KNOW THE TRUTH ABOUT HIS DEATH!!! And it's much more than just Dr. Murray! Much more.
I can't sleep anymore, dunno what to do, how to make truth surface?
I pm you.

Yea, I have been feeling the same way. Him and God wants the truth to come out.
Deepak Chopra needs to shut up. That's all I'm going to say. And I used to like him. USED TO being the key words...

I agree. Murray is not a child. Why is everybody on TV babying him? With all these years of education he obviously had to get to recieve a license to start off, and with these additional years of experience not to mention the reports of his other patients doing interviews trying to prop up his character and talking about how great he is at his job, you'd think he would know what to do without making all these stupid mistakes, not calling 911 on his cellphone right off the bat and wasting almost an hour's time wherein Michael could have been saved. Murray messed up big time. And there is absolutely no excuse for it.
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GUYS he gave him the other drugs after HE DIED OR WAS DYING , the cause of death is ONLY PROPOFOL , if other meds were found they would have never be able to rule that propofol was the cause of death and not a combination of drugs .

he found mj in dire need of situation or even dead and started injecting him with every fucking drugs he had , to make it look like mj overdosed himself .

This is what I believe. Michael died well before this liar stated. He pumped with all types of shit.
We have from the first article Murray's version of what happened and this:

L.A. County coroner's officials found lethal levels of the powerful anesthetic propofol after examining Michael Jackson's body, according to a search warrant affidavit unsealed today in Houston.

Also regarding Murray's claim that he feared Michael would become addicted to propofol: wasn't an article posted saying that it was very hard; almost impossible that one could become addicted to propofol?

If it is possible to get addicted, then if as Murray claims he was giving it to him every night for six weeks; he should have forseen the potential for addiction. Regardless, it was the LETHAL levels of propofol that killed him.

Over the next few hours, Murray said he gave Jackson various drugs. Then at 10:40 a.m., Murray administered 25 milligrams of propofol after Jackson repeatedly demanded the drug, according to the court record.

This is some bullshit. Murray; knowing he had given Michael multiple drugs that night, decides to leave Michael unobserved under the influence of one he thinks he's becoming addicted to. Doesn't that sound strange?

Murray, who believes Michael is becoming addicted to propofol decides to give him some anyway (of course he'll say Mike begged him-Murray doesn't want to take the blame) and LEAVES HIM ALONE (knowing that it is necessary to observe the patient while they are under this drug and that he doesn't even have the proper equipment to do so).

I believe Murray is lying. If he only gave him 25 mg of propofol, why were LETHAL LEVELS of propofol found in Mike's body according to the cornoner's report. Murray claims he had been giving Mike 50 mg before and he didn't die. Therefore, more than 25 mg, more than 50 mg was put in Mike's body.
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*sigh* this is not the investigative part of the forum.

Some of you guys should really step back, take a deep breath or breath into a paper back.

Please differ between facts and speculation or theoretical possibilities.

Also summer and others... as much as I value your guys knowledge in medical stuff, please know I sincerely do, please mention that there is at times the possibility stuff works different in different ppl under different circumstances.
And as a matter of fact non of us knows all the circumstances... I do have my doubts even the coroner does.

Please this is a very emotional topic for all of us to talk about... but this mixing up of what is really known as fact... and what's only possible and making sense but not to prove for now... and then what's really sometimes crazy speculation... mixing up all that will not help... noone.

All those curses on Murray... oh please they are in my heart also... but try to keep them and vent them at the apropriate thread.

Also I'd like to ask everyone in an emotional uproar to please use the support forum.
Yes no doubt this is heart breaking!!!!!!!!!! for all of us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But I would like to ask ppl here in this discussion to use their minds and keep their emotions under controll... or even go to the support forum.

It's too bad that all these threads are getting nowhere lately and are just a mess in the end!
No moderator in this world could differ and clean fast enough.

Please please please let's turn back to mindfull discussion.
All the rest will not help neither Michael, nor us, nor the matter of fact that the family and us want/need clearity about the circumstances of his death.

Of course drugs sometimes work differently on different people (and like I said earlier I was only referring to certain drugs and said I didn't knwo WHAT all the doctor did use)...that is exactly WHY you should be PREPARED and not use those kind of drugs at home. That's the point I've been trying to get across. A lot of drugs are safe WHEN USED PROPERLY, that does not only include the right drug and correct dose, but the correct setting and equipmemt as well. You can mix a lot of drugs when you KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING...the same drugs that are safe when used properly and in correct doses can kill someone else if you don't know what you're doing. And that is exactly WHY you should not used them in a home and why only an anesthesiologist should administer drugs such as Propofol. I can refrain from telling any of you anything I know about the drugs we use on a daily basis in our OR if you guys so wish. Doesn't matter to me, I'll know what's possible since I've used them. I just thought I'll tell you guys since so many seemed to have completly wrong ideas about them. I'm not trying to defend Dr. Murray, I just thought I'll tell you because I know that if this goes to court, the defense will most likely try to use that as their defense...that "the mix wasn't dangerous", etc. and it necessarily wasn't. But if people don't wish to hear about the drugs, I'll keep it to myself. I was asked by others to share though. I'm not trying to create confusion...trying to clear it up a bit. Whatever you guys want...
Michael wouldn't have died if only Murray just gave michael propofol in the first place. He had michael under various medicines which makes him a COLD BLOODED MURDERER!
Lawyer: Police twisted Jackson doc's words

(AP) – 2 hours ago

LOS ANGELES — A lawyer for Michael Jackson's personal doctor says police have twisted his client's account of the singer's last hours.

Dr. Conrad Murray never told detectives he left Jackson and returned to find he had stopped breathing at 11 a.m. on June 25, attorney Edward Chernoff said in a statement late Monday.

That was one of the assertions in court papers, unsealed Monday, that are part of the investigation into how Jackson died. Chernoff called much of what's in the affidavit, which Los Angeles Police filed to search Murray's Texas clinic last month, "police theory."

The Los Angeles Coroner's office has ruled Jackson's death a homicide caused by a mix of drugs meant to treat insomnia, a law enforcement official told The Associated Press.

this is the same lawyer who scoffed at the fact that when it was rumored to be a homicide as the cause of death a few wks ago, that he wouldn't respond to anonymous sources and there was no indication that homicide would be the cause of death

he's a moron just like his client
Why would you give valium and then 1/2 hr after give ativan iv? Ativan lasts about 4-6 hrs in the body. You become groggy. Then you chose to give versed? now why? Did you have a cardiac monitor handy and a crash cart at hand incase the patient goes into respiratory failure? Dang!! This Murderer is so incompetent that he even panic?
I think Michael was dead hours before he did anything. Michael did not know what hit him..This man will go to hell for sure.
I really dont know why he gave versed. It knocks you out for half an hour for the most..too much ativan at too short an interval..This was the day to Kill Michael..Hope they are happy..
Dumb fool took that long to call the paramedics..He knew Michael was deal already and he had to cover himself..
The Police will get the phone call from the phone company..It will reveal the conversation..
BTW who is paying the Lawyer as Murray has no money?
He is lying as it is natural for him..He is probably on some drugs him self..

the half life of these drugs...they didn't even have a chance to metabolize before he started giving him more and more. it's not like it was a condensed dose, it was one after another after another. :doh:
did anyone ask themselves how could a man stay in a room with fireplaces on all night in June ? how could murray stay in that room all night ? i would not be able to stay without a A.C let alone with a fireplace

June in LA. Shit I'm In NC and we been getting nearly 100 degree temps here. I can imagine what the temp was like in LA.
that f**k better not commit suicide he needs to pay for his crime, he needs to die painfully slowly

Now he wants to commit sucide.

You little BITCH, you should done that the minute you pumped that shit in Mike. It's to late now, you going to pay dearly for this and it want by your on hands.

You MutherFu*cker.


by the way is not the attorney own publicist the one who confirmed that the Murray thought that since mj did have propofol before and he did not suffer any complications he thought it was safe to leave him to call his assistants and family memebrs? he confirmed that already
Dr. Murray says he noticed that Jackson wasn't breathing at around 11 AM. He was then on the cell phone for 47 minutes with 3 separate calls, from 11:18 to 12:05. The 911 call came in at 12:21 PM .... a much longer delay than originally reported.


those 2 hours between the administration of Propofol and the 911 call make it much, much more than simple medical malpractice.

read the post above yours. it's unbelievable. he made three -- THREE -- phone calls on his cell phone to someone OTHER than 911.

now we need to establish motive. once that happens, this guy's done. stick a fork in him.

This destroys the claim that some are making that he panicked. Instead of working to frantically to bring MJ out of unconsciousness (and then calling 911) or immediately calling 911, he goes and makes 3 separate phone calls. Before he was claiming he never had a phone. It would have been easy for him to say: 'I was scared and called so-and-so." (That makes no sense, but I know people might think that.) Then why claim he never had a phone? He is trying to cover it up. Its looking less and less like an 'accident.' :no:

by the way is not the attorney own publicist the one who confirmed that the Murray thought that since mj did have propofol before and he did not suffer any complications he thought it was safe to leave him to call his assistants and family memebrs? he confirmed that already

I think this is true, I don't remember completely. Why keep changing your story if it was just an accident? Instead Murray gives multiple excuses which contradict each other (all of them to deflect blame off himself): ex. Mike begged me for it, I thought it was ok to leave him alone b/c he had no problems with it, I had no phone...

Whether involvuntary or voluntary, this was murder. Murray's 'I only gave him 25 mg (as if to say I came back and was shocked, I dunno what happened) is bullshit. He contradicts himself again. 25 mg kills MJ, but 50 mg is fine? Come on, dude. You've been caught. The cornoner's report says a LETHAL amount.
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Of course drugs sometimes work differently on different people (and like I said earlier I was only referring to certain drugs and said I didn't knwo WHAT all the doctor did use)...that is exactly WHY you should be PREPARED and not use those kind of drugs at home. That's the point I've been trying to get across. A lot of drugs are safe WHEN USED PROPERLY, that does not only include the right drug and correct dose, but the correct setting and equipmemt as well. You can mix a lot of drugs when you KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING...the same drugs that are safe when used properly and in correct doses can kill someone else if you don't know what you're doing. And that is exactly WHY you should not used them in a home and why only an anesthesiologist should administer drugs such as Propofol. I can refrain from telling any of you anything I know about the drugs we use on a daily basis in our OR if you guys so wish. Doesn't matter to me, I'll know what's possible since I've used them. I just thought I'll tell you guys since so many seemed to have completly wrong ideas about them. I'm not trying to defend Dr. Murray, I just thought I'll tell you because I know that if this goes to court, the defense will most likely try to use that as their defense...that "the mix wasn't dangerous", etc. and it necessarily wasn't. But if people don't wish to hear about the drugs, I'll keep it to myself. I was asked by others to share though. I'm not trying to create confusion...trying to clear it up a bit. Whatever you guys want...
I for one, never got any other sense from what you've posted, and thanks for sharing your perspective. Thanks, all the 'medi-fans' :yes: :)
Of course drugs sometimes work differently on different people (and like I said earlier I was only referring to certain drugs and said I didn't knwo WHAT all the doctor did use)...that is exactly WHY you should be PREPARED and not use those kind of drugs at home. That's the point I've been trying to get across. A lot of drugs are safe WHEN USED PROPERLY, that does not only include the right drug and correct dose, but the correct setting and equipmemt as well. You can mix a lot of drugs when you KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING...the same drugs that are safe when used properly and in correct doses can kill someone else if you don't know what you're doing. And that is exactly WHY you should not used them in a home and why only an anesthesiologist should administer drugs such as Propofol. I can refrain from telling any of you anything I know about the drugs we use on a daily basis in our OR if you guys so wish. Doesn't matter to me, I'll know what's possible since I've used them. I just thought I'll tell you guys since so many seemed to have completly wrong ideas about them. I'm not trying to defend Dr. Murray, I just thought I'll tell you because I know that if this goes to court, the defense will most likely try to use that as their defense...that "the mix wasn't dangerous", etc. and it necessarily wasn't. But if people don't wish to hear about the drugs, I'll keep it to myself. I was asked by others to share though. I'm not trying to create confusion...trying to clear it up a bit. Whatever you guys want...

So is 25 ml of propofol a lot or not? because they said they found lethal amounts in his body, so is 25ml lethal or is Murray lying? and the mix of drugs they are talking about have you seen this mix being used before? Its just hard to believe that the body could survive with so many drugs in the system. Another thing is why would they use Propofol for sleep iv been under for surgery and woke up feeling even more tired than when I went in, wouldn't the docoter know that this wasn't going to help Michael feel rested?
Uhm...50 mg? really? Doesn't it have to be administered continuosly for it to work? I would think 50 mg would metabolize fairly quickly, why do that when you can put an iv in? Which i suspect he did but is lying, bastard!!!
i think all the fans of the world we should stand up for are rights in this world what happen to are heao, are talent of the world he is are angel all the years we're there for him i think we should all go and street fight for are lives again and support are Jacksons Family in this world
i got to do this and i got to do this to fight are love one we love so much on you with me WE ALL SHOULD FIGHT WITH JACKSONS FAMILY :yes:

i can't take this anymore WE ALL SHOULD STAND UP AND FIGHT FOR THIS :yes:
i'm so angry at dr.murry and that nuise too :mat:

i can't be here and or watch that news on this this i got to fight this :yes:

so who is with me
I have been screaming this for a week now. Why it had to take this for everyone to realize we need to ban together.

Go to this link.
The movement has already started. Just waiting on ya'll.

Power In Numbers!!
OK Murray said that he called Brother Michael (Michael's assistant)? Brother Michael was not at the house:

That's from Larry King Live...

Why would he need to call Michael's assistant who was not home? I don't get it.... And I wonder what he told Brother Michael? Surely if he told Brother Michael that Michael Jackson was not breathing, the assistant would have immediately told Murray the address and called an ambulance himself. Surely he would have called the security and had them dispatched to the room...

This crap is so convoluted! If Murray is telling the truth, then why would Michael assistant not take it seriously?
okay? *sigh*
Now all this time people kept saying Michael was a drug addict. How many people posted this....the media said it countless times also..sickening. Michael was NOT A DRUG ADDICT . As we see MURRAY put the drugs in Michael's system. not Michael putting the drugs in Michaels system. I am so upset right now. I knew that Murray killed Michael...also I am sure it goes alot deeper than Murray also. I am venting right now but...I wrote the truth. Michael did not deserve do die it wasn't his time.

Exactly, this is all you been hearing. His a drug addict.

I F*ckin dare you to say that shit now.

The truth always come out.

You want to ban together now.
Power In Numbers!!
Deepak Chopra needs to shut up. That's all I'm going to say. And I used to like him. USED TO being the key words...

Even if you panic you don't wait 30 minutes to an HOUR to call 911!!!! I mean, let's be honest....if you panic and DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO.....what do you do??? You call 911 TO GET HELP! To have someone TELL you what to do and to get them SEND someone there to HELP you!! I do understand that everyone still is just a human and even though you train for emergency, at the end of the day you still are human and will react like a human, and sometimes you panic even when you don't intend. But no matter how much you panic I can not believe someone would be incapable of calling 911 right away. That's how you get help if don't know what to do yourself and are in panic. When we have an emergency at the ward, the first thing we do is call for help. Get someone else to call the emeregency team. And usually help is there within a minute. And I can't find ANY way to defend Dr. Murray...no matter how I try. If he gave Propofol to MJ, and he's not an anesthesiologist and he had no one there to assist him and obviously was not prepared for an emergency...then I'm sorry...there is no excusing what he did. No way. His goose is cooked.
ditto on Deepak and even boo boo the fool in an emergency would call for help (FROM SOMEONE WHO CAN HELP)

something is seriously very wrong with this whole thing ...

... I wonder if its possible the cops picked Murray up and we just don't know about it ... if not ... why not... I mean, how can that be?
Now he wants to commit sucide.

You little BITCH, you should done that the minute you pumped that shit in Mike. It's to late now, you going to pay dearly for this and it want by your on hands.

You MutherFu*cker.



Is this really necessary? Can't see where this is helping anyone or anything? great, you get to vent, but really...........?
Maybe becuz he's lying about the milligrams. Maybe his whole "I was trying to do the right thing" story is total BS...which I suspect considering how many times his story and his attorney's version of events have changed. There is NOTHING this man is saying that I think anyone can believe.

Unfortunately, his words are all we have to go on. He can say whatever he likes. Our best hope is that medical science comes thru and speaks louder than this dr.'s lies.

Know it is not. A jury will not believe a proven liar. He has no credibility now. He F*cked his self.

Good for your sorry ASS. Burn in hell MutherF*cker!!!