JUST IN: Michael Jackson died of lethal levels of propofol, court documents show

Actually yeah it is possible. Like I said before, we once had a one year old who needed three different drugs during one night, and he still didn't sleep through the night and kept waking up. And had all that not have worked, the next step for him would have been something more powerful and intubation. But that was only because he had breathing problems anyways. It was a bit of a catch 22. He was admitted because he had an infection and was not getting enough oxygen. But he was so scared and agitated that we could not get him to accept neither an oxygen mask nor a nasal canulla. He kept ripping them off. So without them he was calm...but not getting enough oxygen. With them he went crazy...and kept ripping them off and kicking and screaming which of course was also not good for his breathing. So we had two options. Try to lightly sedate him, even though we knew the drugs could cause even more respiratory problems....or take him to the ICU and intubate him. And no one really wanted to get that invasive, so the doctors decided to go with the lighter option. So he got a small dose of one drug first....and he was calm for maybe an hour...then he got another drug...and he was again calm for maybe an hour, probably two hours max. So he got another small dose of the first drug again, and it worked for maybe an hour and finally he got the third drug and he slept a couple of hours and then he was wide awake again. So it was a small one year old...and even he needed three different drugs to get him through the night. We just used small doses because he was already having difficulty breathing so we wanted him to be calm, but not get enough to cause his respiration to be influenced much, since the whole point of it all was to not wanting to have to intubate him. Luckily he was doing better in the morning though and was able to accept the canulla, so he got through the worst that way. Anyways, the point is that it is very well possible that Michael kept waking up, even though he got all those different drugs. I'm not defending Dr. Murray though. I'm just saying, it's possible from how those drugs work.

Thank you for sharing your knowledge!
I think that there is a tendency to underestimate the chemistry that is in the body, and that affects how people react on different medication. My brother got severely burned, and had so mutch pain- and even with strong doses of medicine he could not sleep. It actually had the oposite effect. He got restless and anxious, and could not sleep.
How on earth could he give that many drugs in that short space of time and then not even monitor Michael properly? Anyone could tell you that amount of those drugs is dangerous let alone a doctor, he's worse than scum!!
killed him
finding it so hard to breathe..
Hope you're fine and happy and at peace now Michael...don't know how I'll go through this life now, but I'll be strong and want you to know that we'll do you proud and keep your legacy alive...You live in us and you are forever...love you so much more than you ever realized
Now he wants to commit sucide.

i wouldnt believe it. cowards don't commit suicide and he's a coward. but somebody might "commit suicide for him" or help him to commit suicide. then blame it on him or blame "crazy fans".

if i was police, i would give special protection to this fool puppet right now. he might have just realised what he got into by agreeing to help murderers hiding behind his back.
How on earth could he give that many drugs in that short space of time and then not even monitor Michael properly? Anyone could tell you that amount of those drugs is dangerous let alone a doctor, he's worse than scum!!

Exactly. But ITS not too many drugs to be found in a person's body that was Murdered but staged to look like he ask for these drugs, what person and what doctor would allow themself and inject and give anyone "LETTHAL DOSAGES" of Killer Combinations of Drugs for 9 HOURS, looks more like the LAPD has had Dr. Murray in PROTECTIVE CUSTODY FOR TWO MONTHS while they got their HOMICIDE case together and Media and Tabloids just ran wild with " DR. Murray DID IT and Michael needed to Sleep" so I would say just maybe LAPD knows what they are doing since most people wanted to just believe the Media and TMZ anyway, but common sense should tell anyone if LAPD and Coroner have called Michael Jackson's death a HOMICIDE no matter which Homicide, and Dr. Murray was their TARGET all this time then Dr. Murray would have been in Handcuffs on every television all across the World lastnight.
I feel stupid asking this, but I will ask anyway.
How can a search warrant tell what Michael did and did not have in his body?

Isn't a search warrant just to be able to go into someone's home and snoop around?
Brilliant point :)
All these reports are fake
For a search warrant to be issued, they have to establish probable cause - that is, they have to convince a judge that there is "a reasonable belief that a person has committed a crime".

This report has a 'statement of probable cause' that lists the evidence they used to establish that, which includes evidence from Murray's interview with the LAPD and some information from the coroner.
Originally Posted by BruceWayne
I feel stupid asking this, but I will ask anyway.
How can a search warrant tell what Michael did and did not have in his body?
In order to get a search warrant, officers need to have something solid as their reason for the search. They got the corroner's results and Murray's statements for this purpose.
this fucktard was a trained medical professional so WHAT THE FUCK WAS HE THINKING giving Michael all those drugs? I don't even believe a word he's saying. His lawyers will try to blame Michael, say Michael demanded it, but sorry whether or not Michael demanded it, this man was supposed to be a TRAINED MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL, and when you're in that position you go by the rules of your profession. I want this piece of shit to rot in jail forever.
imo he found him dead at 10.50 then made the phonecalls including his office to move things. be intresting to see what other ppl were called. that needs to be leaked. and why would even say this because hes admitting he did nothing for over an hour. u presume the lapd have it on tape

also i do wonder if murrays claims or giving him xyz are true and havnt just been said as p.r to pain mj as a druggie for the media. the corroners reports dont fit with it
no elusive the assistants removed the boxes at 9.22 am LA TIME he made the calls before that 9
Elusive...that's interesting. That whole mix of drugs could just be less than accurate. because reading that it paints Michael to be that guy who needed a cocktail of drugs and was demanding all that. Why just that night? why 3-4 different sleep medication just that night...and not others? also propofol given for 6 weeks prior to this incident...why?

all this is just soo frustrating..I can't even feel angry at this doctor at this point....i feel like this was all a needless death taht could have been averted.
did you guys read the search warrants , all meds he gave to mj before propofol could be found as pills but all of them were injected in mj's body through an IV why ?

you murray did not want to use propofol , why not give him a valuim pill instead of setting up an iv , and we know how much mj hated needles , he would have been more than happy to take a pill instead of iv
Beautiful Michael. My heart is truly broken reading this thread. :(
no elusive the assistants removed the boxes at 9.22 am LA TIME he made the calls before that 9

ok. so going buy the theory of he rang the office after finding mj he found him gone alot earlier.phonecalls were made after 11 so did he ever ring the houston office at that earlier time?
also ALL of the meds prescribed by other doctors were only PILLS .

the drugs he admitted he gave to mj all were through an IV , were found in his bag , and that how the detectives described them "non of the bottles labeled were prescribed to any patient "

they were not mj's meds .

they found beside his bed all kind of meds prescribed by other doctors and even by murray , but the one used the day he died were not prescribed in mj's name , interesting ?
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according to TMZ he called the two women at 7 am LA TIME , lets not go with what TMZ said , according to official records the women went and took the boxes at 9.22 am LA times , so yeah MJ was dead before 9 oclock .
like Uri said police should check all suppliers drugs to Michael. For me Murray killed Michael because he gave him drugs which cannot be given at home without all medical stuff and next left him alone, let him die... :( so sad

did you guys read the search warrants , all meds he gave to mj before propofol could be found as pills but all of them were injected in mj's body through an IV why ?

you murray did not want to use propofol , why not give him a valuim pill instead of setting up an iv , and we know how much mj hated needles , he would have been more than happy to take a pill instead of iv

That is strange!

Maybe Michael wasn't even awake when he was getting all that stuff.
the search documents comment only on his TIMELINE , he told them MJ went to sleep at 10.40 , they are saying his statements regarding that timeline contradict phone records they obtained .

they did not comment on whether mj was dead or not , when was the actual time of death ,only revealing enough contradictions in his statements to get a search warranet .
what was Murray onto? Why was he daft enough to be so negligent? He must have know all this well shady.....was he only just greedy for that Michael Jackson whopping paycheck he was getting?
did anyone here ask himself why a dcotor who waited that long to call for help , forced the paramedics to continue working on mj for 42 minutes at his mansion although they said when they arrived it was obvious for them HE WAS FAR LONG GONE and he was BEYOND HELP NO MATTER WHAT THEY DID . also did not tell the doctors at UCLA about medications he gave to mj , disappeared and went back with a high profile lawyer two days after the death , why would a doctor allow his client to admit to such things ?

Notice in the search warrants they talked about the drugs found beside mj's bed NOTHING ABOUT IV
all of the other drugs an addict would be able to get and inject himself with . well, they were talking about mj injecting himself with demerol all the time why did not murray say he only gave mj propofol and it was mj who was injecting himself with other drugs ?

the only defense in" over prescriping to addicts" cases the doctors have is other doctors were giving meds and i had no idea , you can't blame me . Murray did not remove the meds docs prescribed to mj although he had all the time in the world to do so , the LAPD came saw the drugs thought it was an overdose case like Murray expected .

something went between him and his attorney made him admit to the things he did , they knew the things he did will be found out by the coroner and phone records , so he admited to half of the truth . the autopsy report will tell us the COMPLETE TRUTH .
according to TMZ he called the two women at 7 am LA TIME , lets not go with what TMZ said , according to official records the women went and took the boxes at 9.22 am LA times , so yeah MJ was dead before 9 oclock .

ok the question is whether murray rang them and then if he did the police will have the records of it.its hard to work through it when u dont have the official TOD
I'm talking facts , not theory , those documents speak but you have to read correctly .

propofol was the cause of death not combination of drugs , propofol . even when the detectives were trying to tell the judge that other doctors and previous treatments may have contributed to mj's death , it was RELATED TO PROPOFOL .
what the coroner is saying different from what Murray is saying , so don't rush to judgement yet people .

MJ has different doctors , all drugs were sedatives to treat insomnia , no information when they were obtained at all .

doctors used aliases to prescribe meds to him , but in all cases his name is mentioned inside everyprofile , and that is not illegal at all . we will have to wait and see .
I don't care if Michael asked for drugs.....the doctor should have KNOWN that it would kill him. He should have said NO.

I don't think Michael asked anyway, I think he was already asleep from the other medication. If Michael would have asked, it would have been easier for the doctor to say no at 10:40, then say 2 or 3 am. He is lying, about a lot, and I think the truth will come out. I hate listening to the media say he was a drug addict.
also ALL of the meds prescribed by other doctors were only PILLS .

the drugs he admitted he gave to mj all were through an IV , were found in his bag , and that what the detectives described them "non of the bottles labeled were prescribed to any patient "

they were not mj's meds .

they found beside his bed all kind of meds prescribed by other doctors and even by murray , but the one used the day he died were not prescribed in mj's name , interesting ?

It was also reported that many of Michael's doctors both past and present prescribed medicine for Michael in the name of other people and aliases. And don't forget, it was Propofol and that is not supposed to be used outside of a hospital. If a pharmacy gabe Murray the Propofol, then maybe Murray used another name to protect people knowing it was Him getting that drug.